Sex, along with prostitution (its commercial application) and marriage (his hypocritical side and institutional), always moves the wheels of the world. Both men with rich and poor, both with beautiful women ugly. For, as saying goes farmers (and farmers can not ask fineness), pulls over a pile of ass that an oxcart.
Recent Reports from the Palace, revived the ancient supremacy of the poor Eva Adam, as holding a monopoly of scarce economic good: the cunt. And the powers that be, even to want to (but does not want it), could not even defend himself by pleading: "Your Honor, you know, the flesh is weak, she was to provoke me ..."
yet, goes round and round is always the same merchandise, it just changes the scale of pay. That, however, would notice an economist, is curiously not thought out as the market price, but as a kind of tax. Strikes infatti, con maggior durezza impositiva i ricchi e i potenti, mentre è dolce coi poveri. La prostituta d’alto bordo (“escort”), può chiedere ad un Capo di Governo anche centinaia di migliaia di euro, mentre se la medesima battesse nei vicoli maleodoranti d’un angiporto, malgrado la biancheria firmata, racimolerebbe a malapena pochi euro. Solo 3 giuli, infatti, chiede la simpatica e umanissima “puttana sincera” così efficacemente descritta di G.G.Belli. Compresa l’assicurazione “religiosa” dalle malattie, da cui si diceva esente grazie ad un lumino acceso alla Madonna. Altri tempi: altro “scortico” (puttaneria), altre escort:
pulenta? But llei maravijjo me! I know
ppulita com'un ermine. Look
cquà his shirt is linen which is de
you ppe bbianchezza shames a nun gijjo!
from so I cquarc'uscello That Shakes me pijjo
I nun I ever had I'm sop, because
mention every Saturday er brightness
forward to the Madon-der-bon-conzijjo.
Senta, nun Fò ppe ddillo, but a big head
she takes the bad nu, nu use, and PPO
rringrazzià Ccristo in his knees.
thing that you are denying me the cqui nun, who snares
de bbuttalli to ttordinone
three ggiuli iff it is mmejj'assai them care.
January 28, 1832
version. The honest whore. I do not have gonorrhea, I wonder about you: I am clean as a stoat. Look at this shirt, which is of flax, if whiteness is not ashamed of a lily. Since the air of a bird, I never had this gift, because it lights a candle every Saturday at Our Lady of Good Counsel. Listen, do not do for say, but a big head [of three paoli money] you do not use bad at all, and can thank Christ on his knees. You can not deny me that instead of throwing them at Tor di Nona [a theater where there was bad deeds], three giuli is much better if you care about them [play on words to use them to cheat, that is screwed].
fact is that even in the governments, not only in detective stories, that the saying "cherchez la femme." Distant times (Acrobat) from under a desk where an intern working effectively lips almost made to resign and put on trial for impeachment of a President of the United States of America, today in Italy to more traditional charities "escort" you to benefit handsomely Calls also can dance scantily dressed, even if the Bunga-bunga.
Except that the U.S. president, coming from a strict Protestant moral, ended not on trial for having sex (as the stringency of the Ancients would have liked), but only for being stubborn to deny it (hypocrisy of the Moderns).
But that was fine ethical distinctions worthy of a great liberal country. For us, however, the roughness of the power does not feed or political philosophy or of the Bible (the Book, if anything, it takes when it suits the worst part, that the New Testament, where it speaks of a certain Mary Magdalene, recently alleged lover good leader Joshua the Nazarene, that the rebellious ...), but merely to deny the evidence, to lie shamelessly indulgent and understanding some of the absolution of a great Catholic country, that is a sinner.
However, to the point, the two souls in the Christian, Protestant and Catholic gather in the scandalous practice that is summarized in the motto of convenience: you can do whatever you want, just confess it and then you declare repentance. In public (Anglo-Saxon and Protestant) or in the secret of the confessional (Catholic and Latin countries). In both cases, a little 'worse in the second, is the moral of Pulcinella.
yet, goes round and round is always the same merchandise, it just changes the scale of pay. That, however, would notice an economist, is curiously not thought out as the market price, but as a kind of tax. Strikes infatti, con maggior durezza impositiva i ricchi e i potenti, mentre è dolce coi poveri. La prostituta d’alto bordo (“escort”), può chiedere ad un Capo di Governo anche centinaia di migliaia di euro, mentre se la medesima battesse nei vicoli maleodoranti d’un angiporto, malgrado la biancheria firmata, racimolerebbe a malapena pochi euro. Solo 3 giuli, infatti, chiede la simpatica e umanissima “puttana sincera” così efficacemente descritta di G.G.Belli. Compresa l’assicurazione “religiosa” dalle malattie, da cui si diceva esente grazie ad un lumino acceso alla Madonna. Altri tempi: altro “scortico” (puttaneria), altre escort:
pulenta? But llei maravijjo me! I know
ppulita com'un ermine. Look
cquà his shirt is linen which is de
you ppe bbianchezza shames a nun gijjo!
from so I cquarc'uscello That Shakes me pijjo
I nun I ever had I'm sop, because
mention every Saturday er brightness
forward to the Madon-der-bon-conzijjo.
Senta, nun Fò ppe ddillo, but a big head
she takes the bad nu, nu use, and PPO
rringrazzià Ccristo in his knees.
thing that you are denying me the cqui nun, who snares
de bbuttalli to ttordinone
three ggiuli iff it is mmejj'assai them care.
January 28, 1832
version. The honest whore. I do not have gonorrhea, I wonder about you: I am clean as a stoat. Look at this shirt, which is of flax, if whiteness is not ashamed of a lily. Since the air of a bird, I never had this gift, because it lights a candle every Saturday at Our Lady of Good Counsel. Listen, do not do for say, but a big head [of three paoli money] you do not use bad at all, and can thank Christ on his knees. You can not deny me that instead of throwing them at Tor di Nona [a theater where there was bad deeds], three giuli is much better if you care about them [play on words to use them to cheat, that is screwed].

Except that the U.S. president, coming from a strict Protestant moral, ended not on trial for having sex (as the stringency of the Ancients would have liked), but only for being stubborn to deny it (hypocrisy of the Moderns).
But that was fine ethical distinctions worthy of a great liberal country. For us, however, the roughness of the power does not feed or political philosophy or of the Bible (the Book, if anything, it takes when it suits the worst part, that the New Testament, where it speaks of a certain Mary Magdalene, recently alleged lover good leader Joshua the Nazarene, that the rebellious ...), but merely to deny the evidence, to lie shamelessly indulgent and understanding some of the absolution of a great Catholic country, that is a sinner.
However, to the point, the two souls in the Christian, Protestant and Catholic gather in the scandalous practice that is summarized in the motto of convenience: you can do whatever you want, just confess it and then you declare repentance. In public (Anglo-Saxon and Protestant) or in the secret of the confessional (Catholic and Latin countries). In both cases, a little 'worse in the second, is the moral of Pulcinella.
But even in the sonnet by Belli, the national strict Vicar of papal Rome, the supreme censor, manages to admit to a woman who does the "job" of being a whore. That was more talkative and dialectic of him, and denies the evidence, however, contradict each other. And, self-confident, self-defense ends with a comical contradiction: even invites him home its because you feel it is true that has become so virtuous resent "almost closed", in short, as when she was a virgin. An irresistible chutzpah:
Look, advocated surprise, I nun zo mmicca
nun from intenne CUER that llei bbarbotta.
you only want me I know I spit ffa mmignotta:
but that is chock cquà nun me the sticks.
tell the truth and raw ccotta, but
cquesta nu is the slew mm ' hangs.
me If I Fesce sfasscià FFU eg a pike,
nu pe ffa vvedé That Shakes the route I had.
On my door is allor'impoi nun uses of
oprisse a ccazzi: e ssi llei vò pprovalla,
sentirà cche mme s’è gguasi arichiusa.
...Bbè, rrestamo accusí: su un’ora calla
lei me vienghi a bbussà co cquarche scusa,
e vvederemo poi d’accommodalla.
26 gennaio 1832
Versione. Il giudice del Vicariato. Senta, signor avvocato, io non sono stupida da non capire quel che lei borbotta. Lei mi vuole far sputare che io sono mignotta, ma questo tranello lei non me lo gioca. La verità la dico cruda e cotta, ma questa non la tiro fuori neanche se m’impicca. Se io mi feci sverginare fu per ripicca, per far vedere che non ce l’avevo rotta. Ma da allora in poi this port is not in the habit of Apirsa the cocks, and if she wants to try it I feel that it is almost closed. Okay, so we are in agreement: an hour to warm [afternoon] she comes knocking with some excuse, and we'll see then please her.
Just like a whore when questioned by the judge of the Vicariate, with the same impudence, our politicians refuse to tell, but rely on "Deny Santa", as the Beautiful, that is saying no all along the line, denying even the ' evidence. What, indeed, of a minister accused by the vox populi and unlawful interception of having won the office for his ability, so to speak, oro-genitale, cioè di aver praticato quella che i preti maliziosi e causidici hanno classificato in latino come fellatio in ore (vulgo: "pompino") ad un Capo del Governo? E potremmo continuare in un lunghissimo, interminabile elenco, dalla A della prima Ava (Eva) alla Z dell’ultima Zhara della Terra.
E la Chiesa, così severa su cose “di pensiero”, che dice di questo peccato così materiale, “di carne”, come quello di una prostituta e del suo cliente? Poco o nulla, è di manica larga, al solito. Il sesso non generativo e non matrimoniale è catalogato tra i “peccati minori”. E ci sembra logico, dal loro punto di vista. Anche perché il cristianesimo, or worse, Catholicism, is not of the virtuous, good, honest people, the ascetics - repeats a priest friend of mine who knows a lot - but it's comfortable and comforting the religion of sinners, the bad, the corrupt, the lascivious. So grateful for this unexpected kindness on the part of the Divine, a filthy whore like few (see the famous sonnet bellano "Santaccia Montanara Square"), provides in the form of pious charity, "in ways that lead zuffraggio holy blessed" , I do not know which body part to a poor boy without a penny of the bill that is on the sidelines watching. O generosity of the prostitutes at one time! Other than those hungry today, and for a simple blowjob o un balletto da niente, se sei per sventura Capo di Governo, sono capaci di chiederti anche 500 mila euro. Che tempi!
Look, advocated surprise, I nun zo mmicca
nun from intenne CUER that llei bbarbotta.
you only want me I know I spit ffa mmignotta:
but that is chock cquà nun me the sticks.
tell the truth and raw ccotta, but
cquesta nu is the slew mm ' hangs.
me If I Fesce sfasscià FFU eg a pike,
nu pe ffa vvedé That Shakes the route I had.
On my door is allor'impoi nun uses of
oprisse a ccazzi: e ssi llei vò pprovalla,
sentirà cche mme s’è gguasi arichiusa.
...Bbè, rrestamo accusí: su un’ora calla
lei me vienghi a bbussà co cquarche scusa,
e vvederemo poi d’accommodalla.
26 gennaio 1832
Versione. Il giudice del Vicariato. Senta, signor avvocato, io non sono stupida da non capire quel che lei borbotta. Lei mi vuole far sputare che io sono mignotta, ma questo tranello lei non me lo gioca. La verità la dico cruda e cotta, ma questa non la tiro fuori neanche se m’impicca. Se io mi feci sverginare fu per ripicca, per far vedere che non ce l’avevo rotta. Ma da allora in poi this port is not in the habit of Apirsa the cocks, and if she wants to try it I feel that it is almost closed. Okay, so we are in agreement: an hour to warm [afternoon] she comes knocking with some excuse, and we'll see then please her.
Just like a whore when questioned by the judge of the Vicariate, with the same impudence, our politicians refuse to tell, but rely on "Deny Santa", as the Beautiful, that is saying no all along the line, denying even the ' evidence. What, indeed, of a minister accused by the vox populi and unlawful interception of having won the office for his ability, so to speak, oro-genitale, cioè di aver praticato quella che i preti maliziosi e causidici hanno classificato in latino come fellatio in ore (vulgo: "pompino") ad un Capo del Governo? E potremmo continuare in un lunghissimo, interminabile elenco, dalla A della prima Ava (Eva) alla Z dell’ultima Zhara della Terra.
E la Chiesa, così severa su cose “di pensiero”, che dice di questo peccato così materiale, “di carne”, come quello di una prostituta e del suo cliente? Poco o nulla, è di manica larga, al solito. Il sesso non generativo e non matrimoniale è catalogato tra i “peccati minori”. E ci sembra logico, dal loro punto di vista. Anche perché il cristianesimo, or worse, Catholicism, is not of the virtuous, good, honest people, the ascetics - repeats a priest friend of mine who knows a lot - but it's comfortable and comforting the religion of sinners, the bad, the corrupt, the lascivious. So grateful for this unexpected kindness on the part of the Divine, a filthy whore like few (see the famous sonnet bellano "Santaccia Montanara Square"), provides in the form of pious charity, "in ways that lead zuffraggio holy blessed" , I do not know which body part to a poor boy without a penny of the bill that is on the sidelines watching. O generosity of the prostitutes at one time! Other than those hungry today, and for a simple blowjob o un balletto da niente, se sei per sventura Capo di Governo, sono capaci di chiederti anche 500 mila euro. Che tempi!
Dignità e umanità nella figura della zoccola di ieri (contrapposta alla escort di oggi) che traspare anche da un altro bel sonetto belliano, quasi femminista, tutto scritto “dalla parte di una mignotta”, che non nega nulla della sua professione, anzi tiene a ricordare che si è fatta da sé e non deve nulla a nessuno, e si permette alla fine una frecciata moralistica, lei puttana, contro le “dame”, le “signore per bene” dell’aristocrazia o le mogli dei professionisti, che consapevoli di quanto rende la puttaneria, ben nascoste nei salotti eleganti e nei bridal canopy, the damage at all, just as she does, causing unfair competition.
The satire against women, the rest is full of venomous accusations. But the same women, especially feminists, have repeatedly distanced himself (even yesterday, the largest gathering of women at the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, which focused on just this issue) from the usual secretaries, interns, hostesses, masseuses, but even university professors, journalists, actresses, deputies and presidents of institutions and companies that go on in life through sex. For man's fault, not prepend some merit. And speaking of marriages of convenience, so ancient that the very origin of marriage. When ever a woman - contend the men - do not take account of the feast profession, money and bank account of the future husband? How do you think many ladies will "fall in love, a career, conquer boyfriends, lovers, money, agguantino husbands (often old), from reaching social status, get their hands on substantial inheritance - would say of the whore moralissima Belli - if not by selling piece cunningly a piece that is more expensive than the price of her own body?
course. Indeed, life itself is a puttaneria (a "flayed"), and for all, women and men. What else does, after all, an employee, a manager, a publicist, a politician, a teacher or a journalist, if not vendere pro quota il proprio cervello? E non è più grave, addirittura, vendere la propria intelligenza che un organo sessuale?
E se così va il mondo, allora, a conti fatti, che differenza pratica c’è tra una prostituta professionista e una donna qualunque? Nessuna o quasi. Chi disse che il matrimonio stesso è la forma più antica e istituzionalizzata di prostituzione? Il che porterebbe a due conseguenze: stimare un po’ di più la prostituta e un po’ meno la “signora per bene”.
E se così è, se dunque per il maschilista nascosto nell’uomo di ogni tempo e Paese tutte le donne sono puttane, perché mai una puttana patentata dovrebbe vergognarsi? Anzi, dovrebbe take it to death unlawful competition that the "good woman", the "virtuous ladies, bourgeois, aristocratic or common people, make them. Without paying taxes and not even be made before the necessary medical examination. What a shame! How
not give good reason to bitch of beauty? His philosophy, his newfound "straight" moral revolt against common sense, but is in perfectly good sense. The unconventionality of the moral and existential Belli is so fun to sorprednere the reader with an unexpected and paradoxical reversal in the face: the bitch is somehow "moral", to show pride and dignity in his being and in his statement profession, while the woman is common hypocrite, Mrs. "for good", the real bitch, no forgiveness and no excuses
ER TRADE libber
Bbe '! Sso pputtana, I was the 'skin:
miggnotta f or, yes, I'm ar hash:
in the pijjo cuello cuello wide and narrow:
ggnent'antro from there to? What CCOSI bbelle! But I know
cce stat'io pure source prick, HOW tAll
spinster spinsters:
mmó nun and there remains tbsp bajocchelle
on wool and pajja der I 'bed. You know that Madame de
laggn'io? Noh dder craft, which
xed bbell'e bbono, e cquanno bbutta
nun pò ttrovasse ar monno antro piascere.
Ma de ste dame che stanno anniscoste
me laggno, che, vvedenno cuanto frutta
lo scortico, sciarrubbeno le poste.
16 dicembre 1832.
Versione. Ebbene, sì, sono puttana, vendo il mio corpo, faccio la mignotta [ripetizione, v. l’etimologia nel Vocabolario minimo nel colonnino], sì, sto al cencelletto [le prostitute ricevevano in appartamenti al pianterreno muniti di cancelletto privato, per non far notare il via-vai dei clienti agli altri condomini]: lo prendo davanti e anche dietro. C’è qualcos’altro da dire? Che cose belle! Ma sono stata I, too, Mr. dupe, as all the maid maids: and now there is no one can claim money on wool and straw of my bed. Rather, you know that I complain? Not the trade, it would be nice and good, and at best you can find more satisfaction in the world. But of all these ladies for good hiding, I complain, that seeing the fruit when we fornicate steal customers.
The satire against women, the rest is full of venomous accusations. But the same women, especially feminists, have repeatedly distanced himself (even yesterday, the largest gathering of women at the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, which focused on just this issue) from the usual secretaries, interns, hostesses, masseuses, but even university professors, journalists, actresses, deputies and presidents of institutions and companies that go on in life through sex. For man's fault, not prepend some merit. And speaking of marriages of convenience, so ancient that the very origin of marriage. When ever a woman - contend the men - do not take account of the feast profession, money and bank account of the future husband? How do you think many ladies will "fall in love, a career, conquer boyfriends, lovers, money, agguantino husbands (often old), from reaching social status, get their hands on substantial inheritance - would say of the whore moralissima Belli - if not by selling piece cunningly a piece that is more expensive than the price of her own body?
course. Indeed, life itself is a puttaneria (a "flayed"), and for all, women and men. What else does, after all, an employee, a manager, a publicist, a politician, a teacher or a journalist, if not vendere pro quota il proprio cervello? E non è più grave, addirittura, vendere la propria intelligenza che un organo sessuale?
E se così va il mondo, allora, a conti fatti, che differenza pratica c’è tra una prostituta professionista e una donna qualunque? Nessuna o quasi. Chi disse che il matrimonio stesso è la forma più antica e istituzionalizzata di prostituzione? Il che porterebbe a due conseguenze: stimare un po’ di più la prostituta e un po’ meno la “signora per bene”.
E se così è, se dunque per il maschilista nascosto nell’uomo di ogni tempo e Paese tutte le donne sono puttane, perché mai una puttana patentata dovrebbe vergognarsi? Anzi, dovrebbe take it to death unlawful competition that the "good woman", the "virtuous ladies, bourgeois, aristocratic or common people, make them. Without paying taxes and not even be made before the necessary medical examination. What a shame! How
not give good reason to bitch of beauty? His philosophy, his newfound "straight" moral revolt against common sense, but is in perfectly good sense. The unconventionality of the moral and existential Belli is so fun to sorprednere the reader with an unexpected and paradoxical reversal in the face: the bitch is somehow "moral", to show pride and dignity in his being and in his statement profession, while the woman is common hypocrite, Mrs. "for good", the real bitch, no forgiveness and no excuses
ER TRADE libber
Bbe '! Sso pputtana, I was the 'skin:
miggnotta f or, yes, I'm ar hash:
in the pijjo cuello cuello wide and narrow:
ggnent'antro from there to? What CCOSI bbelle! But I know
cce stat'io pure source prick, HOW tAll
spinster spinsters:
mmó nun and there remains tbsp bajocchelle
on wool and pajja der I 'bed. You know that Madame de
laggn'io? Noh dder craft, which
xed bbell'e bbono, e cquanno bbutta
nun pò ttrovasse ar monno antro piascere.
Ma de ste dame che stanno anniscoste
me laggno, che, vvedenno cuanto frutta
lo scortico, sciarrubbeno le poste.
16 dicembre 1832.
Versione. Ebbene, sì, sono puttana, vendo il mio corpo, faccio la mignotta [ripetizione, v. l’etimologia nel Vocabolario minimo nel colonnino], sì, sto al cencelletto [le prostitute ricevevano in appartamenti al pianterreno muniti di cancelletto privato, per non far notare il via-vai dei clienti agli altri condomini]: lo prendo davanti e anche dietro. C’è qualcos’altro da dire? Che cose belle! Ma sono stata I, too, Mr. dupe, as all the maid maids: and now there is no one can claim money on wool and straw of my bed. Rather, you know that I complain? Not the trade, it would be nice and good, and at best you can find more satisfaction in the world. But of all these ladies for good hiding, I complain, that seeing the fruit when we fornicate steal customers.
IMAGES. Two frames from the movie "Il Marchese del Grillo", set the top 800, the years of his youth and early maturity of Belli.
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