Nient’affatto, perché gli impiegati delle 7 circoscrizioni soppresse continuano a fruire di stipendi, anzi di pensione.
Ma non basta: un terzo Governo ci ripensa e ripristina la situazione quo ante dei 14 municipi locali.
E va be’ - sbufferete, cominciando a perdere la pazienza - almeno siamo sicuri che saranno richiamati in servizio quei 7 funzionari già messi a riposo.
Ma neanche per sogno, si vede che venite dalla luna: il nuovo Governo, state pur sicuri, per motivi clientelari ed elettoralistici, assumerà 7 apparati burocratici del tutto nuovi, che addestrerà nuovamente da zero e pagherà with other lavish salaries. Still, it could have used those made redundant who already paid. Instead, it will be paid by the State as many as 21 officials. "It 's good government jobs, beauty!"
short, is an inexorable law: the number of bureaucrats, no matter what "reforms" or "cuts" to balance the short, whatever happens, will always tend to increase. A little 'as the price of gasoline, which in the hands of the oil oligopolists, in zigzag-reduced-price increases to price rises, however, tends to rise.
A story today? Not at all, is a sonnet by Belli, now as a few at a time of economic crisis, unrealistic "savings" in the fight purely Minutes to the populist and public waste, cuts to elephantine bureaucracies and parasitic more threatened than real (and, if real, made so stupid). In short, the eternal administrative Leopard: everything changes, because nothing changes. But we read the sonnet
Vivenno uguarmente
to put Pope Pius Rroma urion for a President. As he was
mmorto, Pope Leo
ristrinze oggni du 'urion a President.
But they dropped only seven went on
je ffa on the Doha Development Agenda 'Penzion. Then came a cave
Pio d'antra oppiggnone
c'arimesse CUER who was formerly.
But the seven Presidents of nine, he
nu ripijjò them from there arise, and P to
st'antri sce faces today are.
Nun's mmejjo that if cquanno sparaggna!
is accused by cuattordisci paid
Mó sso vventuno and oggnun cuesta de maggna.
Rome, December 3, 1832
version. Savings. Pope Pius (Pius VI) during his pontificate began in Rome a chairman for each of the [fourteen] wards (districts). But he died, Pope Leo (Leo XII) placed the limit of a president for every two districts. Except that the seven presidents continued to be discarded into retirement. Then came another pope Pio (Pius VIII), which had a different opinion, and went back to the old system. But the new seven presidents do not fished from those set aside. The fact is that today there are those other faces. There is nothing better that when you save! And so by fourteen paid, have now become twenty-one, and each of them eat.

ringleader ringleaders OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY. So, since the leaders '400 (then president of the districts, the 14 traditional districts of Rome) did the Conservatives in the Palazzo del Campidoglio. There were also a Prior of the ringleaders, 14, or vice-captains, 14 secretaries, inspectors, janitors, and more committed employees (or scouts). All depend on the government of Rome, the Cardinal Camerlengo. And, more than "blue car": the leaders of the time, very different from today's "leaders, dressed in blue like so many anonymous drivers and unadorned, the judge showed off their wedding sull'abito Knight's Cross with a gold crest ward (p.es, that of the Pigna district in our image).
The ringleaders had several roles: public policy, administrative control and decency, and councilors of the city (almost ombundsman of the district), even disputes the justice of the peace until the value of 5 shields. Each chieftain was attended by several Constabili or capotori with urban police duties.

a certain prestige, and traces, oddly, on the edge of monumental fountains. On the Piazza delle Cinque Scole now, in the Ghetto (1593, G. della Porta), p.es, are carved the arms of the Conservatives and the Prior of the ringleaders. Even the fountain in Piazza S. Simeon, also of the Gate (originally Square Montanara), as amended in 1829, were added to the arms of the Capitoline magistrates (or conservative), and this is what has allowed us the exact date of the change. For the record, were: Edward de 'Quintili, Paolo Carandini, Maretinez Paolo, Pietro de' Vecchi (Prior of the ringleaders).
THE PROCESSION TO FREE THE PRISONERS. How to pay, usually more Popes, ringleaders and priors had a lot of smoke and little roast. There was smoke in the prestigious Baroque staging of the procession in time of vacancy, ie, after the death of the pope, when in full regalia, preceded by dealers and the entire chapter of capotori (today would be the municipal police), drum swing with the notary and the Capitoline, the leaders of Campitelli and Rule, on behalf of the Senators, were going to release prisoners detained for minor offenses in the Capitol and the new Prison Via Giulia. Do not ask the reason for all this: we do not understand. Even then he was proud of every demagogic newly elected Pope to bestow amnesty and release prisoners. Well, even then, any excuse, from white to black, was good for empty the prisons overcrowded, filthy and inhumane.
PROVINCES, Legations and Council (Appointments). If this was, in summary, administrative and public order in Rome, just imagine the complication and the oversupply of administrative positions outside Rome, in the United Papal States. The evils were all already present. The reform of Cardinal Consalvi had divided the kingdom into 20 provinces, of which 5 (Rome, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna and Forlì) governed by cardinals ("legation"), the other 15 by Monsignor ("delegation"). To "save", then the number of provinces was reduced. Each province was divided into districts, known as "the Governments", ruled by a governor. Each government included a number of municipalities governed by municipal councils. Certainly not elected as in liberal democracy, but appointed by the Cardinals tied or monsignors delegates among the elders of the city. In Rome, the town was ruled by a senator on Capitol Hill conservatives and 8.

THE TWO HOUSES OF THE BEAUTIFUL. The same Belli, although unfortunate in the work, however, had some small, unexpected stroke of luck, due to her church friends in the Senate. It seems, indeed, assisted by a union of genius. And yes, because had worked a few years so precarious in government offices (Spogli church and State Property, which came out in 1810 with a pension, albeit insignificant). From 1816 he worked in the Office stamp duty and registration to be retired at his request in 1826. 'E' in 1841 the release of the jobs in the papal Belli '42 and his appointment as Chief of Correspondence. " But here "in 1845, to direct the will of the Pope, is Giubilato with a good pension" (L. De Bellis, Italian Literature). It was then also censor theatrical, very strict. But in the meantime, though often cried poverty, had profited two pensions ...
AND OUR TIMES? WASTE OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES. In short, our current difficulty in cleaning up parasitic in the undergrowth of annuities and privileges of a particular category, assembly, province, region, coming from far away. As for the head-quarters of the presidents of the districts or time of beauty, so to this day even the state employees, municipal districts, the municipalities themselves, provinces, regions and useless (well, useful only to their leaders and employees), is eliminated or reduced. One example among thousands: the new province of Lecco, detached from that of Milan, was in theory only absorb the existing employees in Milan. Not at all, in front of the offer of a provincial meneghini hundreds of employees, are niche. It 'clear that he wants to choose his own, also to show the local population that the new province is about something that is to employ some local citizens. That's what good practice in local authorities. To create a false economy to centralized health care and salaries, pensions and benefices. That denies, moreover, any place. Because if we really must go to the local authorities - in such a small country like Italy, which already is a small province of Europe (so it is really "local autonomy") - at least that these local authorities are truly autonomous and self-sufficient. Then indeed we would see what they can do on their own without government assistance, that is, the exploitation of citizens of other privincia or regions. But it would have done little or nothing. How, exactly, the time of the Pope-King.
IMAGES. Governor, papal nobility, and emblem of the Pigna district.
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