Sunday, April 26, 2009

Metacam And Incontinence

Quarta tappa: I tre laghi

Here we are at the start of the fourth stage of this round of Sardinia, the two previous days of massages and plenty of integration have led me to start this stage with so much optimism and a good leg, right from the pedal I feel the muscle looking full and ready to work hard. The stage now has about 1500m of altitude to be traveled in less than 100km, there are no big climbs with gradients, but with ups and downs ascended nice ride.
on the grid for the first time in this round, you suffer a bit 'cold; al momento della vestizione il tempo sembrava essere buono, senza vento e con sprazzi di sole, ma con il passare del tempo e con l'avvicinarsi della partenza il sole comincia a coprirsi e iniziano a scendere le prime gocce di pioggia. Dentro di me comincia ad affiorare un po' di paura e di tensione, io col bagnato nun vo' una sega.
Alle 9e15 puntuali si parte, gli squadroni mettono subito il gruppo alla frusta e come sempre il cuore schizza oltre soglia, all'imbocco della prima salita il gruppo si sfalda, i primi prendono il volo, e io mi mantengo in un buon gruppo in compagnia di Michele, la salita si prende a tutta salendo oltre i 25km-h, si sta bene ruota ma la fatica è tanta. Una volta scollinati ci aspetta un pezzo in discesa e poi la strada tende to rise, the usual passistoni top of the hill once you put in the head and give menate from fear. I'm suffering like a dog in this stretch, in my head I can not wait ke arrivals climb to catch his breath for a moment, but just going down the last corner of the crime, an accomplice in the asphalt ke stretch just past was a bit ' hole ruined the rear wheel and of course the next bend, the bike does not take long and I'm slamming the asphalt used to upper thigh. There and then, aided by the fact that he had fallen dead weight, I think I broke something perk the pain is very strong, with the help of an attendant I sit at the roadside and try to understand the magnitude of the fall. Understand that only a strong contusion and decide to leave, but obviously need to change the tube, try to do as quickly as I can but in the meantime ke a good group (later k riotnerà on my original group) passes, while the division will get another stepping stone to which I am.
was made up of about 25 units, the delay was not long before those and try to put myself in the head to pull the remaining km climb, we get a bit 'but as soon as I finished the climb inexorably disappear in front of those, unfortunately I I do not have the features to track a slight slope or a slope and unfortunately none of my group tries to help me out.
once lost sight of the group ahead, I fall a little 'in despair and decide to get in back of the group just waiting ke finish the stage, the attack of the last climb (Villanova Monteleone) but decided to leave and at least try to lose as little as possible and to avoid a final rush, take away a bunch 3 people with whom we do the last 25km (I have only given a yes and no change), the last km (k was climb) I try to get out and finish with a lead of 10 seconds on those two.
the end and finished the race 88th overall and 19th in class 15 minutes from the group with which I was first to fall.
Ke disappointment!


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