Thursday, May 7, 2009

Settlement Counter Offer Letter Template

Weekend 1-3 maggio...

Archived Sardinia, to May 1 of this bridge program I had put in two races, one circuit with uphill finish and Gino Bartali gf here's the guide:

1) race circuit: after I did two hours traffic engineer in the May 1, arrival at the start of the race, there are squads that conscious of coming from a week of discharge and conscious of having done a bit of leg in Sardinia are convinced he can do a very good result, the last km uphill allow me anke to avoid the sprint group in which delivery beaten from the start. Ready
and away, leaving the country between two rows of the crowd and begins a stretch at a controlled rate down, you are 500m and to my ear there comes a loud hissing, not at first understand what it is, I look around and I try to understand where it comes from, not finding anything my eye rests on the front wheel is on the floor, just in time to make a move and I begin to try to stand, I can stop at the limit but my race that was it, after a myriad of curses I reboot the machine and sadly I'm going home pissed off like a hyena ...

2) Gf Gino Bartali: childbirth in the third grid, so I have to start in front of more than 400 cyclists, the first 10 km to pursue with all my heart in my throat, after a myriad of cyclists and close the holes that do not make those ke create, manage to be appended to the first big group I but you can pay a very dear ke effort.
As usual bad luck but it always puts the ball in half, in a narrow 15 km after I lose the chip, which starts from the front wheel due to the derailment of a collision with another runner.
advance of it I can finally take the climb in the first positions of the 30-40 group, I have time to say goodbye qualke friend and then when they reach the slopes hard start to pull me, the first few kilometers of the slopes digest them very hard, after the middle of the climb over the pass and began to engage with a good group. , But the descent after the ambulance, the doctor and the judge breaking the bales, these genes have the brilliant idea to make a lid and do not accept the invitation of some riders to approach those of my group decided to think over these media svalicando the opposite lane where it could at any moment to get other cars, I do not feel them, and then I lose. At the end of the descent were shared by a large group with which you are about 30 km to the attack consumes, the slope runs smooth except qualke small part of the crisis (more psychological than physical), and Anke down the stretch of ruined it deals with carefully , but arrived al termine della discesa, quando ormai mancano 20 km mi prende una piccola crisi di fame ke mi fa patire i primi 3 km dell'ultima salita, per fortuna però il gel ingerito qualke minuto prima entra in circolo e negli ultimi km riprendo qualcuno, in discesa però arrivano (come valentino rossi in motogp) i fast and furious ke si lanciano (a mio parere) follemente al mio insgeuimento, con molta fatica li tengo e non mi faccio staccare, arriviamo in un gruppo di 15 all'arrivo. Essendo sprovvisto di chip non faccio la volata e in classifica vengo collocato come ultimo del gruppetto (62esimo), il primo del mio gruppo è arrivato 49esimo.
Qualke osservazione: come al solito ho patito la prima salita e le pendenze dure, ciò mi fa sorgere qualke doubt about how he treated some aspects of training, the legs turn agile, but I do not have the strength to put ...
In my time no descent continues, the fall in Sardinia blocked me again, we hope to recover a minimum ...


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