Come ho già accennato, nel calendario lunare cinese , il 2011 è l'anno del rabbit.
To wish a year full of health, joy, serenity, peace, etc.. prepare omanju or Omocha
I had prepared kuromame and I made these omanju shaped bunny. During this period, going crazy at many sites in Japan: there are so many types and with different ingredients.
I have made two types: one with a wheat flour and rice flour

kuromame 80 g (or boiled chestnuts)
40 grams of sugar 20 g water
70 0 grams of flour (or 70 grams of rice flour)
1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder

Ho schiacciatoo kuromame col passaverdure, l'ho diviso in 8 parti e li ho appallotolati (2 cm di diametro circa).
(La stessa cosa si fa con le castagne bollite.)
In una ciotola ho sciolto lo zucchero con l'acqua, quindi ho aggiunto la farina setacciata, il lievito ed ho amalgamato ben bene tutti gli ingredienti, diviso l'impasto in 8 pezzi e li ho appallottolati.
(Si fa lo stesso procedimento con la farina di riso che sostituisce la farina 0.)

Con l'aiuto di altra farina, ho assottigliato ogni pallina dell'impasto e ci ho messo dentro il pesto di fagioli neri (la stessa cosa con il pesto di castagne) ed ho chiuso i lembi, formando un fagottino allungato.
Ho fatto cuocere per 10 minuti nella vaporiera (ho messo dell'acqua nella pentola poi il cestello ed il coperchio).
Appena cotti, ho tolto i coniglietti dal cestello e, con i rebbi di una forchettina intinti in poco colorante nero alimentare, ho fatto il naso e le orecchie ai coniglietti.
Premere con il pollice e l'indice la parte opposta alla testa del coniglietto, per dargli il segno delle zampette posteriori

Questi sono con farina e kuromame

Questi con farina di riso, il ripieno è fatto una parte con kuromame ed un'altra con castagne bollite.
Quest'ultimo impasto si lavora molto meglio, you can close within the pesto beans very easily. Instead of flour that has struggled to close them.
But those with flour are much more tasty, while those with rice flour are mealy in the mouth. Should I try to use different flour to find the optimum.
Even with this recipe for the collection of the contest Ornella
the blog "The Garden of flavors and colors "

usually is on the forums that you do the "cooking together", but bloggers do not deterred by this practice, we try to do so with our blog!
With some bloggers are thinking about making the cake together, following a recipe.
Last year I did this "Simili Panettone with liquid yeast " and came very well, I did it again three times, always with excellent results. At that we decided to do this

plan to start with doing poolish Friday night December 3, let it rise all night and Saturday morning, December 4, go with the first mixture. The firing is scheduled for Sunday.
The essential thing is to have the liquid yeast (CISA) soooooo active. To get it to do so must many refreshments. In order not to meet with the house engulfed by Licola refreshed, it is better to proceed with the pseudo- refreshments. This method avoids the waste of flour
The ingredients for a cake 750 gr are: First
183 g strong flour
43 g sugar 47 g soft butter 83 g of water
75 grams of warm
2 egg yolks
According dough
entire first batter
90gr flour 47gr
strength of soft butter, not melted
27gr of warm water about
8g condensed milk (or milk powder)
17gr sugar 100g sultanas
diced candied orange and citron to taste
3g salt 3g 3g
honey malt
2 egg yolks 1 / 3 vanilla bean, seeds only (for this, it would be better to put a vanilla bean into sugar in the recipe, at least one week before) .
For those interested, leave a comment to this post.
Here there will be no teacher or teacher. All we can interact with everyone.
Since I've already done last year, I might publish a post with the work plan, I will by the end of this week.
you soon and thanks for letting me read to the end
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