ste bbattecche de Ferro de boot (...) I know there
Nun bells bbenedette
eg llibberà the Christian frabbiche
by flashes, tones, and furmini ssaette ?
(Li parafurmini, November 11, 1832) *
But as a "monument the Roman people "just got this braggart Belli populace which could satirize the first carriages and steamboats (sonnets of 1834 and 1843), or claim to weigh" the antimosfera ", ie the air, as stated in another sonnet. So no more fond of gossip put into the mouth of deans (older servants), barbers or cobblers, custodian of the "gossip" in Rome in the Pope-King, but even science, new technologies, new frontiers of medicine, Dr. Brown's theories of British homeopathy, the first vaccination against smallpox ("Er grafting, April 21, 1834).
what about the publication of the diplomatic confidences filtered (the many references Letters to the writer Stendhal, then French consul), which remind us of the far Wikileaks, or even news of international politics, as the new Kingdom of Greece ("Er re novo, February 2, 1833) and Belgium (" The 'immasciatore, November 23, 1932), the fall of Charles X of France ("Ar zor Charles X", August 15, 1830), the war of succession in Portugal and many other news outside interests certainly popular at the time.
The great poet, transcriber of verses in the dialect spoken by the people of Rome, and 'carried away by his erudition, with hundreds of sonnets that have little or nothing to do with the tasty but many squares that depict the' ignorance, customs, the unremitting toil of living of the populace of Rome. More 'reads and increasingly' shines a polymorphic Belli with his enlightened curiosity to all the new 'science (even for critics), with his reading and criticism of the Old and New Testament, against the dogmas of Catholicism, and many other issues far removed from the restricted views of the Roman people, and almost always only grappling with the problems of survival.
Farewell to the "Monument to the People of Rome"? At least in part.
On the other hand turns a beam of light on Belli erudite, curious about all the science news, discoveries and inventions, international politics and the most 'secret things of the papacy, an avid reader of newspapers and sheets of all backgrounds, not just those printed by Cracas, the printing Roman since 1716 published the "Diary ordinary" and "News for the year," a chronicle of Rome's voice in official circles, aristocrats and high society, made up of skinny reports, news of births, marriages and deaths of famous characters, descriptions of ceremonies and banquets, wars and curious episodes. But certainly read bulletins and newspapers from the Neapolitan, Piedmontese, Tuscan, Austro-Hungarian, French, British, Germanic states and so on.
The cute young man had visited many of the Italian States, Naples, Milan, Venice, Florence, and maintained correspondence with friends from various foreign countries. A beautiful part of new and unknown. Most of these sonnets, as it were atypical compared to the declared monument to the Roman people, are weak or written to a "Roman" minor and therefore 'less and less beds are also known to devotees of the poet.

Belli had discovered that in England, already 'a Mr.Gurney since 1831 had begun a public service with steam stagecoaches traveling on streets devastated at the time. The service was then suspended for the protests of workers to carriages with horses, beginning in England, for a long diatribe on the danger 'new coach and inadequate steam. In fact there were many attempts to introduce the steam engine in locomotion road, even with serious accidents, deaths and injuries. But the coup de grace was given by unsustainable tax introduced to protect the interests "lobby" of the stagecoach riding facilities: 2 pounds each trip to steam against two shillings to the traditional coach, so that the horseless carriages are not talking about 'more'. It was the beginning instead of the age of steam railways:
So that ffascéveno quer a Vorta
ffiume eg winds and PPIU bbufole in a row, now it does
er fume of a stack, and
ll'arte Mó dder bufolaro is mmorta.
fact that the disc has run ggente noticed today that
cquer fume, and a mill'ommini du 'thousand, a pair of wheels
co-use of drawing, eg
That Shakes mmare whether he straporta them.
Pegg'è ppe mmó That Shakes the coaches Vonn
nun ce Be PPIU bbisoggno de horses, and
'r fume shall drag cap'ar in Monaghan. Yet once
aveveno er custume
bbona them our old bbuggiaralli,
DE cch'er ggnente s'assomijja ar fume.
March 14, 1834.
version. The world upside down. So the work that they once did along the river winds and more 'buffaloes in line [to pull the boats upstream from the river banks] now does the smoke from a stack of [the boiler of the steam engine] and the work is finished Bufalara . It is said that even today people have discovered that the smoke [steam engine] can 'carry in qualsiasi mare mille o duemila persone con due ruote a uso di trafila. Il peggio è che oggi per le carrozze vogliono che non ci sia piu' bisogno di cavalli e che il fumo le faccia viaggiare in capo al mondo. Eppure un tempo i nostri buoni vecchi, che vadano a quel paese, erano soliti dire che il fumo somiglia al niente.
Siamo ormai verso la fine della sua produzione in romanesco, con il testo dei sonetti che si avvicina alla lingua italiana, e si vede sempre meno il Belli portavoce della vita e delle miserie del volgo di Roma, mentre affiora sempre di piu' un Belli distaccato dalle vicende popolari, ma erudito e attento osservatore (ancorché critico) delle novita' tecnologiche.
Tornando alle "diaboliche" carrozze steam, this is a subject that arouses our poet to such an extent that it still speaks in a sonnet of 15 November 1843, written after a period of silence
What nnaturale! natural a thing. But they
ppo a natural affection
flies a frullone com'avesse the wings?
Cqui cc'entra er pact Tascus heart devil. So
mo ago by PPIU cquarche bbucale
of water ssei horses, eh Don Pavol source? Aas Pe mme
the intenno you the scavolo:
st'invenzione ttutt'opera is hell.
from so if you think there ppoco That Shakes (shown
the holy truth) 'Ggni PDATE or ddua
it sentimo a nova, it sentimo.
Yes, CCOSI bbona, yes: the bbona bbua. It
ffow bbona, er er sary Pope makes first
de ste CCAS his coaches.
November 15, 1843.
version. The steam carriage. As a natural! But nothing natural can be a natural fact that a frullone (closed cab with four seats, typical of the action of the cardinals, by Furlone, prob. English, according to Moroni) flights running as if he had wings? There must be a pact with the devil. So now would be more powerful than any pitcher of water that six horses, eh, Don Paolo? For me, as I understand it So I'm telling you: this invention is a work of hell. In times when you just believe (say, the holy truth) every day or two we hear a new one. Yes, good, yes, good bua (pain for children). If it was good, the Pope would be the first to put these cars at home.
the same day, November 15 the inspiration to compose the technique makes a second sonnet, on the barometer, another diabolical invention, this time a priest used to predict the winds and rains, which is coupled with the previous one that involved a hated Cardinal Vicar, Placido Zurla.

How much VVER, Micchele that sso vvivo,
quer priest to Madame de mme stinks sorcerer:
goes some logos and cco STABLISHMENT PerZone
I arrived in intenne nu, nu arrival.
Tie a torch of glass and quicksilver
attaccat'a of a hook in a corner, and
'ggni PDATE sce pijja conditioning system
der time bbona dder and bad weather. You
ccapasce de divve "Domatina
ttirà vvento only want, I want ttemporale ffa;
and 'r pretaccio futtuto sc'indovina.
enough, er zor Have ggiudizzio abbot, nun
I put there or ppepe Ssali
or in case of a accusallo Ssant 'Uffizi.
November 15, 1843.
version. For as sure as I'm alive, Michele, that priest I stink of sorcery is in certain places and certain people that I can not understand it. He has an instrument with a glass tube and mercury attached to a hook in a corner, and every day the weather gets good and bad times. E 'able to tell you "want to pull the morning wind, and then a thunderstorm" and we pretaccio fucking guess. Simply, the Abbe has discretion, that I do not put anything to accuse him in case the Court of Sant 'Office (which he considered the crimes of heresy and witchcraft).
It 's not a coincidence that the good to be back again and again, even more 'times, on issues that distract the poet from the description of checkered life of the vulgar Roman, criticism and fierce papal institutions in the world of corruption and abuse of power towards the more' weak, that characterized the production of the '30s.
poet's interests are changing, old man, he'll deny 'its production in Roman dialect, but the gap and' progessive and almost imperceptible, until the trauma of the revolution of the Roman Republic in 1848, when I burn the Beautiful ', a true Sanfedists, copies of the sonnets in his possession, while the revolutionaries in the streets burning the confessional of his parish. But this is' a chapter in the life of the great poet. The production of the last sonnets of Belli Roman finisce nel 1847, salvo uno sporadico lamento sulla sua salute, dell'inverno del 49. In questo intervallo di tempo fiorisce e muore infatti l'esperienza della Repubblica Romana di Mazzini e Garibaldi, terminata nell'estate del 1849. Forse involontariamente auspicata con le innumerevoli composizioni di chiara denuncia dell'amministrazione del Papa Re. Ma che lo vide, all'atto pratico, atterrito e silente spettatore.
* Versione : Che cosa sono questi parafulmini della malora, queste aste di ferro da stivale (doppiosenso per persona sciocca)... Non ci sono le campane benedette, per liberare le case dei cristiani da lampi, tuoni, fulmini e saette?
IMMAGINI. 1. Carrozza a vapore di Gurney (Inghilterra, 1828). Prestava regolare servizio (dal 1831) e toccava la velocità considerevole di 20 miglia all'ora (circa 32 km/h). 2. Parafulmini ottocenteschi su un tetto. 3. Barometro a mercurio Salmoni (1800 ca).
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