wants the Church to which invented the Inquisition and the "stringent interrogation" always on the verge of becoming physical and psychological torture, now finds itself badly in the dock. Who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
De Troy as an anti-Bellarmine? Be ', do not exaggerate. The latter, accusing the Holy Office, had wrongly condemned Galileo and Giordano Bruno ("guilty of having seen the Earth go around the Sun," reads ironically plaque next to the famous Villa Medici). Instead, the Belgian prosecutor who investigated the archbishop's hard to even reaching out to Brussels to open a tomb, he wanted to break the silence and coerce Catholic i vescovi a fare i nomi dei tanti religiosi che con la scusa del messaggio cristiano " sinite parvulos venire ad me " (lasciate che i bambini vengano da me) avevano commesso gravi violenze su minori e atti di pedofilia. Chiesa, letteralmente, " refugium peccatorum "?
And speaking of graves uncovered, the Bella will turn in his tomb at the Verano, and most will regain almost like writing satirical verses about the corruption of the Church, like the good old days (which are the seven years from 1830 to 1837) if you do read the newspapers in June 2010 that speak of the Cardinal Secretary of State that gives the "communists", that is - translated into language belliano – dei "giacubbini", ai giudici di Bruxelles che indagano sui reticenti monsignori pedofili, e del cardinale del Pontificio Collegio urbano "de Propaganda Fide", coinvolto in un’oscura vicenda di appalti, mazzette e appartamenti di lusso concessi gratis ai potenti, che per non essere interrogato dai magistrati romani si rifugia sotto la protezione di Santa Madre Chiesa, con la scusa del Concordato. Stiamo tornando al "diritto di asilo" delle chiese, anzi, della Chiesa?

short, grumpy and say the Great Misanthrope, "will have you quarche viziaccio annisconne of" any felony in short, the Church (with a capital letter, as indeed in our title) will defend you. Only in those days served, at least one church (with the lower case) or a convent, preferably out of reach. Today even the most difficult to climb the stairs at breakneck speed of the churchyard with the police in hot pursuit. You do everything with the phone: "Hello, Your Eminence?". Everyone will remember the figure of one 'in the Christopher Betrothed . Manzoni said that when the cappuccino was only the wealthy merchant Louis, one day he had the misfortune not to give way in a narrow alley to a noble and arrogant bully. In short, the reporter would say today, "a tragedy originated from petty reasons of practicability." Apostrophe as "vile mechanical!" (Ie, a man of low condition) had to defend himself from his sword. Today the criminals of the steering wheel would resort to the screwdriver. Killed his pet and friend Christopher who had generously interposed, Lodovico in turn killed the squire (see above, the detail of an old engraving of Betrothed : Louis is the swordsman plumed right) . To escape the inevitable unjust justice that would give reason to the noble, took refuge in a nearby Capuchin monastery, where he was led to repent and become monaco.
But, as shown by the judicial reports today, this famous example of "asylum", ie of impunity for criminals not allowed clergy from churches and convents, we must not think that as Fra 'Cristoforo ecclesiasticii sinners in today's black cassock , violet, rosso o bianco, quelli cioè che nella Chiesa già ci sono e quindi non devono ricorrere all'asilo, si pentano allo stesso modo, e anzi diventino migliori. Tutt’altro, sembrano conservare la loro abituale arroganza, e chi con documenti alla mano li accusa si becca l'epiteto di "giacobino", "laicista", "illuminista", "liberale", "relativista", se non ateo o "senza Dio".
E allora su questi tanti furbi potenti per i quali la Chiesa cattolica è connivente e omertosa, con la comoda scusa del "refugium peccatorum", ci va benissimo il sonetto Er rifuggio :
A le curte: te vòi sbrigà d'Aggnesa
Senza er risico tuo? Be', tu pprocura
D'ammazzalla vicino a quarche chiesa:
Poi scappa drento, e nun avé ppavura.
In zarvo che tu ssei dopo l'impresa,
Freghete del mandato de cattura;
Ché a chi tte facci l'ombra de l'offesa
Una bona scomunnica è ssicura.
Lassa fà: staccheranno la licenza:
Ma ppe la grolia der timor de Dio,
C'è sempre quarche pprete che ce penza..
Tu nun ze' un borzarolo né un giudìo,
Ma un cristiano c'ha perzo la pacenza:
Dunque, tu mena, curri in chiesa, e addio.
Roma, 5 dicembre 1832

At the time of the moment, however, that this loophole the Catholic Church offered to offenders responded cynically to a logic class, of which few speak. The nobles who were stained with the murder were asked for asylum in France, but people hardly ever managed to avoid justice. Unless, of course, the offender had not chosen to be even monaco for life. And then, prison jail, the better the cloister.
The absurd and immoral than the privilege of extraterritoriality enjoyed by civil laws for disposal of the Church monasteries and churches was canceled for the first time in Italy from the catholic "Kingdom of Sardinia" (so named because they were the only principles Savoy from Piedmont) with the laws by which the Catholic earl Siccardi abolì nel 1850 il diritto d’asilo, insieme con altri privilegi ecclesiastici. Manzoni, d’Azeglio e i tanti cattolici – veri cattolici – liberali che c’erano allora in Italia, furono contentissimi: la Chiesa doveva ritornare ad essere "morale", a distinguere gli onesti dai disonesti, ad occuparsi solo delle cose spirituali. La città di Torino eresse per gratitudine un obelisco alle leggi Siccardi. Inutile dire che, per aver eliminato le ingiustizie più odiose legate al potere e al Mondo dell’aldiquà, di chi andava dicendo invece - e dice tuttora - di occuparsi solo dell’anima e dell’Aldilà, tutti i politici coinvolti nella legge furono scomunicati dal "papa buono" Pio IX, long thought to be "liberal" by the Liberals uninformed or naive.
In more recent times, only in exceptional cases (anti-dictatorships, civil wars) the right of asylum has been used by the Church to save entire categories of research, often of opposite trends: How the Jews in Rome in the convent of street Sicily. The same convent - Nirenstein F. revealed - where, after the war, many Nazi leaders were housed before FIT Vatican passports and let them flee to Argentina.
However, apart from rare action "humanitarian", sometimes questionable (SS and Nazis), to be sure, the Church was and is a "refugium peccatorum" for many of its popes, cardinals and bishops - and the Belli ce lo dice in quasi ogni sonetto – ma questo lato nero, quasi un B side , della Chiesa cattolica, nonostante tutto è utile. Meno male che la Chiesa c’è: così può esistere questo blog. Un disegno machiavellico della Provvidenza. Se, infatti, si fosse sempre comportata bene, come sta scritto sul Vangelo, il Belli avrebbe scritto al massimo un quinto dei suoi sonetti, o forse non li avrebbe scritti affatto. Grazie proprio alle carognate di papi, cardinali, vescovi, monsignori, preti, frati, monache, sacrestani e chierichetti, l’Arte e la Letteratura hanno opere che si ricordano, dalla pittura, alla satira del Belli. .

E 'why, even, paradoxically, in the end, ti vogliamo bene. Sei stata, sei e sarai sempre – i fatti di oggi lo dimostrano – una miniera inesauribile di spunti felici per la satira e la critica.
Un po’ quello che il Belli diceva del bruttissimo papa Gregorio XVI, monaco dei Camaldolesi, di Belluno e dunque all'epoca cittadino austriaco, che fu per decenni il "suo" papa di riferimento, criticato aspramente in ben 273 sonetti, considerato la causa dell’estendersi del malcostume morale, del dissesto economico, sociale e politico del Regno Pontificio, accusato di aver reso Roma una vera "stalla e chiavica der monno".
E Rroma, indove viengheno a ddà ffonno,
e rrinnegheno Iddio, rubben'e ffotteno,
is stable and the sewer der Monno.
(Li the cardinals and prelates, May 27, 1834).
[E Rome, where they are to plunder, and deny God, steal and fuck, is stable and the sewer of the world].
This Pope, when he died, Belli epigram dedicated a fulminating, typically conducted on the game of words, brilliant linguist, he was, even more than the poet:
A je Pope Gregory gave me because I loved
er de potenne taste bad.
is precisely the same sentiment that many, including ourselves, have for the SS (Holy See) and SCCAR (Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.
IMAGES: 1. Detail from a 'illustration of the first editions of Betrothed . Ludovico (the swordsman is plumed to the right, between the future' Christopher) kills the warlord who killed a bossy friend. 2. Fra 'Cristoforo in a dramatic encounter with Don Rodrigo . 3. Secretary of State Card. Bertone. 4. The managing director of Propaganda Fide card. Sepe. 5. Pope Gregory XVI, who was not exactly an Adonis, in recently auctioned off a painting.