or preparation or expense. Not light, not fireworks, processions not beautiful, but a simple signal that allows everyone to be crazy and eccentric as he likes, and announced that, subject to beatings, stabbings and, everything is permitted. . . Especially girls and women take the opportunity to frolic in their taste. "So wrote Goethe, poet and novelist, Germany, the 700 during his trip and long stay in Italy.
E 'from the mists of time that Roman Carnival is the party most ' folk devils and the world. The mob was unleashed in ancient Rome when the powerful of the time allowed that "Semel in years Licet insane" once a year and 'lawful frolic, Lucio Anneo thought expressed by Seneca in De Senectute. The meaning of the word "insane" would seem to track down those parties where you flip the hierarchical order of normal life, by serving the masters and servants feast. Even
Orazio and even Sant 'Agostino subscribed to the madness of Carnival. In the Rome of 2,000 years ago but 'as Carnival did not exist and this "insane" was unleashed during the feasts of the Saturnalia in honor of Saturn, the father of the gods, at the end of December, a period of' Christmas present.
the alchemy of the Christian religion were then reshuffled and renamed many if not all pagan holidays, and saddled downgraded the 'insane' of "Saturnalia" as the Carnival, in the middle 'of winter with a cumbersome mechanism that links penance of Lent and Easter and then the 'a mobile recurrence.
The Papacy has, however, then had to endure the recurrence of pagan origin, which allowed, "Semel in years," the people to express their desire to live in freedom, 'in the' anonymous forms, almost always accompanied by the jeers and derision against the theocratic government.
During Carnival the Cardinal Vicar (who was watching on the costumes with a long hierarchy of Bishop, priests, spies and cops, to the priests who had police functions) had to "draw" on the Freedom 'sexual' Semel in year "gave vent to all levels of society. So much so that nine months after the midwives - midwives - they did not know 'who to the rest, as described by Belli with' instructive dialogue of the sonnet:
E 'from the mists of time that Roman Carnival is the party most ' folk devils and the world. The mob was unleashed in ancient Rome when the powerful of the time allowed that "Semel in years Licet insane" once a year and 'lawful frolic, Lucio Anneo thought expressed by Seneca in De Senectute. The meaning of the word "insane" would seem to track down those parties where you flip the hierarchical order of normal life, by serving the masters and servants feast. Even
Orazio and even Sant 'Agostino subscribed to the madness of Carnival. In the Rome of 2,000 years ago but 'as Carnival did not exist and this "insane" was unleashed during the feasts of the Saturnalia in honor of Saturn, the father of the gods, at the end of December, a period of' Christmas present.
the alchemy of the Christian religion were then reshuffled and renamed many if not all pagan holidays, and saddled downgraded the 'insane' of "Saturnalia" as the Carnival, in the middle 'of winter with a cumbersome mechanism that links penance of Lent and Easter and then the 'a mobile recurrence.
The Papacy has, however, then had to endure the recurrence of pagan origin, which allowed, "Semel in years," the people to express their desire to live in freedom, 'in the' anonymous forms, almost always accompanied by the jeers and derision against the theocratic government.
During Carnival the Cardinal Vicar (who was watching on the costumes with a long hierarchy of Bishop, priests, spies and cops, to the priests who had police functions) had to "draw" on the Freedom 'sexual' Semel in year "gave vent to all levels of society. So much so that nine months after the midwives - midwives - they did not know 'who to the rest, as described by Belli with' instructive dialogue of the sonnet:
the midwife IN Faccenna
"Who ccercate, bBER fijjo? "The midwife".
"Nun is: is ita to the Virgin in rriccojje.
"Tell me, and cquanto star? pperché to mmi 'Mojje
je has run rrotta Mó ll'acqua in achiev funtana.
"Um, my fijjo, that's' na sittimana
jje that if a ssciojje tAll, je if ssciojje. All-in sti
how many have dojje UPDATE:
the glaring arta, the bbassa and mizzen. "
"That Shakes It is crowd vvor day?" Fijjo dear
semo ar fin de novemmre, and is ccarnovale
vvenuto ar de frebbaro principle.
Women zur falls in the ninth moon
Doppo zante quer time, or bben'o mmale
cqua of oggni dua partorissce it one. "
January 31, 1837
version. The midwife busy. "Who are you looking, handsome boy?" The midwife. "" There ': and' round Via the Virgin to give birth. "" Tell me, and what is about '? 'cause my wife broke the waters streaming down' into a fountain. "Um, my son, and this' one week in all that melts, it melts. All of them these days are in labor: the upper class, the low and the media. "" And that means this crowd (of childbirth)? "" My dear son, we are at the end of November, and carnival and 'come to the principle February. The women at the end of the ninth month after that holy time (the carnival), or good or bad here (in Rome) will give birth every other one.
And truly in a society 'repressive, itchy and bigoted as that imposed in the reign of the Pope, was the' only chance to get away for a week by all the rules, the only "vacation" for the Roman populace. In which it participated, however, 'also all over the city' with the nobles, the few middle-class and even the clergy. Everyone, absolutely everyone, attended the unbridled Roman carnival, without any restraint, hidden behind the mask. Liberta 'sex, especially for the "old maids", as these were the girls from her husband and alleged state of virginity'. Historically likely the tasty little picture painted in the film "Il Marchese del Grillo" when the young wife of a noble a bit 'debauched, during the carnival on the streets of Rome turns away from his group to entice a people and get a good fuck in a door. No wonder then the crowd of women giving birth nine months after the fateful.
"Who ccercate, bBER fijjo? "The midwife".
"Nun is: is ita to the Virgin in rriccojje.
"Tell me, and cquanto star? pperché to mmi 'Mojje
je has run rrotta Mó ll'acqua in achiev funtana.
"Um, my fijjo, that's' na sittimana
jje that if a ssciojje tAll, je if ssciojje. All-in sti
how many have dojje UPDATE:
the glaring arta, the bbassa and mizzen. "
"That Shakes It is crowd vvor day?" Fijjo dear
semo ar fin de novemmre, and is ccarnovale
vvenuto ar de frebbaro principle.
Women zur falls in the ninth moon
Doppo zante quer time, or bben'o mmale
cqua of oggni dua partorissce it one. "
January 31, 1837
version. The midwife busy. "Who are you looking, handsome boy?" The midwife. "" There ': and' round Via the Virgin to give birth. "" Tell me, and what is about '? 'cause my wife broke the waters streaming down' into a fountain. "Um, my son, and this' one week in all that melts, it melts. All of them these days are in labor: the upper class, the low and the media. "" And that means this crowd (of childbirth)? "" My dear son, we are at the end of November, and carnival and 'come to the principle February. The women at the end of the ninth month after that holy time (the carnival), or good or bad here (in Rome) will give birth every other one.

The highlight however was the Mardi Gras to the course, the street was the scene of the Roman Carnival, was lit from sunset to "a river of fire" for the explosion of the feast of the stump. In the light of candles of all the features and sizes of paper lanterns lit transparent on stage, on windows, on balconies and in carriages lit by candles, a huge crowd poured in form to the Course and in the surrounding streets to celebrate the end Carnival in a crescendo of frenzied dancing, singing and jokes which often turned into arguments over nothing and even bloody brawls. Each Roman
amid indescribable confusion, that set aside all differences of class and wealth, in his hands or his hat on top of a cane or a candle, trying to keep it on and while trying to extinguish one of its neighbor to the cry: "Who Morammazzato not the airy candle ". Even from windows and balconies of the course you took part in this battle of the stump falling off a wet cloth with which the candles of the crowd below.
Giggi Zanazzo in popular traditions, Roman "wrote:
amid indescribable confusion, that set aside all differences of class and wealth, in his hands or his hat on top of a cane or a candle, trying to keep it on and while trying to extinguish one of its neighbor to the cry: "Who Morammazzato not the airy candle ". Even from windows and balconies of the course you took part in this battle of the stump falling off a wet cloth with which the candles of the crowd below.
Giggi Zanazzo in popular traditions, Roman "wrote:
" The urtimo PDATE de Carnovale ammalappena sounded the Avemmaria (formerly pure er shot gun), all those who sse trovaveno p'er course, be a ppiede, be in Carriage, be a ccavallo, be in the windows, accennéveno li moccoletti. Poi co’ le svèntole, co’ li mazzettacci de fiori, o co’ le cappellate, ognuno cercava de smorza’ er moccolo all’antro, dicènno: - Er móccolo e ssenza er móccolo!- Avevi voja, pe’ ssarvallo, de ficcallo in cima a una canna o a un bastone, o a fficcatte in un portone! Era inutile. Tutti te daveno addosso; e o ccor un soffietto, o ccor una svèntola o cco’ ’na manata o ’na mazzettata te lo smorzaveno in ogni modo, urlanno: - Er móccolo e ssenza er móccolo; abbasso er móccolo!".
Il carnevale, che per secoli costituì motivo di ammirato stupore per gli stranieri del “Viaggio in Italia”, with so many beautiful images left by visiting artists in Rome, who died with the last candle went out, but with strong appendix strictly a dinner of fat in the bars until midnight, one of many "dinners tip 's orloggio, "as he wrote a sonnet in the Belli
Pe 'mme vvojjo Anna lletto ppanza a full and
pprima me daria head ar wall
cchiude that without a carnival scene
But before the battle of the stump was carried out of the race race horses, horses without a rider that the "stirred" in Piazza del Popolo ran up to the "recovery" of piazza Venezia. C'erano poi i carri allegorici che venivano allestiti dalla famiglie della nobilta' papalina, la cosidetta nobilta' nera, e talvolta anche a cura di famiglie di altri Stati d' Italia, con una ricchezza e uno sfarzo inimmaginabili ai giorni d'oggi, anche perche' spesso erano proprio i nobili stessi a impersonare il protagonista della allegoria prescelta. Grandissima era la partecipazione popolare con lucrosi affari per il noleggio di finestre, balconi e perfino sedie sui marciapiedi rialzati e negli affacci dei portoni sul Corso.
Storicamente il Carnevale romano dei tempi del Belli trae le sue origini dalle medioevali tauromachie e tornei di cavalieri a piazza Navona, allora platea in Agone.
Successivamente si hanno testimonianze de “la ruzzica of them pigs "in Monte Testaccio, near the border southwest of the then city limits, here, in addition to the above-mentioned entertainment, a tradition practiced quite bloody. From the top of the artificial hill were rolled carts carrying live pigs. In the race the chariots is turned over and smashed, while downstream gathered a large crowd that contended in a massive slaughter of animals.
You must get to the goal 'of '400 for the definitive location of the heart of the Roman Carnival in the Corso, then via Lata. It was the initiative of Pope Paul II, who, being Venetian, took the occasion to inaugurate its new Palazzo Venezia, just finished building, from which he could comfortably watch alla “ripresa” della corsa dei cavalli barberi, beato lui!
E nel Corso si svolgeva una competizione bizzarra e decisamente crudele: una corsa lungo il rettifilo di via Lata a cui dovevano partecipare , di volta in volta, zoppi, deformi, nani, e anche ebrei anziani. Il popolo correva ad assistere e non risparmiava irriverenti battute ed il lancio di ogni sorta d'oggetti.
Clemente IX nel 1667 pose fine alla barbarie, che pero' fu sostituita dall'accollo a carico degli ebrei di gran parte delle spese del Carnevale insieme all'onta di una cerimonia ingiuriosa con la quale lo stesso si apriva. Il Rabbino Capo della comunità doveva andare in Campidoglio e inginocchiato davanti al Senatore e ai Conservatori di Roma, pronunciava un discorso of contrition, to which the Senator responded with the words: "Go! This year will endure, "trimming the head of the Roman Jews kick ass.
Times had changed dramatically at the time of Belli and during Carnival assumed the role of giving a huge boost to 'asphyxiated economy of the city', with the hire of masks, the sale of sweets: tiny bullets of colored chalk who threw the masks each other and break up, creating some colorful splashes of color 'everywhere and tufts, the current confetti. Hosts and innkeepers were busy then appointed to the gargantuan dinners "on the tip of orloggio", which no Roman, or a stranger, wanted to give up. The carriages were then reviewed by the Lords 'Facocchio ", the ancestor of the modern body shop that repaired and decorated for the' occasion, as stated in the sonnet The add to cart p'er Carnovale:
J'ho by anna give Facocchio sott'all'arco, eg
CKNOWLEDGEMENT them leggni and accommodalli:
then by master crease maniscarco
er pe rrimette them grilled them on horses. . . .
then achiev pp'er corzo accaparrajje in a park:
ortre a cave party pe ar Bball them. . . February 15, 1847
version. Orders for the Carnival. I must go to the body shop under the arch to control the cars and fix them: then by Clement master blacksmith to put the knife to the horses. . . Then down 'to the course to book a stage and another party for the dance ...
Il carnevale, che per secoli costituì motivo di ammirato stupore per gli stranieri del “Viaggio in Italia”, with so many beautiful images left by visiting artists in Rome, who died with the last candle went out, but with strong appendix strictly a dinner of fat in the bars until midnight, one of many "dinners tip 's orloggio, "as he wrote a sonnet in the Belli
Pe 'mme vvojjo Anna lletto ppanza a full and
pprima me daria head ar wall
cchiude that without a carnival scene

Storicamente il Carnevale romano dei tempi del Belli trae le sue origini dalle medioevali tauromachie e tornei di cavalieri a piazza Navona, allora platea in Agone.
Successivamente si hanno testimonianze de “la ruzzica of them pigs "in Monte Testaccio, near the border southwest of the then city limits, here, in addition to the above-mentioned entertainment, a tradition practiced quite bloody. From the top of the artificial hill were rolled carts carrying live pigs. In the race the chariots is turned over and smashed, while downstream gathered a large crowd that contended in a massive slaughter of animals.
You must get to the goal 'of '400 for the definitive location of the heart of the Roman Carnival in the Corso, then via Lata. It was the initiative of Pope Paul II, who, being Venetian, took the occasion to inaugurate its new Palazzo Venezia, just finished building, from which he could comfortably watch alla “ripresa” della corsa dei cavalli barberi, beato lui!
E nel Corso si svolgeva una competizione bizzarra e decisamente crudele: una corsa lungo il rettifilo di via Lata a cui dovevano partecipare , di volta in volta, zoppi, deformi, nani, e anche ebrei anziani. Il popolo correva ad assistere e non risparmiava irriverenti battute ed il lancio di ogni sorta d'oggetti.
Clemente IX nel 1667 pose fine alla barbarie, che pero' fu sostituita dall'accollo a carico degli ebrei di gran parte delle spese del Carnevale insieme all'onta di una cerimonia ingiuriosa con la quale lo stesso si apriva. Il Rabbino Capo della comunità doveva andare in Campidoglio e inginocchiato davanti al Senatore e ai Conservatori di Roma, pronunciava un discorso of contrition, to which the Senator responded with the words: "Go! This year will endure, "trimming the head of the Roman Jews kick ass.
Times had changed dramatically at the time of Belli and during Carnival assumed the role of giving a huge boost to 'asphyxiated economy of the city', with the hire of masks, the sale of sweets: tiny bullets of colored chalk who threw the masks each other and break up, creating some colorful splashes of color 'everywhere and tufts, the current confetti. Hosts and innkeepers were busy then appointed to the gargantuan dinners "on the tip of orloggio", which no Roman, or a stranger, wanted to give up. The carriages were then reviewed by the Lords 'Facocchio ", the ancestor of the modern body shop that repaired and decorated for the' occasion, as stated in the sonnet The add to cart p'er Carnovale:
J'ho by anna give Facocchio sott'all'arco, eg
CKNOWLEDGEMENT them leggni and accommodalli:
then by master crease maniscarco
er pe rrimette them grilled them on horses. . . .
then achiev pp'er corzo accaparrajje in a park:
ortre a cave party pe ar Bball them. . . February 15, 1847
version. Orders for the Carnival. I must go to the body shop under the arch to control the cars and fix them: then by Clement master blacksmith to put the knife to the horses. . . Then down 'to the course to book a stage and another party for the dance ...
short across the Roman economy suffered a beneficial energy injection from the activities' that revolved around the carnival.
The Carnival in Rome was therefore a moment of pure madness and expensive group of people as the upper classes. But in other countries was celebrated with feasts and excesses sometimes extremely dangerous, since the dawn of time. Let's see what happened to the Carnival of King Charles VI of France in January 1393 when, During the festivities the king disguised as a bear, along with five other nobles, dressed in wild costumes and dancing were chained to each other. A torch set fire to the dress of one of them and in seconds, tell the news, the flames flared up and burned alive the unfortunate luck to save it was the only Charles VI.
The festivities in Rome were not pear 'means guaranteed: every year you had to wait for the' edict of the Pope who granted the license of their conduct. Typically in jubilee years the entire program was deleted and replaced by liturgical celebrations. The death of a pope could be suspended parties (such as that of Leo XII, in 1829, cost the Roman Carnival that year).
Also during these days many popes feared riots, because the ability to move with their faces covered by masks created problems of public policy. So any excuse was good for lifting the costume parties. For example, in 1837 Gregory XVI forbid 'Carnival of the danger of cholera as Belli wrote in sonnet Er der Carnival '37 :
Today Arfin order
Cor papal protest and anger der excuse, but
ppe un'antra raggione some 'real PPIU
Er Government inibbito er carnival. January 20, 1837
. Still
Gregory XVI, fearing the presence of liberals, Freemasons and Carbonari con i loro ricorrenti tentativi rivoluzionari, arrivo' a eseguire arresti preventivi di massa per scongiurare che i piu' noti facinorosi potessero attizzare le fiamme della sommossa. Come racconta il Poeta in quest'altro sonetto:
Un Medico bbruggnano ha vvisitati
scent’ommini, e ll’ha mmessi a lo spedale:
mica cche ssiino st’ommini ammalati,
ma ppe impedijje che nnun stiino male.
Potríano ammascherasse a ccarnovale,
e accusí, ddioneguardi, ammascherati
pijjasse una frebbaccia accatarrale,
e mmorí, ddioneguardi, accatarrati.
«Bbisoggna prevedelli li malanni»,
lui disce; 'And ttemp'e lloc a slacker
conzerva er ass ffa ccache ccent'anni. I'm
doctor who? Aas if your name? Er nu
as I know, but sso cch'è vvivo
and is ar de Piazza Palazzo Madama.
January 24, 1833
version. The doctor in Rome. A doctor Brownian (a type of alternative medicine in vogue in the first 800) visited a hundred men and put them all 'hospital, not because' these men are sick, but to prevent that they are evil. Could mask during Carnival and thus, god forbid, take a masked febbraccia bluetongue and die, God forbid, accatarrati. "We foresee ailments, "he says," and a purge time and place and keep your ass shit one hundred years ago. "Who is 'this doctor? name? The name do not know, but I know he' still alive and the Palace of Piazza Madama (the Palace of the Police).
strange consonance, preventive arrests and purges, including the police procedures of the Pope-king and the Duce of Fascism. And again in 1834, when he feared prohibitions for the holidays Carnival (previous year the Government had banned the masks) in another sonnet, the poet writes:
There will be masks this year?
tells me I er de Caserta hub
What he aimed at what some of PPE
Da 'na spy her friend, who will be there.
Then, as usual, that year there were also limitations of any kind in the festivities. With the usual violent protests of the people.
The Carnival in Rome was therefore a moment of pure madness and expensive group of people as the upper classes. But in other countries was celebrated with feasts and excesses sometimes extremely dangerous, since the dawn of time. Let's see what happened to the Carnival of King Charles VI of France in January 1393 when, During the festivities the king disguised as a bear, along with five other nobles, dressed in wild costumes and dancing were chained to each other. A torch set fire to the dress of one of them and in seconds, tell the news, the flames flared up and burned alive the unfortunate luck to save it was the only Charles VI.
The festivities in Rome were not pear 'means guaranteed: every year you had to wait for the' edict of the Pope who granted the license of their conduct. Typically in jubilee years the entire program was deleted and replaced by liturgical celebrations. The death of a pope could be suspended parties (such as that of Leo XII, in 1829, cost the Roman Carnival that year).
Also during these days many popes feared riots, because the ability to move with their faces covered by masks created problems of public policy. So any excuse was good for lifting the costume parties. For example, in 1837 Gregory XVI forbid 'Carnival of the danger of cholera as Belli wrote in sonnet Er der Carnival '37 :
Today Arfin order
Cor papal protest and anger der excuse, but
ppe un'antra raggione some 'real PPIU
Er Government inibbito er carnival. January 20, 1837
. Still
Gregory XVI, fearing the presence of liberals, Freemasons and Carbonari con i loro ricorrenti tentativi rivoluzionari, arrivo' a eseguire arresti preventivi di massa per scongiurare che i piu' noti facinorosi potessero attizzare le fiamme della sommossa. Come racconta il Poeta in quest'altro sonetto:
Un Medico bbruggnano ha vvisitati
scent’ommini, e ll’ha mmessi a lo spedale:
mica cche ssiino st’ommini ammalati,
ma ppe impedijje che nnun stiino male.
Potríano ammascherasse a ccarnovale,
e accusí, ddioneguardi, ammascherati
pijjasse una frebbaccia accatarrale,
e mmorí, ddioneguardi, accatarrati.
«Bbisoggna prevedelli li malanni»,
lui disce; 'And ttemp'e lloc a slacker
conzerva er ass ffa ccache ccent'anni. I'm
doctor who? Aas if your name? Er nu
as I know, but sso cch'è vvivo
and is ar de Piazza Palazzo Madama.
January 24, 1833
version. The doctor in Rome. A doctor Brownian (a type of alternative medicine in vogue in the first 800) visited a hundred men and put them all 'hospital, not because' these men are sick, but to prevent that they are evil. Could mask during Carnival and thus, god forbid, take a masked febbraccia bluetongue and die, God forbid, accatarrati. "We foresee ailments, "he says," and a purge time and place and keep your ass shit one hundred years ago. "Who is 'this doctor? name? The name do not know, but I know he' still alive and the Palace of Piazza Madama (the Palace of the Police).
strange consonance, preventive arrests and purges, including the police procedures of the Pope-king and the Duce of Fascism. And again in 1834, when he feared prohibitions for the holidays Carnival (previous year the Government had banned the masks) in another sonnet, the poet writes:
There will be masks this year?
tells me I er de Caserta hub
What he aimed at what some of PPE
Da 'na spy her friend, who will be there.
Then, as usual, that year there were also limitations of any kind in the festivities. With the usual violent protests of the people.
IMAGES. 1. last night of Carnival. The stump must be well kept up, because they were playing off for the other masks (A. Pinelli). 2. masks popular at the time of Belli in Rome in an old print. You will notice that, like playing cards, and Rome was free, or nearly so (the Rugantino is a mask rather late), his mask, but should and must resort to various forms Italian regions. Who says today, falsely, that in Italy there was a unified feeling before the proclamation of the Unit in 1861, and then entry into Rome of the Italian army in 1870, is denied if only by popular uses. In its small way, the Carnival, for example, had already unified Italy. 3. Carnival in a painting course at the 800.
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