ke tristezza...
... I had forgotten how bad it is a domenica mattina senza sole e con pioggia...
Torno dopo un po' di latitanza a scrivere qui sul blog... ce ne sarebbero di cose da raccontare, soprattutto a riguardo della gara di domenica scorsa.
C'era in programma la gf Bettini a Pomarance, ero molto fiducioso e determinato a fare una buona prestazione; ma purtroppo una terribile tragedia si è abbattuta sulla gara, un signore in seguito a una discesa, è carambolato per terra ed ha perso la vita. Mi sembra opportuno evitare di dilungarmi e raccontare i km della gara prima che venisse stoppata, preferisco stringermi attorno alal famiglia del defunto e sperare ke continui a scalare montagne da lassù...
Tornando un attimo all'aspetto puramente ciclistico, dico ke ancora molte incognite gravitate in my condition in view of the Tour of Sardinia, first I have not tested on gf over 100km in length (one occasion was last Sunday and had a chance today, but I had to quit because of rain and stomach problems), and I still be successful as my body reacts to efforts on consecutive days.
Anyway this week I managed despite a physical qualke little problem I managed to do all the training set, k is the week will be very important for the volume and quality of work ke I do hope all goes to great ...
conclude by thanking those who have told me ke ke read this blog often, and I take the call if you'd like to invite you to write comments, questions, insults, tips or whatever you went through my head ...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How To Getout Of Demo For Ps3
settima strana...
then I am to update you on this week ...
was scheduled discharge: ke and I think most of the exhaust as I did I could not do.
Tuesday 75 km, where the first part I made with qualke bet on the average, but then I've been quiet ... Wednesday 60 km
very flat, where I went for a walk, but despite this I'm done with a ragguardvole average of 30.5 km-h
Thursday: 1 hour roller ... Today I had absolutely no desire to just go out, I will ke gnawing on a bit 'of things ... time was endless and exhausting, but luckily I managed to do it. Tomorrow
rest e poi sabato si parte per Pomarance: sarà il mio primo lungo, mi riterrò soddisfatto se entro tra i primi 75...
then I am to update you on this week ...
was scheduled discharge: ke and I think most of the exhaust as I did I could not do.
Tuesday 75 km, where the first part I made with qualke bet on the average, but then I've been quiet ... Wednesday 60 km
very flat, where I went for a walk, but despite this I'm done with a ragguardvole average of 30.5 km-h
Thursday: 1 hour roller ... Today I had absolutely no desire to just go out, I will ke gnawing on a bit 'of things ... time was endless and exhausting, but luckily I managed to do it. Tomorrow
rest e poi sabato si parte per Pomarance: sarà il mio primo lungo, mi riterrò soddisfatto se entro tra i primi 75...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sub Box In Silverado For 12 Sub
Giro del Valdarno: Delusione...
Eccomi puntuale come un orologio svizzero a raccontare la gara di oggi...
Svegliaalle 5e30, colazione e poi via in macchina alla volta di Montevarchi, alle 8 sono al ritrovo, dove incontro i miei due compagni di squadra Juri e Michele.
Attacco numero a maglia e bici, metto il chip e via di straforo in prima griglia.
Alle 9e30 si parte, primi km ad andatura controllata e come al solito mi passano almeno un centinaio di persone, perdo posizioni e non riesco a risalire, in quei momenti nella mia mente mi ripromettevo che non avrei piu fatto altre gf con cosi tanti iscritti, ma credo che gia da Sunday to disobey my idea. The first ascent
take it back for the reasons above, I decide to put a good pace and recover, but I can do a good rev to reposition itself with the first 60/70. The route continues uphill from this quiet for about twenty kilometers until you attack the climb Monteluco, this was the true harshness of the day, 10 km climb to the irregular points 14/15%. Struggle hard, the very first group of leaves but the rest with a discrete group, the alternating stretches of uphill proceeds slightly downhill, just at the end of a descent and the subsequent start of a steep section, I do like a moron a change from 50 / 23 to 34, and like magic, the chain goes down beyond repair, various expletives, I try to put it back in motion but nothing, so I have to set foot on shore and miss the group. The moral flies to land, mindful of recent events in Spello, fortunately after a while comes a group that I shot and stepping stone to the top (top of the hill we were in 2 of the 20 k). gpm to begin but my nightmares ... we throw down in a descent that apostrophized as the folder contains dangerous curves. I can stand with difficulty the first few kilometers and bend back after falling behind, I find myself in the queue and after a series of curves lose the group. How Spello after taking with her nails and teeth uphill and down to send me a rug, try to re-enter the group in front but I can not, be too strong. From
then I'll just make a lot of miles during the last climb I go for a walk, knowing that anke making the whole front of the group would not be able to take it back, also as if this were not enough to 2km from the arrival a large group of 30 people I takes over and forces me to sprint, in which 17 people put the wheels in front of me. At the end
67 th overall and fifth grade.
I am very disappointed by this result, once again I have proven to stand up quietly with the first 35-40, but unfortunately I pay for my inexperience in all other areas (flat, down, stay in groups, tactical and technical); I arrived at the finish and also rested, I still had so much energy in the body ... For a proper examination
of my race, in a short list of my weak points, which I hope to work hard, I know it may seem from complainer, but if in the future I do not notice my being able to cure these deficiencies (especially downhill) of the fundamental I decide to go back to the outputs without problem alone or I'm going to limit the randonneur ... Here they are:
1) suffer from the departure, in the few races that I've always been lucky enough to be up front in the first km, but these benefits are canceled, and often lose tens and hundreds of
2) I can not push the right relationship from the end of last season I started working with the agility, but I think perhaps you have too much, in fact now I'm a bit 'hard work tend to scale the relationship, and relate to each whirl, this is fine until I go out alone, but if they are in groups and in the race this penalizes me, I will try to train the next training sessions to raise the ratio and to push more reports hard to simulate race situations
3) Lack of technique: it is not normal to set off for two races in a row in the crucial points of the game, everything is synonymous with failure, I must first learn to change and must also avoid the intersections of the chain. With the arrival of colnago try to solve this problem by mounting a nice dog teeth (I can not fit on the Cervelo xkè pipe has a rectangular section)
4) I keep per ultimo, ma lo ritengo il più grave: la discesa. Beh che dire, credo che ogni parola sia supreflua, sono una sega, curvo senza piegare, freno sempre, non so scegliere le traiettorie etc... Qualcuno dice che o si è discesisti o non lo si è, altri dicono che è tutta questione di abitudine... io credo che la verità stia nel mezzo... spero solo di migliorare, anke perkè staccarsi tutte le volte è veramente frustrante...
Cmq archiviamo questa giornata, e pensiamo a domenica dove farò il primo lungo della mia vita, so che sarà una faticaccia, ma tanto il percorso non si adatta a me e quindi nel medio rischierei di fare la fine di oggi...
Concludo dicendo: Barcollo ma non mollo...
Eccomi puntuale come un orologio svizzero a raccontare la gara di oggi...
Svegliaalle 5e30, colazione e poi via in macchina alla volta di Montevarchi, alle 8 sono al ritrovo, dove incontro i miei due compagni di squadra Juri e Michele.
Attacco numero a maglia e bici, metto il chip e via di straforo in prima griglia.
Alle 9e30 si parte, primi km ad andatura controllata e come al solito mi passano almeno un centinaio di persone, perdo posizioni e non riesco a risalire, in quei momenti nella mia mente mi ripromettevo che non avrei piu fatto altre gf con cosi tanti iscritti, ma credo che gia da Sunday to disobey my idea. The first ascent
take it back for the reasons above, I decide to put a good pace and recover, but I can do a good rev to reposition itself with the first 60/70. The route continues uphill from this quiet for about twenty kilometers until you attack the climb Monteluco, this was the true harshness of the day, 10 km climb to the irregular points 14/15%. Struggle hard, the very first group of leaves but the rest with a discrete group, the alternating stretches of uphill proceeds slightly downhill, just at the end of a descent and the subsequent start of a steep section, I do like a moron a change from 50 / 23 to 34, and like magic, the chain goes down beyond repair, various expletives, I try to put it back in motion but nothing, so I have to set foot on shore and miss the group. The moral flies to land, mindful of recent events in Spello, fortunately after a while comes a group that I shot and stepping stone to the top (top of the hill we were in 2 of the 20 k). gpm to begin but my nightmares ... we throw down in a descent that apostrophized as the folder contains dangerous curves. I can stand with difficulty the first few kilometers and bend back after falling behind, I find myself in the queue and after a series of curves lose the group. How Spello after taking with her nails and teeth uphill and down to send me a rug, try to re-enter the group in front but I can not, be too strong. From
then I'll just make a lot of miles during the last climb I go for a walk, knowing that anke making the whole front of the group would not be able to take it back, also as if this were not enough to 2km from the arrival a large group of 30 people I takes over and forces me to sprint, in which 17 people put the wheels in front of me. At the end
67 th overall and fifth grade.
I am very disappointed by this result, once again I have proven to stand up quietly with the first 35-40, but unfortunately I pay for my inexperience in all other areas (flat, down, stay in groups, tactical and technical); I arrived at the finish and also rested, I still had so much energy in the body ... For a proper examination
of my race, in a short list of my weak points, which I hope to work hard, I know it may seem from complainer, but if in the future I do not notice my being able to cure these deficiencies (especially downhill) of the fundamental I decide to go back to the outputs without problem alone or I'm going to limit the randonneur ... Here they are:
1) suffer from the departure, in the few races that I've always been lucky enough to be up front in the first km, but these benefits are canceled, and often lose tens and hundreds of
2) I can not push the right relationship from the end of last season I started working with the agility, but I think perhaps you have too much, in fact now I'm a bit 'hard work tend to scale the relationship, and relate to each whirl, this is fine until I go out alone, but if they are in groups and in the race this penalizes me, I will try to train the next training sessions to raise the ratio and to push more reports hard to simulate race situations
3) Lack of technique: it is not normal to set off for two races in a row in the crucial points of the game, everything is synonymous with failure, I must first learn to change and must also avoid the intersections of the chain. With the arrival of colnago try to solve this problem by mounting a nice dog teeth (I can not fit on the Cervelo xkè pipe has a rectangular section)
4) I keep per ultimo, ma lo ritengo il più grave: la discesa. Beh che dire, credo che ogni parola sia supreflua, sono una sega, curvo senza piegare, freno sempre, non so scegliere le traiettorie etc... Qualcuno dice che o si è discesisti o non lo si è, altri dicono che è tutta questione di abitudine... io credo che la verità stia nel mezzo... spero solo di migliorare, anke perkè staccarsi tutte le volte è veramente frustrante...
Cmq archiviamo questa giornata, e pensiamo a domenica dove farò il primo lungo della mia vita, so che sarà una faticaccia, ma tanto il percorso non si adatta a me e quindi nel medio rischierei di fare la fine di oggi...
Concludo dicendo: Barcollo ma non mollo...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Cat In The Hat In Spanishlyrics
Buon allenamento in previsione di domenica...
Yesterday I ran home at 12e15 lesson just finished uni, I had planned s early in the morning that I took the car and I would have gone into the Via Salaria, so you can make repeated Monteflavio candy but without having to 140km as Tuesday which certainly would have been felt over the weekend ...
While I was in the car I got mad and decided to go to Carson, a pleasant journey but ten minutes in the queue connection due to an accident. At 14e20
are in front of the parking speedysport, unloading the car and put myself in the saddle, except for a pleasant temperature annoying wind that haunt me in all the way out.
Beginning with the work to be done on the flat and after a Oretta I head up the hill and a half I had chosen to make repeated: the ascent is this controller / Cartes-plans? mapid =- tu1npp9vuti72o & dx = 474 & dy = 317 & empriseW = 949 & empriseH = 634
I did not choose this up by chance that in addition to responding to the fees that I need (slope, length, little traffic) is to me quite significant . A couple of years ago when I was still up on this climb took a terrible beating at the beginning because I accodai to a man convinced that I disconnected and lonely that I would come on top after the first km, however, I realized that was so, the gentleman was really strong, came in 3-4 minutes on top of him with my heart pounding in the brain, this is one of my greatest cycling fatigue; now know that not only can finish well this climb but me I can even repeatedly selecting frequency and cadence uan me some strength and some certainty of my means. Repeated
went very well compared to climb Monteflavio is more rugged in fact there are pieces anke slopes of more than 12%, legs and heart and good feelings that run and recover well.
After work I came back uphill to the car a bit 'down from the cold, but happy feelings. At the end
71km to 27 medium and 1000 meters difference ...
rest today and tomorrow Sgambati pre race ...
Sunday we run a lap short of VALDARNO
put the path and my predictions for Sunday
Yesterday I ran home at 12e15 lesson just finished uni, I had planned s early in the morning that I took the car and I would have gone into the Via Salaria, so you can make repeated Monteflavio candy but without having to 140km as Tuesday which certainly would have been felt over the weekend ...
While I was in the car I got mad and decided to go to Carson, a pleasant journey but ten minutes in the queue connection due to an accident. At 14e20
are in front of the parking speedysport, unloading the car and put myself in the saddle, except for a pleasant temperature annoying wind that haunt me in all the way out.
Beginning with the work to be done on the flat and after a Oretta I head up the hill and a half I had chosen to make repeated: the ascent is this controller / Cartes-plans? mapid =- tu1npp9vuti72o & dx = 474 & dy = 317 & empriseW = 949 & empriseH = 634
I did not choose this up by chance that in addition to responding to the fees that I need (slope, length, little traffic) is to me quite significant . A couple of years ago when I was still up on this climb took a terrible beating at the beginning because I accodai to a man convinced that I disconnected and lonely that I would come on top after the first km, however, I realized that was so, the gentleman was really strong, came in 3-4 minutes on top of him with my heart pounding in the brain, this is one of my greatest cycling fatigue; now know that not only can finish well this climb but me I can even repeatedly selecting frequency and cadence uan me some strength and some certainty of my means. Repeated
went very well compared to climb Monteflavio is more rugged in fact there are pieces anke slopes of more than 12%, legs and heart and good feelings that run and recover well.
After work I came back uphill to the car a bit 'down from the cold, but happy feelings. At the end
71km to 27 medium and 1000 meters difference ...
rest today and tomorrow Sgambati pre race ...
Sunday we run a lap short of VALDARNO
put the path and my predictions for Sunday

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Can I Fight A Waiver For Eczema
Condizione che cresce...
Here I am, after the circuit on Saturday I was scheduled for Sunday to do some good work up , from beginner through but I knew that was not air the 140 km circuit on Friday and Saturday were indelibly imprinted on my quadriceps, and Anke in my mind, as long advocated the bike is not just the legs, the brain would not work hard and sent to the whole body that his whim. I then folded on a nice exit exhaust, 105 km and average about 138bpm 800 m in altitude ... Yesterday
2 hours of fitness training and stretching and today, instead of specific. On Tuesday
if the good weather conditions continue to be voted on specific jobs and the distance ... Today about 29 135 km of medium by repeated flat and uphill, too bad that after the work in the ascent garmin abandoned me because of the batteries and I could not do the progressions, because I could not monitor them properly ...
The feeling was great, I had recovered from the great triptych of the weekend series and three in height, there were clear improvements. Tomorrow and Thursday
drain again but with specific reduction km ...
Here I am, after the circuit on Saturday I was scheduled for Sunday to do some good work up , from beginner through but I knew that was not air the 140 km circuit on Friday and Saturday were indelibly imprinted on my quadriceps, and Anke in my mind, as long advocated the bike is not just the legs, the brain would not work hard and sent to the whole body that his whim. I then folded on a nice exit exhaust, 105 km and average about 138bpm 800 m in altitude ... Yesterday
2 hours of fitness training and stretching and today, instead of specific. On Tuesday
if the good weather conditions continue to be voted on specific jobs and the distance ... Today about 29 135 km of medium by repeated flat and uphill, too bad that after the work in the ascent garmin abandoned me because of the batteries and I could not do the progressions, because I could not monitor them properly ...
The feeling was great, I had recovered from the great triptych of the weekend series and three in height, there were clear improvements. Tomorrow and Thursday
drain again but with specific reduction km ...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Are Pears Good For Overactive Thyroid?
esordio in gara a circuito...
Having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba gf Max Lelli mix of reasons, but not wanting to give up a release in which to do some 'of pace I decided to make his debut in a race circuit: 72 km with neanke 100 m in altitude, practically a platter.
Chiominto Race organized by ASD and that was held in Frosinone.
14 Arrived at the meeting, pick the number (quite a bib No. 17), I return (I dusted off the shorts and shirt I left the cozy winter) and start heating. The first rides are not good, I have the impression that they have recovered all the energies of the second session of the week and specific facts that lasted about 130 km.
In heating, the usual doubts assail me, I'm a bit 'agitated and began to affect me from what surrounds me, it is full of cyclists pulled all with super nice bike and all with beautiful looks bad in me a growing awareness that will be a day when you will suffer tremendously and will be generous with its rewards.
At 15 we start, the first controlled km to the entrance of the circuit, 12 km are flat as mentioned, characterized by a pair of long straights and round two flyovers qualke curve.
I'll always nice to rest covered in the belly of the group, going for a walk almost to the heart to slow despite volote anke you travel over 40 km-h, as usual in the corners of my positions because I lose too much but regained caution in those smepre poor sections where you have to relaunch and zompettare gait.
Tours go quiet and I have absolutely no problem or sign of failure, for a moment like a flash, the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to attack but ended up looking like they are all attempts prefer to mind my own business. The last lap is facing a bit 'stronger, but still do not have probemi. Here
the sprint decides everything I had heard from some 'friends than he could be dangerous volatona group, now ke I saw and I did it I can confirm that we are crazy that fit into holes infinitesimal speed crowds, ranging from the arrival of 200 m on the ground about twenty and I gain qualke position.
the end I guess it struck in the first 30-40 ... Maybe Sunday
replied and I go to a circuit in Rieti, I understand if I now had a supergamba or was the level it was nothing of that, plus the shape of the route made the ride less harsh ...
Having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba gf Max Lelli mix of reasons, but not wanting to give up a release in which to do some 'of pace I decided to make his debut in a race circuit: 72 km with neanke 100 m in altitude, practically a platter.
Chiominto Race organized by ASD and that was held in Frosinone.
14 Arrived at the meeting, pick the number (quite a bib No. 17), I return (I dusted off the shorts and shirt I left the cozy winter) and start heating. The first rides are not good, I have the impression that they have recovered all the energies of the second session of the week and specific facts that lasted about 130 km.
In heating, the usual doubts assail me, I'm a bit 'agitated and began to affect me from what surrounds me, it is full of cyclists pulled all with super nice bike and all with beautiful looks bad in me a growing awareness that will be a day when you will suffer tremendously and will be generous with its rewards.
At 15 we start, the first controlled km to the entrance of the circuit, 12 km are flat as mentioned, characterized by a pair of long straights and round two flyovers qualke curve.
I'll always nice to rest covered in the belly of the group, going for a walk almost to the heart to slow despite volote anke you travel over 40 km-h, as usual in the corners of my positions because I lose too much but regained caution in those smepre poor sections where you have to relaunch and zompettare gait.
Tours go quiet and I have absolutely no problem or sign of failure, for a moment like a flash, the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to attack but ended up looking like they are all attempts prefer to mind my own business. The last lap is facing a bit 'stronger, but still do not have probemi. Here
the sprint decides everything I had heard from some 'friends than he could be dangerous volatona group, now ke I saw and I did it I can confirm that we are crazy that fit into holes infinitesimal speed crowds, ranging from the arrival of 200 m on the ground about twenty and I gain qualke position.
the end I guess it struck in the first 30-40 ... Maybe Sunday
replied and I go to a circuit in Rieti, I understand if I now had a supergamba or was the level it was nothing of that, plus the shape of the route made the ride less harsh ...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How Do U Find License Number Quickbooks
Prima gara della stagione
After an absence on the blog since Sunday due to lack of time to update you on here this week: Tuesday
: First of specific training on the rollers
Wednesday: 75 km in unloading the Tiber
Thursday: 130 km training rather flat and with repeated Monteflavio
Saturday: 62 km by Sgambati Pregara
Sunday: GF PEACE
Gf Report: I have a premise, this marathon when I compiled the schedule of events was not planned, I aggiunta strada facendo vedendo un po' le sensazioni che provavo con il passare degli allenamenti, le aspettative erano quindi abbastanza realistiche e sapevo di non poter fare una prestazione eccelsa, l'idea era quella di rientrare nei cento.
Stamattina sveglia ore 5e20, colazione e poi via in macchina direzione Spello. Arrivo al ritiro del numero verso le 7e40, e con il mio compagno Airone mi dirigo in griglia, grazie agli accordi stretti siamo in prima griglia proprio a ridosso della linea di partenza.
Ore 9 pronti e via, i primi 8 km sono ad andatura controllata, ma nonostante questo si viaggia oltre i 40 km-h, perdo subito un 100 di posizioni, ma quando realizzo comincio a risalire e sfruttando un paio di rotonde mi rimporto nei primi 40, le gambe turn right into me and begins to glimpse the idea of \u200b\u200ban important position in the first ascents run pretty well, obviously I had my heart in my throat, but my legs turned good. At the end of the third climb I think it is the case of food and while I do these my elugubrazioni like a fool I lose my team down, I try to return but the group travels too much.
I was convinced that my race would be over there and missing until the km would become a workout, but fortunately after a mile I get picked up by a group to which I politely stepping stone and to move forward, I begin the ascent of a Collemancio bit 'pissed off, because they have lost the first group I was not a little depressing, I just try to climb not to break away, the heart is quietly below the threshold indicates that if my mind had sustained no doubt I could make a higher pace. The descent of Collemancio qualke me itch and a bend in risk of going long, but hopefully I can stay in the saddle, the group arrived on the plane begins to pull, I try to stay in the queue, I did not have the mental strength to give a hands, at 6km from the arrival we notice that the large group is very close, you begin to lead the entrance and the last tear (1km 12%), taking the tail, recovery twenty positions and top of the hill with another runner, I km downhill fast and finish last sheet that brings the arrival of 1km, decided to give everything I had left I take the last corner and I quickly changed a dry moment in the chain breaks, after several expletives temptation to throw the bike into the ditch I load the bike back and I do the last 500m race running uphill on a bike shoulder (style cyclocross) although I pulled out all the race that an old terzinaccio as I had in my body than a 20in, I arrive at the finish line to applause from the crowd and their laughter, finishing 59th on 370 and 17th by category 2:19 a.m. to 9 minutes in the first.
technical and tactical analysis of the result: as I said before I had big ambitions at the start, but the appetite comes with eating during the first few kilometers and that accortomi pumped well hope to grab a decent piazzamento.Oggi I realized that unfortunately do not count in the race only the legs, the head matters a lot (now I'm too demoralized after losing the first set), and has anke attention, a distraction, and could jeopardize everything.
I also fully aware of how I suffer in the plains: uphill right or wrong I do not have huge problems with people being strong enough, but I'm not just flat, I've got to find a perfect cadence and I have a lot to focus on training pull-up anke down now that I begin to acquire some 'safety, we hope that the wheels with tubes that should arrive soon give me a hand.
Now in the next two weeks I expect beautiful training hard and free of competition, meeting with the number on the back to the race of Cecina, the race will arrive after the week of discharge and I believe that there will be a different music ...
Here is the graph of the race, I did a little 'calculations, and if not broken the chain earned about 1'30'', that when I see usciràla ranking as equivalent in terms of positions ...
After an absence on the blog since Sunday due to lack of time to update you on here this week: Tuesday
: First of specific training on the rollers
Wednesday: 75 km in unloading the Tiber
Thursday: 130 km training rather flat and with repeated Monteflavio
Saturday: 62 km by Sgambati Pregara
Sunday: GF PEACE
Gf Report: I have a premise, this marathon when I compiled the schedule of events was not planned, I aggiunta strada facendo vedendo un po' le sensazioni che provavo con il passare degli allenamenti, le aspettative erano quindi abbastanza realistiche e sapevo di non poter fare una prestazione eccelsa, l'idea era quella di rientrare nei cento.
Stamattina sveglia ore 5e20, colazione e poi via in macchina direzione Spello. Arrivo al ritiro del numero verso le 7e40, e con il mio compagno Airone mi dirigo in griglia, grazie agli accordi stretti siamo in prima griglia proprio a ridosso della linea di partenza.
Ore 9 pronti e via, i primi 8 km sono ad andatura controllata, ma nonostante questo si viaggia oltre i 40 km-h, perdo subito un 100 di posizioni, ma quando realizzo comincio a risalire e sfruttando un paio di rotonde mi rimporto nei primi 40, le gambe turn right into me and begins to glimpse the idea of \u200b\u200ban important position in the first ascents run pretty well, obviously I had my heart in my throat, but my legs turned good. At the end of the third climb I think it is the case of food and while I do these my elugubrazioni like a fool I lose my team down, I try to return but the group travels too much.
I was convinced that my race would be over there and missing until the km would become a workout, but fortunately after a mile I get picked up by a group to which I politely stepping stone and to move forward, I begin the ascent of a Collemancio bit 'pissed off, because they have lost the first group I was not a little depressing, I just try to climb not to break away, the heart is quietly below the threshold indicates that if my mind had sustained no doubt I could make a higher pace. The descent of Collemancio qualke me itch and a bend in risk of going long, but hopefully I can stay in the saddle, the group arrived on the plane begins to pull, I try to stay in the queue, I did not have the mental strength to give a hands, at 6km from the arrival we notice that the large group is very close, you begin to lead the entrance and the last tear (1km 12%), taking the tail, recovery twenty positions and top of the hill with another runner, I km downhill fast and finish last sheet that brings the arrival of 1km, decided to give everything I had left I take the last corner and I quickly changed a dry moment in the chain breaks, after several expletives temptation to throw the bike into the ditch I load the bike back and I do the last 500m race running uphill on a bike shoulder (style cyclocross) although I pulled out all the race that an old terzinaccio as I had in my body than a 20in, I arrive at the finish line to applause from the crowd and their laughter, finishing 59th on 370 and 17th by category 2:19 a.m. to 9 minutes in the first.
technical and tactical analysis of the result: as I said before I had big ambitions at the start, but the appetite comes with eating during the first few kilometers and that accortomi pumped well hope to grab a decent piazzamento.Oggi I realized that unfortunately do not count in the race only the legs, the head matters a lot (now I'm too demoralized after losing the first set), and has anke attention, a distraction, and could jeopardize everything.
I also fully aware of how I suffer in the plains: uphill right or wrong I do not have huge problems with people being strong enough, but I'm not just flat, I've got to find a perfect cadence and I have a lot to focus on training pull-up anke down now that I begin to acquire some 'safety, we hope that the wheels with tubes that should arrive soon give me a hand.
Now in the next two weeks I expect beautiful training hard and free of competition, meeting with the number on the back to the race of Cecina, the race will arrive after the week of discharge and I believe that there will be a different music ...
Here is the graph of the race, I did a little 'calculations, and if not broken the chain earned about 1'30'', that when I see usciràla ranking as equivalent in terms of positions ...

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