There is a of leavened site that I like very much, and here I found this sweet bread that inspired me to do it and do it again so many times.
has the shape of a snowflake, but it can take many different appearances.

can be coated with sugar, but also by sugar

Both in large-scale divided into small forms

45 g strong flour (Manitoba)
15 grams of milk
9 grams of 43 grams of egg **
Licola very active ( pseudo-refresh )
Mix all ingredients and let rise for at least 12 hours (until doubled)
Dough 170 g strong flour
30 grams of cold water 10 grams of Licola
from the fridge
5 grams of salt
all lievitino (112 gr) 76 gr of egg
30 grams of extra virgin olive oil 75 grams of orange syrup **
20 g unsalted butter
12 grams of lard
15 grams of peel '
5 gr candied orange orange aroma
10 grams of crystallized ginger
In planetary mixing flour, water, Licola, syrup orange juice and let stand for 20 minutes. A quest'impasto add lievitino, egg, oil and mix for 8 ~ 10 minutes. Combine butter and lard in small quantities, waiting for it to be absorbed in the previous part. Add salt, orange and candied ginger and orange aroma and continue stirring.
Transfer the dough in a greased bowl just oil, cover and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. Make the folds the dough, cover and let stand for 30 minutes. Click
still folds, cover and refrigerate overnight.
The morning after:
Flatten the dough and give the shape of a snowflake or sandwich and let rise for at least 5 ~ 6 hours near a heat source. Advanced
Brush the egg mixed with a little water and a pinch of salt, sprinkle the surface of bread with sugar.
If you prefer to sprinkle with powdered sugar, after it cooked.
Preheat oven to 200 ° and bake for 30 minutes, the last 5 minutes to transfer the bread on the grill of the oven.

These are two rolls of 60 gr

It 's a very fragrant sweet bread, is suitable for both breakfast and indulge at any time.
** Prepare two eggs and use the required amount each time, leaving the party who in the fridge. ** Prepare
buccia d' arancia candita home made senza buttare l'acqua dell'ultima bollitura, togliere le bucce ed aggiungere dello zucchero e far bollire. Questo è lo sciroppo di arancia. Io, alcune volte ho aggiunto stessa quantità di succo di arancia in cui ho fatto sciogliere 3 cucchiai di zucchero
Altri link relativi al lievito liquido (licoli)
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