Yesterday I ran home at 12e15 lesson just finished uni, I had planned s early in the morning that I took the car and I would have gone into the Via Salaria, so you can make repeated Monteflavio candy but without having to 140km as Tuesday which certainly would have been felt over the weekend ...
While I was in the car I got mad and decided to go to Carson, a pleasant journey but ten minutes in the queue connection due to an accident. At 14e20
are in front of the parking speedysport, unloading the car and put myself in the saddle, except for a pleasant temperature annoying wind that haunt me in all the way out.
Beginning with the work to be done on the flat and after a Oretta I head up the hill and a half I had chosen to make repeated: the ascent is this controller / Cartes-plans? mapid =- tu1npp9vuti72o & dx = 474 & dy = 317 & empriseW = 949 & empriseH = 634
I did not choose this up by chance that in addition to responding to the fees that I need (slope, length, little traffic) is to me quite significant . A couple of years ago when I was still up on this climb took a terrible beating at the beginning because I accodai to a man convinced that I disconnected and lonely that I would come on top after the first km, however, I realized that was so, the gentleman was really strong, came in 3-4 minutes on top of him with my heart pounding in the brain, this is one of my greatest cycling fatigue; now know that not only can finish well this climb but me I can even repeatedly selecting frequency and cadence uan me some strength and some certainty of my means. Repeated
went very well compared to climb Monteflavio is more rugged in fact there are pieces anke slopes of more than 12%, legs and heart and good feelings that run and recover well.
After work I came back uphill to the car a bit 'down from the cold, but happy feelings. At the end
71km to 27 medium and 1000 meters difference ...
rest today and tomorrow Sgambati pre race ...
Sunday we run a lap short of VALDARNO
put the path and my predictions for Sunday

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