Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kates Playground American Apperal

Commetti un reato? Rifùgiati in Chiesa e nessuno ti toccherà

"Manco giacubbini them," said Card. Bernetti, Secretary of State of Pope Gregory XVI, translated into the language of Belli. "Worse than the communist regimes," said Card. Bertone, Secretary of State of Pope Benedict XVI. Changing the popes and their prime ministers, but not the invective against those who dare to accuse the Church were well judges. The law of retaliation
wants the Church to which invented the Inquisition and the "stringent interrogation" always on the verge of becoming physical and psychological torture, now finds itself badly in the dock. Who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
De Troy as an anti-Bellarmine? Be ', do not exaggerate. The latter, accusing the Holy Office, had wrongly condemned Galileo and Giordano Bruno ("guilty of having seen the Earth go around the Sun," reads ironically plaque next to the famous Villa Medici). Instead, the Belgian prosecutor who investigated the archbishop's hard to even reaching out to Brussels to open a tomb, he wanted to break the silence and coerce Catholic i vescovi a fare i nomi dei tanti religiosi che con la scusa del messaggio cristiano " sinite parvulos venire ad me " (lasciate che i bambini vengano da me) avevano commesso gravi violenze su minori e atti di pedofilia. Chiesa, letteralmente, " refugium peccatorum "?
La giustizia in un Paese cattolico ma laico, in cui cioè lo Stato – a differenza dell’Italia – è totalmente separato dalla Chiesa e dalle religioni, e i sacerdoti sono considerati cittadini qualunque, ha finalmente lanciato un "segnale chiaro: la Chiesa non è al di sopra della legge" ( De Morgen , quotidiano fiammingo). E il quotidiano Francophone Le Soir titled: "The religious, a higher caste." "A game which is playing when the Church says that in trying to identify the priests who abused minors, justice is guilty of a double violence?" But perhaps, he adds, "the Vatican prefers the graves of victims."
And speaking of graves uncovered, the Bella will turn in his tomb at the Verano, and most will regain almost like writing satirical verses about the corruption of the Church, like the good old days (which are the seven years from 1830 to 1837) if you do read the newspapers in June 2010 that speak of the Cardinal Secretary of State that gives the "communists", that is - translated into language belliano – dei "giacubbini", ai giudici di Bruxelles che indagano sui reticenti monsignori pedofili, e del cardinale del Pontificio Collegio urbano "de Propaganda Fide", coinvolto in un’oscura vicenda di appalti, mazzette e appartamenti di lusso concessi gratis ai potenti, che per non essere interrogato dai magistrati romani si rifugia sotto la protezione di Santa Madre Chiesa, con la scusa del Concordato. Stiamo tornando al "diritto di asilo" delle chiese, anzi, della Chiesa?
Al povero Belli tutta la faccenda sembrerà un déja vu . Lui queste cose le ha già denunciate nei sonetti. A suo modo, ovviamente: coprendosi dietro una presunta "Voice of the People. The immoral moral of the story is: if you want to do what you want, you have to wear a cassock, preferably red. The red, stolen as many other things in pagan Rome, the Church has the power, authority. And by the way, do you remember the cardinal caught incognito in casino , as described by the police line, simply by replacing the zuccotto black with the purple?
short, grumpy and say the Great Misanthrope, "will have you quarche viziaccio annisconne of" any felony in short, the Church (with a capital letter, as indeed in our title) will defend you. Only in those days served, at least one church (with the lower case) or a convent, preferably out of reach. Today even the most difficult to climb the stairs at breakneck speed of the churchyard with the police in hot pursuit. You do everything with the phone: "Hello, Your Eminence?". Everyone will remember the figure of one 'in the Christopher Betrothed . Manzoni said that when the cappuccino was only the wealthy merchant Louis, one day he had the misfortune not to give way in a narrow alley to a noble and arrogant bully. In short, the reporter would say today, "a tragedy originated from petty reasons of practicability." Apostrophe as "vile mechanical!" (Ie, a man of low condition) had to defend himself from his sword. Today the criminals of the steering wheel would resort to the screwdriver. Killed his pet and friend Christopher who had generously interposed, Lodovico in turn killed the squire (see above, the detail of an old engraving of Betrothed : Louis is the swordsman plumed right) . To escape the inevitable unjust justice that would give reason to the noble, took refuge in a nearby Capuchin monastery, where he was led to repent and become monaco.
But, as shown by the judicial reports today, this famous example of "asylum", ie of impunity for criminals not allowed clergy from churches and convents, we must not think that as Fra 'Cristoforo ecclesiasticii sinners in today's black cassock , violet, rosso o bianco, quelli cioè che nella Chiesa già ci sono e quindi non devono ricorrere all'asilo, si pentano allo stesso modo, e anzi diventino migliori. Tutt’altro, sembrano conservare la loro abituale arroganza, e chi con documenti alla mano li accusa si becca l'epiteto di "giacobino", "laicista", "illuminista", "liberale", "relativista", se non ateo o "senza Dio".
E allora su questi tanti furbi potenti per i quali la Chiesa cattolica è connivente e omertosa, con la comoda scusa del "refugium peccatorum", ci va benissimo il sonetto Er rifuggio :
A le curte: te vòi sbrigà d'Aggnesa
Senza er risico tuo? Be', tu pprocura
D'ammazzalla vicino a quarche chiesa:
Poi scappa drento, e nun avé ppavura.
In zarvo che tu ssei dopo l'impresa,
Freghete del mandato de cattura;
Ché a chi tte facci l'ombra de l'offesa
Una bona scomunnica è ssicura.
Lassa fà: staccheranno la licenza:
Ma ppe la grolia der timor de Dio,
C'è sempre quarche pprete che ce penza..
Tu nun ze' un borzarolo né un giudìo,
Ma un cristiano c'ha perzo la pacenza:
Dunque, tu mena, curri in chiesa, e addio.
Roma, 5 dicembre 1832
version. The refuge. At court: I want to leave without the risk of Agnes in person? Be ', you do so to kill close to a church: then run in and not be afraid. Once rescued after the company, do not worry about the arrest warrant, for to even the shadow of you did a good offense is guaranteed excommunication. Leave it like this: stand out the mandate, but for the glory of the fear of God, there is always some priest who thinks about it. You are neither a jew nor a pickpocket, but a man who has lost his patience, then, you hit, run to the church, and farewell.
At the time of the moment, however, that this loophole the Catholic Church offered to offenders responded cynically to a logic class, of which few speak. The nobles who were stained with the murder were asked for asylum in France, but people hardly ever managed to avoid justice. Unless, of course, the offender had not chosen to be even monaco for life. And then, prison jail, the better the cloister.
The absurd and immoral than the privilege of extraterritoriality enjoyed by civil laws for disposal of the Church monasteries and churches was canceled for the first time in Italy from the catholic "Kingdom of Sardinia" (so named because they were the only principles Savoy from Piedmont) with the laws by which the Catholic earl Siccardi abolì nel 1850 il diritto d’asilo, insieme con altri privilegi ecclesiastici. Manzoni, d’Azeglio e i tanti cattolici – veri cattolici – liberali che c’erano allora in Italia, furono contentissimi: la Chiesa doveva ritornare ad essere "morale", a distinguere gli onesti dai disonesti, ad occuparsi solo delle cose spirituali. La città di Torino eresse per gratitudine un obelisco alle leggi Siccardi. Inutile dire che, per aver eliminato le ingiustizie più odiose legate al potere e al Mondo dell’aldiquà, di chi andava dicendo invece - e dice tuttora - di occuparsi solo dell’anima e dell’Aldilà, tutti i politici coinvolti nella legge furono scomunicati dal "papa buono" Pio IX, long thought to be "liberal" by the Liberals uninformed or naive.
In more recent times, only in exceptional cases (anti-dictatorships, civil wars) the right of asylum has been used by the Church to save entire categories of research, often of opposite trends: How the Jews in Rome in the convent of street Sicily. The same convent - Nirenstein F. revealed - where, after the war, many Nazi leaders were housed before FIT Vatican passports and let them flee to Argentina.
However, apart from rare action "humanitarian", sometimes questionable (SS and Nazis), to be sure, the Church was and is a "refugium peccatorum" for many of its popes, cardinals and bishops - and the Belli ce lo dice in quasi ogni sonetto – ma questo lato nero, quasi un B side , della Chiesa cattolica, nonostante tutto è utile. Meno male che la Chiesa c’è: così può esistere questo blog. Un disegno machiavellico della Provvidenza. Se, infatti, si fosse sempre comportata bene, come sta scritto sul Vangelo, il Belli avrebbe scritto al massimo un quinto dei suoi sonetti, o forse non li avrebbe scritti affatto. Grazie proprio alle carognate di papi, cardinali, vescovi, monsignori, preti, frati, monache, sacrestani e chierichetti, l’Arte e la Letteratura hanno opere che si ricordano, dalla pittura, alla satira del Belli. .
Grazie, perciò, Church Catholic, Apostolic and Roman! Thanks to exist! Despite the "asylum" that offer criminals (indeed, Sorry about that, the "sinners") and especially external affairs. This blog owes its existence to you. Without your mistakes great, great your sins, your grand larceny (all in you is great), popes, cardinals, bishops, Monsignor, priests, nuns and monks, magnificently arrogant, stupid, Giuseppe Gioachino Belli would not have written the best his sonnets, and it would be at most a minor author, local, and this site would not exist. While many of your former enemies you have to death, we owe you my life.
E 'why, even, paradoxically, in the end, ti vogliamo bene. Sei stata, sei e sarai sempre – i fatti di oggi lo dimostrano – una miniera inesauribile di spunti felici per la satira e la critica.
Un po’ quello che il Belli diceva del bruttissimo papa Gregorio XVI, monaco dei Camaldolesi, di Belluno e dunque all'epoca cittadino austriaco, che fu per decenni il "suo" papa di riferimento, criticato aspramente in ben 273 sonetti, considerato la causa dell’estendersi del malcostume morale, del dissesto economico, sociale e politico del Regno Pontificio, accusato di aver reso Roma una vera "stalla e chiavica der monno".
E Rroma, indove viengheno a ddà ffonno,
e rrinnegheno Iddio, rubben'e ffotteno,
is stable and the sewer der Monno.
(Li the cardinals and prelates, May 27, 1834).
[E Rome, where they are to plunder, and deny God, steal and fuck, is stable and the sewer of the world].
This Pope, when he died, Belli epigram dedicated a fulminating, typically conducted on the game of words, brilliant linguist, he was, even more than the poet:
A je Pope Gregory gave me because I loved
er de potenne taste bad.

is precisely the same sentiment that many, including ourselves, have for the SS (Holy See) and SCCAR (Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.
IMAGES: 1. Detail from a 'illustration of the first editions of Betrothed . Ludovico (the swordsman is plumed to the right, between the future' Christopher) kills the warlord who killed a bossy friend. 2. Fra 'Cristoforo in a dramatic encounter with Don Rodrigo . 3. Secretary of State Card. Bertone. 4. The managing director of Propaganda Fide card. Sepe. 5. Pope Gregory XVI, who was not exactly an Adonis, in recently auctioned off a painting.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Amber Lynn Total Woman Clips

La notte delle streghe a San Giovanni. E il popolo si scatena

pagan origins, but the Church's saddled the name of a saint .
The ancient astronomers had identified the shortest and longest days of the year, along with shamans and priests there had placed the great festivals. That of the summer solstice, when the length of daylight is greatest, has been transformed by the church in celebration of St. John the Baptist in the vicinity of the winter solstice, Dec. 27 is devoted to another St. John, 'Evans. But the old traditions pagan related to the movement of the stars, they lasted a long time and still lasts. Belli, at the time of the Pope King, outlines the characteristics of witchcraft and diabolical feast of St. John the Baptist, that of 24 June which are just a few thousand year tradition of the longest day of the year.
Tomorrow is Giuvanni SSAN? He ffío mine tonight who
cqua army er craft
de witches, wizards and de ffattucchiere
which pe er er devil is their ddio,
if straformeno into beasts, and tte dich'io
c'a the de finosomia those exhibitions,
although many all-black black
then there riffigurà PPIU dd'un Jew.
E vvanno all charges to SSAN Giuvanni,
that llui er is their patron saint, eg the
unless ssia, a zeimilanni.
But MME, cco 'no scopijjo ar giustacore
and a head-or d'ajjo ddua sott'a them clothes,
me from over by a Ziggnore Aas.
March 15, 1834
Versione . San Giovanni di giugno (San Giovanni Battista). Domani è San Giovanni? Ebbene, figlio mio, questa notte coloro che esercitano il mestiere di streghe, stregoni e fattucchiere e per i quali il demonio è il loro dio, si trasformano in bestie, e ti dico anche che la fisionomia di queste fiere, quantunque tutte quante nere nere, rassomiglia a più di un giudeo [gli ebrei, nell’immaginario dell’ignorante popolino romano, passavano per abilissimi incantatori]. E poi vanno tutti a San Giovanni che è il loro santo protettore da almeno seimila anni. Ma a me con uno scopiglio al giustacuore e una o due teste d'aglio sotto i panni, mi devono rispettare come un signore [alla scopa e all'aglio si attribuivano facoltà protettive contro streghe e stregonerie].
In un altro sonetto, " La strega", il Belli approfondisce il tema delle streghe, che si manifestano durante la notte di San Giovanni, e abitualmente si riuniscono con i diavoli per il sabba sotto il noce di Benevento.
Sta vecchiaccia cqua in faccia è er mi’ spavento:
nun fa antro che incanti e inciarmature,
fattucchierie, stregonerie, fatture,
sortileggi e mmaggie, oggni momento.
Smove li fattijjoli a le crature,
e oggni notte, sopr’acqua e ssopr’a vvento
er demonio la porta a Bbenevento
sotto la nosce de le gran pavure.
Llí cco le streghe straformate in mostri
bballa er fannango, e jje fanno l’orchestra
li diavoli vestiti da Cajjostri.
Tutte le sere, io e lla Maestra,
ar meno pe ssarvà lli fijji nostri,
je mettémo la scopa a la finestra.
3 febbraio 1833
Versione . La strega. Questa vecchiaccia qua di fronte mi mette paura: non fa altro che incantesimi, inciarmature and sorcerers (three words have the same meaning) sorcery, invoices, and magic spells at any time. Sickens children seizures (infantijoli. popular voice of 'Umbria), and every night, and sopracqua above' in the Wind (formula of exorcism of witches to the devil) the devil carries a Benevento under the walnut tree of the great fears (where it is believed to take place the infernal sabbath). Li with the witches turned into monsters dancing the fandango and the orchestra are the devils dressed as Cagliostro (Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, was considered the incarnation of the devil by the populace). Every night me and the teacher, at least to save our children, we put a broom in the window (the object was believed to be a protection against witches).
. .
Hunting wise women, or the "witches" .
Belli indulges in these sonnets to popular belief most dismal in terms of witches and witchcraft. Helped in this by the Catholic Church, which still gives some figures of the clergy, the exorcists, law enforcement powers to the forces of evil, to ward off the devil has taken possession of people. At the time of the temporal power of the Popes, recognized women as witches were interrogated by the Inquisition, to know their relationship with the devil, tortured as was the use, to confess their alleged sins, and then sentenced to death and burned at the stake. At the time of the Beautiful, in fact, the practice was widespread, ancient, due to the shamans of prehistoric times, to turn to people sensitive to magic and other esoteric activities. Wizards or assumed, we all know, still exist today, but are no longer burned at the most spend some time in the nation's prisons for abuse of popular credulity, circumvention of an incapable, fraud etc..
But on the feast of St. John the Baptist give the floor to Giggi Zanazzo, another great Roman. His chronicles tell us picnics, eat the snails, the free play of 'eroticism and sexuality that traditionally accompany a party official religion, but in reality festival of light - is the longest day of the year - and the joy of reconciliation with the next (Paolo Bordini)
The chronicle of a real live "Roman"
"The viggija de San Giuvanni, we use the night of Anna, as you know, in San Giuvanni Dairy apregà er and Santo de magna snails in the inns and cabins in de pe that if they lie in wait 'That night . For de la Porte, to the ascent of the spirits, there was Several years ago, the tavern of the Witches, indove quela s'annava night there for dinner. In my time, really, if it was not all 'Babble is great that if it makes now. There s'annava co 'burning torches or Below' lenses, because it was dark then dark, p 'divozzione davero and pe' sees the witches. As if it was pe 'Vedella? One was carrying a stick if done at the top hairpin, and was quanno sur place, put er in the chin furcina acquired influence, and so could see in quer 'fine witches passàveno there all the way to Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, and from the slope of spirits. Pe 'scongiuralle enough of holding a scopijo, and a capodajo spighetta cor garofoletto. S’intenne che prima d’uscì’ da casa, de fôra de la porta, ce se metteva la scopa e er barattolo der sale. Accusì si una strega ce voleva entrà’ nu’ lo poteva, si prima che sonasse mezzanotte nun contava tutti li zeppi de la scopa e tutte le vaghe der sale. Cosa che benanche strega, nu’ je poteva ariuscì’; perchè, si se sbajava a contà’ aveva d’arincomincià’ da capo. Pe’ non faccele poi avvicinà pe’ gnente, bastava mettere su la porta de casa du’ scope messe in croce. Come la strega vedeva la croce, er fugge je serviva pe’ companatico! Presempio, chi aveva pavura che la strega j’entrassi home from the hood der path, the springs and put the paddle in pure cross there, or the heart Attura sieve the flour.
a step back. Er day if Mann parish in pija 'a bowl of holy water made recently, because the holy water is stale bona nun, and went home before od'annassene to bed, if there benediveno read them, the door of house and home. Addormisse said before if I double-er, that every word I think you repricava der du 'Vorta: I believe I believe in God the father, God the Father, etc.. And if it was pure accusations de l'antre orazzioni. Nun antra is no such thing as double-er I think pe’ tienè’ lontane le streghe! Ammalappena, poi se faceva ggiorno, er cannone de Castel Sant'Angelo, che aveva incominciato a sparà’ da la viggija, sparava diversi antri cólpi, e allora er Papa, in carozza de gala, accompagnato da li cardinali e dar Senatore de Roma, annava a pontificà’, ossia a dì’ mmessa in de la chiesa. Detta messa, montava su la loggia che dà su la piazza de San Giuvanni Latterano, dava la benedizzione, e poi buttava una manciata de monete d’oro e d’argento. Quanno er giorno de San Giuvanni sorge er sole, s’arza ballando. A tempo mio, er giorno de San Giuvanni, usava de fa’ un pranzo fra li parenti, ossia fra compari e commari pe’ fa’ in modo che si c’era un po’ de ruggine fra de loro s’arifacesse pace co’ ’na bôna magnata de lumache" (G. Zanazzo, Usi, costumi e pregiudizi del popolo di Roma).
Ma le "corna" a quei tempi erano una cosa più seria.
Quello che già il giorno prima della festa spiccava subito all'occhio erano i tanti banchetti di venditrici di lumache. La tradizione di mangiare le lumache, che hanno gli occhietti su lunghe protuberanze prese dal popolino per "corna", aveva in origine il significato di cancellare i tradimenti e i dissapori, non solo fra moglie e marito, ma con qualunque parente e socio. Insomma, tanti anni fa il significato delle corna era più ampio, e poteva includere dissapori con amici, parenti e vicini di casa. Mangiare le lumache significava eliminare queste "corna" e riconciliarsi col mondo.
Un'altra tradizione della festa di San Giovanni era quella di scoprire chi avrebbero sposato le ragazze da marito. Questa la procedura secondo Zanazzo (Paolo Bordini):
Alle ragazze: ecco come trovare il fidanzato nella notte di S.Giovanni.
"Aspettate che arivi er giorno de la festa de San Giuvanni. Arivato quer day, you at midday on the dot, pijate a piece of lead, squajatelo sur fire, and then quann'è squajato, throw in a Scudella full of water. Then you will see that quer lead, in der froze it will do, will form a lot of de giôcarèlli all species. Among that you will see there giôcarèlli quarchiduno rissomija that one of them many tools, which one of them on your protennenti addopra in der 'job, then you are certain that this quer very own him, it was one intended to sposavve. You pe 'ccombinazzione however, lead sciorto er in der froze in the water, did nun quer de gnisun joke like this, then that same water pijate, open wide the window, and bbuttatela pe 'road. Er your pretenders first of which will pass them on to that water, er will be lucky or unlucky to marry you " (G. Zanazzo).
Chiasso, turmoil and without binge brakes. Among women and men could all happen ...
was great popular participation, the Piazza San Giovanni in Santa Croce in Gerusalemme was all a joyous orgy "(Gregorovius," Walking Roman "). We ate, drank and revel in it as they could, between large flower decorations, music, fireworks fireworks, sweets, dishes of snails, lights. Not only fire, but also the lights, which was decorated with the Appian Way just outside the Porta SanGiovanni.
And you had to make noise with trumpets, horns, tambourines, bells and fireworks (you could buy special clay bells), to ward off witches and impossible for them to take herbs if outlets and caught that night was the raw material for magic potions . Bonfires were lit around which people danced and drank. In this unbridled joy, and knife fights were inevitable.
Then came the custom of bathing on the night of San Giovanni, in the fountain just below the obelisk. But people are exaggerating, and young people did not just throw naked in the fountains. Since 1753 the Church authorities had prohibited, but without results, "any person of either sex, who in that night Veruno dare approach the tanks, the streams, fountains, taking off his trousers and crouch on ' grass, worth three men whipping to be given in public and a fine of 50 crowns, and three for women whipping post in public, and both like each other without any remission. "
But with the excuse of the slope of the Spirits, just outside the door, young people and engaged couples went for the bushes "to kissing or mating. "Under the specious pretext of taking a bath, men and women together, go out of doors, in secluded places, hiding in the bushes or behind hedges, and freely commit indecent exposure ... "(from an edict of the Cardinal Vicar, 1744). But Pope Benedict XIV was wide sleeves, and so answered complaints of the prelates, "Nasca what has to be born: born subject to some other state."
When he circulated in Rome in 1845 the first horse-drawn omnibuses, carriages of our ancestors public buses and trams, in the crowded presses passenger presses, you can imagine when excited by the feast of St. John, young men and women (who were then the majority of the Roman population) are not allowed any freedom from the "dead hand" down. "Among men and women - provides a caption that we found in an old sepia photos - all happening." All the more so, note the reporters malicious, that women folk "for good" in the days of beauty under the wide skirts not wearing underwear. Unlike the prostitutes of luxury. This defect is typical of dark places or crowded, groped women, who gladly accepted the rest, is documented by Belli in more than a sonnet as a common thing even in church and even in the confessional (see the sonnet " L ' Omo wit, December 18, 1832). He was so rooted in the idea that during the night of St. John could do anything that even in 900, a party now gentrified, the chronicles of the talk of the famous gatherings melee omnibus horse that led the people partying in the square of the basilica. In the collective imagination a bit 'morbid that lingered long among the Romans, even the electric tram from the 20s replaced the omnibus was combined with epic erotic business, it is unknown whether real or exaggerated by the memory of the elderly. Sure, there was something very serious if true Italian Stock , to synthesize the party put on the cover of its five main elements: the tenderness of lovers, the facade of the basilica, the kiosks of the snails, the popular band, and, specifically, the omnibus stormed by the crowd. This
, in short, was the great orgy on the night of San Giovanni in Rome of the Popes. But as we all know, these things always end in glory, the party ended at dawn when the Pope after the shooting of the cannon of Castel S. Angelo celebrated the Mass, from the loggia of the basilica and then put money into gold and silver people. With other unavoidable fights for the populace accaparrarsele (Nico Valerio).
IMAGES. 1. Cover of Illustrated forum dedicated to the night of San Giovanni in Rome in the first 900, when the party was now fallen for decades and gentrified. Imagine that there should be reveling in the mid 800. 2. The party of 24 Roesler Franz great view from June, bringing together all the symbols: flowers of garlic and onion, horns, flares and firecrackers, water and the background and even perhaps a religious procession, the flag of Italy Risorgimento. 3. The witches' sabbath (Goya). 4. The current Piazza San Giovanni, even as it appeared in 1860 while being inside the walls, was covered with vines, bushes and fruit trees. This was the environment at the heart of the festival. 5. bells and chimes of clay, typical of Halloween. 6. The Banquet of the peasant women selling snails were so important that they feel almost the square of the basilica. 7. Assault dei festaioli all'omnibus a cavalli già pieno era uno dei cinque classici elementi della tumultuosa festa di San Giovanni messi in copertina dalla Illustrazione Italiana . 8. Porta San Giovanni. Da qui uscivano i giovani popolani in coppie per andare, con una scusa o un'altra, al monte degli Spiriti, opportunamente fuori mano e lontano da occhi indiscreti.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Can You Use Wart Remover On Your Lip?

La moltiplicazione di posti e pensioni, vero miracolo dei Papi

COME "RISPARMIARE" MOLTIPLICANDO I POSTI. Sentite questa. Una legge istituisce a Roma 14 circoscrizioni comunali, insomma 14 municipi locali, corrispondenti ai rioni . Sono troppi per il costo che hanno e per quello che fanno? E’ vero: ecco che qualche anno più tardi arriva un’altra legge che accorpandoli a due a due riduce i municipi a 7. E’ un bel risparmio, direte voi.
Nient’affatto, perché gli impiegati delle 7 circoscrizioni soppresse continuano a fruire di stipendi, anzi di pensione.
Ma non basta: un terzo Governo ci ripensa e ripristina la situazione quo ante dei 14 municipi locali.
E va be’ - sbufferete, cominciando a perdere la pazienza - almeno siamo sicuri che saranno richiamati in servizio quei 7 funzionari già messi a riposo.
Ma neanche per sogno, si vede che venite dalla luna: il nuovo Governo, state pur sicuri, per motivi clientelari ed elettoralistici, assumerà 7 apparati burocratici del tutto nuovi, che addestrerà nuovamente da zero e pagherà with other lavish salaries. Still, it could have used those made redundant who already paid. Instead, it will be paid by the State as many as 21 officials. "It 's good government jobs, beauty!"
short, is an inexorable law: the number of bureaucrats, no matter what "reforms" or "cuts" to balance the short, whatever happens, will always tend to increase. A little 'as the price of gasoline, which in the hands of the oil oligopolists, in zigzag-reduced-price increases to price rises, however, tends to rise.
A story today? Not at all, is a sonnet by Belli, now as a few at a time of economic crisis, unrealistic "savings" in the fight purely Minutes to the populist and public waste, cuts to elephantine bureaucracies and parasitic more threatened than real (and, if real, made so stupid). In short, the eternal administrative Leopard: everything changes, because nothing changes. But we read the sonnet
Vivenno uguarmente
to put Pope Pius Rroma urion for a President. As he was
mmorto, Pope Leo
ristrinze oggni du 'urion a President.
But they dropped only seven went on
je ffa on the Doha Development Agenda 'Penzion. Then came a cave
Pio d'antra oppiggnone
c'arimesse CUER who was formerly.
But the seven Presidents of nine, he
nu ripijjò them from there arise, and P to
st'antri sce faces today are.
Nun's mmejjo that if cquanno sparaggna!
is accused by cuattordisci paid
Mó sso vventuno and oggnun cuesta de maggna.
Rome, December 3, 1832
version. Savings. Pope Pius (Pius VI) during his pontificate began in Rome a chairman for each of the [fourteen] wards (districts). But he died, Pope Leo (Leo XII) placed the limit of a president for every two districts. Except that the seven presidents continued to be discarded into retirement. Then came another pope Pio (Pius VIII), which had a different opinion, and went back to the old system. But the new seven presidents do not fished from those set aside. The fact is that today there are those other faces. There is nothing better that when you save! And so by fourteen paid, have now become twenty-one, and each of them eat.
CAREER FLASH: FROM BARBER A "HUSBAND WIFE OF THE POPE," A WRITER. The municipal office of Papal Rome Capitoline are little known to most people. There speaks the Dictionary of historical and ecclesiastical scholarship of 1841, collective work by the same Roman Curia, but the material collected and compiled from that famous Gaetano Moroni who had been benefited by Pope Gregory XVI with donations of money and the position of waiter secret, because "the husband of his lover," as Stendhal wrote, then French consul at Civitavecchia. Belli alludes to Moroni and his wife, "holy whore" in some sonnets: we talk about in another article . The fact is that young former barber of His Holiness, Moroni is a career, becoming not only rich but also fairly erudite. So now we have to mention "his" dictionary.
ringleader ringleaders OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY. So, since the leaders '400 (then president of the districts, the 14 traditional districts of Rome) did the Conservatives in the Palazzo del Campidoglio. There were also a Prior of the ringleaders, 14, or vice-captains, 14 secretaries, inspectors, janitors, and more committed employees (or scouts). All depend on the government of Rome, the Cardinal Camerlengo. And, more than "blue car": the leaders of the time, very different from today's "leaders, dressed in blue like so many anonymous drivers and unadorned, the judge showed off their wedding sull'abito Knight's Cross with a gold crest ward (, that of the Pigna district in our image).
The ringleaders had several roles: public policy, administrative control and decency, and councilors of the city (almost ombundsman of the district), even disputes the justice of the peace until the value of 5 shields. Each chieftain was attended by several Constabili or capotori with urban police duties.
THE NOBILITY 'had got the Fountain. It was the numerous nobles who lived in Rome unemployed have to pay the ringleaders of chores and priorities of the ringleaders, in addition to the most prestigious offices of Senators and Conservatives on Capitol Hill. For example, only to be limited to the Marquis Caucci, Lorenzo was prior of the ringleaders in 1805, and before him John the Baptist had been preserved in 1725, 1749 and 1755. These assignments were municipal
a certain prestige, and traces, oddly, on the edge of monumental fountains. On the Piazza delle Cinque Scole now, in the Ghetto (1593, G. della Porta),, are carved the arms of the Conservatives and the Prior of the ringleaders. Even the fountain in Piazza S. Simeon, also of the Gate (originally Square Montanara), as amended in 1829, were added to the arms of the Capitoline magistrates (or conservative), and this is what has allowed us the exact date of the change. For the record, were: Edward de 'Quintili, Paolo Carandini, Maretinez Paolo, Pietro de' Vecchi (Prior of the ringleaders).
THE PROCESSION TO FREE THE PRISONERS. How to pay, usually more Popes, ringleaders and priors had a lot of smoke and little roast. There was smoke in the prestigious Baroque staging of the procession in time of vacancy, ie, after the death of the pope, when in full regalia, preceded by dealers and the entire chapter of capotori (today would be the municipal police), drum swing with the notary and the Capitoline, the leaders of Campitelli and Rule, on behalf of the Senators, were going to release prisoners detained for minor offenses in the Capitol and the new Prison Via Giulia. Do not ask the reason for all this: we do not understand. Even then he was proud of every demagogic newly elected Pope to bestow amnesty and release prisoners. Well, even then, any excuse, from white to black, was good for empty the prisons overcrowded, filthy and inhumane.
PROVINCES, Legations and Council (Appointments). If this was, in summary, administrative and public order in Rome, just imagine the complication and the oversupply of administrative positions outside Rome, in the United Papal States. The evils were all already present. The reform of Cardinal Consalvi had divided the kingdom into 20 provinces, of which 5 (Rome, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna and Forlì) governed by cardinals ("legation"), the other 15 by Monsignor ("delegation"). To "save", then the number of provinces was reduced. Each province was divided into districts, known as "the Governments", ruled by a governor. Each government included a number of municipalities governed by municipal councils. Certainly not elected as in liberal democracy, but appointed by the Cardinals tied or monsignors delegates among the elders of the city. In Rome, the town was ruled by a senator on Capitol Hill conservatives and 8.
ECONOMY almsgiving. The Rome of the Popes, no industries and the bourgeoisie, but full of churches and convents, swarming with priests, monks, nuns and aristocrats-nothing ignorant, destitute and beggars, and, moreover, the seat of the Papacy, the city was less productive and most parasitic of Italy, as economic historians have written. The State of the Church, the most backward in Europe, had this unique feature: almost all subjects, in one way or another, from the poor to the rich, lived on wages, rents, donations, prebend, bare, gratuities, pensions and alms, often undeserved, bestowed by the Church. Even the king of Portugal, or rather the refugee claimant to the Kingdom to Rome to dynastic matters, he had conquered his lavish papal grant. Of the Roman populace complained, as reported by Belli in a sonnet.
THE TWO HOUSES OF THE BEAUTIFUL. The same Belli, although unfortunate in the work, however, had some small, unexpected stroke of luck, due to her church friends in the Senate. It seems, indeed, assisted by a union of genius. And yes, because had worked a few years so precarious in government offices (Spogli church and State Property, which came out in 1810 with a pension, albeit insignificant). From 1816 he worked in the Office stamp duty and registration to be retired at his request in 1826. 'E' in 1841 the release of the jobs in the papal Belli '42 and his appointment as Chief of Correspondence. " But here "in 1845, to direct the will of the Pope, is Giubilato with a good pension" (L. De Bellis, Italian Literature). It was then also censor theatrical, very strict. But in the meantime, though often cried poverty, had profited two pensions ...
AND OUR TIMES? WASTE OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES. In short, our current difficulty in cleaning up parasitic in the undergrowth of annuities and privileges of a particular category, assembly, province, region, coming from far away. As for the head-quarters of the presidents of the districts or time of beauty, so to this day even the state employees, municipal districts, the municipalities themselves, provinces, regions and useless (well, useful only to their leaders and employees), is eliminated or reduced. One example among thousands: the new province of Lecco, detached from that of Milan, was in theory only absorb the existing employees in Milan. Not at all, in front of the offer of a provincial meneghini hundreds of employees, are niche. It 'clear that he wants to choose his own, also to show the local population that the new province is about something that is to employ some local citizens. That's what good practice in local authorities. To create a false economy to centralized health care and salaries, pensions and benefices. That denies, moreover, any place. Because if we really must go to the local authorities - in such a small country like Italy, which already is a small province of Europe (so it is really "local autonomy") - at least that these local authorities are truly autonomous and self-sufficient. Then indeed we would see what they can do on their own without government assistance, that is, the exploitation of citizens of other privincia or regions. But it would have done little or nothing. How, exactly, the time of the Pope-King.
IMAGES. Governor, papal nobility, and emblem of the Pigna district.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ikusa Otome Vakryie 2 3

La bottega del calzolaio: un po’ commercio e un po’ teatro

Rome, first half of the 800, a shoemaker's shop, where you take orders, measure, choosing materials, you are working, you try shoes, boots, and finally delivered to the customer , which will remain more or less satisfied. In the case of large and aristocratic prelates held in this prestigious address for the customer, to be completely satisfied.
But the regular customer, who does not have more power than that of the money to pay for the shoes, are often duped by "master Grespino "(Crispin), the name of legendary shoemakers and cobblers, as he wrote in a note to Belli, however, denied by the star ( Ancient crafts of Rome, ed. Newton Compton, 2005, p. 103), which are listed of shoemakers in 1864 does not mention even one Crispino. In short, it must have happened as a master Titta, the most famous Executioner of Rome, who later became a legendary name and saddled with all the perpetrators.
"But the customer beware, because" Calzolari and Ciavattini ingannan many times with the stuff they give you, because they are good to sell a sheep for a calf, or a shoe to give you a new Ciavatta renewed, "and even" take in sewing wide steps to e "(The Star, citing the historic Garzoni).
Like the barber, the innkeeper, a little 'even the pharmacist, master Grespino is a small authority, his studio is a landmark of idlers of the neighborhood, imminent, bullies (B. Rossetti, Bullies of Rome , ed. Newton Compton, 2006, p.133 caption) and, I bet, some paino, perhaps working-class origin.
This venue, as well as industrious craft, lets us see the beauty in a couple of amusing sonnets, where master Grespino, perhaps before a small audience, the magnificent fruit of his work, taxes are unlikely to quality defects of his shoes. And some even giving the customer rip-off, that is always about how to put new soles old, the classic "one", as they say in Rome today. The item was mentioned for the first time since Pasolini ( A violent life , 1959), as reported by the linguist P. D'Achille (Roma Tre).
Straits?! But gguardi LLI, which are tight
jje make a leg which is a Piasca.
Sun frank, if he can, ppelle honest: I know
boots, and nno zzànnoli de friars.
CCOSI What it does, SSOR cavajjere
of those boastful squatrassciati
ddoppo that hour or that ddua ll'ha ccarzati
je diventeno par de sorbet?
Beat er foot, accusations, de ffacci this:
ggià but, er er calf feels like callus
gives him Medem ppijja er and Zest.
Today ddomani ar iff That Shakes puts them more, she sti
boots cqui pposso accertallo
that jj'anneranno sú ccom'e ccarzette.
November 30, 1836
version. Mastro Crispino 1. Tight? But look here, are tight that they make a pin that is a pleasure. Quality soil, you know, real leather: boots and sandals are brothers. What if it does, sir knight, one of those awkward shoes and wide after an hour or two that has become worn to a couple of sherbet? Ram's foot so as I do, because the leather feels the heat as yields alone and settles on the foot. Today or tomorrow at most that if you put them, these boots, I guarantee, will be on how the socks.
Wide sti bbordacchè?! Llavoro to ttanti
oggnuno them and only want ggranni PPIU of those.
Quanno she commannava du 'bbudelli,
Count my surprise, he could tell it forward.
These ar not go je WHAT gguanti
cce if without effort and ss'appuntelli:
nun there ar less bbisoggno de mettelli
to ffuria de de soap and tie.
Nu feels that ppasta de Gammal?
The prim'acqua that vviè cquesto aritira;
and ssi throats, or nun or j'entra jje mmale ago.
Carz commido, carz: er tropp'è ttroppo.
Besides pe ffa er leg if sighs
co lanes and ssoprossi them and iff is zzoppo.
November 30, 1836
version. Mastro Crispin 2. Wide Borzacchini these? (Brodequins - boots with uppers gray deerskin used for walking) I do it for many customers and all they want the largest of these. If she wanted to have two casings, Count I, he could say before. At least these are the gloves, without the efforts and commitments (infile): there is no need to force them to soap and shoe horns. I do not feel that type of skin is the leg? The first water that takes, it will withdraw, and then, if it is tight, or enters or hurts. Snug fit, fits, enough is enough. Then to make you suffer with foot calluses and soprossi (joint deformities by tight shoes) and walk lame.
master Grespino a bit short 'makes it cooked a bit' is the raw, as appropriate, customers and the errors of his shoes. The shoes were the days of the horse Belli of San Francisco for most of the people and should fit well and have a long way, but not always the master on duty there Grespino apt.
Belli has written a number of sonnets on this job. We read in the notes to the sonnet Er carzolaro doctor: "In Rome the shoemakers and barbers are the doctors of the vulgar." Their claims erano pertanto difficilmente contestabili dagli avventori. Ma per i ricconi e l’alto clero il discorso era un po' diverso e le loro esigenze, come oggi, erano per calzature belle e alla moda.
Comunque anche per loro l'arrivo del calzolaio per consegnare o provare a domicilio le scarpe era un avvenimento importante che poteva giustificare l'interruzione di udienze o affari di Stato. Nel sonetto La risposta de Monziggnore (10 ottobre 1835) l'arrivo improvviso del calzolaio per consegnare o provare le scarpe di Monsignore è un giustificato motivo per interrompere brutalmente l'udienza di un povero postulante:
Ner mejjo der discorzo, er calzolaro
venne a pportajje un par de scarpe nove,
e mme mmannòrno via com’un zomaro.

IMMAGINE. La bottega di calzolaio ai tempi del Belli era anche un affollato luogo di ritrovo e pettegolezzo per eleganti paini, minenti arricchiti, sfaccendati di quartiere e bulli senza arte né parte (stampa di A. Pinelli).