5/12/2010 17 hours: 00 (the slice!)
This is the inside of the slice of panettone from 300 gr: thin crust, large bubbles soffice, colore brillante, sapore genuin o. COSA SI PUO' VOLER DI PIU' DA UN PANETTONE CASALINGO?????

12/12/2010 ore 22: 00 (ho fatto doppia dose e ne sono venu ti due da 750 gr ed uno da 250 gr. Questa volta sono molto soddisfatta.)

(e questo è l'interno)

Ecco arrivato il momento in cui, noi che viviamo a migliaia e migliaia di chilometri di distanza in molte parti del mondo, possiamo allargare le nostre braccia ed unirci virtualmente nella preparazione del nostro PANETTONE .
hands put the dough in Tamara, Manu and Free (Italy), Ornella (Greece) and I (from Japan) and perhaps other / and bloggers.

achieving the "Simili Panettone with liquid yeast (CISA) .
Tamara, Manu and I use Licola a long time, while Ornella if it is newly created by converting some of his beautiful rise or natural self.
insert pictures in this post as I go forward with the process, so will also my friends in their blogs.
Since they are in Japan, I will be 8 hours ahead of Tamara and Manu and 7 hours from Ornella. For this reason, many times I will note that the time may seem strange.
tonight (November 30) will begin with refreshments, which are necessary to make even stronger our CISA.
What we need :
- (** Tuesday or Wednesday to put a vanilla bean in a jar with sugar, we will use this sugar for preparing panettone)
- (Obtaining a panettone mold da1 Kg or 2 500 g, the dough should be about 940 gr)
- (2 or 4 long skewers, are used to pierce the cake to cool inverted)
first mixture 185 grams of flour strength
45 g vanilla sugar **
50 gr soft butter 85 grams of warm water 75 g
2 egg yolks
According to the first batter
90 grams of flour dough strength
50 grams of soft butter, not melted
30 grams of warm water about 10 grams
powdered milk (or condensed milk)
20 g vanilla sugar * *
100 grams of raisins
60 ~ 80 g f burps candied
self-produced 3 g salt 5 g of honey
5 g of malt
2 egg yolks
In broad terms this should be the roadmap
- November 30 afternoon: Take 30 grams of Licola and keep it at room temperature until evening

11/30/2010 20:00 (first pseudo-refresh)
- November 30 evening : Dissolve 30 grams of Licola with 30 grams of water and then add 30 grams of flour, mix well and long (I do it with a spoon, but you can do it with the whisk whips), cover with plastic for food and then with a cover of batteries, let ferment for 12 hours.

12/01/2010 8:00 am (CISA and rise of pseudo-second refresh)
- the morning of 1 December to the morning of December 3 : Every time dissolve around Licola with 20 g of water and then add 20 grams of flour, mix well and long, cover with plastic wrap and then with a cover of batteries, let ferment for 12 hours.
morning December 1: Dissolve 90 grams of Licola with 20 grams of water and then add 20 grams of flour

12/01/2010 21:00 (wonderful leavening of Licola before the third pseudo-refresh)
a December evening : Dissolve 130 grams of Licola with 20 grams of water and then add 20 grams of flour
2 December morning Dissolve 170 grams of Licola with 20 grams of water and then add 20 grams of flour
December 2 evening : Dissolve 210 grams of Licola with 20 grams of water and then add 20 grams of flour
December 3 morning : dissolve 250 g of Licola with 20 grams of water and then add 20 grams of flour
**** If Licola seems very active, you may want to refresh some normal (not pseudo-cooled) using each time 100 gr di licoli + 100 gr di acqua + 100 gr di farina di forza.
**** La quantità di acqua può essere anche un po ' più abbondante, dipende da quanto assorbe la farina.
**** Il contenitore di licoli non deve essere molto grande. Man mano che il blob aumenta si userà un contenitore adatto al suo volume.
**** Gli ingredienti devono essere sempre a temperatura ambiente

3/12/2010 ore 19:00 (poolish ben amalgamato e travasato in ciotola pulita)
- 3 dicembre sera : sciogliere 100 gr di licoli con 100 gr di acqua and then add 100 grams of flour (for the remaining extremely active Licola can be used to make bread), mix well and long, cover with plastic wrap and then with a cover of batteries, let it ferment until the next morning.
first mixture
- December 4 morning :

04/12/2010 8:00 am (poolish super yeast and ingredients)
In planetary put two egg yolks and 85 gr of warm water and mix. Join poolish 75 g, 45 g sugar and 50 grams softened butter and continue stirring.
Add 185 grams of flour and let go of the whip hook for 5-6 minutes.
(I used a whisk to mix well-leaved butter)

(egg yolks, water, poolish, sugar and butter and blend and butter in the bowl)
Put the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, wrap in a blanket and put batteries in a sheltered spot for 12-14 hours, to be increased 3-4 times.

12/04/2010 19:00 (yeast dough after the first 11 hours)
According dough
- December 4 evening:

4/12/2010 22:30 (yeast dough after the first 14 hours and ingredients)

In planetary put 30 grams of water, 10 grams of powdered milk (or condensed), 20 gr vanilla sugar, 2 egg yolks, 5 g of honey, 5 g of malt, 3 grams of salt and mix well to make, then add 90 grams of flour strength.
Add all the first mixture and stir with a whisk leaf. Combine bit by bit the 50 g butter, stirring constantly until it is absorbed.

Add the raisins and candied fruit into chunks. I have mixed with a little flour in the dough so as not to sink them.

Transfer the dough on parchment paper. Let rise, covered and bell, for 20-30 minutes.

(the total mix I used was about 900 grams from 750 grams a mold, in which I put 610 grams of dough, and a 500 gram, in which I have put 290 gr. Unfortunately I did not have two 500-gr. I hope not too large.)
Pour the mixture into the mold 1 or 2 kg 500 gr.
Let rise in warm place, uncovered, overnight. The dough should be up to the edge of the mold (it will take many hours, depends on room temperature, you can also take off in the oven with a pan full of boiling water).

5/12/2010 9:00 am (still do not rise enough, the very size does not fit the mold. One of the photo on the right is 300 grams. at 9:00 was lievitatissimo and I did cook)

05/12/2010 at 12:30 pm (after cooling down upside down, still do not know how inside ;-)))
Cut the dome to lose a scalpel or a very sharp knife.
This can also be avoided, I have done at the smaller 300g and the result was not satisfactory.
Bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

plunge with two skewers and turn upside down to cool them.
My result is not satisfactory,
first: the extent of the mold was not for nothing
second, when he was ready to be fired, I get unexpected people, and I fired after 1 hour (uffa!!)

THERE HE !!!!! For my part, nothing special, but do it again as soon as possible, with the right and without mold unexpected visits.
Thanks to all my friends, it was a great experience having worked with you at a distance only mileage, actually we felt very close.
I hope that the harmony that we have created between us will remain and are strengthened over time more and more.
all for now, I hope I have not missed anything. Let me know if you notice any discrepancies or misunderstandings, thanks!
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