Cosa preparare come prima ricetta del nuovo anno? Ma certamente qualcosa con licoli ;-)
A proposito
Buon anno a tutti! Che dal 2011 arrivi pace e serenità in tutto il mondo, penso che ce ne sia bisogno!
L'altro giorno ero in centro, nel piano sotterraneo di un grande magazzino, e c'era un profumino di pane appena sfornato. Sono subito corsa a prendere un pezzo del pane appena sfornato that a contract offered to customers of the bakery. Before you eat me are well designed to try to replicate it.
I think the result is very close to the bread smells good, although I believe that what had been done with ldb.
I used: for 7 rolls
150 grams of liquid yeast ( Licola ) very active (pseudo- refreshments)
100 g strong flour
40 g semolina 1 teaspoon malt
40 grams of milk
10 grams of sugar 20 g butter at room temperature
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 20 grams of walnuts
cream cheese (like Philadelphia)
In Licola planetary melt with milk, add the sifted flour, sugar, malt and mix. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes, then add the butter and salt and continue stirring.
moving on to a job dusted with flour and knead by hand, incorporate the chopped walnuts.
Pour the mixture into a bowl greased with extra virgin olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and wrap it in a cover of batteries.
Let rise for 2 hours and 30 approximately every 50 minutes making three folds in the dough.

Divide into 7 pieces from about 60 grams, roll out and put in a little 'cream cheese. Cover and round. Distancing the sandwiches on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, cover and let rise in warm place for 1 hour and 30 or so.
Preheat oven to 220 ° C, brush with a little 'egg sandwiches. Bake in the oven and immediately reduce to 180 ° C and cook for 30 minutes

I had guests for dinner these days, guests usually take home the remaining balance of the meal, the bread was the thing that disappeared first. I was not even the crumbs.
Other links related to the liquid yeast (CISA)
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