Belli used The term for this criminal phenomenon popular Roman "strangle" the price of corruption or malfeasance, as stated in a note to the sonnet "The scale of them choke", which mocks the behavior pattern of corrupt era: the Rome of the Popes. Even Dante's Inferno, deal with this category, calling "swindlers" public administrators sensitive to the charm of money laundering.
But we are today, with the lid off the record that is a Pandora's box, with investigations and suspicions about powerful of all races: from policy to members of government, public authorities and journalists, without great caution seems to have yielded to the suggestion of this ancient and fraudulent system of making money. E ' vero che il modo di fare gli "strozzi" si è aggiornato con il passare dei tempi, ma non sempre in termini migliorativi.
Alla corte pontificia dei primi dell'800 si usavano cautele oggi sconosciute, come racconta il seguente sonetto.
Intanto, era assolutamente improponibile tentare di corrompere direttamente un "capoccione", cioè colui "che tiè in mano la penna ar Cardinale", e se qualche sprovveduto ci voleva provare - dice il Belli - "c'è d'abbuscasse un carcio a li cojoni", cioè c'è da rimetterci le penne.
Oggi i potenti sono molto più disinvolti, e sembra siano propensi a trattare lo "strozzo" direttamente, con poca o nessuna cautela, rischiando però di abbuscare loro stessi un "Cojoni prison for them, maybe by the magistrate on duty. Returning to the time of beauty, "Here we know the speed sti pe scales, as the suffitte doors to them, in short, there is a strict drawing people from corrupt. It is understood that the "SUĠĠETT prencipale", ie the head, meets a strict code that prohibits absolutely to negotiate the price of corruption. The briber was from the bottom up, by the Secretary of the Secretary of the Secretary, "and choked supposed from Spigno all'inzù de hand in hand."
Thus, the powerful of the time kept perfectly safe from any bad language, because with so many handrails, and tested all of extreme confidence, he could always say that he knew nothing and had not had anything. At most, where the affair was discovered, some cloth, some small fish, went to air, or was transferred to another convent, as was the custom.

once talked about "the sequins and dobboloni [doubloons, Ed], welcoming the notion of 'emperor Vespasian, who used to say" pecunia non olet, "money does not stink. Yes, as long as they follow the "scale of the throttle." Today, perhaps because the 'smell of money to bother with our powerful, they prefer to accept the values \u200b\u200bof various kinds, finished goods, away from the devaluation risk, especially related to building, for immediate use, but also very easy to trace. Are obsolete times roll of banknotes hidden and transported in the underpants of the pulleys in turn, make too nauseating and dangerous. The loot could smell and lost, and then those who trust more of the pimps of today, drivers, lackeys, including the girlfriends of the moment, easy turncoat if something goes wrong? It 's true that today's girlfriends, wives and sisters of the ill are becoming increasingly important role in the management of the thighs. But the record of recent years has shown the unreliability of girlfriends pro-tempore of the powerful, modern implementation of the "ether", graceful young girls who were dedicated to amuse the senses of the Wise 's Ancient Greece.
So? The powerful corrupt today, receiving gifts much stinking money, expose themselves to the aforementioned "cojoni prison to them and to public ridicule, even through the merciless pillory in the media. It 'just punishment, in expectation of the judges.
And speaking of punishment, to put Dante 'Inferno Canto XXI, the eighth circle of fraud, the fifth chasm, the swindlers, that the corrupt and corrupting, immersed in boiling pitch and harpooned and skinned devils led by Malebranche.
Caro she goes to them ttentà bigwigs, and
ffiotta then jj'arïessce wrong?!
Cqua ppe sti ggiri SCE I know the scales
suffitte as the doors to them.
Offerenno sequins and ddobboloni
addrittura ar zoggetto prencipale
ttiè that the pen ar Cardinal, there
dd'abbuscasse cojjoni them to a prison. Er
Zegretàr State-of-er Zù pimp: this has
er zuo: the cave is a cave, and the strangled
spiggne al'inzú dde supposed from hand to hand. Er ggrosso
most, if known, if only want nnaturarmente
ssempre chains in the sheltered
de ddI could nnun That Shakes had ggnente.
April 26, 1834.
version. The scale of corruption. Dear sir, you try to corrupt the powerful and complains if it fails? Here for these plots are the appropriate scales, as the doors to attics. By offering gold coins and gold coins back to the main subject that holds the pen of Cardinal need to receive a violent and less denial. The Secretary of State has its own means, this has its own: the other has another, and corruption must go upwards, hand in hand. The powerful, you know, of course you always want to keep safe, so you can say that had nothing.
IMAGES. 1. St. Peter's pence. Satirical cartoon was created for the occasion, with a Monsignor and cardinal secretary of the times of that fair comment on yet another source of income dishonest fall like manna from heaven (drawing by N. Valerio). 2. A priest Botero. The umbrella is perfect for the sonnet by Belli: how to care (indeed, care) secretaries secretaries secretaries in black cassock, or double-breasted gray, while the responsibility of covering the head of the corruption!
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