The ancient astronomers had identified the shortest and longest days of the year, along with shamans and priests there had placed the great festivals. That of the summer solstice, when the length of daylight is greatest, has been transformed by the church in celebration of St. John the Baptist in the vicinity of the winter solstice, Dec. 27 is devoted to another St. John, 'Evans. But the old traditions pagan related to the movement of the stars, they lasted a long time and still lasts. Belli, at the time of the Pope King, outlines the characteristics of witchcraft and diabolical feast of St. John the Baptist, that of 24 June which are just a few thousand year tradition of the longest day of the year.
Tomorrow is Giuvanni SSAN? He ffío mine tonight who
cqua army er craft
de witches, wizards and de ffattucchiere
which pe er er devil is their ddio,
if straformeno into beasts, and tte dich'io
c'a the de finosomia those exhibitions,
although many all-black black
then there riffigurà PPIU dd'un Jew.
E vvanno all charges to SSAN Giuvanni,
that llui er is their patron saint, eg the
unless ssia, a zeimilanni.
But MME, cco 'no scopijjo ar giustacore
and a head-or d'ajjo ddua sott'a them clothes,
me from over by a Ziggnore Aas.
March 15, 1834
In un altro sonetto, " La strega", il Belli approfondisce il tema delle streghe, che si manifestano durante la notte di San Giovanni, e abitualmente si riuniscono con i diavoli per il sabba sotto il noce di Benevento.
Sta vecchiaccia cqua in faccia è er mi’ spavento:
nun fa antro che incanti e inciarmature,
fattucchierie, stregonerie, fatture,
sortileggi e mmaggie, oggni momento.
Smove li fattijjoli a le crature,
e oggni notte, sopr’acqua e ssopr’a vvento
er demonio la porta a Bbenevento
sotto la nosce de le gran pavure.
Llí cco le streghe straformate in mostri
bballa er fannango, e jje fanno l’orchestra
li diavoli vestiti da Cajjostri.
Tutte le sere, io e lla Maestra,
ar meno pe ssarvà lli fijji nostri,
je mettémo la scopa a la finestra.
3 febbraio 1833
Versione . La strega. Questa vecchiaccia qua di fronte mi mette paura: non fa altro che incantesimi, inciarmature and sorcerers (three words have the same meaning) sorcery, invoices, and magic spells at any time. Sickens children seizures (infantijoli. popular voice of 'Umbria), and every night, and sopracqua above' in the Wind (formula of exorcism of witches to the devil) the devil carries a Benevento under the walnut tree of the great fears (where it is believed to take place the infernal sabbath). Li with the witches turned into monsters dancing the fandango and the orchestra are the devils dressed as Cagliostro (Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, was considered the incarnation of the devil by the populace). Every night me and the teacher, at least to save our children, we put a broom in the window (the object was believed to be a protection against witches).
. .
Belli indulges in these sonnets to popular belief most dismal in terms of witches and witchcraft. Helped in this by the Catholic Church, which still gives some figures of the clergy, the exorcists, law enforcement powers to the forces of evil, to ward off the devil has taken possession of people. At the time of the temporal power of the Popes, recognized women as witches were interrogated by the Inquisition, to know their relationship with the devil, tortured as was the use, to confess their alleged sins, and then sentenced to death and burned at the stake. At the time of the Beautiful, in fact, the practice was widespread, ancient, due to the shamans of prehistoric times, to turn to people sensitive to magic and other esoteric activities. Wizards or assumed, we all know, still exist today, but are no longer burned at the most spend some time in the nation's prisons for abuse of popular credulity, circumvention of an incapable, fraud etc..
But on the feast of St. John the Baptist give the floor to Giggi Zanazzo, another great Roman. His chronicles tell us picnics, eat the snails, the free play of 'eroticism and sexuality that traditionally accompany a party official religion, but in reality festival of light - is the longest day of the year - and the joy of reconciliation with the next (Paolo Bordini)

"The viggija de San Giuvanni, we use the night of Anna, as you know, in San Giuvanni Dairy apregà er and Santo de magna snails in the inns and cabins in de pe that if they lie in wait 'That night . For de la Porte, to the ascent of the spirits, there was Several years ago, the tavern of the Witches, indove quela s'annava night there for dinner. In my time, really, if it was not all 'Babble is great that if it makes now. There s'annava co 'burning torches or Below' lenses, because it was dark then dark, p 'divozzione davero and pe' sees the witches. As if it was pe 'Vedella? One was carrying a stick if done at the top hairpin, and was quanno sur place, put er in the chin furcina acquired influence, and so could see in quer 'fine witches passàveno there all the way to Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, and from the slope of spirits. Pe 'scongiuralle enough of holding a scopijo, and a capodajo spighetta cor garofoletto. S’intenne che prima d’uscì’ da casa, de fôra de la porta, ce se metteva la scopa e er barattolo der sale. Accusì si una strega ce voleva entrà’ nu’ lo poteva, si prima che sonasse mezzanotte nun contava tutti li zeppi de la scopa e tutte le vaghe der sale. Cosa che benanche strega, nu’ je poteva ariuscì’; perchè, si se sbajava a contà’ aveva d’arincomincià’ da capo. Pe’ non faccele poi avvicinà pe’ gnente, bastava mettere su la porta de casa du’ scope messe in croce. Come la strega vedeva la croce, er fugge je serviva pe’ companatico! Presempio, chi aveva pavura che la strega j’entrassi home from the hood der path, the springs and put the paddle in pure cross there, or the heart Attura sieve the flour.

Quello che già il giorno prima della festa spiccava subito all'occhio erano i tanti banchetti di venditrici di lumache. La tradizione di mangiare le lumache, che hanno gli occhietti su lunghe protuberanze prese dal popolino per "corna", aveva in origine il significato di cancellare i tradimenti e i dissapori, non solo fra moglie e marito, ma con qualunque parente e socio. Insomma, tanti anni fa il significato delle corna era più ampio, e poteva includere dissapori con amici, parenti e vicini di casa. Mangiare le lumache significava eliminare queste "corna" e riconciliarsi col mondo.
Un'altra tradizione della festa di San Giovanni era quella di scoprire chi avrebbero sposato le ragazze da marito. Questa la procedura secondo Zanazzo (Paolo Bordini):
Alle ragazze: ecco come trovare il fidanzato nella notte di S.Giovanni.
"Aspettate che arivi er giorno de la festa de San Giuvanni. Arivato quer day, you at midday on the dot, pijate a piece of lead, squajatelo sur fire, and then quann'è squajato, throw in a Scudella full of water. Then you will see that quer lead, in der froze it will do, will form a lot of de giôcarèlli all species. Among that you will see there giôcarèlli quarchiduno rissomija that one of them many tools, which one of them on your protennenti addopra in der 'job, then you are certain that this quer very own him, it was one intended to sposavve. You pe 'ccombinazzione however, lead sciorto er in der froze in the water, did nun quer de gnisun joke like this, then that same water pijate, open wide the window, and bbuttatela pe 'road. Er your pretenders first of which will pass them on to that water, er will be lucky or unlucky to marry you " (G. Zanazzo).
was great popular participation, the Piazza San Giovanni in Santa Croce in Gerusalemme was all a joyous orgy "(Gregorovius," Walking Roman "). We ate, drank and revel in it as they could, between large flower decorations, music, fireworks fireworks, sweets, dishes of snails, lights. Not only fire, but also the lights, which was decorated with the Appian Way just outside the Porta SanGiovanni.
And you had to make noise with trumpets, horns, tambourines, bells and fireworks (you could buy special clay bells), to ward off witches and impossible for them to take herbs if outlets and caught that night was the raw material for magic potions . Bonfires were lit around which people danced and drank. In this unbridled joy, and knife fights were inevitable.
Then came the custom of bathing on the night of San Giovanni, in the fountain just below the obelisk. But people are exaggerating, and young people did not just throw naked in the fountains. Since 1753 the Church authorities had prohibited, but without results, "any person of either sex, who in that night Veruno dare approach the tanks, the streams, fountains, taking off his trousers and crouch on ' grass, worth three men whipping to be given in public and a fine of 50 crowns, and three for women whipping post in public, and both like each other without any remission. "
But with the excuse of the slope of the Spirits, just outside the door, young people and engaged couples went for the bushes "to kissing or mating. "Under the specious pretext of taking a bath, men and women together, go out of doors, in secluded places, hiding in the bushes or behind hedges, and freely commit indecent exposure ... "(from an edict of the Cardinal Vicar, 1744). But Pope Benedict XIV was wide sleeves, and so answered complaints of the prelates, "Nasca what has to be born: born subject to some other state."

, in short, was the great orgy on the night of San Giovanni in Rome of the Popes. But as we all know, these things always end in glory, the party ended at dawn when the Pope after the shooting of the cannon of Castel S. Angelo celebrated the Mass, from the loggia of the basilica and then put money into gold and silver people. With other unavoidable fights for the populace accaparrarsele (Nico Valerio).
IMAGES. 1. Cover of Illustrated forum dedicated to the night of San Giovanni in Rome in the first 900, when the party was now fallen for decades and gentrified. Imagine that there should be reveling in the mid 800. 2. The party of 24 Roesler Franz great view from June, bringing together all the symbols: flowers of garlic and onion, horns, flares and firecrackers, water and the background and even perhaps a religious procession, the flag of Italy Risorgimento. 3. The witches' sabbath (Goya). 4. The current Piazza San Giovanni, even as it appeared in 1860 while being inside the walls, was covered with vines, bushes and fruit trees. This was the environment at the heart of the festival. 5. bells and chimes of clay, typical of Halloween. 6. The Banquet of the peasant women selling snails were so important that they feel almost the square of the basilica. 7. Assault dei festaioli all'omnibus a cavalli già pieno era uno dei cinque classici elementi della tumultuosa festa di San Giovanni messi in copertina dalla Illustrazione Italiana . 8. Porta San Giovanni. Da qui uscivano i giovani popolani in coppie per andare, con una scusa o un'altra, al monte degli Spiriti, opportunamente fuori mano e lontano da occhi indiscreti.
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