Saturday, March 7, 2009

Are Pears Good For Overactive Thyroid?

esordio in gara a circuito...

Having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba gf Max Lelli mix of reasons, but not wanting to give up a release in which to do some 'of pace I decided to make his debut in a race circuit: 72 km with neanke 100 m in altitude, practically a platter.
Chiominto Race organized by ASD and that was held in Frosinone.
14 Arrived at the meeting, pick the number (quite a bib No. 17), I return (I dusted off the shorts and shirt I left the cozy winter) and start heating. The first rides are not good, I have the impression that they have recovered all the energies of the second session of the week and specific facts that lasted about 130 km.
In heating, the usual doubts assail me, I'm a bit 'agitated and began to affect me from what surrounds me, it is full of cyclists pulled all with super nice bike and all with beautiful looks bad in me a growing awareness that will be a day when you will suffer tremendously and will be generous with its rewards.
At 15 we start, the first controlled km to the entrance of the circuit, 12 km are flat as mentioned, characterized by a pair of long straights and round two flyovers qualke curve.
I'll always nice to rest covered in the belly of the group, going for a walk almost to the heart to slow despite volote anke you travel over 40 km-h, as usual in the corners of my positions because I lose too much but regained caution in those smepre poor sections where you have to relaunch and zompettare gait.
Tours go quiet and I have absolutely no problem or sign of failure, for a moment like a flash, the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to attack but ended up looking like they are all attempts prefer to mind my own business. The last lap is facing a bit 'stronger, but still do not have probemi. Here
the sprint decides everything I had heard from some 'friends than he could be dangerous volatona group, now ke I saw and I did it I can confirm that we are crazy that fit into holes infinitesimal speed crowds, ranging from the arrival of 200 m on the ground about twenty and I gain qualke position.
the end I guess it struck in the first 30-40 ... Maybe Sunday

replied and I go to a circuit in Rieti, I understand if I now had a supergamba or was the level it was nothing of that, plus the shape of the route made the ride less harsh ...


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