Monday, April 27, 2009

What Did Terkoiz Usee To Make Shock

Sesta tappa: Mare e Monti

We arrived Friday, the last real stage (the stage on Saturday does not count for the general classification) of this tour.
On paper, the stage is very hard, and actually adhere to that impression.
Departure from Alghero to Bosa and then continue, as is now customary to all, the favorites to take advantage of the small tears to menate from fear, from the first strappo mi accorgo che la tappa sarebbe stata massacrante e che non sono al meglio sia di gamba (600km di corsa si cominciano a fare sentire) che di testa (lo scivolone di mercoledì ke mi ha fatto uscire di classifica ha fatto calare di molto le energie mentali). I primi 20 km passano veloci con allungamenti e restringimenti del gruppo ke però resta più o meno compatto, ad un certo punto curva a gomito e comincia la salita, non una di quelle salite viste fin'ora, una vera salita 5km al 8,5%medio con punte sopra il 10%.
Viene presa a tutta e il gruppo comincia a sfilacciarsi alla grande, io provo a reggere il gruppo di quelli con cui sono stato nelle altre tappe, ma la gamba e la testa non girano, non c'è voglia di soffrire e di fare fatigue, the first 2 km'm just taking a walk speed shameful. From the third km but then began to recover and I can find a good pace at which recapture slowly than runners, but unfortunately the good teams have gone away. At the end of the 5 km down the road for a while 'and form a group of twenty units, I take a little' ke reinitiate breath waiting for another 5 km climb, a little 'softer but more demanding, there I decide to try forcing to do to try to catch the group ahead, the pace is good and I put my group in single file towards the end I take anke 50 meter lead, but nobody seems to have energy to help me out and try to go to take group ahead so turn back and I get back in the group. these other top of the hill 5 km climb the race ends, the following km are in fact a good pace but not strong enough to allow us to return to the front. The penultimate climb the insult by becoming fluent in a wheel, I have a couple of attacks but the climb is not suitable for making the selection, beaten to the top of the hill on the coastal road made in the first climb, the descent is very dangerous and there are a large wind, and like a script I lose my group, the last km to the finish line I make them just walking failing to stimuli or more goals. At the end
about 100km and 2000m of altitude
position stage 77th and 14th grade


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