Music Unlimited
Annunciato da tempo come una risposta della multinazionale Sony a iTunes, la sezione musicale del portale Qriocity (che si legge in inglese curiosity) è disponibile da quest'anno anche in Europa e persino in Italia. Gli hanno dato il nome Music Unlimited ed ha, a quanto pare, l'obiettivo di costituire una cornice di contenuti che metta al centro del sistema la popolare e diffusa Playstation, che sarebbe la sua chiave d'accesso, così come l'iPad lo è stato per iTunes (e viceversa).
Per tutti gli altri, e in particolare per gli appassionati di musica dotati di un PC collegato in rete (non importa If Windows or Mac), however, is a resource and a very interesting alternative to iTunes and even P2P (oops).
Enough with the download
Before proceeding to the synthetic review of this new service, however, must have a premise: It is a service that affects only those who are not obsessed by the need to have music. Since the days of Napster and, earlier, the objective of the Philips cassette dell'asppassionato medium was constantly to fill the house (or disks of the computer) to as much music as possible, to have it there and listen to at a later time , which sometimes never came. Until the liquid music was also a concern to put it aside until it was available (out of print records, unavailable etc.)..
If you flip the approach and we consider music as something to listen to when they go there to listen, or when we have time to do it, and accept that it is not ours, in the disco house or on our computer but shared , and accept the simple link to go to recover from the disco when we share goes to hear it, we can examine the benefits of a service such as OPTIONS X Unlimited. Which is similar to other competing services to iTunes, but they are available in the U.S. alone.
Music Unlimited: i prerequisiti
Perché il servizio sia realmente interessante sono indispensabili: 1) la ampiezza del catalogo 2) una qualità audio accettabile.
Il catalogo: con MU la Sony BMG ha fatto le cose per bene ed è disponibile non solo la produzione di questa major, ma anche quella di tutte le altre 3 e di parecchie indipendenti. Si trovano quindi anche album particolari e scarsamente conosciuti. Ho fatto un test in tal senso molto positivo che si può leggere dopo.
La qualità audio: l'audio è ovviamente compresso. Il sistema di codifica non è dichiarato così come il tasso di compressione. Listening is more than satisfactory, better than for example provided by DG. Should be equivalent to a 128kbps MP3.
Music Unlimited in practice
As I said this is a service only streaming, no downloading. Accessed by a Section Qriocity within the portal, which also provides other services, eg. video on demand.
Unregistered users can browse the catalog and access channels, but listening is limited to 30 "per song.
Registration is free of charge, is the usual credit card or debit card, and the rate is currently 3, € 99 / month for only listening to the standard channels, and € 9.99 per month to listen to albums and singles, as well as the premium channels.
For those who register at this time but there is a pleasant surprise, the full subscription is free. We must make the whole process and provide a credit card, but is then charged to zero. The service provides for automatic renewal, but it is correctly pointed out in the next access can be disabled, what can be done with one click. I guess the expectation is that those who started with this service then can not do without and then decide to continue. Expectation is not unfounded. No advertising and everything in Italian.
The following figure shows how the portal.
I mentioned channels without first clarifying what it is. They are like radio stations on a theme. Those include the premium top-100 (updated daily or almost daily) divided by genre (reggae, hip-hop, etc.).. The other non-premium are always divided by genre or decade, and the choice of songs is random, with a ladder, as in radio. But without presenters, programs, advertising or breaks, just music.
Below the top-100 for example, reggae, channels "ten" and channel 80 selected.
A kind of pleasure that can probably use, but we prefer to listen to radio enthusiasts in this case radio with real musical content of quality that still stand.
Music On-Demand
The most interesting part of the service is searchable and can listen to music on-demand. With a simple search (text) is inserted free author's name or album or song and the portal shows what he has. It usually has. For album is certainly not as common as the Mongolian-Chinese group Hanggai, which are heard both albums ADVERTISING. On Amazon, which has a huge catalog as we all know, for comparison this is only one.
The following figure shows how an album that we selected in this case, the last of White Lies.
Playlist and favorite
They are called respectively playlist and personal collection. The latter is a kind of substitute for download. Who can not do without in some way to appropriate music, can put aside virtually the album or song you currently can not listen, instead of looking back when he has time. In practice saves the links it found. The playlist invece sappiamo a cosa serve e si può organizzare anche qui come su iTunes.
A parte queste due e le funzioni di navigazioni e ricerca c'è ben poco altro. Solo un pulsante "mi piace " / "non mi piace" dall'utilità non chiara. Forse per statistiche. Niente cronologia, solo la memorizzazione dell'ultimo album ascoltato nella sessione precedente. Che può essere una alla volta. Se accediamo da un altro computer la sessione ancora aperta viene chiusa. Per il resto installazione molto veloce, funzionamento senza incertezze ed interruzioni, almeno nei test fatti (a differenza di quanto avviene spesso con YouTube, che, va bene, è gratis), se una canzone è momentaneamente non disponibile viene visualizzato un messaggio.
I test: il catalogo
Vediamo quindi se il catalogo è effettivamente vasto come dichiarato. Ho fatto all'inizio qualche test a caso, cercando musicisti meno noti, ma "da catalogo", come Pentangle, J.J.Cale o Brian Setzer, e c'erano (tutta o gran parte della loro produzione).
Poi sono passato ad un test più difficile. Ho preso l'ultimo numero della rivista Audio Review, sono andato alla sezione musicale pop/rock e ho verificato se c'erano i dischi recensiti, tutte novità, ma quasi sempre di musicisti poco noti, di "avanguardia", secondo la linea editoriale della parte musicale curata da Federico Guglielmi. And there was almost everything. Here's the list.
There are
Adele - 21
Wanda Jackson - The Party Is not Over
Heidi Spencer & The Rare Birds
Lia Ices - Grown Unknown
Cristina Donà - I'll be back home on foot
Verdena - Wow
Paolo Conte - Nelson
Daniel Martin Moore - In The Cool Of The Day
Iron & ; Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean
John Vanderslice - White Wilderness
There are (at least at the moment)
Marianne Faithfull - Horses And High Heels (but there the previous discography)
Sharon Van Etten - Epic (but no previous work)
Anna Calvi - Electric Diva
Secret Sisters
Kinzli & The kilowatts - Down Up Down
24 Grana - Same Boat
Elliott Murphy - Elliott Murphy
From this test, forced in part, we can deduce that a lot of music is also available less common, in fact the so-called "vanguard" of smaller labels. There are sometimes the latest releases of labels probably linked to other majors. What there is is usually found on Amazon (in the list above only 24 Grana there are not even on Amazon, as well as Hanggai mentioned before). But I think there's enough interesting material to satisfy fans more curious. I also tried to seek the same special album on iTunes, where are all but, again, the last exit of the Italian Grana 24.
The test I did on the pop / rock side edge or alternative, but the situation does not change for jazz (where, however, smaller labels are even more). For the classical catalog seems rather less complete. In other words, for composers and works is usually what you want. If you search for specific interpretations of the question changes. But it is an endless catalog.
The audio quality
I could not find it anywhere (and not declared) compression standard, which deals with Sony dell'Atrac could be an evolution, or the compression rate applied. If anyone finds it let us know.
then I did some listening tests, first on the music Acoustic and classical music then. I used the sound card to the top of my laptop (a Sony Vaio of 2010) with the codec set to 24/96. Then I tried with an external DAC, in particular with a Musiland Monitor U.S. 01 (see review in a previous post) to a dynamic headphones Sennheiser. Since the compressed audio stream I did not expect an improvement, but that there was no obvious and immediate, but easily detectable in the general cleanliness and ability to distinguish the individual instruments and sound levels, as well as the timbre of the instruments themselves. The tests were made in comparison to some classical pieces (Bach's Brandenburg with the direction of Jordi Savall). Even on the acoustic (at this time I'm listening very nicely Amos Lee) is very pleasant listening.
In summary
Listen to the cost of a CD for a month how much music you want, even non-commercial, you can check the reviews or advice, and informed choices in buying high quality, or at least as CD, only what they really worth or that otherwise has a good chance to be heard more than once, it seems to me a good advantage.
Good idea, therefore, to put Sony is finally available for us Europeans (and even for us Italians) this service. USA has several competitors that do not know whether or not higher (I read online opinions contrastanti), ma da noi no.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Bosch Dish Washer Reset
PIG! Pork lard for home made
-Tempo fa ho postato i calzoni al forno fatti con impasto di rosticceria siciliana, and on that occasion I said to have used home made lard made from a recipe found on Wikipidia.
-Recently I was invited to participate in this context.
Actually, I was hesitant to compare a human PIG (with a capital B) on a pig fattening pig is put on our stomach, and from which you do not throw anything at all, while the other one I would not use even the newspaper with his picture to wrap fish.
Not to be outdone and to put my grain with those of the many bloggers who are trying to spread the news as they really are, in order to counter the press regime with meaning distorted and biased, I adhere to this project.
And here I am again to redo the lard with the bacon as a token contribution to this association among bloggers.
Today, despite the fact that for me is a very intense period, I put out of the freezer this beautiful piece of bacon (170 gr), was a bit 'that I intended to use it for that purpose.
I sliced \u200b\u200binto strips and then (so the "crackling" it toasts better) and put to cook over very low heat with cover. In this way the fat is liquid, transparent and abundant.
As the fat melts should pour into a sterilized glass jar well, running it through a paper towel. Close the jar with the lid and allow to cool
These are the "crackling", which I lightly salted and peppered. Spiluccarli are a delicious delicacies while sipping a glass of good red wine.
From that piece of bacon I have gained about 90 grams of lard. When it is hot, it is clear
pomatia becomes cold and white.
must let it cool and keep tightly closed in refrigerator to prevent rancidity. Before I put the lid closed the mouth of the container with a piece of parchment paper to prevent contamination from any existing micro-scratches on the inside of the lid.
report what I found written on Wikipedia in this regard:
In industrial production / craft sometimes uses high temperature steam as a heat source, and sometimes lard are added antioxidant and / or salt for better conservation, as the lack of natural antioxidants makes easily become rancid if kept in air. The lard can be stored for several months but should be stored in a refrigerator with a package that ensures the isolation of the product from the air and in the absence of contamination, or in the freezer, always within closed containers, for even longer.
This week I made sandwiches at amazingly soft lard, of course we must not abuse it, since it is an animal fat, but in place of butter in there is leavened with wonder.
with this participation to "get rid of the pig!"

-Tempo fa ho postato i calzoni al forno fatti con impasto di rosticceria siciliana, and on that occasion I said to have used home made lard made from a recipe found on Wikipidia.
-Recently I was invited to participate in this context.
Actually, I was hesitant to compare a human PIG (with a capital B) on a pig fattening pig is put on our stomach, and from which you do not throw anything at all, while the other one I would not use even the newspaper with his picture to wrap fish.
Not to be outdone and to put my grain with those of the many bloggers who are trying to spread the news as they really are, in order to counter the press regime with meaning distorted and biased, I adhere to this project.
And here I am again to redo the lard with the bacon as a token contribution to this association among bloggers.

Today, despite the fact that for me is a very intense period, I put out of the freezer this beautiful piece of bacon (170 gr), was a bit 'that I intended to use it for that purpose.

I sliced \u200b\u200binto strips and then (so the "crackling" it toasts better) and put to cook over very low heat with cover. In this way the fat is liquid, transparent and abundant.

As the fat melts should pour into a sterilized glass jar well, running it through a paper towel. Close the jar with the lid and allow to cool

These are the "crackling", which I lightly salted and peppered. Spiluccarli are a delicious delicacies while sipping a glass of good red wine.

From that piece of bacon I have gained about 90 grams of lard. When it is hot, it is clear

pomatia becomes cold and white.
must let it cool and keep tightly closed in refrigerator to prevent rancidity. Before I put the lid closed the mouth of the container with a piece of parchment paper to prevent contamination from any existing micro-scratches on the inside of the lid.
report what I found written on Wikipedia in this regard:
In industrial production / craft sometimes uses high temperature steam as a heat source, and sometimes lard are added antioxidant and / or salt for better conservation, as the lack of natural antioxidants makes easily become rancid if kept in air. The lard can be stored for several months but should be stored in a refrigerator with a package that ensures the isolation of the product from the air and in the absence of contamination, or in the freezer, always within closed containers, for even longer.
This week I made sandwiches at amazingly soft lard, of course we must not abuse it, since it is an animal fat, but in place of butter in there is leavened with wonder.
with this participation to "get rid of the pig!"
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How To Cure Lice On A Cow
Who knows how many and how to prepare the same recipe?
trenette These are the seafood that I made last week.
Recently I asked myself: Who knows how many we prepare the same dish with some small difference? Even with the main ingredients the same, but completely different?
For example, the pasta (any size) with seafood (clams, mussels, octopus, shrimp, etc.) I almost always prepare in this way, albeit with minor differences after the other (due to lack of one of the ingredients in favor of found in a house), but always been part of family tastes. And the others as they do?
But I will not only talk about this dish but prepare for anything.
Sometimes you avoid posting the recipe the same as for Xxxx do not overlap. But why? I think it's nice to see also how to prepare home to Zzzz or dddd, etc..
I would therefore ask those who pass by here and read my
Who has a blog
- If you like, you can tell me if you the same dish and how you do and, in case you have posted in your blog to authorize me to take a photo to be included in this post with the link to? I'd like you did the same thing with you my recipes in this section.
And who does not have a blog
- If you like, you send me an email with a photo and how it proper? So it can be entered in this post with the photo. ;-) I'd really
for these "Trenette seafood, for 2 people, I used
80 grams of octopus clean; with 50 grams of clams and without a shell, the liquid from the clams.
100 grams of peeled shrimp ; garlic, parsley, red pepper and two large tomatoes .
I blanched octopus (which I cut into small pieces), and shrimp (which I then shelled). Without
open the clams in pot with lid, I left the half shell to the more roly-poly and fully shelled small ones, and filtered liquid spill.
In a large skillet I brown the garlic and chilli with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and combined seafood. After a while, 'I put together the chopped tomatoes, the clam liquid and salt.
Meanwhile I boiled 180 g trenette , and a moment just before cooking, I transferred into the pan
Done flavor all together and Serve.
A handful of parsley chopped by hand and was ready to eat.
waiting for your recipes ;-)
Here's how to prepare this dish a few of my friends:
Federica said ...
I have yet to blog about this recipe but if you enter will be to update your posts with pleasure. For now I can tell you that I never thought to use the octopus (as I love it), but I put cuttlefish or squid (depending on market availability), prawns, and if I find them too oannocchie, parsley, cherry tomatoes and the ever chilli .
Tam Tam said ...
I do exactly like you, if that day be able to find all the ingredients as you rightly pointed out you ..
Vero said ...
You know I never did it! Perhaps because here you are selling seafood kilo, and then that I would do the remaining clams 950gr and mussels?!? EECCA I certainly would put the mussels
Ornella said ...
I really like the clams with and here are never found! Usually, however, do not put octopus but squid! However it is always a fantastic pasta!
Stefania said ...
more or less do as you do .. also depends on the fish
Cristina said ...
Also I'll prepare something like this and for me that is the rule of "what's in the house" ...
accantoalcamino said ...
I do almost the same but without polyp solo.Faccio I always use to soften a little white wine and if I use only the clams in the end, in the pot, spray a little lemon juice.

trenette These are the seafood that I made last week.
Recently I asked myself: Who knows how many we prepare the same dish with some small difference? Even with the main ingredients the same, but completely different?
For example, the pasta (any size) with seafood (clams, mussels, octopus, shrimp, etc.) I almost always prepare in this way, albeit with minor differences after the other (due to lack of one of the ingredients in favor of found in a house), but always been part of family tastes. And the others as they do?
But I will not only talk about this dish but prepare for anything.
Sometimes you avoid posting the recipe the same as for Xxxx do not overlap. But why? I think it's nice to see also how to prepare home to Zzzz or dddd, etc..
I would therefore ask those who pass by here and read my
Who has a blog
- If you like, you can tell me if you the same dish and how you do and, in case you have posted in your blog to authorize me to take a photo to be included in this post with the link to? I'd like you did the same thing with you my recipes in this section.
And who does not have a blog
- If you like, you send me an email with a photo and how it proper? So it can be entered in this post with the photo. ;-) I'd really
for these "Trenette seafood, for 2 people, I used

80 grams of octopus clean; with 50 grams of clams and without a shell, the liquid from the clams.

100 grams of peeled shrimp ; garlic, parsley, red pepper and two large tomatoes .
I blanched octopus (which I cut into small pieces), and shrimp (which I then shelled). Without
open the clams in pot with lid, I left the half shell to the more roly-poly and fully shelled small ones, and filtered liquid spill.
In a large skillet I brown the garlic and chilli with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and combined seafood. After a while, 'I put together the chopped tomatoes, the clam liquid and salt.

Meanwhile I boiled 180 g trenette , and a moment just before cooking, I transferred into the pan

Done flavor all together and Serve.
A handful of parsley chopped by hand and was ready to eat.
waiting for your recipes ;-)
Here's how to prepare this dish a few of my friends:

Federica said ...
I have yet to blog about this recipe but if you enter will be to update your posts with pleasure. For now I can tell you that I never thought to use the octopus (as I love it), but I put cuttlefish or squid (depending on market availability), prawns, and if I find them too oannocchie, parsley, cherry tomatoes and the ever chilli .
Tam Tam said ...
I do exactly like you, if that day be able to find all the ingredients as you rightly pointed out you ..
Vero said ...
You know I never did it! Perhaps because here you are selling seafood kilo, and then that I would do the remaining clams 950gr and mussels?!? EECCA I certainly would put the mussels
Ornella said ...
I really like the clams with and here are never found! Usually, however, do not put octopus but squid! However it is always a fantastic pasta!
Stefania said ...
more or less do as you do .. also depends on the fish
Cristina said ...
Also I'll prepare something like this and for me that is the rule of "what's in the house" ...
accantoalcamino said ...
I do almost the same but without polyp solo.Faccio I always use to soften a little white wine and if I use only the clams in the end, in the pot, spray a little lemon juice.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Play-mate Of The Apes Trailer
Potet chips as does my daughter
What a beautiful exchange of culinary ideas with my daughter. She (like all girls) like to make simple dishes and fast, challenging me. She argues that the avocado is a vegetable eaten with pesto and shrimp, is an exotic fruit that I eat like fruit.
Unfortunately, his study commitments and, soon, work, live 2-hour flight ^ - ^!
E 'was at home for two weeks over the Christmas period, only a couple of times we have prepared something together, we made one of these "Potet chips" like she does. Do not believe, are like those in the bags of snacks for children, but most mooooooooooolto good.
need a good sweet potato (sweet potato),
peeled and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bthin with a mandolin,
few at a time
fried in vegetable oil (oil is fine oil) at 180 ° C (my kitchen has a stove and the thermostat probe to maintain constant temperature of the liquid) for about 1 minute,
to dry on kitchen paper towel and sprinkled with sugar (there is also good but the salt should taste them once with sugar ^-^!)
Today I have redone ;-) I really like.
I also had a small piece of pumpkin, which I sliced \u200b\u200bwith a mandolin, and a half I had eggplant slice with a sharp knife, with the mandolin is crushed. I also fried
these vegetables in the same way but it took more than 1 minute to become crisp.
French fries sprinkled with sugar
The thin slices of pumpkin sprinkled with salt
and slices of eggplant covered with white pepper.
Restano crottanti per tutto il giorno, basterà riscaldarle con la funzione di riscalda fritti del microonde e saranno come appena fritte.
Secondo me sono una buona idea per un buffet.

What a beautiful exchange of culinary ideas with my daughter. She (like all girls) like to make simple dishes and fast, challenging me. She argues that the avocado is a vegetable eaten with pesto and shrimp, is an exotic fruit that I eat like fruit.
Unfortunately, his study commitments and, soon, work, live 2-hour flight ^ - ^!
E 'was at home for two weeks over the Christmas period, only a couple of times we have prepared something together, we made one of these "Potet chips" like she does. Do not believe, are like those in the bags of snacks for children, but most mooooooooooolto good.

need a good sweet potato (sweet potato),

peeled and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bthin with a mandolin,

fried in vegetable oil (oil is fine oil) at 180 ° C (my kitchen has a stove and the thermostat probe to maintain constant temperature of the liquid) for about 1 minute,

to dry on kitchen paper towel and sprinkled with sugar (there is also good but the salt should taste them once with sugar ^-^!)

Today I have redone ;-) I really like.
I also had a small piece of pumpkin, which I sliced \u200b\u200bwith a mandolin, and a half I had eggplant slice with a sharp knife, with the mandolin is crushed. I also fried
these vegetables in the same way but it took more than 1 minute to become crisp.

French fries sprinkled with sugar

The thin slices of pumpkin sprinkled with salt

and slices of eggplant covered with white pepper.
Restano crottanti per tutto il giorno, basterà riscaldarle con la funzione di riscalda fritti del microonde e saranno come appena fritte.
Secondo me sono una buona idea per un buffet.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
How To Motorise My Bmx
La Tivoli Audio
Mentre cresce l'interesse verso la musica liquida, l'alta definizione in musica e i sistemi per riprodurla, tutti temi dei quali ci siamo occupati in questo blog già da diverso tempo e con un certo anticipo (vedere l'indice per una guida su tutti gli articoli in merito) facciamo invece ancora un passo indietro nella direzione del suono analogico.
Parliamo di radio, però, un settore dove il digitale non è ancora arrivato.
Nonostante qualche tentativo, chiamato DAB, T-DMB e DRM. L'unico formato che ha avuto una qualche diffusione (ma quasi solo in Germania e UK) is the first. But it is a technology 10 years ago, and the probability that it is adopted in Italy is now quite small, if any. The private radio stations do not want it, they only have disadvantages and no advantages. Rai is experimenting with an alternative standard. It then remains on the FM of the '60s (which is not too bad) with the chaos of adjacent frequencies that those who live in big cities know as well as the almost total closure of the sector from the opening of new radio (all frequencies are employed). The future will be perhaps the television broadcast on the radio (terrestrial or satellite). But you will hear from the TV or some multi-room system. Will no longer be a "radio".
something decent (musically speaking) in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bcommercial FM radio all the same but somehow there, and then you can enjoy in Italy sound of the best radio available today, exactly the Tivoli Audio Model One . What has also become, surprisingly, a kind of status symbol.
designer Henry Kloss, a famous business guru Hi-Fi, which had drawn some historical models of speakers from the 70s and founded the historical brands such as Advent, to realize this radio has not really tried much. His goal was to achieve the best possible sound from a compact and portable radio, however. So the first thing to invest was exactly the sound system, the "box". They were largely successful at that time the small speakers with bass reflex technology. With very minimal size were obtained amazing performance, even on low. So this was the first solution, put the radio in a mini speaker.
The stereo, and even FM stereo, however, provides two speakers, and here Henry Kloss had a brilliant idea first. Instead of proposing an object fake stereo with two speakers close enough that the stereo effect becomes non-existent (as in all the radio going around at the time, the portable compattoni) preferred to go directly to the mono . In each case the difference was not there, and one small speakers could do radio.
remained to decide on speakers, they usually have two small speakers, tweeter and woofer, which requires a cross-over and a more powerful amplifier.
But even here the past one and giving up the high fidelity in the strict sense could be easier still, because the FM band is limited to 16 KHz source. Has taken a Full Range speaker only. No cross-over and load distortions and difficulties attached to the amplifier, the coherence between high and low to medium (most critical range) served in the best way. It costs far less.
Restava la vera e propria sezione radio. Circuiti integrati per la sintonia in digitale (non per il segnale, che rimane sempre analogico) ce n'erano tanti e a costi bassissimi, ormai li inserivano dappertutto, anche nei portachiavi. Ma questo era un oggetto per chi dava la priorità alla qualità, e poteva anche rinunciare a qualche comodità, come la memorizzazione dei canali o la ricerca facilitata delle stazioni.
Quindi un tuner analogico, ma di elevata qualità e sensibilità, con tecnologia a MOSFET, con un comando molto semplice, un manopolone demoltiplicato, che con molta attenzione consente di selezionare le diverse stazioni sovrapposte caoticamente tra di loro anche nell'etere selvaggio di Roma, uno tuning tool represented by a light that gets brighter when the signal is better, as in radio in the living room of my grandmother, and nothing more.
Then to top it all a quality amp, but not great power (not needed for the size of the object) and a simple but pleasant appearance, a box with wood, a clean front and refined in color with a pleasantly harmonious that of wood. It also has good connectivity options, so the casket could be used (again in mono) for other sources, for example, a portable CD player.
could have happened a single FM radio, a manual tuning, and in addition, despite the simplified design, because of high construction quality, but also much more expensive than any radio or compattone with radio on the market?
apparently had to be impossible, but the success came. Without even advertising or articles in magazines Hi-Fi, only with the tam-tam, word of mouth. And the experience.
Why listen to one of the Model One with a (rare, very rare, unfortunately) decent programs broadcast by FM radio in Italy is a very pleasant experience. A full, rich sound, very extended bass, very pleasant to talk, the opportunity to hear the details, in a word (abused), natural, what you wanted and tried e che riporta (e mi ha riportato) al piacere di sentire la radio. Un modo diverso di fruire della musica, per una volta non scegliamo noi, ma in questo modo abbiamo anche modo di scoprire tanta musica nuova che non conoscevamo (tanta se fossero tante le trasmissioni o le emittenti che ci provano, ma questa è un'altra storia).
L'azienda Tivoli Audio fondata da Henry Kloss ha avuto quindi un inatteso successo mondiale e, dopo la scomparsa del fondatore, ha capitalizzato sul brand ormai acquisito per lanciare tutta una serie di varianti e prodotti in qualche modo derivati. Dal model Two (stereo, due cassettine) e PAL (portatile, pensato soprattutto per barca) già progettati dallo stesso Kloss, al modello radio sveglia (gli Americans still use them) to the CD model, the model satellite, Internet and so on. All items of interest, do not argue, but the beautiful simplicity of the Model One is unsurpassed, unsurpassed and despite some attempts to imitate the Japanese (from Teac for example). Maybe good products, but without the magic of the original.
Not to be confused with the myriad of pseudo Chinese imitations, the price certainly much lower (a fifth) but the quality is incomparably lower, you see a little 'by all parties. Things to avoid with the utmost care.
(In the pictures, taken from the site of the Tivoli Audio , the Model One in two classic finishes front with ivory and blue, then you have indulged in a range of other colors, but the design has always been pleasant, is not a design "retro," as stated in the site so naive Italian company, is a rational design, it is not the same thing)
Mentre cresce l'interesse verso la musica liquida, l'alta definizione in musica e i sistemi per riprodurla, tutti temi dei quali ci siamo occupati in questo blog già da diverso tempo e con un certo anticipo (vedere l'indice per una guida su tutti gli articoli in merito) facciamo invece ancora un passo indietro nella direzione del suono analogico.
Parliamo di radio, però, un settore dove il digitale non è ancora arrivato.
Nonostante qualche tentativo, chiamato DAB, T-DMB e DRM. L'unico formato che ha avuto una qualche diffusione (ma quasi solo in Germania e UK) is the first. But it is a technology 10 years ago, and the probability that it is adopted in Italy is now quite small, if any. The private radio stations do not want it, they only have disadvantages and no advantages. Rai is experimenting with an alternative standard. It then remains on the FM of the '60s (which is not too bad) with the chaos of adjacent frequencies that those who live in big cities know as well as the almost total closure of the sector from the opening of new radio (all frequencies are employed). The future will be perhaps the television broadcast on the radio (terrestrial or satellite). But you will hear from the TV or some multi-room system. Will no longer be a "radio".
something decent (musically speaking) in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bcommercial FM radio all the same but somehow there, and then you can enjoy in Italy sound of the best radio available today, exactly the Tivoli Audio Model One . What has also become, surprisingly, a kind of status symbol.
designer Henry Kloss, a famous business guru Hi-Fi, which had drawn some historical models of speakers from the 70s and founded the historical brands such as Advent, to realize this radio has not really tried much. His goal was to achieve the best possible sound from a compact and portable radio, however. So the first thing to invest was exactly the sound system, the "box". They were largely successful at that time the small speakers with bass reflex technology. With very minimal size were obtained amazing performance, even on low. So this was the first solution, put the radio in a mini speaker.
The stereo, and even FM stereo, however, provides two speakers, and here Henry Kloss had a brilliant idea first. Instead of proposing an object fake stereo with two speakers close enough that the stereo effect becomes non-existent (as in all the radio going around at the time, the portable compattoni) preferred to go directly to the mono . In each case the difference was not there, and one small speakers could do radio.
remained to decide on speakers, they usually have two small speakers, tweeter and woofer, which requires a cross-over and a more powerful amplifier.
But even here the past one and giving up the high fidelity in the strict sense could be easier still, because the FM band is limited to 16 KHz source. Has taken a Full Range speaker only. No cross-over and load distortions and difficulties attached to the amplifier, the coherence between high and low to medium (most critical range) served in the best way. It costs far less.
Restava la vera e propria sezione radio. Circuiti integrati per la sintonia in digitale (non per il segnale, che rimane sempre analogico) ce n'erano tanti e a costi bassissimi, ormai li inserivano dappertutto, anche nei portachiavi. Ma questo era un oggetto per chi dava la priorità alla qualità, e poteva anche rinunciare a qualche comodità, come la memorizzazione dei canali o la ricerca facilitata delle stazioni.
Quindi un tuner analogico, ma di elevata qualità e sensibilità, con tecnologia a MOSFET, con un comando molto semplice, un manopolone demoltiplicato, che con molta attenzione consente di selezionare le diverse stazioni sovrapposte caoticamente tra di loro anche nell'etere selvaggio di Roma, uno tuning tool represented by a light that gets brighter when the signal is better, as in radio in the living room of my grandmother, and nothing more.
Then to top it all a quality amp, but not great power (not needed for the size of the object) and a simple but pleasant appearance, a box with wood, a clean front and refined in color with a pleasantly harmonious that of wood. It also has good connectivity options, so the casket could be used (again in mono) for other sources, for example, a portable CD player.
could have happened a single FM radio, a manual tuning, and in addition, despite the simplified design, because of high construction quality, but also much more expensive than any radio or compattone with radio on the market?
apparently had to be impossible, but the success came. Without even advertising or articles in magazines Hi-Fi, only with the tam-tam, word of mouth. And the experience.
Why listen to one of the Model One with a (rare, very rare, unfortunately) decent programs broadcast by FM radio in Italy is a very pleasant experience. A full, rich sound, very extended bass, very pleasant to talk, the opportunity to hear the details, in a word (abused), natural, what you wanted and tried e che riporta (e mi ha riportato) al piacere di sentire la radio. Un modo diverso di fruire della musica, per una volta non scegliamo noi, ma in questo modo abbiamo anche modo di scoprire tanta musica nuova che non conoscevamo (tanta se fossero tante le trasmissioni o le emittenti che ci provano, ma questa è un'altra storia).
L'azienda Tivoli Audio fondata da Henry Kloss ha avuto quindi un inatteso successo mondiale e, dopo la scomparsa del fondatore, ha capitalizzato sul brand ormai acquisito per lanciare tutta una serie di varianti e prodotti in qualche modo derivati. Dal model Two (stereo, due cassettine) e PAL (portatile, pensato soprattutto per barca) già progettati dallo stesso Kloss, al modello radio sveglia (gli Americans still use them) to the CD model, the model satellite, Internet and so on. All items of interest, do not argue, but the beautiful simplicity of the Model One is unsurpassed, unsurpassed and despite some attempts to imitate the Japanese (from Teac for example). Maybe good products, but without the magic of the original.
Not to be confused with the myriad of pseudo Chinese imitations, the price certainly much lower (a fifth) but the quality is incomparably lower, you see a little 'by all parties. Things to avoid with the utmost care.
(In the pictures, taken from the site of the Tivoli Audio , the Model One in two classic finishes front with ivory and blue, then you have indulged in a range of other colors, but the design has always been pleasant, is not a design "retro," as stated in the site so naive Italian company, is a rational design, it is not the same thing)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sample Of Letters Announcing
Epiphany. If the gifts are too expensive, I make them another day
How many people around, and all for the presents! Today, if you dare to follow the crowd, in short, to do what everyone does, and make the mistake of entering a shop of toys or sweets, there remains dry. Retailers have the knife by the handle in this day and throughout the night. Take it or leave it. Anyone who wants to buy even the smallest toy must submit to their price. Befana there is one, after all, and the shopkeepers know this very well. They also know that tomorrow is too late. But if the goods, after the party, all that will remain on the shelves? For them it is a tragedy, and to reduce the losses will sell out. So, you know what, gifts for Epiphany children do not hand them over tomorrow, but in eight days. So they learn those shopkeepers of the dogs. In eight days the prices are much lower: spend pennies instead of sequins. But yes, only a fool would fall for. This
the original economic reasoning, but certainly logical nonsense, a Roman-era Belli ago nell'attualissimo and tasty sonnet dedicated to the day before the Epiphany, the Feast of very popular in Rome was once more felt the same Christmas gifts because they used them on January 6, not December 25:
The bbefana to them fijji is nnescessario
de sora Tolla fajjela tomorrow eh? In
around today ccrompa 'cc'è ttroppa crowd. To them the
mii je kr nne the octave. A
cchiunque I'll approach me today bbolla:
and ccom'a Ssant'Ustacchio is cqui ar Zudar. So for example
st'otto PDATE I myself have flips;
e a la fine, se sa, cchi vvenne, ammolla.
Azzeccatesce un po’, d’un artarino,
oggi che ne chiedeveno? Otto ggnocchi;
e dd’una pupazzaccia un ber zecchino.
Mò oggnuno scerca de cacciavve l’occhi;
ma cquanno sémo ar chiude er butteghino,
la robba ve la dànno pe bbajocchi.
Other than Magi. On the Law of the Gospel was superimposed over the centuries the most ancient legend pagana della Befana, di maggior impatto psicologico sui bambini. Ma perfino per gli adulti, l’Epifania era ancora nell’Ottocento una ricorrenza così sentita da essere preceduta addirittura dal termine di “Pasqua”, forse perché attesa da tutti.
"Er giorno de Pasqua Bbefania, che vviè a li 6 de gennaro – scriveva il grande Giggi Zanazzo – da noi, s’aùsa a ffasse li rigali. Se li fanno l’innamorati, li spòsi, ecc. ecc. Ma ppiù dde tutti s’ausa a ffalli a li regazzini. Ortre a li ggiocarèlli, a questi, s’ausa a ffaje trovà a ppennòlòne a la cappa der cammino du carzette, una piena de pastarèlle, de fichi secchi, mosciarèlle, and Portugal [ orange, Ed ] and 'na cone gilded and silvered, and full of hints and un'antra carzètta ccarbòne pe' all Vorta sso'stati that bad "(" customs and prejudices of the people of Rome, 1889 ).
The best show was done in the house, even between bed and kitchen, through the night and the chimney, which is essential for the descent of the Epiphany and the exhibition presents. "In the evening, de la de la viggija Bbefana in my ttempo - Zanazzo says - if they Regazzini manneveno to ddormi'presto, and iff ffacevano ppoco magna pe 'ffaje leave a part of the dinner Bbefana.
"In the old families - mentions another Roman chronicler - Le Costume persist, so that the children leave willingly part of their dinner at Epiphany, which will have to get out of the chimney with his befanini, to take away from the village of Bethany giuocattoli desserts and so long desired, as Award of diligence in study, love and respect for parents. Every child has already written a letter to the Befana commoventissima, which saw demand that those trinkets, walking with the mother in the window of a chincagliere, and that most struck his fancy. But the witch is inexorable, as it keeps a log of all the shortcomings of a child, and who does not deserve it, instead of sweets and giuocattoli, leaves a sock full of ash and coal. And then the boy was not that good with the family and student in iscuola, vain regret his disobedience and his laziness, and promises in the coming years, they deserve all the favors of severe Befana ( Francesco Sabatini, 1890 ).
Mom! Mom! - Sleep. - I've ssonno nun. Do
slept tbsp ll'ha, SSOR imp.
Mom, I vojj 'Arza'. - Achiev, stamen flattened. Nun
there is I 'PPIU; cqui sprofonno mme. I've
nun dress. - And I bring all cchiamo grandfather. But
nun is UPDATE! - And That Shakes mm'avevi said that
cciamancava little? He? vv'aspetto?
Auffe them melons and Vonn nnu them!
Mama, look 'a bit' cce ssi if you see? But I say cch'è nnotte
tte. - Ajo! - Who is that?
ddio Oh My!, Ppijjato me a crab in the foot.
Street, - 'Statte silent, mo er poked brightness.
Yes, and besides you see a little 'That Shakes the mm'ha
bbefana to ma ke the hood der way.

the original economic reasoning, but certainly logical nonsense, a Roman-era Belli ago nell'attualissimo and tasty sonnet dedicated to the day before the Epiphany, the Feast of very popular in Rome was once more felt the same Christmas gifts because they used them on January 6, not December 25:
The bbefana to them fijji is nnescessario
de sora Tolla fajjela tomorrow eh? In
around today ccrompa 'cc'è ttroppa crowd. To them the
mii je kr nne the octave. A
cchiunque I'll approach me today bbolla:
and ccom'a Ssant'Ustacchio is cqui ar Zudar. So for example
st'otto PDATE I myself have flips;
e a la fine, se sa, cchi vvenne, ammolla.
Azzeccatesce un po’, d’un artarino,
oggi che ne chiedeveno? Otto ggnocchi;
e dd’una pupazzaccia un ber zecchino.
Mò oggnuno scerca de cacciavve l’occhi;
ma cquanno sémo ar chiude er butteghino,
la robba ve la dànno pe bbajocchi.
6 gennaio 1845
Versione . La vigilia di Pasqua Epifania. La befana (cioè i doni che si fanno per l'Epifania, Vigolo), ai figli, è necessario fargliela domani eh signora Tolla (dim. di Vittoria)? In giro oggi a comperare c’è troppa folla. Ai miei figli gliela faccio eight days. Any shop that I go up now, it gives me a licking: it is everywhere, like here Sant'Eustachio the shroud. So for these eight days I distract them (the children, with some excuse) and in the end, you know, the seller must give way. Guess' for a small altar today asked me from what? Eight crowns and a doll for a poor pure beauty. Now everyone tries to cavarvi eyes (take by the neck, writes Vigolo), but when we close the box office, the stuff you give it for a few pennies. .

"Er giorno de Pasqua Bbefania, che vviè a li 6 de gennaro – scriveva il grande Giggi Zanazzo – da noi, s’aùsa a ffasse li rigali. Se li fanno l’innamorati, li spòsi, ecc. ecc. Ma ppiù dde tutti s’ausa a ffalli a li regazzini. Ortre a li ggiocarèlli, a questi, s’ausa a ffaje trovà a ppennòlòne a la cappa der cammino du carzette, una piena de pastarèlle, de fichi secchi, mosciarèlle, and Portugal [ orange, Ed ] and 'na cone gilded and silvered, and full of hints and un'antra carzètta ccarbòne pe' all Vorta sso'stati that bad "(" customs and prejudices of the people of Rome, 1889 ).
The best show was done in the house, even between bed and kitchen, through the night and the chimney, which is essential for the descent of the Epiphany and the exhibition presents. "In the evening, de la de la viggija Bbefana in my ttempo - Zanazzo says - if they Regazzini manneveno to ddormi'presto, and iff ffacevano ppoco magna pe 'ffaje leave a part of the dinner Bbefana.
"In the old families - mentions another Roman chronicler - Le Costume persist, so that the children leave willingly part of their dinner at Epiphany, which will have to get out of the chimney with his befanini, to take away from the village of Bethany giuocattoli desserts and so long desired, as Award of diligence in study, love and respect for parents. Every child has already written a letter to the Befana commoventissima, which saw demand that those trinkets, walking with the mother in the window of a chincagliere, and that most struck his fancy. But the witch is inexorable, as it keeps a log of all the shortcomings of a child, and who does not deserve it, instead of sweets and giuocattoli, leaves a sock full of ash and coal. And then the boy was not that good with the family and student in iscuola, vain regret his disobedience and his laziness, and promises in the coming years, they deserve all the favors of severe Befana ( Francesco Sabatini, 1890 ).
Mom! Mom! - Sleep. - I've ssonno nun. Do
slept tbsp ll'ha, SSOR imp.
Mom, I vojj 'Arza'. - Achiev, stamen flattened. Nun
there is I 'PPIU; cqui sprofonno mme. I've
nun dress. - And I bring all cchiamo grandfather. But
nun is UPDATE! - And That Shakes mm'avevi said that
cciamancava little? He? vv'aspetto?
Auffe them melons and Vonn nnu them!
Mama, look 'a bit' cce ssi if you see? But I say cch'è nnotte
tte. - Ajo! - Who is that?
ddio Oh My!, Ppijjato me a crab in the foot.
Street, - 'Statte silent, mo er poked brightness.
Yes, and besides you see a little 'That Shakes the mm'ha
bbefana to ma ke the hood der way.
January 6, 1845
Version: The night of Easter Epiphany. Mommy! Mom! - Sleep. - I did not sleep. Let those who have to stay, Mr imp. Mom, I want to raise. - Down, we are in bed. There can be more, I sink here. I will not dress. - E io ora chiamo nonno. Ma non è giorno! - E che mi avevate detto, che ci mancava poco? Ebbene? Vi aspetto? Uffa, i meloni gratis, e non li vogliono! (Gioco di parole, secondo Vigolo, tra "uffa" della madre spazientita e auffa, a ufo, cioè gratis, del verso dei venditori di meloni. Sia pure, ma mi sembra più sensato interpretare il senso generale della frase, diventata proverbio, così: Ma come - dice la madre al bambino - ti permetto di stare a letto più a lungo, cosa sempre desiderata da ogni bambino, te compreso, e tu non vuoi? ). Mamma, guardate un po’ se ci si vede (cioè se fuori c'è luce, se è già l’alba). Ma ti dico ch’è notte. - Ahi! - Ch'è stato? Oh dio mio!, m'ha preso un crampo a un piede. Via, - Sta’ zitto, ora accendo il lumino. Sì, e poi vedete un po' che cosa mi ha portato la befana a la cappa del camino.
Questo sonetto è uno dei migliori dell'ultimo periodo, sostiene il Vigolo con un'enfasi forse eccessiva. "Non più il greve vernacolo, procace, barocco, a momenti surrealista, della prima scoperta del romanesco, ma la sua stessa pronunzia familiare, addolcita e fatta più lieve. Anche la rappresentazione del bambino impaziente di vedere sorgere l'alba è una pittura delicatamente lirica, in cui non v'è più traccia di satira o di tensione irosa nell'animo, ma si scorge lo same paternal smile that is in the son. The Banna de Terms of January 3, '45 ... "
Questo sonetto è uno dei migliori dell'ultimo periodo, sostiene il Vigolo con un'enfasi forse eccessiva. "Non più il greve vernacolo, procace, barocco, a momenti surrealista, della prima scoperta del romanesco, ma la sua stessa pronunzia familiare, addolcita e fatta più lieve. Anche la rappresentazione del bambino impaziente di vedere sorgere l'alba è una pittura delicatamente lirica, in cui non v'è più traccia di satira o di tensione irosa nell'animo, ma si scorge lo same paternal smile that is in the son. The Banna de Terms of January 3, '45 ... "
But back to the anniversary of the Epiphany, which could be a nightmare for the poorest parents, because even then, but particularly then, the toys were very expensive, as we saw in the first sonnet. Few people, even among the Romans, that "the bbardoria that iff is now Ppiazza Navona time ago if it was to Ssant'Ustacchio and ppe 'de lli around the streets," says Giggi Zanazzo. "In the midst of them ppiazza Caprettari if there was a lot of co shed 'tAll bbottegucce uperte round and round, if there was a lot indove de ggiocarèlli, it was a bbellezza. Some pupazzari, metteveno bbefane fora certain allegations and VVER bbrutte, which mme, which was then Regazzini, I faceveno ggelà er blood from fear. "
was strangely united with Italy and Rome liberal stalls for the Epiphany were transferred to the nearby and much larger Piazza Navona, once completed in 1872, paving the work (with the famous cobblestones, porphyry cubes, only in Rome, so called, to which was added gas lighting). On the edge enormous central platform, which replaced the original groove, were prepared by the City one hundred wooden huts. In short, the new state to bring order and cleanliness, and also expanding the party, giving the frame of the most beautiful square.
And, incredible to be believed, even the Pope, instead of giving it, receiving the gift of the Epiphany. It was used until 1802, the Pope received the morning of the Epiphany as a gift one hundred gold crowns from the old College of the "ninety and nine apostolic writers." During a ritual ceremony, one of them, after having made a speech in Latin, placed his tribute in a silver cup, imagine, with a loud noise, which eventually pro-date the cardinal delivered to the Pope These, and only then allowed to kiss the slipper writers. From
that can be drawn two conclusions: that these blessed "apostolic writers" were to be recommended as trombones and so every year from having to pay a tax shield of gold, while being kept in the office of honor that probably did not deserve. Moreover, in the apostolic Church that the Roman offices for sale and has always known. Secondly, the accounts to the cardinal pro-dater does not add up: one hundred were to be the shields of gold in the silver cup, but the scholars were only 99. Usual abstruse irrationality of the Church, you say. Ergo: Unless there were to put a shield of his own pocket Cardinal (with the meanness and greed that the Cardinals had one ...), so-called "writers", the youngest or the less fortunate or less recommended, had to pay two crowns instead of one. Do you think that Epiphany, for him ...
was strangely united with Italy and Rome liberal stalls for the Epiphany were transferred to the nearby and much larger Piazza Navona, once completed in 1872, paving the work (with the famous cobblestones, porphyry cubes, only in Rome, so called, to which was added gas lighting). On the edge enormous central platform, which replaced the original groove, were prepared by the City one hundred wooden huts. In short, the new state to bring order and cleanliness, and also expanding the party, giving the frame of the most beautiful square.
And, incredible to be believed, even the Pope, instead of giving it, receiving the gift of the Epiphany. It was used until 1802, the Pope received the morning of the Epiphany as a gift one hundred gold crowns from the old College of the "ninety and nine apostolic writers." During a ritual ceremony, one of them, after having made a speech in Latin, placed his tribute in a silver cup, imagine, with a loud noise, which eventually pro-date the cardinal delivered to the Pope These, and only then allowed to kiss the slipper writers. From
that can be drawn two conclusions: that these blessed "apostolic writers" were to be recommended as trombones and so every year from having to pay a tax shield of gold, while being kept in the office of honor that probably did not deserve. Moreover, in the apostolic Church that the Roman offices for sale and has always known. Secondly, the accounts to the cardinal pro-dater does not add up: one hundred were to be the shields of gold in the silver cup, but the scholars were only 99. Usual abstruse irrationality of the Church, you say. Ergo: Unless there were to put a shield of his own pocket Cardinal (with the meanness and greed that the Cardinals had one ...), so-called "writers", the youngest or the less fortunate or less recommended, had to pay two crowns instead of one. Do you think that Epiphany, for him ...
IMAGES. La Befana at home and in the square (two engravings by Bartolomeo Pinelli, a contemporary of Bell).
Monday, January 3, 2011
Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Stream,
sandwiches with cream cheese and walnut dumplings
Cosa preparare come prima ricetta del nuovo anno? Ma certamente qualcosa con licoli ;-)
A proposito
Buon anno a tutti! Che dal 2011 arrivi pace e serenità in tutto il mondo, penso che ce ne sia bisogno!
L'altro giorno ero in centro, nel piano sotterraneo di un grande magazzino, e c'era un profumino di pane appena sfornato. Sono subito corsa a prendere un pezzo del pane appena sfornato that a contract offered to customers of the bakery. Before you eat me are well designed to try to replicate it.
I think the result is very close to the bread smells good, although I believe that what had been done with ldb.
I used: for 7 rolls
150 grams of liquid yeast ( Licola ) very active (pseudo- refreshments)
100 g strong flour
40 g semolina 1 teaspoon malt
40 grams of milk
10 grams of sugar 20 g butter at room temperature
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 20 grams of walnuts
cream cheese (like Philadelphia)
In Licola planetary melt with milk, add the sifted flour, sugar, malt and mix. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes, then add the butter and salt and continue stirring.
moving on to a job dusted with flour and knead by hand, incorporate the chopped walnuts.
Pour the mixture into a bowl greased with extra virgin olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and wrap it in a cover of batteries.
Let rise for 2 hours and 30 approximately every 50 minutes making three folds in the dough.
Divide into 7 pieces from about 60 grams, roll out and put in a little 'cream cheese. Cover and round. Distancing the sandwiches on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, cover and let rise in warm place for 1 hour and 30 or so.
Preheat oven to 220 ° C, brush with a little 'egg sandwiches. Bake in the oven and immediately reduce to 180 ° C and cook for 30 minutes
I had guests for dinner these days, guests usually take home the remaining balance of the meal, the bread was the thing that disappeared first. I was not even the crumbs.
Other links related to the liquid yeast (CISA)

Cosa preparare come prima ricetta del nuovo anno? Ma certamente qualcosa con licoli ;-)
A proposito
Buon anno a tutti! Che dal 2011 arrivi pace e serenità in tutto il mondo, penso che ce ne sia bisogno!
L'altro giorno ero in centro, nel piano sotterraneo di un grande magazzino, e c'era un profumino di pane appena sfornato. Sono subito corsa a prendere un pezzo del pane appena sfornato that a contract offered to customers of the bakery. Before you eat me are well designed to try to replicate it.
I think the result is very close to the bread smells good, although I believe that what had been done with ldb.
I used: for 7 rolls
150 grams of liquid yeast ( Licola ) very active (pseudo- refreshments)
100 g strong flour
40 g semolina 1 teaspoon malt
40 grams of milk
10 grams of sugar 20 g butter at room temperature
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 20 grams of walnuts
cream cheese (like Philadelphia)
In Licola planetary melt with milk, add the sifted flour, sugar, malt and mix. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes, then add the butter and salt and continue stirring.
moving on to a job dusted with flour and knead by hand, incorporate the chopped walnuts.
Pour the mixture into a bowl greased with extra virgin olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and wrap it in a cover of batteries.
Let rise for 2 hours and 30 approximately every 50 minutes making three folds in the dough.

Divide into 7 pieces from about 60 grams, roll out and put in a little 'cream cheese. Cover and round. Distancing the sandwiches on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, cover and let rise in warm place for 1 hour and 30 or so.
Preheat oven to 220 ° C, brush with a little 'egg sandwiches. Bake in the oven and immediately reduce to 180 ° C and cook for 30 minutes

I had guests for dinner these days, guests usually take home the remaining balance of the meal, the bread was the thing that disappeared first. I was not even the crumbs.
Other links related to the liquid yeast (CISA)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Whats Red License Plate Ontario
Other than the people. Science is against the reactionary Belli
What xed sti parafurmini der fucking
ste bbattecche de Ferro de boot (...) I know there
Nun bells bbenedette
eg llibberà the Christian frabbiche
by flashes, tones, and furmini ssaette ?
(Li parafurmini, November 11, 1832) *
But as a "monument the Roman people "just got this braggart Belli populace which could satirize the first carriages and steamboats (sonnets of 1834 and 1843), or claim to weigh" the antimosfera ", ie the air, as stated in another sonnet. So no more fond of gossip put into the mouth of deans (older servants), barbers or cobblers, custodian of the "gossip" in Rome in the Pope-King, but even science, new technologies, new frontiers of medicine, Dr. Brown's theories of British homeopathy, the first vaccination against smallpox ("Er grafting, April 21, 1834).
what about the publication of the diplomatic confidences filtered (the many references Letters to the writer Stendhal, then French consul), which remind us of the far Wikileaks, or even news of international politics, as the new Kingdom of Greece ("Er re novo, February 2, 1833) and Belgium (" The 'immasciatore, November 23, 1932), the fall of Charles X of France ("Ar zor Charles X", August 15, 1830), the war of succession in Portugal and many other news outside interests certainly popular at the time.
The great poet, transcriber of verses in the dialect spoken by the people of Rome, and 'carried away by his erudition, with hundreds of sonnets that have little or nothing to do with the tasty but many squares that depict the' ignorance, customs, the unremitting toil of living of the populace of Rome. More 'reads and increasingly' shines a polymorphic Belli with his enlightened curiosity to all the new 'science (even for critics), with his reading and criticism of the Old and New Testament, against the dogmas of Catholicism, and many other issues far removed from the restricted views of the Roman people, and almost always only grappling with the problems of survival.
Farewell to the "Monument to the People of Rome"? At least in part.
On the other hand turns a beam of light on Belli erudite, curious about all the science news, discoveries and inventions, international politics and the most 'secret things of the papacy, an avid reader of newspapers and sheets of all backgrounds, not just those printed by Cracas, the printing Roman since 1716 published the "Diary ordinary" and "News for the year," a chronicle of Rome's voice in official circles, aristocrats and high society, made up of skinny reports, news of births, marriages and deaths of famous characters, descriptions of ceremonies and banquets, wars and curious episodes. But certainly read bulletins and newspapers from the Neapolitan, Piedmontese, Tuscan, Austro-Hungarian, French, British, Germanic states and so on.
The cute young man had visited many of the Italian States, Naples, Milan, Venice, Florence, and maintained correspondence with friends from various foreign countries. A beautiful part of new and unknown. Most of these sonnets, as it were atypical compared to the declared monument to the Roman people, are weak or written to a "Roman" minor and therefore 'less and less beds are also known to devotees of the poet.
of utility 'and the ethics of lightning rods, which were to replace the aspirations, the prayers and the ringing of bells, to avoid the falling of lightning, the poet deals in two sonnets with the same title ("Li parafurmini, 11 November 1832 and May 28, 1834). But critics also cardinals and priests who use the barometer, as in the sonnet "Er Cardinal caluggnato" (June 10, 1834), who used to direct the "collect" in the Mass (Prayer quiet of the faithful) to invoke the rain during drought ', and then again in the sonnet "The witches" (November 15, 1843).
Belli had discovered that in England, already 'a Mr.Gurney since 1831 had begun a public service with steam stagecoaches traveling on streets devastated at the time. The service was then suspended for the protests of workers to carriages with horses, beginning in England, for a long diatribe on the danger 'new coach and inadequate steam. In fact there were many attempts to introduce the steam engine in locomotion road, even with serious accidents, deaths and injuries. But the coup de grace was given by unsustainable tax introduced to protect the interests "lobby" of the stagecoach riding facilities: 2 pounds each trip to steam against two shillings to the traditional coach, so that the horseless carriages are not talking about 'more'. It was the beginning instead of the age of steam railways:
So that ffascéveno quer a Vorta
ffiume eg winds and PPIU bbufole in a row, now it does
er fume of a stack, and
ll'arte Mó dder bufolaro is mmorta.
fact that the disc has run ggente noticed today that
cquer fume, and a mill'ommini du 'thousand, a pair of wheels
co-use of drawing, eg
That Shakes mmare whether he straporta them.
Pegg'è ppe mmó That Shakes the coaches Vonn
nun ce Be PPIU bbisoggno de horses, and
'r fume shall drag cap'ar in Monaghan. Yet once
aveveno er custume
bbona them our old bbuggiaralli,
DE cch'er ggnente s'assomijja ar fume.
March 14, 1834.
version. The world upside down. So the work that they once did along the river winds and more 'buffaloes in line [to pull the boats upstream from the river banks] now does the smoke from a stack of [the boiler of the steam engine] and the work is finished Bufalara . It is said that even today people have discovered that the smoke [steam engine] can 'carry in qualsiasi mare mille o duemila persone con due ruote a uso di trafila. Il peggio è che oggi per le carrozze vogliono che non ci sia piu' bisogno di cavalli e che il fumo le faccia viaggiare in capo al mondo. Eppure un tempo i nostri buoni vecchi, che vadano a quel paese, erano soliti dire che il fumo somiglia al niente.
Siamo ormai verso la fine della sua produzione in romanesco, con il testo dei sonetti che si avvicina alla lingua italiana, e si vede sempre meno il Belli portavoce della vita e delle miserie del volgo di Roma, mentre affiora sempre di piu' un Belli distaccato dalle vicende popolari, ma erudito e attento osservatore (ancorché critico) delle novita' tecnologiche.
Tornando alle "diaboliche" carrozze steam, this is a subject that arouses our poet to such an extent that it still speaks in a sonnet of 15 November 1843, written after a period of silence
What nnaturale! natural a thing. But they
ppo a natural affection
flies a frullone com'avesse the wings?
Cqui cc'entra er pact Tascus heart devil. So
mo ago by PPIU cquarche bbucale
of water ssei horses, eh Don Pavol source? Aas Pe mme
the intenno you the scavolo:
st'invenzione ttutt'opera is hell.
from so if you think there ppoco That Shakes (shown
the holy truth) 'Ggni PDATE or ddua
it sentimo a nova, it sentimo.
Yes, CCOSI bbona, yes: the bbona bbua. It
ffow bbona, er er sary Pope makes first
de ste CCAS his coaches.
November 15, 1843.
version. The steam carriage. As a natural! But nothing natural can be a natural fact that a frullone (closed cab with four seats, typical of the action of the cardinals, by Furlone, prob. English, according to Moroni) flights running as if he had wings? There must be a pact with the devil. So now would be more powerful than any pitcher of water that six horses, eh, Don Paolo? For me, as I understand it So I'm telling you: this invention is a work of hell. In times when you just believe (say, the holy truth) every day or two we hear a new one. Yes, good, yes, good bua (pain for children). If it was good, the Pope would be the first to put these cars at home.
the same day, November 15 the inspiration to compose the technique makes a second sonnet, on the barometer, another diabolical invention, this time a priest used to predict the winds and rains, which is coupled with the previous one that involved a hated Cardinal Vicar, Placido Zurla.
THE Sorcerer
How much VVER, Micchele that sso vvivo,
quer priest to Madame de mme stinks sorcerer:
goes some logos and cco STABLISHMENT PerZone
I arrived in intenne nu, nu arrival.
Tie a torch of glass and quicksilver
attaccat'a of a hook in a corner, and
'ggni PDATE sce pijja conditioning system
der time bbona dder and bad weather. You
ccapasce de divve "Domatina
ttirà vvento only want, I want ttemporale ffa;
and 'r pretaccio futtuto sc'indovina.
enough, er zor Have ggiudizzio abbot, nun
I put there or ppepe Ssali
or in case of a accusallo Ssant 'Uffizi.
November 15, 1843.
version. For as sure as I'm alive, Michele, that priest I stink of sorcery is in certain places and certain people that I can not understand it. He has an instrument with a glass tube and mercury attached to a hook in a corner, and every day the weather gets good and bad times. E 'able to tell you "want to pull the morning wind, and then a thunderstorm" and we pretaccio fucking guess. Simply, the Abbe has discretion, that I do not put anything to accuse him in case the Court of Sant 'Office (which he considered the crimes of heresy and witchcraft).
It 's not a coincidence that the good to be back again and again, even more 'times, on issues that distract the poet from the description of checkered life of the vulgar Roman, criticism and fierce papal institutions in the world of corruption and abuse of power towards the more' weak, that characterized the production of the '30s.
poet's interests are changing, old man, he'll deny 'its production in Roman dialect, but the gap and' progessive and almost imperceptible, until the trauma of the revolution of the Roman Republic in 1848, when I burn the Beautiful ', a true Sanfedists, copies of the sonnets in his possession, while the revolutionaries in the streets burning the confessional of his parish. But this is' a chapter in the life of the great poet. The production of the last sonnets of Belli Roman finisce nel 1847, salvo uno sporadico lamento sulla sua salute, dell'inverno del 49. In questo intervallo di tempo fiorisce e muore infatti l'esperienza della Repubblica Romana di Mazzini e Garibaldi, terminata nell'estate del 1849. Forse involontariamente auspicata con le innumerevoli composizioni di chiara denuncia dell'amministrazione del Papa Re. Ma che lo vide, all'atto pratico, atterrito e silente spettatore.
* Versione : Che cosa sono questi parafulmini della malora, queste aste di ferro da stivale (doppiosenso per persona sciocca)... Non ci sono le campane benedette, per liberare le case dei cristiani da lampi, tuoni, fulmini e saette?
IMMAGINI. 1. Carrozza a vapore di Gurney (Inghilterra, 1828). Prestava regolare servizio (dal 1831) e toccava la velocità considerevole di 20 miglia all'ora (circa 32 km/h). 2. Parafulmini ottocenteschi su un tetto. 3. Barometro a mercurio Salmoni (1800 ca).

ste bbattecche de Ferro de boot (...) I know there
Nun bells bbenedette
eg llibberà the Christian frabbiche
by flashes, tones, and furmini ssaette ?
(Li parafurmini, November 11, 1832) *
But as a "monument the Roman people "just got this braggart Belli populace which could satirize the first carriages and steamboats (sonnets of 1834 and 1843), or claim to weigh" the antimosfera ", ie the air, as stated in another sonnet. So no more fond of gossip put into the mouth of deans (older servants), barbers or cobblers, custodian of the "gossip" in Rome in the Pope-King, but even science, new technologies, new frontiers of medicine, Dr. Brown's theories of British homeopathy, the first vaccination against smallpox ("Er grafting, April 21, 1834).
what about the publication of the diplomatic confidences filtered (the many references Letters to the writer Stendhal, then French consul), which remind us of the far Wikileaks, or even news of international politics, as the new Kingdom of Greece ("Er re novo, February 2, 1833) and Belgium (" The 'immasciatore, November 23, 1932), the fall of Charles X of France ("Ar zor Charles X", August 15, 1830), the war of succession in Portugal and many other news outside interests certainly popular at the time.
The great poet, transcriber of verses in the dialect spoken by the people of Rome, and 'carried away by his erudition, with hundreds of sonnets that have little or nothing to do with the tasty but many squares that depict the' ignorance, customs, the unremitting toil of living of the populace of Rome. More 'reads and increasingly' shines a polymorphic Belli with his enlightened curiosity to all the new 'science (even for critics), with his reading and criticism of the Old and New Testament, against the dogmas of Catholicism, and many other issues far removed from the restricted views of the Roman people, and almost always only grappling with the problems of survival.
Farewell to the "Monument to the People of Rome"? At least in part.
On the other hand turns a beam of light on Belli erudite, curious about all the science news, discoveries and inventions, international politics and the most 'secret things of the papacy, an avid reader of newspapers and sheets of all backgrounds, not just those printed by Cracas, the printing Roman since 1716 published the "Diary ordinary" and "News for the year," a chronicle of Rome's voice in official circles, aristocrats and high society, made up of skinny reports, news of births, marriages and deaths of famous characters, descriptions of ceremonies and banquets, wars and curious episodes. But certainly read bulletins and newspapers from the Neapolitan, Piedmontese, Tuscan, Austro-Hungarian, French, British, Germanic states and so on.
The cute young man had visited many of the Italian States, Naples, Milan, Venice, Florence, and maintained correspondence with friends from various foreign countries. A beautiful part of new and unknown. Most of these sonnets, as it were atypical compared to the declared monument to the Roman people, are weak or written to a "Roman" minor and therefore 'less and less beds are also known to devotees of the poet.

Belli had discovered that in England, already 'a Mr.Gurney since 1831 had begun a public service with steam stagecoaches traveling on streets devastated at the time. The service was then suspended for the protests of workers to carriages with horses, beginning in England, for a long diatribe on the danger 'new coach and inadequate steam. In fact there were many attempts to introduce the steam engine in locomotion road, even with serious accidents, deaths and injuries. But the coup de grace was given by unsustainable tax introduced to protect the interests "lobby" of the stagecoach riding facilities: 2 pounds each trip to steam against two shillings to the traditional coach, so that the horseless carriages are not talking about 'more'. It was the beginning instead of the age of steam railways:
So that ffascéveno quer a Vorta
ffiume eg winds and PPIU bbufole in a row, now it does
er fume of a stack, and
ll'arte Mó dder bufolaro is mmorta.
fact that the disc has run ggente noticed today that
cquer fume, and a mill'ommini du 'thousand, a pair of wheels
co-use of drawing, eg
That Shakes mmare whether he straporta them.
Pegg'è ppe mmó That Shakes the coaches Vonn
nun ce Be PPIU bbisoggno de horses, and
'r fume shall drag cap'ar in Monaghan. Yet once
aveveno er custume
bbona them our old bbuggiaralli,
DE cch'er ggnente s'assomijja ar fume.
March 14, 1834.
version. The world upside down. So the work that they once did along the river winds and more 'buffaloes in line [to pull the boats upstream from the river banks] now does the smoke from a stack of [the boiler of the steam engine] and the work is finished Bufalara . It is said that even today people have discovered that the smoke [steam engine] can 'carry in qualsiasi mare mille o duemila persone con due ruote a uso di trafila. Il peggio è che oggi per le carrozze vogliono che non ci sia piu' bisogno di cavalli e che il fumo le faccia viaggiare in capo al mondo. Eppure un tempo i nostri buoni vecchi, che vadano a quel paese, erano soliti dire che il fumo somiglia al niente.
Siamo ormai verso la fine della sua produzione in romanesco, con il testo dei sonetti che si avvicina alla lingua italiana, e si vede sempre meno il Belli portavoce della vita e delle miserie del volgo di Roma, mentre affiora sempre di piu' un Belli distaccato dalle vicende popolari, ma erudito e attento osservatore (ancorché critico) delle novita' tecnologiche.
Tornando alle "diaboliche" carrozze steam, this is a subject that arouses our poet to such an extent that it still speaks in a sonnet of 15 November 1843, written after a period of silence
What nnaturale! natural a thing. But they
ppo a natural affection
flies a frullone com'avesse the wings?
Cqui cc'entra er pact Tascus heart devil. So
mo ago by PPIU cquarche bbucale
of water ssei horses, eh Don Pavol source? Aas Pe mme
the intenno you the scavolo:
st'invenzione ttutt'opera is hell.
from so if you think there ppoco That Shakes (shown
the holy truth) 'Ggni PDATE or ddua
it sentimo a nova, it sentimo.
Yes, CCOSI bbona, yes: the bbona bbua. It
ffow bbona, er er sary Pope makes first
de ste CCAS his coaches.
November 15, 1843.
version. The steam carriage. As a natural! But nothing natural can be a natural fact that a frullone (closed cab with four seats, typical of the action of the cardinals, by Furlone, prob. English, according to Moroni) flights running as if he had wings? There must be a pact with the devil. So now would be more powerful than any pitcher of water that six horses, eh, Don Paolo? For me, as I understand it So I'm telling you: this invention is a work of hell. In times when you just believe (say, the holy truth) every day or two we hear a new one. Yes, good, yes, good bua (pain for children). If it was good, the Pope would be the first to put these cars at home.
the same day, November 15 the inspiration to compose the technique makes a second sonnet, on the barometer, another diabolical invention, this time a priest used to predict the winds and rains, which is coupled with the previous one that involved a hated Cardinal Vicar, Placido Zurla.

How much VVER, Micchele that sso vvivo,
quer priest to Madame de mme stinks sorcerer:
goes some logos and cco STABLISHMENT PerZone
I arrived in intenne nu, nu arrival.
Tie a torch of glass and quicksilver
attaccat'a of a hook in a corner, and
'ggni PDATE sce pijja conditioning system
der time bbona dder and bad weather. You
ccapasce de divve "Domatina
ttirà vvento only want, I want ttemporale ffa;
and 'r pretaccio futtuto sc'indovina.
enough, er zor Have ggiudizzio abbot, nun
I put there or ppepe Ssali
or in case of a accusallo Ssant 'Uffizi.
November 15, 1843.
version. For as sure as I'm alive, Michele, that priest I stink of sorcery is in certain places and certain people that I can not understand it. He has an instrument with a glass tube and mercury attached to a hook in a corner, and every day the weather gets good and bad times. E 'able to tell you "want to pull the morning wind, and then a thunderstorm" and we pretaccio fucking guess. Simply, the Abbe has discretion, that I do not put anything to accuse him in case the Court of Sant 'Office (which he considered the crimes of heresy and witchcraft).
It 's not a coincidence that the good to be back again and again, even more 'times, on issues that distract the poet from the description of checkered life of the vulgar Roman, criticism and fierce papal institutions in the world of corruption and abuse of power towards the more' weak, that characterized the production of the '30s.
poet's interests are changing, old man, he'll deny 'its production in Roman dialect, but the gap and' progessive and almost imperceptible, until the trauma of the revolution of the Roman Republic in 1848, when I burn the Beautiful ', a true Sanfedists, copies of the sonnets in his possession, while the revolutionaries in the streets burning the confessional of his parish. But this is' a chapter in the life of the great poet. The production of the last sonnets of Belli Roman finisce nel 1847, salvo uno sporadico lamento sulla sua salute, dell'inverno del 49. In questo intervallo di tempo fiorisce e muore infatti l'esperienza della Repubblica Romana di Mazzini e Garibaldi, terminata nell'estate del 1849. Forse involontariamente auspicata con le innumerevoli composizioni di chiara denuncia dell'amministrazione del Papa Re. Ma che lo vide, all'atto pratico, atterrito e silente spettatore.
* Versione : Che cosa sono questi parafulmini della malora, queste aste di ferro da stivale (doppiosenso per persona sciocca)... Non ci sono le campane benedette, per liberare le case dei cristiani da lampi, tuoni, fulmini e saette?
IMMAGINI. 1. Carrozza a vapore di Gurney (Inghilterra, 1828). Prestava regolare servizio (dal 1831) e toccava la velocità considerevole di 20 miglia all'ora (circa 32 km/h). 2. Parafulmini ottocenteschi su un tetto. 3. Barometro a mercurio Salmoni (1800 ca).
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