But the regular customer, who does not have more power than that of the money to pay for the shoes, are often duped by "master Grespino "(Crispin), the name of legendary shoemakers and cobblers, as he wrote in a note to Belli, however, denied by the star ( Ancient crafts of Rome, ed. Newton Compton, 2005, p. 103), which are listed of shoemakers in 1864 does not mention even one Crispino. In short, it must have happened as a master Titta, the most famous Executioner of Rome, who later became a legendary name and saddled with all the perpetrators.
"But the customer beware, because" Calzolari and Ciavattini ingannan many times with the stuff they give you, because they are good to sell a sheep for a calf, or a shoe to give you a new Ciavatta renewed, "and even" take in sewing wide steps to e "(The Star, citing the historic Garzoni).
Like the barber, the innkeeper, a little 'even the pharmacist, master Grespino is a small authority, his studio is a landmark of idlers of the neighborhood, imminent, bullies (B. Rossetti, Bullies of Rome , ed. Newton Compton, 2006, p.133 caption) and, I bet, some paino, perhaps working-class origin.
This venue, as well as industrious craft, lets us see the beauty in a couple of amusing sonnets, where master Grespino, perhaps before a small audience, the magnificent fruit of his work, taxes are unlikely to quality defects of his shoes. And some even giving the customer rip-off, that is always about how to put new soles old, the classic "one", as they say in Rome today. The item was mentioned for the first time since Pasolini ( A violent life , 1959), as reported by the linguist P. D'Achille (Roma Tre).
Straits?! But gguardi LLI, which are tight
jje make a leg which is a Piasca.
Sun frank, if he can, ppelle honest: I know
boots, and nno zzànnoli de friars.
CCOSI What it does, SSOR cavajjere
of those boastful squatrassciati
ddoppo that hour or that ddua ll'ha ccarzati
je diventeno par de sorbet?
Beat er foot, accusations, de ffacci this:
ggià but, er er calf feels like callus
gives him Medem ppijja er and Zest.
Today ddomani ar iff That Shakes puts them more, she sti
boots cqui pposso accertallo
that jj'anneranno sú ccom'e ccarzette.
November 30, 1836
version. Mastro Crispino 1. Tight? But look here, are tight that they make a pin that is a pleasure. Quality soil, you know, real leather: boots and sandals are brothers. What if it does, sir knight, one of those awkward shoes and wide after an hour or two that has become worn to a couple of sherbet? Ram's foot so as I do, because the leather feels the heat as yields alone and settles on the foot. Today or tomorrow at most that if you put them, these boots, I guarantee, will be on how the socks.
Wide sti bbordacchè?! Llavoro to ttanti
oggnuno them and only want ggranni PPIU of those.
Quanno she commannava du 'bbudelli,
Count my surprise, he could tell it forward.
These ar not go je WHAT gguanti
cce if without effort and ss'appuntelli:
nun there ar less bbisoggno de mettelli
to ffuria de de soap and tie.
Nu feels that ppasta de Gammal?
The prim'acqua that vviè cquesto aritira;
and ssi throats, or nun or j'entra jje mmale ago.
Carz commido, carz: er tropp'è ttroppo.
Besides pe ffa er leg if sighs
co lanes and ssoprossi them and iff is zzoppo.
November 30, 1836
version. Mastro Crispin 2. Wide Borzacchini these? (Brodequins - boots with uppers gray deerskin used for walking) I do it for many customers and all they want the largest of these. If she wanted to have two casings, Count I, he could say before. At least these are the gloves, without the efforts and commitments (infile): there is no need to force them to soap and shoe horns. I do not feel that type of skin is the leg? The first water that takes, it will withdraw, and then, if it is tight, or enters or hurts. Snug fit, fits, enough is enough. Then to make you suffer with foot calluses and soprossi (joint deformities by tight shoes) and walk lame.
master Grespino a bit short 'makes it cooked a bit' is the raw, as appropriate, customers and the errors of his shoes. The shoes were the days of the horse Belli of San Francisco for most of the people and should fit well and have a long way, but not always the master on duty there Grespino apt.
Belli has written a number of sonnets on this job. We read in the notes to the sonnet Er carzolaro doctor: "In Rome the shoemakers and barbers are the doctors of the vulgar." Their claims erano pertanto difficilmente contestabili dagli avventori. Ma per i ricconi e l’alto clero il discorso era un po' diverso e le loro esigenze, come oggi, erano per calzature belle e alla moda.
Comunque anche per loro l'arrivo del calzolaio per consegnare o provare a domicilio le scarpe era un avvenimento importante che poteva giustificare l'interruzione di udienze o affari di Stato. Nel sonetto La risposta de Monziggnore (10 ottobre 1835) l'arrivo improvviso del calzolaio per consegnare o provare le scarpe di Monsignore è un giustificato motivo per interrompere brutalmente l'udienza di un povero postulante:
Ner mejjo der discorzo, er calzolaro
venne a pportajje un par de scarpe nove,
e mme mmannòrno via com’un zomaro.
IMMAGINE. La bottega di calzolaio ai tempi del Belli era anche un affollato luogo di ritrovo e pettegolezzo per eleganti paini, minenti arricchiti, sfaccendati di quartiere e bulli senza arte né parte (stampa di A. Pinelli).
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