You can write a sonnet about two lovers entangled on the bed? You bet, literature is full of them.
But the common man who is not interested in aesthetics and art, and sometimes even a critic, there is this question-art non-art, as it happens, only when a painting, a photo or a sonnet - as this famous Belli describes with great skill a fit erotic, a violent clash of bodies and senses, in short, a "wild sex" - touches the daily reality, that is Life. Ever that poses such questions when the fine work of art, almost always results subcultural and sweet, about, say, the "moon", a "sunset", a "broken love", a "dream" a "fantasy" or even a "serenade" a piano in the night ", a" rose ". These, according to the common people, would be typical themes of poetry, while others, such as those related to the functions of the body, for one, would at best suited to prose, and even the worst.
short, we are to the 'aesthetic' of the housewife, the "critical" employee. That count, however, because even poets have to sell and live. Not to mention that on their "thinking", not that of the intellectual underpinning the legal concept of "common decency" in the past, not only at the time of the Popes, kings and the beautiful, but in a democracy, has made to support the complaint.
Many, therefore, even among commentators and critics have regarded with suspicion in many erotic or obscene sonnets of Belli, as well as some poems and satires of Aretino and Apollinaire, the airport and a Mustache, Verlaine, Door and countless others. Mass-man escapes that artistic expression is concerned, can indeed, must cover every aspect of life. Even those unbearable and romance worst quite false - that enhances life in a comfortable and nothing Discount moine stylized mannerisms - decided that they would not be suitable for "high emotions".
So it is not, however. The art began as a picture of life, and has the task of describing reality as it is seen by the artist, of course. And indeed, the object is secondary, while the manner, form, musicality, rhythm, the pregnancy, the expressive power, the ability to transmit the message at all, if anything, to distinguish art from non-art, no poetry from poetry. The ability to, say, to summarize in a few words, very pregnant, that is full of meanings and nuances (that's more the ability of the poet, though satirical, than the prose writer), the characters, situations, conflicts, the concepts , feelings, which are in fact of all.
Belli, then, adds to his masterly description of realistic situations and characters eternal in man, the taste of the onomatopoeic word or lunghe sequele di parole. Arte in cui è maestro.
L'incisciature, è fra i primi sonetti scritti a Morrovalle, a casa dell’amica contessa, nel 1831. E’ "uno dei sonetti apparentemente piú spinti", scrive Giorgio Vigolo nel "Saggio sul Belli" in prefazione ai Sonetti . Ma "si vedrà come nonostante lo specifico erotismo dell'argomento, tutto vi si risolva in una risentita orchestrazione verbale col gusto tipicamente belliano per i crescendo ritmici e fonici, i consonantismi, gli elenchi di parole ribattuti e martellanti, nel gusto di un mottetto; come infine questo sonetto valga principalmente, dal primo all'ultimo verso, quale l'onomatopea di un calorosissimo amplesso". A cominciare dall'incipit brilliant:
What sscenufreggi, ssciupi, rubs and ssciatti ...
sciolilingua typical of a fine scholar and lover of the word ironic, satirical poet, linguist, even before that, what was the fun part:
What sscenufreggi, ssciupi, rubs and ssciatti!
What ssonajjera a trial pack of ssecco!
Iggni bbotta peccrisse Annaviva ar lick:
soffiamio All of dua as ddu 'cats.
The worst of them crazy eyes glazed:
co ppelo always sleeping, and bbecc'a bbecco.
Streets and nun comes, and ppijja ago, here and here nnun;
and ddajje and spiggne, and burden, and constrains and whisk.
A little 'rather than stamens Term of fat
because ddoppo Avé ffin er giucarello
WHAT ssassi three left stunned.
is a great taste er cares! ppe but ggodello
cciccio more, that there Voria ddiventassi
Giartruda all mice, I tutt'uscello.
Morrovalle, September 17, 1831
What sscenufreggi, ssciupi, rubs and ssciatti!
What ssonajjera a trial pack of ssecco!
Iggni bbotta peccrisse Annaviva ar lick:
soffiamio All of dua as ddu 'cats.
The worst of them crazy eyes glazed:
co ppelo always sleeping, and bbecc'a bbecco.
Streets and nun comes, and ppijja ago, here and here nnun;
and ddajje and spiggne, and burden, and constrains and whisk.
A little 'rather than stamens Term of fat
because ddoppo Avé ffin er giucarello
WHAT ssassi three left stunned.
is a great taste er cares! ppe but ggodello
cciccio more, that there Voria ddiventassi
Giartruda all mice, I tutt'uscello.
Morrovalle, September 17, 1831
version. Fucking. That explosion of strokes, rubs and laments, battery trial pack of dry! Each blow, for Christ, went to sign. It blew both of them like cats. His eyes glazed worse than crazy: always against fur coat, mouth to mouth. Come and not to come, makes and takes, here and here, and from, and push, and Incalci, and string, and slam. If it lasted a bit 'more were fresh! Because after you finish the joke we were like stones properties. It 's a great fucking taste! But should we really became to enjoy it fully, my Gertrude, all you pussy, I tutt'uccello.
He noted critic Enzo Siciliano, "A Beautiful liked lists. List names, synonyms: put them in a row, beautiful rhythms in heroic verse, drawing them within a sonnet that - Gadda wrote - "flows from a vein and terminating of necessity" ( Corriere della Sera, March 15, 1984 ).
There is great technical skill, a lot of learning (the experts have taken various quotes of previous authors erotic), but everything is served in this sonnet with a brilliant synthesis, which in fact did not disappoint any of those that falls into a quatrain or last triplet, as in other sonnets. No, this is a perfect sonnet. Difficult even to read, as always, the sonnets Belli: you need to read aloud, as the ancients did, two or three times to appreciate it fully.
The reader may be confused, warns Vigolo: "Of course, opposite a un innegabile gusto della turpitudine e della enormità della turpitudine che molte volte appaia il Belli a Rabelais o a Marziale, ci si torna a chiedere fin a quale limite il potere di riscatto della parola e del metro possa valere sul lezzo della materia".
"Ora, la risposta a questa dubbiosità (e insieme la piú ampia assolutoria del Belli) – prosegue il Vigolo – è che questo riscatto avviene costantemente, perché anche nella oscenità piú sfrenata non avverti mai il prurito di una immaginazione libidinosa o di una viziosa vogliosità (che il comico stesso basterebbe ad eliminare) ma sempre il genio prepotente della rappresentazione e della parola. Tale genio si manifesta qui nel caratterismo estremo di quella comedy of masks, which are the primary sexual symbols, almost a fetish of idolatry primeval, rude idols of popular imagination: in them the word has not yet detached from the body, and at the same time vile names would detach, leading to the expression "the shame "of what you do not list.
"The clever part of Belli's sonnets in this area is to have made an unprecedented exploration into the language of those symbols, quegl'idoli, those fetishes and their most incredible fabrications, not only that, but then to have entered with results singular fact in the report, metric, plastic, the expressive violence, that continuous headway as the word hurled at the limit of decency. "
"The truth is in these sonnets - Vigolo concludes - that Belli had implemented especially in the most complete and original, the fundamental aspiration and inspiration of his poetry: the revolt against the hypocrisy of the suit against the" ceremonial of 'civilization' and the joyous, in spite of everything, panic disorder and healthy return to Nature. " .
There is great technical skill, a lot of learning (the experts have taken various quotes of previous authors erotic), but everything is served in this sonnet with a brilliant synthesis, which in fact did not disappoint any of those that falls into a quatrain or last triplet, as in other sonnets. No, this is a perfect sonnet. Difficult even to read, as always, the sonnets Belli: you need to read aloud, as the ancients did, two or three times to appreciate it fully.
The reader may be confused, warns Vigolo: "Of course, opposite a un innegabile gusto della turpitudine e della enormità della turpitudine che molte volte appaia il Belli a Rabelais o a Marziale, ci si torna a chiedere fin a quale limite il potere di riscatto della parola e del metro possa valere sul lezzo della materia".
"Ora, la risposta a questa dubbiosità (e insieme la piú ampia assolutoria del Belli) – prosegue il Vigolo – è che questo riscatto avviene costantemente, perché anche nella oscenità piú sfrenata non avverti mai il prurito di una immaginazione libidinosa o di una viziosa vogliosità (che il comico stesso basterebbe ad eliminare) ma sempre il genio prepotente della rappresentazione e della parola. Tale genio si manifesta qui nel caratterismo estremo di quella comedy of masks, which are the primary sexual symbols, almost a fetish of idolatry primeval, rude idols of popular imagination: in them the word has not yet detached from the body, and at the same time vile names would detach, leading to the expression "the shame "of what you do not list.
"The clever part of Belli's sonnets in this area is to have made an unprecedented exploration into the language of those symbols, quegl'idoli, those fetishes and their most incredible fabrications, not only that, but then to have entered with results singular fact in the report, metric, plastic, the expressive violence, that continuous headway as the word hurled at the limit of decency. "
"The truth is in these sonnets - Vigolo concludes - that Belli had implemented especially in the most complete and original, the fundamental aspiration and inspiration of his poetry: the revolt against the hypocrisy of the suit against the" ceremonial of 'civilization' and the joyous, in spite of everything, panic disorder and healthy return to Nature. " .
IMAGE. Bartolomeo Pinelli A board erotica.
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