Friday, December 8, 2006

Is Asparigus Naturally Stinky?

Seminar Materials

Mauro and his companions Bubbico
Corpses 02
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Preliminary instructions and advice
1. Get and read "The Castle of Crossed Destinies" by Italo Calvino.
2. Get about 15 pictures with a theme, a source, a common destiny. Understand the meaning after reading Calvin.
3. In times of distrust see the poster for Growth by Bruce Mau.
4. Always look at the computer for correct posture.
5. In moments of exhaustion turn off the computer, close your eyes, they need to lubricate, be able to get a better look around yourself.
6. Never forget to write, draw sketches and write down your block.

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09:00> 11:00 Mauro introduces himself Bubbico
Corpses 2
Project for the identity of the Alta Murgia National Park.
11:15> 13:00
A Estdell'Est to Ovestdell'Ovest roundtrip
Seimesi in Erasmus
Design Valencia Roberto Picerno
Reports from Ankara Giannicola Baiardi and Antonio Matarrese
14:30> 18:30 Introduction of the workshop (to be class)
21:00> 00:00 Friday
Laboratory> Laboratory
11:00 11:15> 13:00 Workshop
14:30> 18:30 Presentation of the work (open to all) ---------------------------------

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Reflections on ingredients
Estdellest is the result of considered to arise from our Erasmus in Turkey. Returning home after 6mesi the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, we found that Turkey had not only taught us to drink tea and smoke shisha but it was also inculcated a couple of doubts on the supposed dichotomy Eurasian.
The metaphor of Turkey is a bridge between Europe and Asia, a place where if you are too Western Europeans but if you are Asian è troppo orientali; allora, inevitabilmente, viene da chiedersi cos’è oriente?, cos’è occidente?
Abbiamo tentato una risposta interpretando con le immagini “Il castello bianco” del nobel turco Orhan Pamuk. Estdellest è una riflessione sull’inconsistenza dei confini tratteggiati dalla geopolitica.
Dormitorio 2 è un gioco leggero di immagini fotografiche assemblate seguendo un filo narrativo fanta-logico. Ogni fotografia è intesa come un tassello narrativo libero che interagisce con altri per accostamento o giustapposizione creando architetture intricate ed assurde.
Il fine della narrazione è quello di descrivere il dormitorio turco, oggetto della Our survey, through individual images of everyday objects that populate it. The particular becomes the mirror and opens the invisible world around them.
is an imaginary map for shrewd travelers. Our attempt is to describe, with humor, some of the thousand secrets of the characters who live or pass through the urban space that we had the pleasure to attend and learn.
The story is constructed as a booklet journey enriched with scribbles and notes.
of Crossed Destinies is an experiment in storytelling. The narrative process is based on "The Castle of Crossed Destinies" by Italo Calvino a collection of stories generated by a combination of tarot cards read with the eye of those who observe them for the first time and try a personal interpretation of all elements. Presents two independent and credible stories born from the discovery of relationships between a small variety of pictures thanks to the valuable contribution of the case.
Empty the box of the objects of affection and explored the depths of my computer I created my own visual language to describe the beautiful Ramiro Maetzu House, a place that will always have a place in my heart. In the story does not lack the remembrance sporadic leaks to visit an exhibition or for a ride out of town, maybe to a party at the Superheroes Week youth. When Erasmus I had the opportunity to participate in a English contest and also the pleasant surprise of seeing a poster on my sarcastic pope exposed to IED Barcelona.

Giannicola Baiardi (Foggia), Antonio Mataresse (Walnuts, Ba) and Roberto Picerno (Altamura, Ba) are students of the 3rd year of Industrial Design PoliBA (Politecnico di Bari). The projects described are the result of a tutorial on the topic of 'rendering technical' carried on in the lab of graphic design, therefore not be considered finished artifacts but only research ideas. After six months of Erasmus in Turkey and Spain, what has changed within us? Antonio, Giannicola and Roberto attempt an answer with the tools for visual communication.
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