Reading the various forums by fans of high fidelity motion seems to me to see a return of what was defined in the 90 high-fidelity esoteric . In contrast to the high fidelity industry, large Japanese manufacturers, components declared as valid a sound based on laboratory measurements, artisans, manufacturers are starting to offer devices that sounded better (or at least, so they said) while having less technical, but using original technology choices, sometimes catching technologies are now abandoned or using unusual materials. But at a price obviously superior craftsmanship.
But what exactly the word "esoteric "?
"1) is said to philosophical or religious doctrine is intended to be known only within a small circle of initiates: the esoteric doctrines of Aristotle, Pythagoras, and 2) its doctrine of occult misteriosofica: the esoteric aspects of Gnosticism denial of the request with such letter of attorney and request damages.
in terms of listening pleasure with minimum effort money and time (but always keeping the focus on quality), perhaps a review of some of these unconventional solutions and seemingly meaningless may be interesting. I do not mean, however, valves, low-power amplifiers, speakers, One-way, passive preamps or turntables, which have proven their value, if well designed and implemented, in spite of the apparently insufficient instrumental measurements (short another post on this topic: what you need measurements?), but of the famous ... Accessories
. film composition is not known to overlap with CD. Feet resonant to isolate the various components, replacing the original ones. Special cables for connecting to the network. Special USB cable (high fidelity esoteric has arrived in the digital world). Special liquid spreads on contact-pin jack. Spreads on the contacts to facilitate conductivity, even in precious materials. Speaker of negative ions to shoot with the kind of hairdryer always on optical discs for readability by the laser beam. Vibration absorbers to be placed on different components. Small stones in anti-magnetic materials variously precious to support or bind to different parts of the installation, including cables, or even within the electronic components. Stabilizers of various kinds to be placed again on CD (or SACD). Demagnetizers always external CD and other optical discs. Liquid spreads on vinyl (for those who trust) by increasing the readability of the needle. CD with special sounds, played at high policy, "clean up" the system (electronics and speakers) and make it sound better.
I go to memory and I certainly forgot a lot. They have all or almost two characteristics in common: - anyone in the industry (usually magazines) and have tried them, though in At first incredulous, has received an audible improvement
- none of these accessories has become as universally popular or otherwise, and often have a period of great resonance to disappear or go into chase.
The second point shows, I think there is little doubt that the positive effects, although there are not so egregious as to require somewhat manufacturers to adopt as a standard. They are, indeed, esoteric, in the sense of dedicated to a select group of connoisseurs (or followers). 
The first one - does not put into question the good faith of those who have known the difference - it makes me think of a rather strange phenomenon that I observed I, like many altri cultori dell'alta fedeltà: le inspiegabili differenze di suono dell'impianto. Senza cambiare niente un giorno ci sembra perfetto o quasi, o almeno rispondente a quanto ci aspettiamo da lui, e un altro sentiamo difetti inattesi. Sempre di sfumature parliamo, s'intende, ma la sensazione rimane. Il motivo può essere legato alla psicoacustica o semplicemente alla psicologia, anche se alcuni positivisti ad oltranza del settore tirano in ballo le fluttuazioni della rete elettrica (e da qui il successo di filtri e condizionatori di rete che, comunque, male non fanno).
Inutile dire quale ipotesi potrebbe spiegare il fenomeno a mio parere. E anche che difficilmente troverete prove in "doppio cieco" che dimostrino in modo incontrovertibile the best effect of this or that accessory. The double-blind trials, however, are not very popular in the industry, as told in a post long ago.
browsing through the list of other considerations also arise spontaneously. The first is the incredible fragility
components that we use for high fidelity. Think of the optical disk, CD, SACD or DVD and their reading systems. It seems to be steady, balanced, demagnetized, charged with positive ions (or negative, I did not understand) would not play well. But I can not think manufacturers who market CD player from 5000 or 7000 to consider and tackle these fenomeni dannosi?
Oppure, se è vero e i costruttori sono dei noncuranti profittatori, tagliamo la testa al toro e sostituiamo i CD e derivati come supporti passando alle memorie a stato solido (chiavette, schede, hard disk, quello che volete). Qui non c'è niente in movimento e le connessioni sono su circuiti stampanti interni, sui quali gli inventori di accessori avranno più difficoltà ad intervenire. Ma probabilmente, quando sarà il momento, ci riusciranno lo stesso.
Non parliamo delle vibrazioni, che affliggono evidentemente amplificatori o lettori progettati male, pur essendo per forza assai costosi (non penserete mica che questi accessori possano migliorare equipment budget, this will be the first objection when the neophyte will say naive not to hear any difference, "
your system is not selective enough!
Or imperfect conduction between male and female, and then between the two ends of the cables, and a thousand other ways in which in a plant, it seems, will restrict the free movement of electrons. But it is so difficult and only accessible to people with time to infinity near the Hi-Fi? To listen to music you must spend most of our scarce free time to develop the system to finally reach (In the short time left, if it remains) the Nirvana sound? What should a newcomer to think of this world? He walks away and continues to listen on headphones with the iPod, I think.
'm not a skeptic to the bitter end, and some of these accessories I've also bought and deployed. Certainly no worse sound. Those who do not have to do is stay there (such as pins or wires in special materials) are there, but those that must be applied systematically failed to become a habit. A sign that I'm too lazy, or I have not heard captive improvements, or that "my system is not selective enough"?
If I make a summary I would say that the most logical (such as line conditioners) but still gives the reassuring feeling of having done everything to make our system the best operating conditions. But the rest of the time is dedicated to searching and finding lots of music that is still there to be discovered and heard. 

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