Mastai Ferretti Giovanni Maria and Giuseppe Gioachino Belli were peers, the first of 1792, our poet of 1791. The future Pope Pius IX had shown his liberal leanings during the riots of 1831 when, special delegate in Spoleto and Rieti, dealt with an agreement between the insurgents and the papal army, preventing a massacre in Spoleto and giving a pass to the liberals who had laid down their arms.
elected pope in the conclave to last until June 1846 was opposed by Austria, which was sent to Rome for this very old Cardinal von Gaisruck, but arrived too late, when Pius IX had already been elected.
The liberal ideas of the new Pope produced profound renewal in the structure of the Papal States. When in 1848 riots broke out throughout Italy, granted a form of constitution and went so far as to send an expeditionary force of regulars to the papal command of General John Durand, along with a brigade of volunteers from the general Andrea Ferrari, to fight together with Piedmont and other military units sent by the Kingdom of Naples and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany against the Austrians, already committed by insurgents Lombard (Five Days of Milan).
At this point, a coup of the Curia, with a special commission of cardinals, Pius IX imposed disconnection from the Italian patriotic movement and the cancellation of war against Austria. It should be noted that the atmosphere was so strong renaissance that most of the papal troops chose not to obey the countermanding and participated in military operations against Austria. The Durando was defeated in Vicenza, and forced to surrender, then passed to the service of the Savoy. This was the air you breathe during the first two years of the pontificate of the new Pope
Belli is also a bit 'shocked and a bit' fascinated by the new course dedicated to Pius IX many sonnets. Urging the first to be agreed with the reforms, which were opposed by the reactionary cardinals, then protecting it from criticism that depicts him as a defeatist and Snug: ( and as our sovereign to Pope Pius, lassamoje adjusts what for what. Who's going Slow and steady wins the race ") in the sonnet" Li Vivoli in his pocket. " And then siding on his side against the reactionary clergy in the sonnet: "Er pope and the friars" ("Er Zakynthos-Father is a bon fijolo, but the friars of tyrants to power down, I believe a fariano Berzebbù ").
Ar momoriale here is a third person this evening
er at the door bell,
deeds, and vvede du 'abbots, and a limb bbello,
the cave PPIU bbasso de grazziosa and viscera. So first
er, co bbona maggnera,
greeted her ccacciannose er hat
"It llei, disco, the widow of one who
Enclose the ggioglie? Llei is hoped that ...". But
cqui, mmentre Abbot, bbona bbona,
continued to pparlà Below ttant'amore,
'na fijjetta yelled, "Mom, you PPIO ninth."
do you! The poor beggar stood
Guaso lli lli ppe Avé the honor in front of
de morijje accident.
January 28, 1847

This is one of the last sonnets of Belli, less "roman" and closer to the Italian language. Our poet is about to divorce his great genius and invention, his "monument to the Roman people." We chose this last phase of its production sweet and caressing a lyric about a drug, for the times, true story: the sudden and unannounced visit of Pope Pius IX at the home of a poor sick woman. ( Paolo Bordini )
THE "POPE Tentenna" and rising.
weak, inconsistent, low culture and personality, Pius IX deluded long Italians. The liberal Catholics, who were the backbone of the Risorgimento, the long hoped in lui come possibile presidente d’una Federazione Italiana, secondo l’utopia di Gioberti. A Roma e in tutt’Italia non si contarono le manifestazioni popolari al grido di "Viva Pio IX". Ma anche politici e intellettuali sbagliarono a prenderlo sul serio. Il presidente del Consiglio del Regno di Piemonte, Ricasoli, e perfino Mazzini e Garibaldi, gli inviarono appelli e lo guardarono con simpatia. Ma era tutto un equivoco: Papa Mastai si contraddiceva in continuazione, e come se non bastasse era condizionato da una Curia vaticana conservatrice. Basti dire che due giorni dopo aver promulgato una Costituzione, un condono e leggi più permissive sulla libertà di parola e di stampa, premiò le guardie che avevano represso nel sangue i moti Liberals. In '48 he sent a contingent of troops to fight the Austrians along with the Liberals, but then called him back. So much so that the Secretary of State, Gizzi, resigned saying no minister to not be able to work for more than six months with a man of such pathological "inconsistency". And in fact, supposed or imaginary "moderate liberal" eventually became a real hard reactionary, capable of making patriots executed for petty reasons, excommunicate all the liberals and politicians of the Kingdom of Piedmont, including King Vittorio Emanuele, and equating a ' encyclical liberalism to communism. Such was the hatred of liberals betrayed, that his funeral some frantic attempted to throw the his corpse into the Tiber. ( Nico Valerio )
IMAGES. Pius IX after his election (engraving) and, below, a "saint" with the popular image of the Pope in color.
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