GarageBand per digitalizzare LP
A giudicare dalle numerose offerte in Internet di scatolotti per trasferire in digitale LP in vinile e cassette stereo, sembrerebbe una necessità diffusa e pressante per molti.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Birthday Facebook Event Description
La cosa mi lascia perplesso perché: 1) digitalizzare in modo accurato una musicassetta e ancor più un LP è un lavoro piuttosto lungo e che richiede attenzione e in genere più attempts, and 2) the music on physical media is that in 99% of the cases already available digitally, so official or unofficial.
Even without wishing to follow this second route, since this is obviously not for novelty but a catalog of material, it is likely that at Amazon or in stores you find the same album that we want to scan at 5 or 10 €, and it remains to be seen whether our time is worth less. But still wishing to follow the path of scanning, perhaps for an LP actually been out of print and unavailable, I propose an alternative to the usual use of squared like type
o iMic . 
Questi oggetti, come noto, contengono un ingresso linea in grado di gestire anche il segnale a basso livello di una testina phono, un equalizzatore RIAA (la curva standard, non lineare, usata per il formato microsolco o LP), un decoder analogico-digitale, e una uscita digitale USB. Il tutto per poche decine di Euro.
Sono prodotti "made in China" e questo giustifica il prezzo così basso. Ma qualche perplessità viene, considerando che nel settore Hi-Fi sono in commercio preamplificatori phono RIAA che costano migliaia di € (e oltre) ed i più economici non scendono sotto i 200. Si tratta evidentemente di un compito difficile, where even small variations of the project produce noticeable changes in the sound.
Objective quality
If our goal is to digitize the LP can maintain the original quality, and not simply retrieve the music (as I mentioned before, there are ways to do this much more practical and fast) Perhaps you need to follow a different approach. I do not mean analog decoder - professional digital (it's assumed that this would be the best way) for this purpose but the use of an application included in Mac's operating system, so free, that among many other things can also do this job. Connections not but the turntable directly to a Hi-Fi RIAA phono preamp. In the test I did I used one of the simplest, the "Phono Box Pro-Ject, but it is already included in the above phono pre amplifiers and mid-level is definitely higher than in the circuitino Terratec or in ' iMic or USB turntable with integrated decoder. Wanting to invest more than there are excellent phono stage than in the same range Pro-Ject, or NAD, or Lehmann Audio. Hi-Fi and many fans will already have one and can also use it for this purpose.
GarageBand work
The output from the phono stage will be connected to the audio on your Mac (A Mac Mini in my case) that includes a decoder analog - digital sound quality (the same is not true for Windows PCs and in particular for the vast majority of laptops), this certainly more than what is available in the squared like mentioned above. Here will run from GarageBand, an application, as they know the possesori Mac, which is a simplified recording studio, with ability to record and mix music, adding effects of various kinds, but also has the ability to simply record that arrives on the input line (Figure 1). And record it in high quality. In fact, in selecting Preferences> Advanced "quality optimal "you find that your sound card can be instructed to carry out an encoding to 24 bit / 44.1 kHz, with quality greater than that of regular CDs (Figure 3).
This then is the first thing to do. The second is adjust the recording level, you can also select the automatic, but it is not advisable, the system may vary in level which will be noticeable. We must do a few tests on the tracks at the lower level and higher LP and check that the "instruments" (which are the ones found in all the recorders) will always be there in the red zone. It 'also includes a monitor function, or the ability to listen to what si sta registrando. Sembra una cosa ovvia, ma GarageBand ha un controllo sul rientro (feedback) molto sensibile e a volte può essere necessario disattivare il monitor. Nella figura 3 questa funzionalità è visibile in basso a destra.
Una volta completata la registrazione (all'inizio, un brano per volta) si controllerà il risultato dopo aver salvato (
in terminologia Apple) il contenuto. prima di esportarlo si potrà anche elaborarlo direttamente dentro GarageBand, ad esempio tagliando la coda o il bump iniziale della testina che atterra sul disco e separando tra loro i brani dell'album. Il pannello di GarageBand mostra i classici pulsanti per avanti, avanti veloce ecc. e lo spettrogramma music experience and move through the various functions is intuitive. In any case, with USB squared like you need to do the same operation with the software that provide a kit or other audio editors such as Audacity or Free Audio Editor.
To use the music in GarageBand acquired the function is "share" (Figure 5). E 'possible to transfer it directly in iTunes or download it to disk for other purposes, the format used will be the standard uncompressed Mac, that is, AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format). Before exporting, however, you must remember to clear the compression function, otherwise our precious audio will be captured so lovingly, in fact, collapsed, resulting in loss of quality (and now with the capacity of current memory and the transmission speed Internet standard 10Mbit and beyond, there is simply no reason to compress the music). As shown in Figure 6 next to the song in iTunes (in this case, Harvest by Neil Young) is actually 24/44.1, and can be treated and managed in the library like everyone else.
The insatiable
But because the acquisition is limited to 44.1 KHz? You can not record at 48 or, better yet, 96 KHz? With GarageBand, no, it's a limitation imposed by Apple and that, as pare, rimarrà tale.
Non si tratta di una limitazione fondamentale, acquisendo LP non recenti o musicassette, la qualità, grazie al campionamento a 24 bit, sarà comunque superiore a quella del CD.
Volendo andare oltre ci sono altri programmi come Audacity o Logic Express della stessa Apple, che però è a pagamento (e si capisce quindi che GB abbia qualche limitazione).
Ecco infine, come al solito, alcune immagini che illustrano il funzionamento di questa via semplice e un po' più "analogica" alla acquisizione in digitale di vinili.
Cominciamo da GarageBand e da come si presenta (figura 1):
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