always the subject of controversy among fans, the question that you continue to ask is whether they are proportionate to the quality and justifiable based on the construction, materials, research needed to produce the components.
But to understand what we're talking we see some examples, taken at random from the evidence from recent issues of leading Italian magazine Hi-Fi Audio Review: 314 ( 9 / 2010) - CD / SACD McIntosh MCD500:
€ 11,600
- 314 (9 / 2010) - B & W 802D Speakers:
- € 14,000 (couple) 314 (9 / 2010) - Pre and final VAC Signature MkII Pre valves and 300.1 Phi: € 39,500
- 313 (7 / 2010) - Multi-Player McIntosh MVP881BR: € 12,000
- 312 (6 / 2010) - Ultimate Edition Dynaudio Consequence:
- € 54,800 (couple) 309 (3 / 2010) - Phono Preamplifier Accuphase C27: 10,250 €
- 309 (3 / 2010) - Speakers: Audio Physic Cardeas:
- € 20,580 (couple) 307 (1 / 2010) - Pre Phono Audio Research Reference Phono 5: € 14,100
- 307 (1 / 2010) - Pre and final solid-state Viola Cadenza + Legacy: € 70,000
- A long list, but Audio Review of component testing 3-4 years shooting super expensive in number, and then I could go on for pages and pages. I also wrote them that a moratorium would hurt small (say, to a maximum number), but I was totally ignored.
course, what an ordinary worker is a crazy price, because more than one year's salary and it should work only 3 or 4 years to pay for the plant, someone else may see a price into line with other luxury items. Without going the classic yachts moored in Porto Santo Stefano in Antibes or even a "normal" sailing yacht from 12 meters costs 350 or 400 000 Euro and 30 or 40 thousand a year for maintenance. Or a high-powered German car or SUV can be closer to 100 000 €, and the next year is already half.
To stay in the music, how much does a grand piano or a violin or cello high quality? We're always talking about priorities, individual choices do not hurt anyone (except perhaps to the heirs), but they do good to someone else instead.

But at least this initial investment then will be maintained over time? buy this often declared "final" (nothing better you will ever do in the world) is definitely right, after years and will always be on top?
In number 235 of May 2003 were for example in the test
Triangle Magellan
, the final speaker of the French, a subject that certainly did not go unnoticed with its height of 218 cm , and that cost € 32,000 in 2003. By controlling the their website they are still there, and now costs € 43,000. So a manufacturer known and stable investment can ensure a good seal. 
who cares about the components Hi-Fi "without compromise"? I personally no, because, like most people, I must instead face a compromise between investment and those needed in listening to the rest of the material life, and even other pleasurable activities (there is only music). Magazines, as an excuse for testing these components, often say that it is important to know and listen to the extreme to compare these achievements to the products they mean. I think instead assume that a designer or producer who are not subject to any compromise to get the best value for money raggiungano un ottimo risultato. E mi stupisco quando avviene il contrario (capita). Mi interessano invece di più quelli che questo problema se lo pongono e raggiungono prestazioni musicali elevate senza "sprechi".
Questo sì che è un compito difficile ed affascinante
Ma poi ci sono quelli che leggono riviste di yachting anche se non possono comprarli, sublimano questa mancanza nella lettura, e lo stesso vale per le supercar o le case di lusso.
Che anche nell'alta fedeltà si scivoli pian piano verso la super-hifi solo da guardare (e difficilmente da ascoltare) penso sia una contraddizione con l'obiettivo di fondo. Ascoltare la musica al meglio, e non inseguire status symbol (che danno ben poco status in questo caso, al confronto di quelli che elencavo prima). Tenendo anche conto che pure per i prodotti "medi" occorre investire comunque cifre non indifferenti, perché si tratta sempre di oggetti che richiedono una elevata qualità di realizzazione e che vengono prodotti in piccola serie.
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