Some 'time ago I was invited to a game organized by Zasusa , it seemed nice and I joined.
The game is played like this: All the participants were enrolled in a numbered list, the first will recommend a recipe per second, the second to third, and so on. The recipes should be posted in the forum Zasusa by March 15, 2011.
the list, I entered the above and I spent his recipe broccoli and sausage Cottage "is" Vickyart, "which follows me and which I have passed the recipe" Knots in the pan "(nice Similar recipe) è "Manu ciao".
I problemi di reperibilità degli ingredienti sono sorti quando, inizialmente, ho ricevuto una ricetta con baccalà, speck, marsala, ecc., meno male che la seconda opzione, cioè questa, è risultata più fattibile.
In genere, per chi non è mai vissuto fuori dall'Italia è difficile immaginare la difficoltà che si possono avere all'estero per la fornitura di ingredienti che nella madre patria si trovano in tutti gli angoli ed a prezzi accessibilissimi.
Io qui trovo tantissimi ingredienti (senza prendere in considerazione il costo), ma ce ne sono tanti altri che mi fanno sbattere prima di riuscire a rintracciarli. E mi capita anche di non riuscire a trovarli in assoluto, any of these are our beautiful and good sausage to be cooked. In these cases, where possible, can you do to me.
For this recipe I have made all home-made pasta dough, sausage, white sauce.

These are the ingredients and the preparation of the "Rustic broccoli and sausage to Vickyart
( brackets and in red are my changes )
1 roll of puff pastry ( 240gr Puff pastry home made )
1 / 2 pounds of turkey or pork sausage cervellate ( 130gr pork sausage home made )
1 bunch broccoli (broccoli half )
60 grams of mixed mushrooms (30g )
2 tablespoons of cream ( 150 grams of sauce )
scamorza qb (qb melted cheese)
( grated Parmesan cheese to taste )
Cook the sausage, broccoli and boil, separately, cook the mushrooms in a pan with a little oil, with lid.
When everything is ready, roll out the dough in a pan, place the cream of broccoli, then put the pieces of sausage and smoked cheese all around the edge and a few pieces of sausage tucked into rounds.
Fold the edges and bake in a hot oven at 220 degrees for about 20 minutes.
I proceeded in this way

For the pastry I used
200 gr salted butter 230 grams flour 80 grams of cold water
I did stick with 200 gr. of butter and 50 grams of flour and I left it in the fridge for 5 ~ 6 hours.
I mixed the remaining flour (180 g) with cold water and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.
I have spread the dough with a rolling pin and I put stick of butter into the well crushed.
I did a three-fold, and suffered a four-fold, wrapped in cling film and allowed to stand Refrigerate for 3 ~ 4 hours. I pulled the dough with a rolling pin and remade these same steps, I've redone again for 3 more times. At this point the dough has become smooth and beautiful malleable, I left it in the refrigerator until the time of its use.
Pork Sausage

130 gr pork sausage casings for sausages
salt and pepper
I cut the pig in a knife that I salted and peppered, and then I put in the gut. It must have been 25 ~ 30 cm long.
Ingredients for the filling of cottage

I fried, with a little extra virgin olive oil, sausage and set aside. Clean
30 grams of mushrooms and cooked with a little oil in a saucepan with lid closed.
I cleaned and cooked the broccoli in the microwave for 5 minutes
For the sauce: I sauteed 2 tablespoons oil, 2 of flour, I put together a little grated onion, milk (to taste), salt and nutmeg and thicken made I then joined the broccoli, mashed with a fork (the bechamel sauce and broccoli was 230 grams in total).

When everything was ready I pulled out the dough and put into a baking pan lined with parchment, wet and well drained, leaving a border of several inches.

it I sprinkled a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese, coated cream of broccoli, spread the mushrooms in the middle I rolled sausage and melted cheese in the quote spaziho
cook for 30 minutes at 240 ° C.

The different flavors of the ingredients are mixed to perfection, it's really good.
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