31-5 Mf Colli della Tuscia
I am telling the last race, after Flaminia day I had a good week of discharge, last weekend due to family commitments and institutional no races during the week I had approfittatto of freshness due to the lack of races to make a bell'allenamento quality and output of a group, in which the feelings were really good.
I arrived at the start of the race very confident and I was hoping to get a good result, thanks to the fact anke ke level was not very high.
I introduce myself on the starting grid with a very ominous gray sky, k not bode well.
After the start there are some ke km-controlled pace will face in the first part of the group, the official start begins the brawl, and controscatti shots, I first whale the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to shoot but fortunately a glimmer of lucidity allows me to get me on my own. The first is taken as a tear in a high speed, but not crazy, I try to stay ahead of Anke and I happen to pull for a while 'group, in the next little rise, however, the big push to begin sull'accelleratore And I could stay with them only with so much heart.
After a few km, the real climb of the day, with some stretches 7km anke 18%, here and pull the oars in the boat trying to get with my step, these large gradients of the digest, I manage to pull a fortune to keep on little group, at the points where the road flattens a bit 'to recovery a little 'feet ke lose you again when the road climbs, thanks to the presence of a snack and an accomplice driving the fact that he still has so much energy not having driven in all, the last 500 meters of the climb I do a sprint and I carry on the group.
I get in queue and recovery, but after a while began a descent that can be attacked by a miracle, I still have energy to spend and are looking forward to the arrival ke is uphill, but unfortunately the usual drill is around the corner the streets are shattered and the rain begins to fall does not help, I stop to change the tube, after a little 'get a big group to which I can not jump on the bandwagon and I will dash many positions, in fact I'll 50km to solo to the finish.
arrive fresh and quite aware that if I had not punctured I was playing the 12th place overall and the second category ... sin!
cmq now go ahead in view of my two seasonal objectives, the gf of the Cerase 14-6 and 27-28 in the two days sabina ...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Viral Infection In His Eyes
Granfondo dei Monti Cimini
The feelings I had Vernaccia Sunday to face a week of training with very high morale, Tuesday I had a workout with quality Monteflavio sfr various and repeated on Wednesday out of the group (with an amateur and a very strong lover who gave me an alarm clock that hardly forget), inspection on Thursday instead of the race route, made a very mild pace, but cmq have been riding more than 4 hours. Friday rest Saturday usual Sgambati (90minutes) and Sunday Pregara Gara ...
The vision of the route made me understand ke the race was very fast, but the good feelings this week made me hopeful.
Sunday morning wake-up hours 5e45, breakfast cup of milk, 100g of cereal, 2 slices toast with jam, 4 rice cakes with 1etto of ham and a bottle of grape juice and maltodextrin.
At 7 I was already at the start, do a nice line kilometers to collect numbers and chips, and discovered to have been placed on the grid VIP, good starting quieter and saves energy. Due to malfunction organize the departure to slide 10, this is a bit 'up the tension at the start but everything passes. First
km-controlled pace, and then after the division of paths, the real race, it all goes together with the 45 km-h on the first climb up to the attack, Castel Sant 'Elia 2.5km at 6% on average, here comes a brought her strong early, the group breaks and splits into two sections, I with my heart to rest in the second section 190 bpm, but I want hard and when we return on the first paved road.
get a little 'km of flat, then we approach the 10km climb of the day the prince but not very regular with nice gradients and the fact that it makes the compact group k the slope at breakneck speed connections, I know che cosa ci aspettava decido saggiamente di non dannarmi l'anima e mi metto a salire al mio passo, un buon passo con il cuore a soglia. Mano a mano ke la salita continua riprendo un po' di corridori, fino a quando a 1km dallo scollino riprendo con mia grande soddisfazione un gruppo di 20 persone. In discesa recupero un po' di energie e mangio, dopo alcuni km arriviamo ad una brutta discesa, molto tecnica e con un asfalto rovinatissimo, se ne vanno in 10, ma appena la strada ritorna in piano mi metto in testa e riporto il gruppo su quelli ke erano andati via. Si prosegue per molti km di saliscendi, fino all'attacco della salita di Vasanello (4km al 6%medio), li per evitare scatti mi metto in testa e faccio il ritmo, con mia grande sopresa la salita scorre via veloce e nessuno prova ad uscire. Qui decido per un po' di tirare i remi in barca e mi metto nella pancia del gruppo con cui stavo, sono stato troppo generoso fino a questo punto, è ora ke mi riposi un po'. Ai meno 5km dal traguardo comincia uno strappo di 1.5km, con ancora molte forze, tento il demarrage e scatto, in gruppo tutti fermi tranne un atleta Timebike ke mi si mette a ruota, a pochi metri dallo scollino gli chiedo un cambio ma mi fa capire di essere al gancio, a quel punto avendo davanti a me 3km di pianura e l'ultimo km in salita, decido di rialzarmi e aspettare il gruppo, recupero un attimo e in quell'istante partono in due, perdo l'attimo e non ce la faccio a prendergli la ruota. All'ultimo km fatico un pochino non riuscendo nell'impresa di metterli tutti dietro, alla fine perdo una volata ristretta con 7 unità.
Alla fine 27esimo assoluto ovvero migliore prestazione di sempre; è vero ke il livello era di molto inferiore rispetto alle gf Toscane, ma non posso non essere soddisfatto, se proprio voglio trovare il pelo nell'uovo, se non mi bruciavo con lo scatto ai meno 5 potevo forse giocarmi meglio le carte all'arrivo e provare anke ad entrare nei 20...
cmq questa gara mi da morale e mi fa ben sperare per il mese giugno, fulcro della stagione, in cui ci sono le gare più importanti per me...
The feelings I had Vernaccia Sunday to face a week of training with very high morale, Tuesday I had a workout with quality Monteflavio sfr various and repeated on Wednesday out of the group (with an amateur and a very strong lover who gave me an alarm clock that hardly forget), inspection on Thursday instead of the race route, made a very mild pace, but cmq have been riding more than 4 hours. Friday rest Saturday usual Sgambati (90minutes) and Sunday Pregara Gara ...
The vision of the route made me understand ke the race was very fast, but the good feelings this week made me hopeful.
Sunday morning wake-up hours 5e45, breakfast cup of milk, 100g of cereal, 2 slices toast with jam, 4 rice cakes with 1etto of ham and a bottle of grape juice and maltodextrin.
At 7 I was already at the start, do a nice line kilometers to collect numbers and chips, and discovered to have been placed on the grid VIP, good starting quieter and saves energy. Due to malfunction organize the departure to slide 10, this is a bit 'up the tension at the start but everything passes. First
km-controlled pace, and then after the division of paths, the real race, it all goes together with the 45 km-h on the first climb up to the attack, Castel Sant 'Elia 2.5km at 6% on average, here comes a brought her strong early, the group breaks and splits into two sections, I with my heart to rest in the second section 190 bpm, but I want hard and when we return on the first paved road.
get a little 'km of flat, then we approach the 10km climb of the day the prince but not very regular with nice gradients and the fact that it makes the compact group k the slope at breakneck speed connections, I know che cosa ci aspettava decido saggiamente di non dannarmi l'anima e mi metto a salire al mio passo, un buon passo con il cuore a soglia. Mano a mano ke la salita continua riprendo un po' di corridori, fino a quando a 1km dallo scollino riprendo con mia grande soddisfazione un gruppo di 20 persone. In discesa recupero un po' di energie e mangio, dopo alcuni km arriviamo ad una brutta discesa, molto tecnica e con un asfalto rovinatissimo, se ne vanno in 10, ma appena la strada ritorna in piano mi metto in testa e riporto il gruppo su quelli ke erano andati via. Si prosegue per molti km di saliscendi, fino all'attacco della salita di Vasanello (4km al 6%medio), li per evitare scatti mi metto in testa e faccio il ritmo, con mia grande sopresa la salita scorre via veloce e nessuno prova ad uscire. Qui decido per un po' di tirare i remi in barca e mi metto nella pancia del gruppo con cui stavo, sono stato troppo generoso fino a questo punto, è ora ke mi riposi un po'. Ai meno 5km dal traguardo comincia uno strappo di 1.5km, con ancora molte forze, tento il demarrage e scatto, in gruppo tutti fermi tranne un atleta Timebike ke mi si mette a ruota, a pochi metri dallo scollino gli chiedo un cambio ma mi fa capire di essere al gancio, a quel punto avendo davanti a me 3km di pianura e l'ultimo km in salita, decido di rialzarmi e aspettare il gruppo, recupero un attimo e in quell'istante partono in due, perdo l'attimo e non ce la faccio a prendergli la ruota. All'ultimo km fatico un pochino non riuscendo nell'impresa di metterli tutti dietro, alla fine perdo una volata ristretta con 7 unità.
Alla fine 27esimo assoluto ovvero migliore prestazione di sempre; è vero ke il livello era di molto inferiore rispetto alle gf Toscane, ma non posso non essere soddisfatto, se proprio voglio trovare il pelo nell'uovo, se non mi bruciavo con lo scatto ai meno 5 potevo forse giocarmi meglio le carte all'arrivo e provare anke ad entrare nei 20...
cmq questa gara mi da morale e mi fa ben sperare per il mese giugno, fulcro della stagione, in cui ci sono le gare più importanti per me...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Memorial To Mother At Wedding
Granfondo della Vernaccia
Ho affrontato la settimana prima della Vernaccia un po' scoraggiato, la crisi e le cattive sensazioni avute nella Bartali mi avevano data una buona dose of pessimism.
course, but I've totally thrown off, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I did some good training quality and quantity, in which I gave more importance to its work force, that force the ke Bartali did not allow me to push the relations I wanted to and that helped me to plant in the case.
I arrived Thursday night with his legs well flooded with lactic acid, but confident in the recovery on Sunday.
We come now to the gf.
race valid for the Grand Duchy, and the circuit regions, which did get subscriptions to about 2000 people. I
thanks to the smooth hooks Michele managed to celebrities from the grid, but despite this, after the first 5 km (due to qualke smart and stretch qualke way) I found myself behind a host of people attacked on the first climb after 15 km I make a good recovery and I carried on the first 100, the second step free climb like a script but I cut to a bad descent, there were 4 consecutive turns that made me lose contact.
Once the group lost a moment I get up and expect to be sucked into the group behind, I begin the climb with their hard monsanto but where I can go up very very well having the great feeling, although there were gradients in double figures go up agile player with the 34x23. With this compact group continue until the fork in the path, reached the Division ci accorgiamo che abbiamo il gruppo davanti di poche centinaia di metri, purtroppo però davanti sono di più e con maggior voglia di tirare per cui volano via inesorabilmente. Arrivati ai meno 40 km comincia una parte tostissima della corsa, non c' più un metro di pianura, nella salita pedalabile di Sassi Bianchi sto bene a ruota e cerco di spendere il meno possibile, quando per fortuna arrivano salite un po' meno regolari mi metto davanti e comincio a tirare un po'. Nessuno scatto ma ogni tanto metto dentro qualke progressione, giunti alla penultima salita (quella del Carcere) decido che il gruppetto in cui sono mi sta stretto e provo un'azione, mi metto in testa e comincio a fare una bella progressione, con me rimane solo un corridore, scolliniamo down and starts to pull him behind all but one boy jumped ke reaches us down, last ke rough ends on the last km I feel the shot, I can take a hundred meters to the finish line and arriving alone, lonely with 81 people before, but always alone, in the last meters I had a tremendous adrenaline rush that I do not feel has made the effort. At the end
82nd overall and 11th grade, a distance of 157 km and over 2000 m in altitude.
It 's the race where I placed worse, but it is the race where I had more fun and is the race where I think my real season starts.
quality workout Tuesday this week (with hints of force), Output group Wednesday (I promise the show), and Thursday reconnaissance gf on Sunday.
See you Sunday for the gf Flaminia Civita Castellana Day Monti Cimini.
Ho affrontato la settimana prima della Vernaccia un po' scoraggiato, la crisi e le cattive sensazioni avute nella Bartali mi avevano data una buona dose of pessimism.
course, but I've totally thrown off, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I did some good training quality and quantity, in which I gave more importance to its work force, that force the ke Bartali did not allow me to push the relations I wanted to and that helped me to plant in the case.
I arrived Thursday night with his legs well flooded with lactic acid, but confident in the recovery on Sunday.
We come now to the gf.
race valid for the Grand Duchy, and the circuit regions, which did get subscriptions to about 2000 people. I
thanks to the smooth hooks Michele managed to celebrities from the grid, but despite this, after the first 5 km (due to qualke smart and stretch qualke way) I found myself behind a host of people attacked on the first climb after 15 km I make a good recovery and I carried on the first 100, the second step free climb like a script but I cut to a bad descent, there were 4 consecutive turns that made me lose contact.
Once the group lost a moment I get up and expect to be sucked into the group behind, I begin the climb with their hard monsanto but where I can go up very very well having the great feeling, although there were gradients in double figures go up agile player with the 34x23. With this compact group continue until the fork in the path, reached the Division ci accorgiamo che abbiamo il gruppo davanti di poche centinaia di metri, purtroppo però davanti sono di più e con maggior voglia di tirare per cui volano via inesorabilmente. Arrivati ai meno 40 km comincia una parte tostissima della corsa, non c' più un metro di pianura, nella salita pedalabile di Sassi Bianchi sto bene a ruota e cerco di spendere il meno possibile, quando per fortuna arrivano salite un po' meno regolari mi metto davanti e comincio a tirare un po'. Nessuno scatto ma ogni tanto metto dentro qualke progressione, giunti alla penultima salita (quella del Carcere) decido che il gruppetto in cui sono mi sta stretto e provo un'azione, mi metto in testa e comincio a fare una bella progressione, con me rimane solo un corridore, scolliniamo down and starts to pull him behind all but one boy jumped ke reaches us down, last ke rough ends on the last km I feel the shot, I can take a hundred meters to the finish line and arriving alone, lonely with 81 people before, but always alone, in the last meters I had a tremendous adrenaline rush that I do not feel has made the effort. At the end
82nd overall and 11th grade, a distance of 157 km and over 2000 m in altitude.
It 's the race where I placed worse, but it is the race where I had more fun and is the race where I think my real season starts.
quality workout Tuesday this week (with hints of force), Output group Wednesday (I promise the show), and Thursday reconnaissance gf on Sunday.
See you Sunday for the gf Flaminia Civita Castellana Day Monti Cimini.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Settlement Counter Offer Letter Template
Weekend 1-3 maggio...
Archived Sardinia, to May 1 of this bridge program I had put in two races, one circuit with uphill finish and Gino Bartali gf here's the guide:
1) race circuit: after I did two hours traffic engineer in the May 1, arrival at the start of the race, there are squads that conscious of coming from a week of discharge and conscious of having done a bit of leg in Sardinia are convinced he can do a very good result, the last km uphill allow me anke to avoid the sprint group in which delivery beaten from the start. Ready
and away, leaving the country between two rows of the crowd and begins a stretch at a controlled rate down, you are 500m and to my ear there comes a loud hissing, not at first understand what it is, I look around and I try to understand where it comes from, not finding anything my eye rests on the front wheel is on the floor, just in time to make a move and I begin to try to stand, I can stop at the limit but my race that was it, after a myriad of curses I reboot the machine and sadly I'm going home pissed off like a hyena ...
2) Gf Gino Bartali: childbirth in the third grid, so I have to start in front of more than 400 cyclists, the first 10 km to pursue with all my heart in my throat, after a myriad of cyclists and close the holes that do not make those ke create, manage to be appended to the first big group I but you can pay a very dear ke effort.
As usual bad luck but it always puts the ball in half, in a narrow 15 km after I lose the chip, which starts from the front wheel due to the derailment of a collision with another runner.
advance of it I can finally take the climb in the first positions of the 30-40 group, I have time to say goodbye qualke friend and then when they reach the slopes hard start to pull me, the first few kilometers of the slopes digest them very hard, after the middle of the climb over the pass and began to engage with a good group. , But the descent after the ambulance, the doctor and the judge breaking the bales, these genes have the brilliant idea to make a lid and do not accept the invitation of some riders to approach those of my group decided to think over these media svalicando the opposite lane where it could at any moment to get other cars, I do not feel them, and then I lose. At the end of the descent were shared by a large group with which you are about 30 km to the attack consumes, the slope runs smooth except qualke small part of the crisis (more psychological than physical), and Anke down the stretch of ruined it deals with carefully , but arrived al termine della discesa, quando ormai mancano 20 km mi prende una piccola crisi di fame ke mi fa patire i primi 3 km dell'ultima salita, per fortuna però il gel ingerito qualke minuto prima entra in circolo e negli ultimi km riprendo qualcuno, in discesa però arrivano (come valentino rossi in motogp) i fast and furious ke si lanciano (a mio parere) follemente al mio insgeuimento, con molta fatica li tengo e non mi faccio staccare, arriviamo in un gruppo di 15 all'arrivo. Essendo sprovvisto di chip non faccio la volata e in classifica vengo collocato come ultimo del gruppetto (62esimo), il primo del mio gruppo è arrivato 49esimo.
Qualke osservazione: come al solito ho patito la prima salita e le pendenze dure, ciò mi fa sorgere qualke doubt about how he treated some aspects of training, the legs turn agile, but I do not have the strength to put ...
In my time no descent continues, the fall in Sardinia blocked me again, we hope to recover a minimum ...
Archived Sardinia, to May 1 of this bridge program I had put in two races, one circuit with uphill finish and Gino Bartali gf here's the guide:
1) race circuit: after I did two hours traffic engineer in the May 1, arrival at the start of the race, there are squads that conscious of coming from a week of discharge and conscious of having done a bit of leg in Sardinia are convinced he can do a very good result, the last km uphill allow me anke to avoid the sprint group in which delivery beaten from the start. Ready
and away, leaving the country between two rows of the crowd and begins a stretch at a controlled rate down, you are 500m and to my ear there comes a loud hissing, not at first understand what it is, I look around and I try to understand where it comes from, not finding anything my eye rests on the front wheel is on the floor, just in time to make a move and I begin to try to stand, I can stop at the limit but my race that was it, after a myriad of curses I reboot the machine and sadly I'm going home pissed off like a hyena ...
2) Gf Gino Bartali: childbirth in the third grid, so I have to start in front of more than 400 cyclists, the first 10 km to pursue with all my heart in my throat, after a myriad of cyclists and close the holes that do not make those ke create, manage to be appended to the first big group I but you can pay a very dear ke effort.
As usual bad luck but it always puts the ball in half, in a narrow 15 km after I lose the chip, which starts from the front wheel due to the derailment of a collision with another runner.
advance of it I can finally take the climb in the first positions of the 30-40 group, I have time to say goodbye qualke friend and then when they reach the slopes hard start to pull me, the first few kilometers of the slopes digest them very hard, after the middle of the climb over the pass and began to engage with a good group. , But the descent after the ambulance, the doctor and the judge breaking the bales, these genes have the brilliant idea to make a lid and do not accept the invitation of some riders to approach those of my group decided to think over these media svalicando the opposite lane where it could at any moment to get other cars, I do not feel them, and then I lose. At the end of the descent were shared by a large group with which you are about 30 km to the attack consumes, the slope runs smooth except qualke small part of the crisis (more psychological than physical), and Anke down the stretch of ruined it deals with carefully , but arrived al termine della discesa, quando ormai mancano 20 km mi prende una piccola crisi di fame ke mi fa patire i primi 3 km dell'ultima salita, per fortuna però il gel ingerito qualke minuto prima entra in circolo e negli ultimi km riprendo qualcuno, in discesa però arrivano (come valentino rossi in motogp) i fast and furious ke si lanciano (a mio parere) follemente al mio insgeuimento, con molta fatica li tengo e non mi faccio staccare, arriviamo in un gruppo di 15 all'arrivo. Essendo sprovvisto di chip non faccio la volata e in classifica vengo collocato come ultimo del gruppetto (62esimo), il primo del mio gruppo è arrivato 49esimo.
Qualke osservazione: come al solito ho patito la prima salita e le pendenze dure, ciò mi fa sorgere qualke doubt about how he treated some aspects of training, the legs turn agile, but I do not have the strength to put ...
In my time no descent continues, the fall in Sardinia blocked me again, we hope to recover a minimum ...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Conjunctivitis Pix On Cats
Motore Sgolfato...
After Saturday's stage of the Tour of Sardinia, of course I took qualke days of complete rest to you ke muscles recover from hard work in Sardinia. I rested from Sunday until Tuesday. Yesterday
hi again the bike and I did 105 km in agility, I feel horrible, my legs seemed wooden and heart behaved in an absurd manner, went up like never before, there was just a little tears splashed in high, I did not, however, concerned that already qualke last time I had such a thing happened, I interpreted this as a sign of my engine flooded.
morning back in the saddle to see coem had answered my physical agility made 70 km from the heart always in the middle, my legs always swirled over 100 rpm, although I did not do so busy I managed to make an exit an average of more than 32km-h, not bad: I can say the engine has ke Remove the flood cause by the efforts of Sardinia. Tomorrow at 15e30
race circuit in Teverina Castiglione (Vt), a distance of 23 km is to be done three times, is not the usual platter, but there qualke ups and downs and last but not least is the arrival in height.
Sunday instead Gf Gino Bartali in Florence
After Saturday's stage of the Tour of Sardinia, of course I took qualke days of complete rest to you ke muscles recover from hard work in Sardinia. I rested from Sunday until Tuesday. Yesterday
hi again the bike and I did 105 km in agility, I feel horrible, my legs seemed wooden and heart behaved in an absurd manner, went up like never before, there was just a little tears splashed in high, I did not, however, concerned that already qualke last time I had such a thing happened, I interpreted this as a sign of my engine flooded.
morning back in the saddle to see coem had answered my physical agility made 70 km from the heart always in the middle, my legs always swirled over 100 rpm, although I did not do so busy I managed to make an exit an average of more than 32km-h, not bad: I can say the engine has ke Remove the flood cause by the efforts of Sardinia. Tomorrow at 15e30
race circuit in Teverina Castiglione (Vt), a distance of 23 km is to be done three times, is not the usual platter, but there qualke ups and downs and last but not least is the arrival in height.
Sunday instead Gf Gino Bartali in Florence
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Why Would Bobbin Not Thread On Shark Euro-pro
Giro di Sardegna: il bilancio finale
After trying to describe as closely as possible the various stages is now time to sum up the experience of Sardinia, and the time to lay the groundwork for the rest of the season . Start
course from its final position in the space, 63rd overall and 14th grade, a result that I do not meet much, but it is true anke ke if there had not been boring and I would fall in the 50.
Scan now things positive and negative: Negative
1) suffer from die departures and the first ascent
2) again demonstrates obvious limits downhill
3) I need to improve the ability to hold on in times of difficulty
4) I need to improve on the plain in solitary
1) Excellent recovery, I did not suffer too much because every day he corrected ke
2) I'm starting to feel quite able to
well in group 3) On the ascent I often set the pace
4) I can deal very well with this tear
Giro di Sardegna I finished the first part of my season, resulting in a bit 'below expectations but I think the best is yet to come ke.
May is the month to refine the fundamental condition, I would run 3 to Sunday gf Gino Bartali, 10 to Vernaccia, 17 in Grosseto or Tuscia, 23 to Gf the Sorrento Peninsula, and 30 gf to the Devil.
I say this bluntly: the placings at these events does not interest me, the gf will match it loads of good midweek, so it will be impossible to get rested Sunday, June is ke I want to get to the great!
After trying to describe as closely as possible the various stages is now time to sum up the experience of Sardinia, and the time to lay the groundwork for the rest of the season . Start
course from its final position in the space, 63rd overall and 14th grade, a result that I do not meet much, but it is true anke ke if there had not been boring and I would fall in the 50.
Scan now things positive and negative: Negative
1) suffer from die departures and the first ascent
2) again demonstrates obvious limits downhill
3) I need to improve the ability to hold on in times of difficulty
4) I need to improve on the plain in solitary
1) Excellent recovery, I did not suffer too much because every day he corrected ke
2) I'm starting to feel quite able to
well in group 3) On the ascent I often set the pace
4) I can deal very well with this tear
Giro di Sardegna I finished the first part of my season, resulting in a bit 'below expectations but I think the best is yet to come ke.
May is the month to refine the fundamental condition, I would run 3 to Sunday gf Gino Bartali, 10 to Vernaccia, 17 in Grosseto or Tuscia, 23 to Gf the Sorrento Peninsula, and 30 gf to the Devil.
I say this bluntly: the placings at these events does not interest me, the gf will match it loads of good midweek, so it will be impossible to get rested Sunday, June is ke I want to get to the great!
Monday, April 27, 2009
What Did Terkoiz Usee To Make Shock
Sesta tappa: Mare e Monti
We arrived Friday, the last real stage (the stage on Saturday does not count for the general classification) of this tour.
On paper, the stage is very hard, and actually adhere to that impression.
Departure from Alghero to Bosa and then continue, as is now customary to all, the favorites to take advantage of the small tears to menate from fear, from the first strappo mi accorgo che la tappa sarebbe stata massacrante e che non sono al meglio sia di gamba (600km di corsa si cominciano a fare sentire) che di testa (lo scivolone di mercoledì ke mi ha fatto uscire di classifica ha fatto calare di molto le energie mentali). I primi 20 km passano veloci con allungamenti e restringimenti del gruppo ke però resta più o meno compatto, ad un certo punto curva a gomito e comincia la salita, non una di quelle salite viste fin'ora, una vera salita 5km al 8,5%medio con punte sopra il 10%.
Viene presa a tutta e il gruppo comincia a sfilacciarsi alla grande, io provo a reggere il gruppo di quelli con cui sono stato nelle altre tappe, ma la gamba e la testa non girano, non c'è voglia di soffrire e di fare fatigue, the first 2 km'm just taking a walk speed shameful. From the third km but then began to recover and I can find a good pace at which recapture slowly than runners, but unfortunately the good teams have gone away. At the end of the 5 km down the road for a while 'and form a group of twenty units, I take a little' ke reinitiate breath waiting for another 5 km climb, a little 'softer but more demanding, there I decide to try forcing to do to try to catch the group ahead, the pace is good and I put my group in single file towards the end I take anke 50 meter lead, but nobody seems to have energy to help me out and try to go to take group ahead so turn back and I get back in the group. these other top of the hill 5 km climb the race ends, the following km are in fact a good pace but not strong enough to allow us to return to the front. The penultimate climb the insult by becoming fluent in a wheel, I have a couple of attacks but the climb is not suitable for making the selection, beaten to the top of the hill on the coastal road made in the first climb, the descent is very dangerous and there are a large wind, and like a script I lose my group, the last km to the finish line I make them just walking failing to stimuli or more goals. At the end
about 100km and 2000m of altitude
position stage 77th and 14th grade
We arrived Friday, the last real stage (the stage on Saturday does not count for the general classification) of this tour.
On paper, the stage is very hard, and actually adhere to that impression.
Departure from Alghero to Bosa and then continue, as is now customary to all, the favorites to take advantage of the small tears to menate from fear, from the first strappo mi accorgo che la tappa sarebbe stata massacrante e che non sono al meglio sia di gamba (600km di corsa si cominciano a fare sentire) che di testa (lo scivolone di mercoledì ke mi ha fatto uscire di classifica ha fatto calare di molto le energie mentali). I primi 20 km passano veloci con allungamenti e restringimenti del gruppo ke però resta più o meno compatto, ad un certo punto curva a gomito e comincia la salita, non una di quelle salite viste fin'ora, una vera salita 5km al 8,5%medio con punte sopra il 10%.
Viene presa a tutta e il gruppo comincia a sfilacciarsi alla grande, io provo a reggere il gruppo di quelli con cui sono stato nelle altre tappe, ma la gamba e la testa non girano, non c'è voglia di soffrire e di fare fatigue, the first 2 km'm just taking a walk speed shameful. From the third km but then began to recover and I can find a good pace at which recapture slowly than runners, but unfortunately the good teams have gone away. At the end of the 5 km down the road for a while 'and form a group of twenty units, I take a little' ke reinitiate breath waiting for another 5 km climb, a little 'softer but more demanding, there I decide to try forcing to do to try to catch the group ahead, the pace is good and I put my group in single file towards the end I take anke 50 meter lead, but nobody seems to have energy to help me out and try to go to take group ahead so turn back and I get back in the group. these other top of the hill 5 km climb the race ends, the following km are in fact a good pace but not strong enough to allow us to return to the front. The penultimate climb the insult by becoming fluent in a wheel, I have a couple of attacks but the climb is not suitable for making the selection, beaten to the top of the hill on the coastal road made in the first climb, the descent is very dangerous and there are a large wind, and like a script I lose my group, the last km to the finish line I make them just walking failing to stimuli or more goals. At the end
about 100km and 2000m of altitude
position stage 77th and 14th grade
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Single At 55 Whats Different
Quinta tappa: cronosquadre
On Thursday we waited for the team time trial, but to avoid ke ke ke who had come from just lose too many positions in the standings, had a special time of calculation. The top 12 ranked teams received a subsidy, while for the other time would not count. At the start we
I Juri (jfb07), Michele (Heron), Clodovico, Innocenzi, and William.
Not having the equipment and especially the legs adapted to at least the 12th time we decide to make a walk to get a bit 'of energy in view of the stage on Friday.
A very beautiful and challenging course, but more suitable for an individual time trial in KE a team time trial. After a few miles
my companion hole and I still waiting, the other in the meantime and should accelerate to the finish alone, so for me until the arrival will be only 40 km of drainage ...
On Thursday we waited for the team time trial, but to avoid ke ke ke who had come from just lose too many positions in the standings, had a special time of calculation. The top 12 ranked teams received a subsidy, while for the other time would not count. At the start we
I Juri (jfb07), Michele (Heron), Clodovico, Innocenzi, and William.
Not having the equipment and especially the legs adapted to at least the 12th time we decide to make a walk to get a bit 'of energy in view of the stage on Friday.
A very beautiful and challenging course, but more suitable for an individual time trial in KE a team time trial. After a few miles
my companion hole and I still waiting, the other in the meantime and should accelerate to the finish alone, so for me until the arrival will be only 40 km of drainage ...
Metacam And Incontinence
Quarta tappa: I tre laghi
Here we are at the start of the fourth stage of this round of Sardinia, the two previous days of massages and plenty of integration have led me to start this stage with so much optimism and a good leg, right from the pedal I feel the muscle looking full and ready to work hard. The stage now has about 1500m of altitude to be traveled in less than 100km, there are no big climbs with gradients, but with ups and downs ascended nice ride.
on the grid for the first time in this round, you suffer a bit 'cold; al momento della vestizione il tempo sembrava essere buono, senza vento e con sprazzi di sole, ma con il passare del tempo e con l'avvicinarsi della partenza il sole comincia a coprirsi e iniziano a scendere le prime gocce di pioggia. Dentro di me comincia ad affiorare un po' di paura e di tensione, io col bagnato nun vo' una sega.
Alle 9e15 puntuali si parte, gli squadroni mettono subito il gruppo alla frusta e come sempre il cuore schizza oltre soglia, all'imbocco della prima salita il gruppo si sfalda, i primi prendono il volo, e io mi mantengo in un buon gruppo in compagnia di Michele, la salita si prende a tutta salendo oltre i 25km-h, si sta bene ruota ma la fatica è tanta. Una volta scollinati ci aspetta un pezzo in discesa e poi la strada tende to rise, the usual passistoni top of the hill once you put in the head and give menate from fear. I'm suffering like a dog in this stretch, in my head I can not wait ke arrivals climb to catch his breath for a moment, but just going down the last corner of the crime, an accomplice in the asphalt ke stretch just past was a bit ' hole ruined the rear wheel and of course the next bend, the bike does not take long and I'm slamming the asphalt used to upper thigh. There and then, aided by the fact that he had fallen dead weight, I think I broke something perk the pain is very strong, with the help of an attendant I sit at the roadside and try to understand the magnitude of the fall. Understand that only a strong contusion and decide to leave, but obviously need to change the tube, try to do as quickly as I can but in the meantime ke a good group (later k riotnerà on my original group) passes, while the division will get another stepping stone to which I am.
was made up of about 25 units, the delay was not long before those and try to put myself in the head to pull the remaining km climb, we get a bit 'but as soon as I finished the climb inexorably disappear in front of those, unfortunately I I do not have the features to track a slight slope or a slope and unfortunately none of my group tries to help me out.
once lost sight of the group ahead, I fall a little 'in despair and decide to get in back of the group just waiting ke finish the stage, the attack of the last climb (Villanova Monteleone) but decided to leave and at least try to lose as little as possible and to avoid a final rush, take away a bunch 3 people with whom we do the last 25km (I have only given a yes and no change), the last km (k was climb) I try to get out and finish with a lead of 10 seconds on those two.
the end and finished the race 88th overall and 19th in class 15 minutes from the group with which I was first to fall.
Ke disappointment!
Here we are at the start of the fourth stage of this round of Sardinia, the two previous days of massages and plenty of integration have led me to start this stage with so much optimism and a good leg, right from the pedal I feel the muscle looking full and ready to work hard. The stage now has about 1500m of altitude to be traveled in less than 100km, there are no big climbs with gradients, but with ups and downs ascended nice ride.
on the grid for the first time in this round, you suffer a bit 'cold; al momento della vestizione il tempo sembrava essere buono, senza vento e con sprazzi di sole, ma con il passare del tempo e con l'avvicinarsi della partenza il sole comincia a coprirsi e iniziano a scendere le prime gocce di pioggia. Dentro di me comincia ad affiorare un po' di paura e di tensione, io col bagnato nun vo' una sega.
Alle 9e15 puntuali si parte, gli squadroni mettono subito il gruppo alla frusta e come sempre il cuore schizza oltre soglia, all'imbocco della prima salita il gruppo si sfalda, i primi prendono il volo, e io mi mantengo in un buon gruppo in compagnia di Michele, la salita si prende a tutta salendo oltre i 25km-h, si sta bene ruota ma la fatica è tanta. Una volta scollinati ci aspetta un pezzo in discesa e poi la strada tende to rise, the usual passistoni top of the hill once you put in the head and give menate from fear. I'm suffering like a dog in this stretch, in my head I can not wait ke arrivals climb to catch his breath for a moment, but just going down the last corner of the crime, an accomplice in the asphalt ke stretch just past was a bit ' hole ruined the rear wheel and of course the next bend, the bike does not take long and I'm slamming the asphalt used to upper thigh. There and then, aided by the fact that he had fallen dead weight, I think I broke something perk the pain is very strong, with the help of an attendant I sit at the roadside and try to understand the magnitude of the fall. Understand that only a strong contusion and decide to leave, but obviously need to change the tube, try to do as quickly as I can but in the meantime ke a good group (later k riotnerà on my original group) passes, while the division will get another stepping stone to which I am.
was made up of about 25 units, the delay was not long before those and try to put myself in the head to pull the remaining km climb, we get a bit 'but as soon as I finished the climb inexorably disappear in front of those, unfortunately I I do not have the features to track a slight slope or a slope and unfortunately none of my group tries to help me out.
once lost sight of the group ahead, I fall a little 'in despair and decide to get in back of the group just waiting ke finish the stage, the attack of the last climb (Villanova Monteleone) but decided to leave and at least try to lose as little as possible and to avoid a final rush, take away a bunch 3 people with whom we do the last 25km (I have only given a yes and no change), the last km (k was climb) I try to get out and finish with a lead of 10 seconds on those two.
the end and finished the race 88th overall and 19th in class 15 minutes from the group with which I was first to fall.
Ke disappointment!
Famous Hipanics - Quotes
Terza tappa
Tuesday with his legs still weighed down by gf on Sunday and the time trial the day before, we can expect a stage very insidious, it is a path k on paper seems to be very easy and with little slope but in the end proved very bastard, marks the end of the garmin 125km with 1000 m of altitude made over 40km-h.
The night before my teammate Michele made me a detailed description of the race, pointing to the places where I should be very careful. Since the first leg ke feel km runs very well and I can be in a group with ease, to avoid the usual mess I try to be always in the top 30 positions of the group, sometimes allowing me to rise to the top and get some 'wind and feel like a runner. The crux of the decisive stage is about 70 km where we wait after a hard pull in which the strong surely will try to escape, to avoid being bottled support myself in the top positions and take the tear to everyone, surpasses some runners, but inevitably I get passed by extraterrestrials, finished ripping them give a strong blow to over 60 km-h ke breaks the group in many sections, making an effort absurd and I remain in apnea for a few minutes I can stay with the second group contains k and those who are from the 20th position overall on, missing ke km arrival are tackled with ferocity and power, does not fall below the 40 km-h, the only times when I can catch his breath a bit 'are the strappetto, where I can get better. Our group continues until the last km where compact there is the uphill finish, inside of me I am convinced ke I do well, but due to a little 'tired you can not take the tear before, so I happen to find some cyclists were planted ke ke I to force an extra effort.
But in the end I can finish the stage in 38th position overall and in 11th grade, recovery of some positions in the general k and bring me very close to the 50
Delighted with the result I introduce myself at the start of the stage the next day very confident, but As we know the unexpected is always around the corner ...
Tuesday with his legs still weighed down by gf on Sunday and the time trial the day before, we can expect a stage very insidious, it is a path k on paper seems to be very easy and with little slope but in the end proved very bastard, marks the end of the garmin 125km with 1000 m of altitude made over 40km-h.
The night before my teammate Michele made me a detailed description of the race, pointing to the places where I should be very careful. Since the first leg ke feel km runs very well and I can be in a group with ease, to avoid the usual mess I try to be always in the top 30 positions of the group, sometimes allowing me to rise to the top and get some 'wind and feel like a runner. The crux of the decisive stage is about 70 km where we wait after a hard pull in which the strong surely will try to escape, to avoid being bottled support myself in the top positions and take the tear to everyone, surpasses some runners, but inevitably I get passed by extraterrestrials, finished ripping them give a strong blow to over 60 km-h ke breaks the group in many sections, making an effort absurd and I remain in apnea for a few minutes I can stay with the second group contains k and those who are from the 20th position overall on, missing ke km arrival are tackled with ferocity and power, does not fall below the 40 km-h, the only times when I can catch his breath a bit 'are the strappetto, where I can get better. Our group continues until the last km where compact there is the uphill finish, inside of me I am convinced ke I do well, but due to a little 'tired you can not take the tear before, so I happen to find some cyclists were planted ke ke I to force an extra effort.
But in the end I can finish the stage in 38th position overall and in 11th grade, recovery of some positions in the general k and bring me very close to the 50
Delighted with the result I introduce myself at the start of the stage the next day very confident, but As we know the unexpected is always around the corner ...
How To Get Xbox Controller Work For Vba
Seconda tappa: Cronometro individuale
Due to problems with the internet connection I could not write every day the results, but there I wish the same to analyze each stage ...
The second leg of the tour was an individual time trial of 25km of racing like I had never made a start and I was quite certain I would have lost more than qualke ke ranking. Apart from a tear in the initial part of the time trial was pretty flat, so the fact of not having a bike and a suitable location has been made to feel very much.
I showed up at the start with the body and the ball mp3 ... I started at about 10e15 and I arrived 41 minutes after arrival, SFOR just under a minute ke the goal I set for myself. The only bit where I was able to go quietly was the tear, the fact that my teammate is party for me in that piece was riallontanato, only to come to me to resume immediately after the downhill section. I want to clarify
ke ke a more individual time trial at times looked like a team time trial, there were few contorlli path so often saw groups of 10 people go ... Anyway at the end
88th overall and 16th grade ...
Due to problems with the internet connection I could not write every day the results, but there I wish the same to analyze each stage ...
The second leg of the tour was an individual time trial of 25km of racing like I had never made a start and I was quite certain I would have lost more than qualke ke ranking. Apart from a tear in the initial part of the time trial was pretty flat, so the fact of not having a bike and a suitable location has been made to feel very much.
I showed up at the start with the body and the ball mp3 ... I started at about 10e15 and I arrived 41 minutes after arrival, SFOR just under a minute ke the goal I set for myself. The only bit where I was able to go quietly was the tear, the fact that my teammate is party for me in that piece was riallontanato, only to come to me to resume immediately after the downhill section. I want to clarify
ke ke a more individual time trial at times looked like a team time trial, there were few contorlli path so often saw groups of 10 people go ... Anyway at the end
88th overall and 16th grade ...
Monday, April 20, 2009
12 Feet Sunfish Sailboat For Sale
Prima Tappa
I'm here to tell you live from the first leg of the tour, 170 km and 2800 m in altitude.
From what I had told the stage would be having a quiet game of its length, and yet it was not so ready and so all in all on the first ramp and first downs, I try to keep but sometimes I get caught by qualke attimo di scoramento, grazie a un atrenata di juri mi riporto su un gruppetto con cui si comincia a viaggiare, intanto i gli extraterresttri come ovvio ke sia volano inesorabilmente verso il traguardo. Proseguono infiniti i saliscendi, qui in sardegna non c'è nemmeno un metro di pianura, le discese scortrono via senza problemi e in salita viaggio sempre ben sotto al mio ritmo di soglia, mancano ancora tanti km e non avendo mai fatto una distanza simile ho paura di saltare da un momento all'altro. Quando mancano 40 km al traguardo comincia un'altra salita dove il nostro gruppetto a causa di un po' di forcing comincia a scremarsi, rimaniamo in una quindicina fino al traguardo, ai meno 5 devo segnalare una grande prestazione di Michele il mio compagno di squadra that a large share of finisseur goes solo to the finish pulling our little group.
I finish 62nd overall and 16th grade, reading these numbers one might think that I am not satisfied but whereas before I arrived ke Claudio Chiappucci, Fabio Sacchi, Max Lelli, Emanuele Negrini Maccanti all former professionals and k can not be satisfied, anke a workout as there eight days a week for a year deciuna of them would never see ...
Anyway back to the race if you do not crash in the next stages, I believe you can earn different positions and try to get the 50 absolute, Wednesdays and Fridays there are stages with mountains rising yesterday and saw ke no travel at all I'm pretty optimistic .. .
I'm here to tell you live from the first leg of the tour, 170 km and 2800 m in altitude.
From what I had told the stage would be having a quiet game of its length, and yet it was not so ready and so all in all on the first ramp and first downs, I try to keep but sometimes I get caught by qualke attimo di scoramento, grazie a un atrenata di juri mi riporto su un gruppetto con cui si comincia a viaggiare, intanto i gli extraterresttri come ovvio ke sia volano inesorabilmente verso il traguardo. Proseguono infiniti i saliscendi, qui in sardegna non c'è nemmeno un metro di pianura, le discese scortrono via senza problemi e in salita viaggio sempre ben sotto al mio ritmo di soglia, mancano ancora tanti km e non avendo mai fatto una distanza simile ho paura di saltare da un momento all'altro. Quando mancano 40 km al traguardo comincia un'altra salita dove il nostro gruppetto a causa di un po' di forcing comincia a scremarsi, rimaniamo in una quindicina fino al traguardo, ai meno 5 devo segnalare una grande prestazione di Michele il mio compagno di squadra that a large share of finisseur goes solo to the finish pulling our little group.
I finish 62nd overall and 16th grade, reading these numbers one might think that I am not satisfied but whereas before I arrived ke Claudio Chiappucci, Fabio Sacchi, Max Lelli, Emanuele Negrini Maccanti all former professionals and k can not be satisfied, anke a workout as there eight days a week for a year deciuna of them would never see ...
Anyway back to the race if you do not crash in the next stages, I believe you can earn different positions and try to get the 50 absolute, Wednesdays and Fridays there are stages with mountains rising yesterday and saw ke no travel at all I'm pretty optimistic .. .
Friday, April 17, 2009
How Does Anti-adipose Tea Work?
la borsa del granfondista...
inspired by a topic on the BDC-forum, and as they prepare the stock exchange listing, the heads and articles in brief ke can not miss in my case in view of the Tour of Sardinia:
2 summer outfits 1 body
time trial
a long sleeve just in case one pair of leggings
a pair of sleeves
1 pair of booties 1 pair of gloves bandanas
2 1 cape windbreaker \\ rain
2 shirts intimate perforated
perforated vest underwear 1 pair of spectacles with double lenses (dark and light)
a helmet 1 pair of bike shoes
5 pairs of socks 2 pairs of socks
winding-down (to open soon a post on their benefits)
a costume (ok ke race but if the weather is good a little grebe is the best)
vitargo Jar (or carbohydrate to be taken during and after the stages)
jar competition (salts protein-glutamine-to be taken during and post stages)
jar of glutamine (in the recovery after the race)
Mgkvis Box (for use at the end of the stages to replace salt) 8
syform energy gel (to be taken during the stages in last two hours of racing)
EthicSport 10 bars (to be taken in the second and third hour of racing)
6 oranges (which squeezes the rocky with bare hands to give a little 'flavor to drinks and then to the addition of vitamin c)
3 bottles (two to be used in the race and one for the post-race)
underseat heating oil
3 air chambers
second pitstop victory
a multitool
Oil for a chain tool chain
sundries VARIOUS
a Garmin Edge 305 (I'd be lost without him, my diary)
a 30gb ipod (all my music there, I could not live without ...)
an ipod shuffle (where I loaded the playlist for the time trial, said Anke playlist of fomento:)) here it is a preview for you: Bella Vera
Max Pezzali
Eye of the Tiger Rocky IV
Fantasy Bomber
Rocky IV Training Montage
Somebody Told Me The Killers
Recipe champion Luca Di Risio
The Final Countdown 4
Rocky Long Summer Days Max Pezzali
Grace Kelly Mika
Mr. Brightside The Killers
Dollars & Cars Finley
Bulldozer Oliver Onions
I should have put more ... in less than 5 hours we leave, I still just going to take the bike and finish the mechanical stuff the bag with the rest ...
inspired by a topic on the BDC-forum, and as they prepare the stock exchange listing, the heads and articles in brief ke can not miss in my case in view of the Tour of Sardinia:
2 summer outfits 1 body
time trial
a long sleeve just in case one pair of leggings
a pair of sleeves
1 pair of booties 1 pair of gloves bandanas
2 1 cape windbreaker \\ rain
2 shirts intimate perforated
perforated vest underwear 1 pair of spectacles with double lenses (dark and light)
a helmet 1 pair of bike shoes
5 pairs of socks 2 pairs of socks
winding-down (to open soon a post on their benefits)
a costume (ok ke race but if the weather is good a little grebe is the best)
vitargo Jar (or carbohydrate to be taken during and after the stages)
jar competition (salts protein-glutamine-to be taken during and post stages)
jar of glutamine (in the recovery after the race)
Mgkvis Box (for use at the end of the stages to replace salt) 8
syform energy gel (to be taken during the stages in last two hours of racing)
EthicSport 10 bars (to be taken in the second and third hour of racing)
6 oranges (which squeezes the rocky with bare hands to give a little 'flavor to drinks and then to the addition of vitamin c)
3 bottles (two to be used in the race and one for the post-race)
underseat heating oil
3 air chambers
second pitstop victory
a multitool
Oil for a chain tool chain
sundries VARIOUS
a Garmin Edge 305 (I'd be lost without him, my diary)
a 30gb ipod (all my music there, I could not live without ...)
an ipod shuffle (where I loaded the playlist for the time trial, said Anke playlist of fomento:)) here it is a preview for you: Bella Vera
Max Pezzali
Eye of the Tiger Rocky IV
Fantasy Bomber
Rocky IV Training Montage
Somebody Told Me The Killers
Recipe champion Luca Di Risio
The Final Countdown 4
Rocky Long Summer Days Max Pezzali
Grace Kelly Mika
Mr. Brightside The Killers
Dollars & Cars Finley
Bulldozer Oliver Onions
I should have put more ... in less than 5 hours we leave, I still just going to take the bike and finish the mechanical stuff the bag with the rest ...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Howieco Electrical Review
Fine della latitanza...
Here I am after two good weeks of absence from this blog, in a nutshell here is what happened in this period ... On April 5, I
progam in the marathon of Two Worlds in Spoleto, I was well prepared and I was very confident, but now as I learned at the beginning of season, the unexpected is always around the corner, on Friday evening before the race I started an intestinal flu, k and I promptly panned by the medicine put everything within my power at my disposal, a bit 'of discomfort I had taken, this I wanted the race in a particular way, it came under the house of a dear friend and I wanted to do well. On Friday I went to get some sleep 'dejected, but the next morning I woke up quite early and I noticed everything was gone ke, no problem and indeed had a large appetite, so I decided I would leave k to go to tender . But I decide to cautiously to avoid Sgambati Pregara accomplice anke a time not perfect.
the morning of the race I svegliato di buon'ora e sono andato a Spoleto, nel viaggio nella mia mente si alternavano strane sensazioni, temevo ke il virus si sarebbe ripresentato, ma allo stesso modo speravo di fare una grande gara. Mi scaldo bene saluto qualke amico e mi metto in griglia, obiettivo il lungo di 130 km, pronti via e la gara va subito via veloce 45-48km-h su un asfalto immondo, dopo una 20ina di km comincia la prima salita e lì inizia l'agonia. IL cuore schizza subito in soglia e anke oltre, e da lì comincia il panico, mi gira un po' la testa, lo stomaco è in subbuglio, sono costretto alla sosta a bordo strada con annessa vomitata. Mi sento a terra, a detta di un mio compagno sono bianco in viso... ovviamente il ritiro non mi balena neanke una volta in testa, voglio tenere duro, la Sardegna è vicina e non posso permettermi di fermarmi. Continuo così con un gruppo un po' aldisotto delle mie possibilità il cuore lo tengo sempre massimo al veloce, le gambe però sono legnose non riesco a spingere un bel rapporto e campio ogni secondo rapporto, mi alzo e mi risiedo, insomma un agonia tremenda.
Ovviamente alla fine opto per il medio ke chiudo in una 56esima posizione e 10 di categoria, beh direte voi mica un brutto piazzamento, è proprio per questo ke mi rode a mille, se fossi stato bene nei 30 ero certo di entrare...
Ma non finisce qui... una volta arrivato all'arrivo mki sento spossato e le gambe sono di metallo, mi faccio una doccia e apprendo con simpatia di avere un bel 39 di febbre: OLE'...
Sono stato con questo malessere per una settimana, non potevo mangiare nulla e l'unica cosa ke riuscivo a fare era cambiare canale della televisione dal letto...
La domenica di pasqua ho ricominciatro blando con 40 kml, lunedì ho inserito una bella salita in soglia e oggi uscita di gruppo molto tirata in cui mi sono levato qualke bella soddisfazione...
E ora viene il bello venerdì si parte direzione Sardegna, data la peculiarità del percorso, il fatto ke si corre per 7 giorni consecutivi, e il fatto ke queste ultime settimane mi sono allenato male fanno si ke le mie aspettative siano molto basse. L'importante sarà finirlo senza troppi patemi d'animo, cercare di carpire i segreti dai vecchi volponi ke si trovano in corsa, and put some 'racing kilometers in my legs ...
I'm in credit with luck kiss ke went on in the season I can not cash it with interest ...
While getting ready for the start I'm trying desperately to bring a laptop, I'd like to make a daily report on the blog every single step, to make ke my avid readers can enjoy the ride with me step by step ...
Here I am after two good weeks of absence from this blog, in a nutshell here is what happened in this period ... On April 5, I
progam in the marathon of Two Worlds in Spoleto, I was well prepared and I was very confident, but now as I learned at the beginning of season, the unexpected is always around the corner, on Friday evening before the race I started an intestinal flu, k and I promptly panned by the medicine put everything within my power at my disposal, a bit 'of discomfort I had taken, this I wanted the race in a particular way, it came under the house of a dear friend and I wanted to do well. On Friday I went to get some sleep 'dejected, but the next morning I woke up quite early and I noticed everything was gone ke, no problem and indeed had a large appetite, so I decided I would leave k to go to tender . But I decide to cautiously to avoid Sgambati Pregara accomplice anke a time not perfect.
the morning of the race I svegliato di buon'ora e sono andato a Spoleto, nel viaggio nella mia mente si alternavano strane sensazioni, temevo ke il virus si sarebbe ripresentato, ma allo stesso modo speravo di fare una grande gara. Mi scaldo bene saluto qualke amico e mi metto in griglia, obiettivo il lungo di 130 km, pronti via e la gara va subito via veloce 45-48km-h su un asfalto immondo, dopo una 20ina di km comincia la prima salita e lì inizia l'agonia. IL cuore schizza subito in soglia e anke oltre, e da lì comincia il panico, mi gira un po' la testa, lo stomaco è in subbuglio, sono costretto alla sosta a bordo strada con annessa vomitata. Mi sento a terra, a detta di un mio compagno sono bianco in viso... ovviamente il ritiro non mi balena neanke una volta in testa, voglio tenere duro, la Sardegna è vicina e non posso permettermi di fermarmi. Continuo così con un gruppo un po' aldisotto delle mie possibilità il cuore lo tengo sempre massimo al veloce, le gambe però sono legnose non riesco a spingere un bel rapporto e campio ogni secondo rapporto, mi alzo e mi risiedo, insomma un agonia tremenda.
Ovviamente alla fine opto per il medio ke chiudo in una 56esima posizione e 10 di categoria, beh direte voi mica un brutto piazzamento, è proprio per questo ke mi rode a mille, se fossi stato bene nei 30 ero certo di entrare...
Ma non finisce qui... una volta arrivato all'arrivo mki sento spossato e le gambe sono di metallo, mi faccio una doccia e apprendo con simpatia di avere un bel 39 di febbre: OLE'...
Sono stato con questo malessere per una settimana, non potevo mangiare nulla e l'unica cosa ke riuscivo a fare era cambiare canale della televisione dal letto...
La domenica di pasqua ho ricominciatro blando con 40 kml, lunedì ho inserito una bella salita in soglia e oggi uscita di gruppo molto tirata in cui mi sono levato qualke bella soddisfazione...
E ora viene il bello venerdì si parte direzione Sardegna, data la peculiarità del percorso, il fatto ke si corre per 7 giorni consecutivi, e il fatto ke queste ultime settimane mi sono allenato male fanno si ke le mie aspettative siano molto basse. L'importante sarà finirlo senza troppi patemi d'animo, cercare di carpire i segreti dai vecchi volponi ke si trovano in corsa, and put some 'racing kilometers in my legs ...
I'm in credit with luck kiss ke went on in the season I can not cash it with interest ...
While getting ready for the start I'm trying desperately to bring a laptop, I'd like to make a daily report on the blog every single step, to make ke my avid readers can enjoy the ride with me step by step ...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Broken Capillarieslips
Un'acqua ke sembra non voler cessare mai...
After being forced to miss the race Domenic because of bad weather, hoping ke the time to grant me a respite of one week to recover the lost training, and so to be able to play all the training I once had put in quotation ...
Yesterday, as every Tuesday's session was scheduled load, the weather obviously gave rain, so after a good breakfast I resigned myself to make rolls, I dress and prepare the beverage, the roller is mounted on the septum, in that ' check the exact moment a ray of sun, there was panic in my head for refusing to shoot dry rolls ... I get off the rollers, loading the bike into the car and I go out to Carson. I change and how best to script the sky begins to cloud and drizzle, I convince myself to leave, I start heating and begins to pour in my head I am convinced that today I would be in the rain stopped, the rain increases, but I still do my repeated in the plan. Once completed, I realize ke, meanwhile, had to be soaked and the sun came out, so I head back home where I do a quick change of clothes, I remount the bike and head for the climb, the usual uphill Collalto to face three times, the first two times around goes well and I feel a great leg, but as I am about to start the third repeat, the time you take a fool of me, falls down a tremendous roar, k does not allow me to repeat the last to go home and I am still soaked more than before, neanke would have it after I did a hot shower and as I prepare to return home to the only crops up on time ...
For those who like numbers, here are the data of repeated uphill (those in plain neanke count them:))
Salita Collalto Sabino 15 '4.11km altitude 270m velocitàMedia velMax 16.4 km 22.4 km-h-h freqMedia167bpm freqMAx176bpm average cadence 65rpm (perks are so low there were stretches to do in 50RPM) VAM 1080
second training load of the week, k will certainly be more intense than yesterday, I'm going to Monteflavio, and beyond the usual repeated uphill I repeated a threshold on this climb will go to ke from km to km 6 (for which the average gradient of 5 km 7.44%), my idea is to make between 75 and 80rpm. The goal is to stay under 20 minutes ... we'll see ...
After being forced to miss the race Domenic because of bad weather, hoping ke the time to grant me a respite of one week to recover the lost training, and so to be able to play all the training I once had put in quotation ...
Yesterday, as every Tuesday's session was scheduled load, the weather obviously gave rain, so after a good breakfast I resigned myself to make rolls, I dress and prepare the beverage, the roller is mounted on the septum, in that ' check the exact moment a ray of sun, there was panic in my head for refusing to shoot dry rolls ... I get off the rollers, loading the bike into the car and I go out to Carson. I change and how best to script the sky begins to cloud and drizzle, I convince myself to leave, I start heating and begins to pour in my head I am convinced that today I would be in the rain stopped, the rain increases, but I still do my repeated in the plan. Once completed, I realize ke, meanwhile, had to be soaked and the sun came out, so I head back home where I do a quick change of clothes, I remount the bike and head for the climb, the usual uphill Collalto to face three times, the first two times around goes well and I feel a great leg, but as I am about to start the third repeat, the time you take a fool of me, falls down a tremendous roar, k does not allow me to repeat the last to go home and I am still soaked more than before, neanke would have it after I did a hot shower and as I prepare to return home to the only crops up on time ...
For those who like numbers, here are the data of repeated uphill (those in plain neanke count them:))
Salita Collalto Sabino 15 '4.11km altitude 270m velocitàMedia velMax 16.4 km 22.4 km-h-h freqMedia167bpm freqMAx176bpm average cadence 65rpm (perks are so low there were stretches to do in 50RPM) VAM 1080
second training load of the week, k will certainly be more intense than yesterday, I'm going to Monteflavio, and beyond the usual repeated uphill I repeated a threshold on this climb will go to ke from km to km 6 (for which the average gradient of 5 km 7.44%), my idea is to make between 75 and 80rpm. The goal is to stay under 20 minutes ... we'll see ...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sister Watches Too Much Tv
ke tristezza...
... I had forgotten how bad it is a domenica mattina senza sole e con pioggia...
Torno dopo un po' di latitanza a scrivere qui sul blog... ce ne sarebbero di cose da raccontare, soprattutto a riguardo della gara di domenica scorsa.
C'era in programma la gf Bettini a Pomarance, ero molto fiducioso e determinato a fare una buona prestazione; ma purtroppo una terribile tragedia si è abbattuta sulla gara, un signore in seguito a una discesa, è carambolato per terra ed ha perso la vita. Mi sembra opportuno evitare di dilungarmi e raccontare i km della gara prima che venisse stoppata, preferisco stringermi attorno alal famiglia del defunto e sperare ke continui a scalare montagne da lassù...
Tornando un attimo all'aspetto puramente ciclistico, dico ke ancora molte incognite gravitate in my condition in view of the Tour of Sardinia, first I have not tested on gf over 100km in length (one occasion was last Sunday and had a chance today, but I had to quit because of rain and stomach problems), and I still be successful as my body reacts to efforts on consecutive days.
Anyway this week I managed despite a physical qualke little problem I managed to do all the training set, k is the week will be very important for the volume and quality of work ke I do hope all goes to great ...
conclude by thanking those who have told me ke ke read this blog often, and I take the call if you'd like to invite you to write comments, questions, insults, tips or whatever you went through my head ...
... I had forgotten how bad it is a domenica mattina senza sole e con pioggia...
Torno dopo un po' di latitanza a scrivere qui sul blog... ce ne sarebbero di cose da raccontare, soprattutto a riguardo della gara di domenica scorsa.
C'era in programma la gf Bettini a Pomarance, ero molto fiducioso e determinato a fare una buona prestazione; ma purtroppo una terribile tragedia si è abbattuta sulla gara, un signore in seguito a una discesa, è carambolato per terra ed ha perso la vita. Mi sembra opportuno evitare di dilungarmi e raccontare i km della gara prima che venisse stoppata, preferisco stringermi attorno alal famiglia del defunto e sperare ke continui a scalare montagne da lassù...
Tornando un attimo all'aspetto puramente ciclistico, dico ke ancora molte incognite gravitate in my condition in view of the Tour of Sardinia, first I have not tested on gf over 100km in length (one occasion was last Sunday and had a chance today, but I had to quit because of rain and stomach problems), and I still be successful as my body reacts to efforts on consecutive days.
Anyway this week I managed despite a physical qualke little problem I managed to do all the training set, k is the week will be very important for the volume and quality of work ke I do hope all goes to great ...
conclude by thanking those who have told me ke ke read this blog often, and I take the call if you'd like to invite you to write comments, questions, insults, tips or whatever you went through my head ...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How To Getout Of Demo For Ps3
settima strana...
then I am to update you on this week ...
was scheduled discharge: ke and I think most of the exhaust as I did I could not do.
Tuesday 75 km, where the first part I made with qualke bet on the average, but then I've been quiet ... Wednesday 60 km
very flat, where I went for a walk, but despite this I'm done with a ragguardvole average of 30.5 km-h
Thursday: 1 hour roller ... Today I had absolutely no desire to just go out, I will ke gnawing on a bit 'of things ... time was endless and exhausting, but luckily I managed to do it. Tomorrow
rest e poi sabato si parte per Pomarance: sarà il mio primo lungo, mi riterrò soddisfatto se entro tra i primi 75...
then I am to update you on this week ...
was scheduled discharge: ke and I think most of the exhaust as I did I could not do.
Tuesday 75 km, where the first part I made with qualke bet on the average, but then I've been quiet ... Wednesday 60 km
very flat, where I went for a walk, but despite this I'm done with a ragguardvole average of 30.5 km-h
Thursday: 1 hour roller ... Today I had absolutely no desire to just go out, I will ke gnawing on a bit 'of things ... time was endless and exhausting, but luckily I managed to do it. Tomorrow
rest e poi sabato si parte per Pomarance: sarà il mio primo lungo, mi riterrò soddisfatto se entro tra i primi 75...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sub Box In Silverado For 12 Sub
Giro del Valdarno: Delusione...
Eccomi puntuale come un orologio svizzero a raccontare la gara di oggi...
Svegliaalle 5e30, colazione e poi via in macchina alla volta di Montevarchi, alle 8 sono al ritrovo, dove incontro i miei due compagni di squadra Juri e Michele.
Attacco numero a maglia e bici, metto il chip e via di straforo in prima griglia.
Alle 9e30 si parte, primi km ad andatura controllata e come al solito mi passano almeno un centinaio di persone, perdo posizioni e non riesco a risalire, in quei momenti nella mia mente mi ripromettevo che non avrei piu fatto altre gf con cosi tanti iscritti, ma credo che gia da Sunday to disobey my idea. The first ascent
take it back for the reasons above, I decide to put a good pace and recover, but I can do a good rev to reposition itself with the first 60/70. The route continues uphill from this quiet for about twenty kilometers until you attack the climb Monteluco, this was the true harshness of the day, 10 km climb to the irregular points 14/15%. Struggle hard, the very first group of leaves but the rest with a discrete group, the alternating stretches of uphill proceeds slightly downhill, just at the end of a descent and the subsequent start of a steep section, I do like a moron a change from 50 / 23 to 34, and like magic, the chain goes down beyond repair, various expletives, I try to put it back in motion but nothing, so I have to set foot on shore and miss the group. The moral flies to land, mindful of recent events in Spello, fortunately after a while comes a group that I shot and stepping stone to the top (top of the hill we were in 2 of the 20 k). gpm to begin but my nightmares ... we throw down in a descent that apostrophized as the folder contains dangerous curves. I can stand with difficulty the first few kilometers and bend back after falling behind, I find myself in the queue and after a series of curves lose the group. How Spello after taking with her nails and teeth uphill and down to send me a rug, try to re-enter the group in front but I can not, be too strong. From
then I'll just make a lot of miles during the last climb I go for a walk, knowing that anke making the whole front of the group would not be able to take it back, also as if this were not enough to 2km from the arrival a large group of 30 people I takes over and forces me to sprint, in which 17 people put the wheels in front of me. At the end
67 th overall and fifth grade.
I am very disappointed by this result, once again I have proven to stand up quietly with the first 35-40, but unfortunately I pay for my inexperience in all other areas (flat, down, stay in groups, tactical and technical); I arrived at the finish and also rested, I still had so much energy in the body ... For a proper examination
of my race, in a short list of my weak points, which I hope to work hard, I know it may seem from complainer, but if in the future I do not notice my being able to cure these deficiencies (especially downhill) of the fundamental I decide to go back to the outputs without problem alone or I'm going to limit the randonneur ... Here they are:
1) suffer from the departure, in the few races that I've always been lucky enough to be up front in the first km, but these benefits are canceled, and often lose tens and hundreds of
2) I can not push the right relationship from the end of last season I started working with the agility, but I think perhaps you have too much, in fact now I'm a bit 'hard work tend to scale the relationship, and relate to each whirl, this is fine until I go out alone, but if they are in groups and in the race this penalizes me, I will try to train the next training sessions to raise the ratio and to push more reports hard to simulate race situations
3) Lack of technique: it is not normal to set off for two races in a row in the crucial points of the game, everything is synonymous with failure, I must first learn to change and must also avoid the intersections of the chain. With the arrival of colnago try to solve this problem by mounting a nice dog teeth (I can not fit on the Cervelo xkè pipe has a rectangular section)
4) I keep per ultimo, ma lo ritengo il più grave: la discesa. Beh che dire, credo che ogni parola sia supreflua, sono una sega, curvo senza piegare, freno sempre, non so scegliere le traiettorie etc... Qualcuno dice che o si è discesisti o non lo si è, altri dicono che è tutta questione di abitudine... io credo che la verità stia nel mezzo... spero solo di migliorare, anke perkè staccarsi tutte le volte è veramente frustrante...
Cmq archiviamo questa giornata, e pensiamo a domenica dove farò il primo lungo della mia vita, so che sarà una faticaccia, ma tanto il percorso non si adatta a me e quindi nel medio rischierei di fare la fine di oggi...
Concludo dicendo: Barcollo ma non mollo...
Eccomi puntuale come un orologio svizzero a raccontare la gara di oggi...
Svegliaalle 5e30, colazione e poi via in macchina alla volta di Montevarchi, alle 8 sono al ritrovo, dove incontro i miei due compagni di squadra Juri e Michele.
Attacco numero a maglia e bici, metto il chip e via di straforo in prima griglia.
Alle 9e30 si parte, primi km ad andatura controllata e come al solito mi passano almeno un centinaio di persone, perdo posizioni e non riesco a risalire, in quei momenti nella mia mente mi ripromettevo che non avrei piu fatto altre gf con cosi tanti iscritti, ma credo che gia da Sunday to disobey my idea. The first ascent
take it back for the reasons above, I decide to put a good pace and recover, but I can do a good rev to reposition itself with the first 60/70. The route continues uphill from this quiet for about twenty kilometers until you attack the climb Monteluco, this was the true harshness of the day, 10 km climb to the irregular points 14/15%. Struggle hard, the very first group of leaves but the rest with a discrete group, the alternating stretches of uphill proceeds slightly downhill, just at the end of a descent and the subsequent start of a steep section, I do like a moron a change from 50 / 23 to 34, and like magic, the chain goes down beyond repair, various expletives, I try to put it back in motion but nothing, so I have to set foot on shore and miss the group. The moral flies to land, mindful of recent events in Spello, fortunately after a while comes a group that I shot and stepping stone to the top (top of the hill we were in 2 of the 20 k). gpm to begin but my nightmares ... we throw down in a descent that apostrophized as the folder contains dangerous curves. I can stand with difficulty the first few kilometers and bend back after falling behind, I find myself in the queue and after a series of curves lose the group. How Spello after taking with her nails and teeth uphill and down to send me a rug, try to re-enter the group in front but I can not, be too strong. From
then I'll just make a lot of miles during the last climb I go for a walk, knowing that anke making the whole front of the group would not be able to take it back, also as if this were not enough to 2km from the arrival a large group of 30 people I takes over and forces me to sprint, in which 17 people put the wheels in front of me. At the end
67 th overall and fifth grade.
I am very disappointed by this result, once again I have proven to stand up quietly with the first 35-40, but unfortunately I pay for my inexperience in all other areas (flat, down, stay in groups, tactical and technical); I arrived at the finish and also rested, I still had so much energy in the body ... For a proper examination
of my race, in a short list of my weak points, which I hope to work hard, I know it may seem from complainer, but if in the future I do not notice my being able to cure these deficiencies (especially downhill) of the fundamental I decide to go back to the outputs without problem alone or I'm going to limit the randonneur ... Here they are:
1) suffer from the departure, in the few races that I've always been lucky enough to be up front in the first km, but these benefits are canceled, and often lose tens and hundreds of
2) I can not push the right relationship from the end of last season I started working with the agility, but I think perhaps you have too much, in fact now I'm a bit 'hard work tend to scale the relationship, and relate to each whirl, this is fine until I go out alone, but if they are in groups and in the race this penalizes me, I will try to train the next training sessions to raise the ratio and to push more reports hard to simulate race situations
3) Lack of technique: it is not normal to set off for two races in a row in the crucial points of the game, everything is synonymous with failure, I must first learn to change and must also avoid the intersections of the chain. With the arrival of colnago try to solve this problem by mounting a nice dog teeth (I can not fit on the Cervelo xkè pipe has a rectangular section)
4) I keep per ultimo, ma lo ritengo il più grave: la discesa. Beh che dire, credo che ogni parola sia supreflua, sono una sega, curvo senza piegare, freno sempre, non so scegliere le traiettorie etc... Qualcuno dice che o si è discesisti o non lo si è, altri dicono che è tutta questione di abitudine... io credo che la verità stia nel mezzo... spero solo di migliorare, anke perkè staccarsi tutte le volte è veramente frustrante...
Cmq archiviamo questa giornata, e pensiamo a domenica dove farò il primo lungo della mia vita, so che sarà una faticaccia, ma tanto il percorso non si adatta a me e quindi nel medio rischierei di fare la fine di oggi...
Concludo dicendo: Barcollo ma non mollo...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Cat In The Hat In Spanishlyrics
Buon allenamento in previsione di domenica...
Yesterday I ran home at 12e15 lesson just finished uni, I had planned s early in the morning that I took the car and I would have gone into the Via Salaria, so you can make repeated Monteflavio candy but without having to 140km as Tuesday which certainly would have been felt over the weekend ...
While I was in the car I got mad and decided to go to Carson, a pleasant journey but ten minutes in the queue connection due to an accident. At 14e20
are in front of the parking speedysport, unloading the car and put myself in the saddle, except for a pleasant temperature annoying wind that haunt me in all the way out.
Beginning with the work to be done on the flat and after a Oretta I head up the hill and a half I had chosen to make repeated: the ascent is this http://www.salite.ch/9766.asp?Mappa=http://www.viamichelin.fr/viamichelin/ita/dyn/ controller / Cartes-plans? mapid =- tu1npp9vuti72o & dx = 474 & dy = 317 & empriseW = 949 & empriseH = 634
I did not choose this up by chance that in addition to responding to the fees that I need (slope, length, little traffic) is to me quite significant . A couple of years ago when I was still up on this climb took a terrible beating at the beginning because I accodai to a man convinced that I disconnected and lonely that I would come on top after the first km, however, I realized that was so, the gentleman was really strong, came in 3-4 minutes on top of him with my heart pounding in the brain, this is one of my greatest cycling fatigue; now know that not only can finish well this climb but me I can even repeatedly selecting frequency and cadence uan me some strength and some certainty of my means. Repeated
went very well compared to climb Monteflavio is more rugged in fact there are pieces anke slopes of more than 12%, legs and heart and good feelings that run and recover well.
After work I came back uphill to the car a bit 'down from the cold, but happy feelings. At the end
71km to 27 medium and 1000 meters difference ...
rest today and tomorrow Sgambati pre race ...
Sunday we run a lap short of VALDARNO
put the path and my predictions for Sunday
Yesterday I ran home at 12e15 lesson just finished uni, I had planned s early in the morning that I took the car and I would have gone into the Via Salaria, so you can make repeated Monteflavio candy but without having to 140km as Tuesday which certainly would have been felt over the weekend ...
While I was in the car I got mad and decided to go to Carson, a pleasant journey but ten minutes in the queue connection due to an accident. At 14e20
are in front of the parking speedysport, unloading the car and put myself in the saddle, except for a pleasant temperature annoying wind that haunt me in all the way out.
Beginning with the work to be done on the flat and after a Oretta I head up the hill and a half I had chosen to make repeated: the ascent is this http://www.salite.ch/9766.asp?Mappa=http://www.viamichelin.fr/viamichelin/ita/dyn/ controller / Cartes-plans? mapid =- tu1npp9vuti72o & dx = 474 & dy = 317 & empriseW = 949 & empriseH = 634
I did not choose this up by chance that in addition to responding to the fees that I need (slope, length, little traffic) is to me quite significant . A couple of years ago when I was still up on this climb took a terrible beating at the beginning because I accodai to a man convinced that I disconnected and lonely that I would come on top after the first km, however, I realized that was so, the gentleman was really strong, came in 3-4 minutes on top of him with my heart pounding in the brain, this is one of my greatest cycling fatigue; now know that not only can finish well this climb but me I can even repeatedly selecting frequency and cadence uan me some strength and some certainty of my means. Repeated
went very well compared to climb Monteflavio is more rugged in fact there are pieces anke slopes of more than 12%, legs and heart and good feelings that run and recover well.
After work I came back uphill to the car a bit 'down from the cold, but happy feelings. At the end
71km to 27 medium and 1000 meters difference ...
rest today and tomorrow Sgambati pre race ...
Sunday we run a lap short of VALDARNO
put the path and my predictions for Sunday

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Can I Fight A Waiver For Eczema
Condizione che cresce...
Here I am, after the circuit on Saturday I was scheduled for Sunday to do some good work up , from beginner through but I knew that was not air the 140 km circuit on Friday and Saturday were indelibly imprinted on my quadriceps, and Anke in my mind, as long advocated the bike is not just the legs, the brain would not work hard and sent to the whole body that his whim. I then folded on a nice exit exhaust, 105 km and average about 138bpm 800 m in altitude ... Yesterday
2 hours of fitness training and stretching and today, instead of specific. On Tuesday
if the good weather conditions continue to be voted on specific jobs and the distance ... Today about 29 135 km of medium by repeated flat and uphill, too bad that after the work in the ascent garmin abandoned me because of the batteries and I could not do the progressions, because I could not monitor them properly ...
The feeling was great, I had recovered from the great triptych of the weekend series and three in height, there were clear improvements. Tomorrow and Thursday
drain again but with specific reduction km ...
Here I am, after the circuit on Saturday I was scheduled for Sunday to do some good work up , from beginner through but I knew that was not air the 140 km circuit on Friday and Saturday were indelibly imprinted on my quadriceps, and Anke in my mind, as long advocated the bike is not just the legs, the brain would not work hard and sent to the whole body that his whim. I then folded on a nice exit exhaust, 105 km and average about 138bpm 800 m in altitude ... Yesterday
2 hours of fitness training and stretching and today, instead of specific. On Tuesday
if the good weather conditions continue to be voted on specific jobs and the distance ... Today about 29 135 km of medium by repeated flat and uphill, too bad that after the work in the ascent garmin abandoned me because of the batteries and I could not do the progressions, because I could not monitor them properly ...
The feeling was great, I had recovered from the great triptych of the weekend series and three in height, there were clear improvements. Tomorrow and Thursday
drain again but with specific reduction km ...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Are Pears Good For Overactive Thyroid?
esordio in gara a circuito...
Having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba gf Max Lelli mix of reasons, but not wanting to give up a release in which to do some 'of pace I decided to make his debut in a race circuit: 72 km with neanke 100 m in altitude, practically a platter.
Chiominto Race organized by ASD and that was held in Frosinone.
14 Arrived at the meeting, pick the number (quite a bib No. 17), I return (I dusted off the shorts and shirt I left the cozy winter) and start heating. The first rides are not good, I have the impression that they have recovered all the energies of the second session of the week and specific facts that lasted about 130 km.
In heating, the usual doubts assail me, I'm a bit 'agitated and began to affect me from what surrounds me, it is full of cyclists pulled all with super nice bike and all with beautiful looks bad in me a growing awareness that will be a day when you will suffer tremendously and will be generous with its rewards.
At 15 we start, the first controlled km to the entrance of the circuit, 12 km are flat as mentioned, characterized by a pair of long straights and round two flyovers qualke curve.
I'll always nice to rest covered in the belly of the group, going for a walk almost to the heart to slow despite volote anke you travel over 40 km-h, as usual in the corners of my positions because I lose too much but regained caution in those smepre poor sections where you have to relaunch and zompettare gait.
Tours go quiet and I have absolutely no problem or sign of failure, for a moment like a flash, the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to attack but ended up looking like they are all attempts prefer to mind my own business. The last lap is facing a bit 'stronger, but still do not have probemi. Here
the sprint decides everything I had heard from some 'friends than he could be dangerous volatona group, now ke I saw and I did it I can confirm that we are crazy that fit into holes infinitesimal speed crowds, ranging from the arrival of 200 m on the ground about twenty and I gain qualke position.
the end I guess it struck in the first 30-40 ... Maybe Sunday
replied and I go to a circuit in Rieti, I understand if I now had a supergamba or was the level it was nothing of that, plus the shape of the route made the ride less harsh ...
Having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba gf Max Lelli mix of reasons, but not wanting to give up a release in which to do some 'of pace I decided to make his debut in a race circuit: 72 km with neanke 100 m in altitude, practically a platter.
Chiominto Race organized by ASD and that was held in Frosinone.
14 Arrived at the meeting, pick the number (quite a bib No. 17), I return (I dusted off the shorts and shirt I left the cozy winter) and start heating. The first rides are not good, I have the impression that they have recovered all the energies of the second session of the week and specific facts that lasted about 130 km.
In heating, the usual doubts assail me, I'm a bit 'agitated and began to affect me from what surrounds me, it is full of cyclists pulled all with super nice bike and all with beautiful looks bad in me a growing awareness that will be a day when you will suffer tremendously and will be generous with its rewards.
At 15 we start, the first controlled km to the entrance of the circuit, 12 km are flat as mentioned, characterized by a pair of long straights and round two flyovers qualke curve.
I'll always nice to rest covered in the belly of the group, going for a walk almost to the heart to slow despite volote anke you travel over 40 km-h, as usual in the corners of my positions because I lose too much but regained caution in those smepre poor sections where you have to relaunch and zompettare gait.
Tours go quiet and I have absolutely no problem or sign of failure, for a moment like a flash, the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to attack but ended up looking like they are all attempts prefer to mind my own business. The last lap is facing a bit 'stronger, but still do not have probemi. Here
the sprint decides everything I had heard from some 'friends than he could be dangerous volatona group, now ke I saw and I did it I can confirm that we are crazy that fit into holes infinitesimal speed crowds, ranging from the arrival of 200 m on the ground about twenty and I gain qualke position.
the end I guess it struck in the first 30-40 ... Maybe Sunday
replied and I go to a circuit in Rieti, I understand if I now had a supergamba or was the level it was nothing of that, plus the shape of the route made the ride less harsh ...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How Do U Find License Number Quickbooks
Prima gara della stagione
After an absence on the blog since Sunday due to lack of time to update you on here this week: Tuesday
: First of specific training on the rollers
Wednesday: 75 km in unloading the Tiber
Thursday: 130 km training rather flat and with repeated Monteflavio
Saturday: 62 km by Sgambati Pregara
Sunday: GF PEACE
Gf Report: I have a premise, this marathon when I compiled the schedule of events was not planned, I aggiunta strada facendo vedendo un po' le sensazioni che provavo con il passare degli allenamenti, le aspettative erano quindi abbastanza realistiche e sapevo di non poter fare una prestazione eccelsa, l'idea era quella di rientrare nei cento.
Stamattina sveglia ore 5e20, colazione e poi via in macchina direzione Spello. Arrivo al ritiro del numero verso le 7e40, e con il mio compagno Airone mi dirigo in griglia, grazie agli accordi stretti siamo in prima griglia proprio a ridosso della linea di partenza.
Ore 9 pronti e via, i primi 8 km sono ad andatura controllata, ma nonostante questo si viaggia oltre i 40 km-h, perdo subito un 100 di posizioni, ma quando realizzo comincio a risalire e sfruttando un paio di rotonde mi rimporto nei primi 40, le gambe turn right into me and begins to glimpse the idea of \u200b\u200ban important position in the first ascents run pretty well, obviously I had my heart in my throat, but my legs turned good. At the end of the third climb I think it is the case of food and while I do these my elugubrazioni like a fool I lose my team down, I try to return but the group travels too much.
I was convinced that my race would be over there and missing until the km would become a workout, but fortunately after a mile I get picked up by a group to which I politely stepping stone and to move forward, I begin the ascent of a Collemancio bit 'pissed off, because they have lost the first group I was not a little depressing, I just try to climb not to break away, the heart is quietly below the threshold indicates that if my mind had sustained no doubt I could make a higher pace. The descent of Collemancio qualke me itch and a bend in risk of going long, but hopefully I can stay in the saddle, the group arrived on the plane begins to pull, I try to stay in the queue, I did not have the mental strength to give a hands, at 6km from the arrival we notice that the large group is very close, you begin to lead the entrance and the last tear (1km 12%), taking the tail, recovery twenty positions and top of the hill with another runner, I km downhill fast and finish last sheet that brings the arrival of 1km, decided to give everything I had left I take the last corner and I quickly changed a dry moment in the chain breaks, after several expletives temptation to throw the bike into the ditch I load the bike back and I do the last 500m race running uphill on a bike shoulder (style cyclocross) although I pulled out all the race that an old terzinaccio as I had in my body than a 20in, I arrive at the finish line to applause from the crowd and their laughter, finishing 59th on 370 and 17th by category 2:19 a.m. to 9 minutes in the first.
technical and tactical analysis of the result: as I said before I had big ambitions at the start, but the appetite comes with eating during the first few kilometers and that accortomi pumped well hope to grab a decent piazzamento.Oggi I realized that unfortunately do not count in the race only the legs, the head matters a lot (now I'm too demoralized after losing the first set), and has anke attention, a distraction, and could jeopardize everything.
I also fully aware of how I suffer in the plains: uphill right or wrong I do not have huge problems with people being strong enough, but I'm not just flat, I've got to find a perfect cadence and I have a lot to focus on training pull-up anke down now that I begin to acquire some 'safety, we hope that the wheels with tubes that should arrive soon give me a hand.
Now in the next two weeks I expect beautiful training hard and free of competition, meeting with the number on the back to the race of Cecina, the race will arrive after the week of discharge and I believe that there will be a different music ...
Here is the graph of the race, I did a little 'calculations, and if not broken the chain earned about 1'30'', that when I see usciràla ranking as equivalent in terms of positions ...
After an absence on the blog since Sunday due to lack of time to update you on here this week: Tuesday
: First of specific training on the rollers
Wednesday: 75 km in unloading the Tiber
Thursday: 130 km training rather flat and with repeated Monteflavio
Saturday: 62 km by Sgambati Pregara
Sunday: GF PEACE
Gf Report: I have a premise, this marathon when I compiled the schedule of events was not planned, I aggiunta strada facendo vedendo un po' le sensazioni che provavo con il passare degli allenamenti, le aspettative erano quindi abbastanza realistiche e sapevo di non poter fare una prestazione eccelsa, l'idea era quella di rientrare nei cento.
Stamattina sveglia ore 5e20, colazione e poi via in macchina direzione Spello. Arrivo al ritiro del numero verso le 7e40, e con il mio compagno Airone mi dirigo in griglia, grazie agli accordi stretti siamo in prima griglia proprio a ridosso della linea di partenza.
Ore 9 pronti e via, i primi 8 km sono ad andatura controllata, ma nonostante questo si viaggia oltre i 40 km-h, perdo subito un 100 di posizioni, ma quando realizzo comincio a risalire e sfruttando un paio di rotonde mi rimporto nei primi 40, le gambe turn right into me and begins to glimpse the idea of \u200b\u200ban important position in the first ascents run pretty well, obviously I had my heart in my throat, but my legs turned good. At the end of the third climb I think it is the case of food and while I do these my elugubrazioni like a fool I lose my team down, I try to return but the group travels too much.
I was convinced that my race would be over there and missing until the km would become a workout, but fortunately after a mile I get picked up by a group to which I politely stepping stone and to move forward, I begin the ascent of a Collemancio bit 'pissed off, because they have lost the first group I was not a little depressing, I just try to climb not to break away, the heart is quietly below the threshold indicates that if my mind had sustained no doubt I could make a higher pace. The descent of Collemancio qualke me itch and a bend in risk of going long, but hopefully I can stay in the saddle, the group arrived on the plane begins to pull, I try to stay in the queue, I did not have the mental strength to give a hands, at 6km from the arrival we notice that the large group is very close, you begin to lead the entrance and the last tear (1km 12%), taking the tail, recovery twenty positions and top of the hill with another runner, I km downhill fast and finish last sheet that brings the arrival of 1km, decided to give everything I had left I take the last corner and I quickly changed a dry moment in the chain breaks, after several expletives temptation to throw the bike into the ditch I load the bike back and I do the last 500m race running uphill on a bike shoulder (style cyclocross) although I pulled out all the race that an old terzinaccio as I had in my body than a 20in, I arrive at the finish line to applause from the crowd and their laughter, finishing 59th on 370 and 17th by category 2:19 a.m. to 9 minutes in the first.
technical and tactical analysis of the result: as I said before I had big ambitions at the start, but the appetite comes with eating during the first few kilometers and that accortomi pumped well hope to grab a decent piazzamento.Oggi I realized that unfortunately do not count in the race only the legs, the head matters a lot (now I'm too demoralized after losing the first set), and has anke attention, a distraction, and could jeopardize everything.
I also fully aware of how I suffer in the plains: uphill right or wrong I do not have huge problems with people being strong enough, but I'm not just flat, I've got to find a perfect cadence and I have a lot to focus on training pull-up anke down now that I begin to acquire some 'safety, we hope that the wheels with tubes that should arrive soon give me a hand.
Now in the next two weeks I expect beautiful training hard and free of competition, meeting with the number on the back to the race of Cecina, the race will arrive after the week of discharge and I believe that there will be a different music ...
Here is the graph of the race, I did a little 'calculations, and if not broken the chain earned about 1'30'', that when I see usciràla ranking as equivalent in terms of positions ...

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Chemicals Cervical Erosion Treatment
passi in avanti...
I am here to tell the end of another week of training and outputs: as planned in the preparation, this was a week of discharge in which to get the forces in anticipation of the period training of the specification, and to dispose of the cycle of improvement.
Tuesday and Thursday 70 km flat, seasoned (Thursday) with a nice slip on the gravel, 90 km hilly yesterday (the usual tour of the lake), and last but not least: now exit with a large group of Faerie.
Since the first three outputs are not only worthy of note will tell you today:
fortunately today's climate was much less aggressive and this morning I opted for a light clothing, pants 3 / 4 and long-sleeved top, nothing windstopper, no liners and no leggings ... Check out as usual to
Aranova: the large group has now delayed a bit ', so I joined not too cold for other people, that my greatest pleasure erano dei bei treni, siamo arrivato infatti all'imbocco della salita di Tolfa con una media prossima ai 40 km-h, lì alcuni hanno girato per tolfa, mentre io ho fatto inversione sull'aurelia e ho aspettato che i fatato mi raggiungessero, li mi sono aggregato e siamo andati verso l'imbocco della salita, i primi 4 km sono stati meno traumatici dell'altra volta, ma ad un certo punto la tregua è finita e il biondo (soprannominato pozzato-obeso) è partito, io come un deficiente gli sono andato dietro, ma a causa di un rapporto troppo corto e di una forma ancora precaria (almeno nei cambi di ritmo)non sono riuscito a stargli dietro; a quel punto ho deciso di rimettermi calmo e mi sono fatto riprendere dal gruppo, dopo poco però è partito Atac a (MO I found a great runner), I still in the legs with the first rev of I joined him, and it took me 100 meters, when I realized that the leg was fine I started a forcing, to 'I start dietroin were two, but soon gave up, I continued to return well (it was planted entirely) I put in the viewfinder the ATAC and I got up to 40 meters, but then cleared up and power have allowed him to resume a bit 'advantage.
top of the hill climb was very pleased, I made a week of very important steps forward ...
Return Aurelia was the usual doppiafila at 40km-h I could take with little effort, a tratti mi smebrava di avere anke del margine per aumentare.
Lo scarico è stato fondamentale, e ora da martedì sotto con la specifica...
E domenica si esordisce a spello, a breve farò una presentazione del percorso...
I am here to tell the end of another week of training and outputs: as planned in the preparation, this was a week of discharge in which to get the forces in anticipation of the period training of the specification, and to dispose of the cycle of improvement.
Tuesday and Thursday 70 km flat, seasoned (Thursday) with a nice slip on the gravel, 90 km hilly yesterday (the usual tour of the lake), and last but not least: now exit with a large group of Faerie.
Since the first three outputs are not only worthy of note will tell you today:
fortunately today's climate was much less aggressive and this morning I opted for a light clothing, pants 3 / 4 and long-sleeved top, nothing windstopper, no liners and no leggings ... Check out as usual to
Aranova: the large group has now delayed a bit ', so I joined not too cold for other people, that my greatest pleasure erano dei bei treni, siamo arrivato infatti all'imbocco della salita di Tolfa con una media prossima ai 40 km-h, lì alcuni hanno girato per tolfa, mentre io ho fatto inversione sull'aurelia e ho aspettato che i fatato mi raggiungessero, li mi sono aggregato e siamo andati verso l'imbocco della salita, i primi 4 km sono stati meno traumatici dell'altra volta, ma ad un certo punto la tregua è finita e il biondo (soprannominato pozzato-obeso) è partito, io come un deficiente gli sono andato dietro, ma a causa di un rapporto troppo corto e di una forma ancora precaria (almeno nei cambi di ritmo)non sono riuscito a stargli dietro; a quel punto ho deciso di rimettermi calmo e mi sono fatto riprendere dal gruppo, dopo poco però è partito Atac a (MO I found a great runner), I still in the legs with the first rev of I joined him, and it took me 100 meters, when I realized that the leg was fine I started a forcing, to 'I start dietroin were two, but soon gave up, I continued to return well (it was planted entirely) I put in the viewfinder the ATAC and I got up to 40 meters, but then cleared up and power have allowed him to resume a bit 'advantage.
top of the hill climb was very pleased, I made a week of very important steps forward ...
Return Aurelia was the usual doppiafila at 40km-h I could take with little effort, a tratti mi smebrava di avere anke del margine per aumentare.
Lo scarico è stato fondamentale, e ora da martedì sotto con la specifica...
E domenica si esordisce a spello, a breve farò una presentazione del percorso...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Southwestdistance To Atlanta
Good feeling ...
Eccomi qui a raccontarvi l'uscita di ieri...
La partenza era ad Aranova alle 9, all'inizio mi era balenata l'idea di andarci direttamene in bici, ma sabato ho fatto un po' tardi per cui ho preferito andare con la macchina all'appuntamento. Montato in macchina alle 8 il termometro segnava 2 gradi...
Ore 9 partenza col gruppo Fatato, il freddo dopo pochi km è sparito, sarà l'influsso del mare o sarà il cuore che saliva, sono riuscito addirittura a sudare. The course was more
Tolfa and return by the Aurelia Aurelia. The first few kilometers I was in the belly of the group, and I tried to turn the legs, and the brawl began just out by the Aurelia, were placed in front of three and began to pull looking strong, I did not know the climb, and then I did not know I was getting ke death, I was in their wake until the last km (which I did not think that ...) but then an extension on a slight slope I left, I went up once staccatomi agile, and I noticed I am very pleased that the heart is immediately fell back (will be on the bottom ???). Come back
Aurelia was an annoying wind, which we tried to remedy with a double row, I must say that mi ero mai preso così tanti insulti, all'inizio non sapendo come si faceva una doppia fila, facevo saltare tutti i cambi e ogni volta che dovevo tirare davo una botta e da dietro erano imprecazioni costanti. Alla fine ho capito come dovevo comportarmi e mi sono anke divertito molto.
Ieri cmq, ho messo sul mio libro nero le prime tre persone, sono coloro che mi hanno staccato e coloro che mi guardavano dall'alto verso il basso, se mi davano dei consigli non lo facevano per aiutarmi ma soltanto per mostrare e ostentare la loro sicurezza e forza sui pedali: carissimi ci vediamo tra qualke mese...
Questa settimana che viene sarà di scarico, il prossimo weekend sarò pronto e battagliero.
avanti così...
Eccomi qui a raccontarvi l'uscita di ieri...
La partenza era ad Aranova alle 9, all'inizio mi era balenata l'idea di andarci direttamene in bici, ma sabato ho fatto un po' tardi per cui ho preferito andare con la macchina all'appuntamento. Montato in macchina alle 8 il termometro segnava 2 gradi...
Ore 9 partenza col gruppo Fatato, il freddo dopo pochi km è sparito, sarà l'influsso del mare o sarà il cuore che saliva, sono riuscito addirittura a sudare. The course was more
Tolfa and return by the Aurelia Aurelia. The first few kilometers I was in the belly of the group, and I tried to turn the legs, and the brawl began just out by the Aurelia, were placed in front of three and began to pull looking strong, I did not know the climb, and then I did not know I was getting ke death, I was in their wake until the last km (which I did not think that ...) but then an extension on a slight slope I left, I went up once staccatomi agile, and I noticed I am very pleased that the heart is immediately fell back (will be on the bottom ???). Come back
Aurelia was an annoying wind, which we tried to remedy with a double row, I must say that mi ero mai preso così tanti insulti, all'inizio non sapendo come si faceva una doppia fila, facevo saltare tutti i cambi e ogni volta che dovevo tirare davo una botta e da dietro erano imprecazioni costanti. Alla fine ho capito come dovevo comportarmi e mi sono anke divertito molto.
Ieri cmq, ho messo sul mio libro nero le prime tre persone, sono coloro che mi hanno staccato e coloro che mi guardavano dall'alto verso il basso, se mi davano dei consigli non lo facevano per aiutarmi ma soltanto per mostrare e ostentare la loro sicurezza e forza sui pedali: carissimi ci vediamo tra qualke mese...
Questa settimana che viene sarà di scarico, il prossimo weekend sarò pronto e battagliero.
avanti così...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Super Advanced Whey Protein As Meal
February 14, 2004 ...
I will write many things, but perhaps it would be superfluous, and risk of falling into banality, I say that today are only 5 years that Mark is gone ... only a few lines ...
Dear Marco, my emotions still, even now when I look at your steps and your business in the mountains leap on the chair, as I did that hot July day when I accompanied by Vivaro ride on the Galibier and the crossing to the yellow jersey or when hi tried to blow up the bank of the Tour and tried to blow up the American ...
If I'm sick of hours cycling, and if now I have to go by bicycle surely you ... Hello
Pirate ...
I will write many things, but perhaps it would be superfluous, and risk of falling into banality, I say that today are only 5 years that Mark is gone ... only a few lines ...
Dear Marco, my emotions still, even now when I look at your steps and your business in the mountains leap on the chair, as I did that hot July day when I accompanied by Vivaro ride on the Galibier and the crossing to the yellow jersey or when hi tried to blow up the bank of the Tour and tried to blow up the American ...
If I'm sick of hours cycling, and if now I have to go by bicycle surely you ... Hello
Pirate ...
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