Preparando il panettone che collega il mondo con le mie amiche Libera , Manu , Ornella e Tamara ( in assoluto ordine alfabetico ), mi si è creato il problema sia di licoli che degli albumi in esubero.
Manu con gli albumi ha fatto uno stupendo torrone morbido , io invece avevo già fatto questo pane con lievito liquido (licoli), ed è stata una piacevole scoperta.

140 gr di lievito liquido ( licoli ) molto attivo (rinfrescato con pseudo-rinfreschi , quello avanzato dal panettone)
100 gr di albumi (3 uova circa)
10 gr di olio evo
60 gr milk 150 gr semolina
100 g strong flour
4 grams of salt

In planetary I dissolved the yeast in the egg, the oil ages, I added the milk and flour sifted I let the dough rest for 30 minutes (autolysis).
So, I added salt and did knead for several minutes. I wrapped the dough in a greased bowl of oil, which I wrapped in a blanket of batteries, and allowed to rest for 2 hours. In this period, with the help of a spatula, I did twice folds the dough, although it appeared somewhat hydrated.
I dusted with semolina a cotton cloth and I've wrapped the dough that I closed in a plastic bag.
I put in a very fresh room without any heat source (maybe the fridge), to rise overnight. The next day was looking swollen and raised.
I moved into a pan covered with parchment paper and gave the cuts.
I fired at 250 ° C and immediately I fell to 200 ° C. Cook for 30 minutes

E 'bread that stays soft for longer than 2 days if it is contained within a plastic bag for food. And after this time, if done a little warm in the oven and take back as freshly baked.
This strip has given me the opportunity to use a good portion of the remaining balance of the cake: Licola and whites.
Other links related to the liquid yeast (CISA)
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