was a long time I dreamed of eating something with mussels (also known as mussels). We at Taranto, as children, we eat mussels Small Sea, which we call "mussels" because there are also the "hairy mussels ( here to get an idea) with spaghetti, arracanate , peppered mussels, and so on and so forth.
Here in Japan I had never happen to see them for sale. But a couple of weeks ago an acquaintance of mine I indicated where they sell, even if they are those of Hiroshima, not our Sea Small, okay, we must be content!
The market place is a lot out of reach for me, I had to make a tons of miles to find them, and worth it.
Ma. Hark .... 100 grams cost 105 yen (0.90 ~ 0.95 euro cents or so), I bought only 200 grams, were 10, I used 7 and the other 3 I put in the freezer as evidence to see if after having cooked are still good. With 7
mussels have prepared "rice, potatoes and mussels" and came to a good full of nostalgia.
With these quantities can be eaten safely in three.
200 gr mussels in their shells
140 grams of rice
4 medium potatoes ~ 8 ~ 9
large tomatoes
extra virgin olive oil to taste Parmesan cheese, olive oil and salt to taste 1 clove garlic
parsley Wash the shells of mussels, scraping fouling, and open them with a boxcutter, peel and slice the potatoes, wash the rice a few times to take a little starch.
In the bottom of a dish 18 cm in diameter arrange a layer of potatoes and some chopped tomatoes in half, sprinkle a bit 'of parmesan cheese, a dribble of olive oil and salt.

on potatoes lay the mussels in half shell, a tour of olive oil and salt. On
mussels put the washed rice ed i pomodorini tagliati a metà, cospargere un po' di parmigiano, un giro d'olio evo e sale.
In ultimo le restanti patate affettate, lo spicchio d'aglio vestito, parmigiano, olio evo e sale.

Cuocere in forno a 160°C per 10 minuti, quindi coprire con acqua calda e il liquido filtrato delle cozze e far cuocere per altri 40~50 minuti, fino a cottura.
E' pronto quando sulla superficie si forma una crosticina appena dorata.

Togliere lo spicchio d'aglio, tagliuzzare con le dita il prezzemolo e cospargerlo sul riso.
E' buono sia caldo che freddo
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