'll see.
Sora snow is bbuggera is ffin,
c'oramai de Winter semo forums.
(from sonnet Er bbona time) *
The Christian religious holiday candles, candle or Candlemas, recalls the ritual of purification that Madonna had to follow after giving birth to Jesus Christ, in accordance with the Mosaic law. In the book of the tribe 'of Levi, Leviticus, it was required that every mother who had given birth to a son, would be considered unclean for seven days, and in other thirty-three should not have to participate in any form of worship. Il libro e' piu' noto per la sua condanna senza appello della omosessualita': Levitico 18,22 “Non avrai con maschio relazioni come si hanno con donna: è abominio”, e in 20,13: “Se uno ha rapporti con un uomo come con una donna, tutti e due hanno commesso un abominio; dovranno essere messi a morte; il loro sangue ricadrà su di loro”.
Per una strana legge del contrappasso ai nostri tempi si sta invece consolidando una vocazione della Candelora come festa anche dei "femminelli". Da qualche anno a Montevergine in Irpinia si celebra con una "tammurriata" cui ora e' ammessa a partecipare anche la comunita' degli omosessuali, discriminata a morte piu' di 2000 anni fa.
Ma torniamo alle origini di questa mid-winter feast. The Celts, at latitudes much more 'high, we talk about the Irish and other northern European nations, as interpreted by the transition from the summit down to the winter to spring. In the middle 'way between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. A first timid signs of the awakening of nature. In
Belli Rome, where each party was linked to religion and therefore 'to some event in the life of prophets, saints and deities', this aspect of the astronomical kind, had been completely removed, deleted like any other reference to the ancient rituals pagans.
at the Celtic people of northern Italy, and Europe is celebrating an anniversary celebration called Imbolc (or even Oimelc) or mid-winter festival, Imbolc
The name is of Irish origin. The celebration of Imbolc
began at sunset, because according to the Celtic calendar started the day just from that moment. The translation of the term and 'literally' in the womb, "and refers to pregnancy in sheep, as well as Oimelc means" sheep's milk, "indicating that originally it was a party linked to the milk of the flocks of the shepherds. E 'in this period, in fact, that the lambs were born, and thus had the sheep's milk. It was a very important moment, because for the companies' active in the sheep milk production was the renewal of a life cycle.
the traditions associated with Candlemas at the Alpine populations there is also "The Feast of the Bear", typical of mountain areas. Formerly, in the areas of the Alps, on the day of Candlemas, a mountain-lion tamer roamed the streets of countries doing a dancing bear, symbolizing the awakening from the lethargy of the fair and all of nature.
In Roman period after waking up more 'cold winter was celebrated with the Lupercalia.
The festivities took place on February 15th (this month was the culmination of the winter period in which the wolves, hungry, they approached the civilians threatened the herds) in honor of the god Faunus in the sense of Lupercus ie protector of cattle sheep and goats from the attack of wolves. According to Ovid
the Lupercalia were instituted by Romulus for a grace received by Juno, the goddess of home, family and fertility. At the time of King Romulus
occurs' a period of infertility that involved all the women, unable to procreate. For this Ovid says that the people he went 'to the sacred grove of Juno, at the foot of' Esquilino. Through the rustling of leaves, the gods 'announcement' that women had to be penetrated by a sacred goat. A wish
insightful interpreted the oracle and a goat was sacrificed. Then cut strips of skin from her with which struck the rear of the women lunar months and ten women gave birth. In Latin, the whips are 'Februar', hence the name in February, the month in which these rituals were held.
On the night of the past, the commemoration of the Jewish ritual purification rite, from the Near East and went to Rome as early as the eighth century AD, the party had achieved great solemnity and popular participation. In Rome, the Middle Ages, a procession took place across half the city ', from Sant'Adriano to the holes of Nerva and Trajan, the Esquiline Hill, to finally reach the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, where it was the rite of Blessing and distribution of candles.
Per una strana legge del contrappasso ai nostri tempi si sta invece consolidando una vocazione della Candelora come festa anche dei "femminelli". Da qualche anno a Montevergine in Irpinia si celebra con una "tammurriata" cui ora e' ammessa a partecipare anche la comunita' degli omosessuali, discriminata a morte piu' di 2000 anni fa.
Ma torniamo alle origini di questa mid-winter feast. The Celts, at latitudes much more 'high, we talk about the Irish and other northern European nations, as interpreted by the transition from the summit down to the winter to spring. In the middle 'way between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. A first timid signs of the awakening of nature. In
Belli Rome, where each party was linked to religion and therefore 'to some event in the life of prophets, saints and deities', this aspect of the astronomical kind, had been completely removed, deleted like any other reference to the ancient rituals pagans.
at the Celtic people of northern Italy, and Europe is celebrating an anniversary celebration called Imbolc (or even Oimelc) or mid-winter festival, Imbolc
The name is of Irish origin. The celebration of Imbolc
began at sunset, because according to the Celtic calendar started the day just from that moment. The translation of the term and 'literally' in the womb, "and refers to pregnancy in sheep, as well as Oimelc means" sheep's milk, "indicating that originally it was a party linked to the milk of the flocks of the shepherds. E 'in this period, in fact, that the lambs were born, and thus had the sheep's milk. It was a very important moment, because for the companies' active in the sheep milk production was the renewal of a life cycle.

In Roman period after waking up more 'cold winter was celebrated with the Lupercalia.
The festivities took place on February 15th (this month was the culmination of the winter period in which the wolves, hungry, they approached the civilians threatened the herds) in honor of the god Faunus in the sense of Lupercus ie protector of cattle sheep and goats from the attack of wolves. According to Ovid
the Lupercalia were instituted by Romulus for a grace received by Juno, the goddess of home, family and fertility. At the time of King Romulus
occurs' a period of infertility that involved all the women, unable to procreate. For this Ovid says that the people he went 'to the sacred grove of Juno, at the foot of' Esquilino. Through the rustling of leaves, the gods 'announcement' that women had to be penetrated by a sacred goat. A wish
insightful interpreted the oracle and a goat was sacrificed. Then cut strips of skin from her with which struck the rear of the women lunar months and ten women gave birth. In Latin, the whips are 'Februar', hence the name in February, the month in which these rituals were held.
On the night of the past, the commemoration of the Jewish ritual purification rite, from the Near East and went to Rome as early as the eighth century AD, the party had achieved great solemnity and popular participation. In Rome, the Middle Ages, a procession took place across half the city ', from Sant'Adriano to the holes of Nerva and Trajan, the Esquiline Hill, to finally reach the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, where it was the rite of Blessing and distribution of candles.
With Christianity, in short, the many characteristic antichi rituali metainvernali sono stati eliminati e sostituiti dalla ricorrenza della Candelora. Nella Roma dello Stato pontificio si celebrava (e ancora si celebra oggi) questa strana purificazione di origine inconfutabilmente ebraica, dove la Madonna veniva finalmente restituita, dopo 40 giorni, alla societa' tribale degli antichi giudei e il bambinello veniva circonciso e presentato al tempio. Ma in fondo per il popolino dei fedeli del Papa re questa ricorrenza si traduceva nella possibilita' di arraffare una candela, come spiega il Belli nel finale del sonetto:
Uh! cch’edè ttanta folla a la parrocchia?
Perch’entri tutta eh! nunn j’abbasta un’ora. And cchiesa
is more of a knuckle cciuca
know from the rest cuanti n'hanno de fora!
Hear, hear the door as crunches!
Guarda Aas er tires work! But
pperché ttanta ggente s'infinocchia
acquired influence? And VVER Ah, yes, yes, is the Cannelora.
why er porter and ffra Mmicchele
usscirno give a drugie co Scesta
yesterday dde de stump and Candles. Among
ttanta divozzione ttanta party and you
Ste ggente however llevejje er
de la cinnamon apples, and besides who has rresta.
Rome, February 2, 1833
version. The February 2. Uh! che cos'e' tanta folla alla parrocchia? Perche' ci entri tutta eh! non basta un'ora. E in questa chiesa piu piccola di una nocciola sai quanti ne debbono restare di fuori! Senti senti come scricchiola la porta! Guarda come lavora il gomito (per cercare di entrare)! Ma perche' tanta gente si ficca dentro? Ah e vero, si, si, e' la candelora. Ecco perche' il facchino e frate Michele uscirono dal droghiere con una cesta di moccoletti e di candele. Tra tanta devozione e tanta festa tu a questa gente pero' leva il dolce (l'utile) della candela, e poi conta chi rimane.
*Il tempo buono. Domani, se il Signore ci da' vita, vedremo spuntare la Candelora. Signora neve, questa fregatura e' finita (Personification of winter), now we're out of winter. . .
IMAGES. The feast of the candles ("Candlemas") started in the Christian era by the ritual consecration of the candles, which generally followed the processions, folk dances and even the "Bear Dance" (printed by B. Pinelli, 1809).
Uh! cch’edè ttanta folla a la parrocchia?
Perch’entri tutta eh! nunn j’abbasta un’ora. And cchiesa
is more of a knuckle cciuca
know from the rest cuanti n'hanno de fora!
Hear, hear the door as crunches!
Guarda Aas er tires work! But
pperché ttanta ggente s'infinocchia
acquired influence? And VVER Ah, yes, yes, is the Cannelora.
why er porter and ffra Mmicchele
usscirno give a drugie co Scesta
yesterday dde de stump and Candles. Among
ttanta divozzione ttanta party and you
Ste ggente however llevejje er
de la cinnamon apples, and besides who has rresta.
Rome, February 2, 1833
version. The February 2. Uh! che cos'e' tanta folla alla parrocchia? Perche' ci entri tutta eh! non basta un'ora. E in questa chiesa piu piccola di una nocciola sai quanti ne debbono restare di fuori! Senti senti come scricchiola la porta! Guarda come lavora il gomito (per cercare di entrare)! Ma perche' tanta gente si ficca dentro? Ah e vero, si, si, e' la candelora. Ecco perche' il facchino e frate Michele uscirono dal droghiere con una cesta di moccoletti e di candele. Tra tanta devozione e tanta festa tu a questa gente pero' leva il dolce (l'utile) della candela, e poi conta chi rimane.
*Il tempo buono. Domani, se il Signore ci da' vita, vedremo spuntare la Candelora. Signora neve, questa fregatura e' finita (Personification of winter), now we're out of winter. . .
IMAGES. The feast of the candles ("Candlemas") started in the Christian era by the ritual consecration of the candles, which generally followed the processions, folk dances and even the "Bear Dance" (printed by B. Pinelli, 1809).
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