What does this mean acronym formed from the initials of other words (from the ancient greek Akron = end and onoma = name)? As yet few people know, means Senatus Romanus Populusque : the Senate and (this is the appended to a name, which is et, atque or ac set before but disconnected), the Roman People, the two entities that had the constitutional power and politics. A diarchy founded on the right, brilliantly anticipating the modern liberal democracies.
Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, wrote a fine essay on "word games" and "jokes", especially when the italianuzzo medium, wrongly believes to be witty, believed to excel, as we hear in the corridors of all offices from Trepalle Pantelleria. There is no Roman used today, for example, that still does not say "olive dorce" (sweet olive) instead of "goodbye", imitating Laurel and Hardy. Not to mention the painfully imaginative signs of shops on the Peninsula, from " Shoes diem" for a shoe shop, and the ironic "Not only flowers for a florist that sells flowers, but only up to twice Kitsch brilliant" Cinecittà "for a Chinese store things in a street dedicated to a film director ... What about "Dots, dots ...", is the tailor shop of a friend of mine. Now open a business is to fall in some lexical gaffe, and make a joke when you have inadequate means falling into a fool.
The marks, then, have always stimulated the imagination of the people satirical. The plate SCV Vatican City, usually combined with luxury cars dark representation, it is obviously viewed by the Romans, who have never been tender with the clergy, "If Christ could see." Natural that the ancient SPQR was open to many interpretations. A legend from the Internet, of course unfounded and anachronistic, wants begin the Sabines, north of Rome, proud and tough as the mountain people, to interpret as SPQR, none "Sabinis Populis Resistet Quis? " ie" Who can resist the Sabine peoples? "Anyone. In fact, they were soon defeated and assimilated by the Romans. What then were the toughest of all people, other than those mollaccioni today. And woe to confuse , as they do today in the provincial jokes, then the Romans with the Romans of today. How to move from fire to water, from iron to the ricotta.
It is an old habit: the usual-nothing good to lovers of satire market and without criminal charges, certainly medieval Roman, were invented even a "Stultus Populus Quaerit Romam" , or "People are foolish love Rome."
We all, as children, especially a Roma, ma anche in parecchi luoghi al Sud e al Nord, abbiamo scherzato su una sigla per noi familiare che sta dappertutto: dal sinbolo del Municipio in Campidoglio, allo stemma dell’Azienda Tranviaria ATAC, fino ai tombini dell’acqua e delle fognature. Senza contare le iscrizioni su lapidi e architravi antichi. Ma da piccoli. Naturale che all’asilo, a sei anni di età, e proprio a Roma, ci si consideri spiritosi e anticonformisti con "Sono Porci Questi Romani". Non credo che a Bergamo, a Bari, Sassari o a Enna i bambini di sei anni farebbero altrettanto spirito con la sigla della propria città. C’è anche una graduatoria nella naturale stoltezza dei bambini: ebbene, i piccoli romani sembrano in questo un po' più self-ironic, therefore, wiser, their provincial counterparts. Hence a note of praise for children compulsory Romans, despite all the evil that can think of today's Romans, that is, Puglia, Sicily, Naples, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, Calabria, Umbria, Sardinia, etc.., That more or less abusive live (live), and without giving thanks, in Rome. And, conversely, with all the good that we think of ancient Romans.
But when they do the spirits as Roman children, the elderly gentlemen of the province, in this case the North? That did not impress too late to be funny with a joke, 80 or 250 years ago, already in 800 and was no longer laughing today a Roma ripetono solo i bambini dell'asilo, un politicante provinciale, anzi il simbolo stesso dei provinciali furbi che hanno fatto una carriera fondata sul nulla, senza avere nessuna eccellenza, senza saper far nulla nella vita (e sempre con la stessa mentalità ristretta), passando come se niente fosse dal paesotto alla Metropoli, in cui possono finalmente comandare senza farsi ridere dietro da compaesani, figli, parenti e moglie (in questo caso, guarda caso, siciliana: province di Nord e Sud unite).
D’altra parte, perfino il Comune di Roma utilizza facendo lo spiritoso la propria sigla (impropria, perché ora Roma non è uno Stato a sé, ma è solo uno degli 8000 comuni dell’Italia, e quindi non has a Senate, and even more fake and ridiculous "senators" of the Middle Ages), and invents the awareness campaign for young volunteers for the protection of cultural and artistic heritage, with lots of error of Italian, a noun instead of the 'imperative to "preserve, protect, qualifications Rome." Long live
Belli, then, that in his most productive period gives the initials SPQR a brilliant satirical interpretation, and ethical-political, speaking for a priest tutor. And as reported by Stendhal in his great Journey to Italy, the United Pontifical any strangeness, incoherence, injustice or tyranny, there was a barber, a pharmacist, a professor, a shopkeeper, an artisan, or complaints that the wonder of a stranger or foreign tourist, as if to split their responsibilities by opening his arms apologized: "What do you, sir, here we are ruled by priests." So here. With the aggravating circumstance of cynicism rather than dell'autoironia: in this case to speak, in fact, even a teacher-priest (as the "don")
that being, eg, CCU, r, inarberate
sur de Guaso oggni palace gate, I know those
cquattro letters der fuck that nun
Vonn of ggnente, spelled. But
M'aricordo That Shakes dda boyfriend,
cuanno to read fforza de lashes,
I always found them stuck
drent'in dell'abbeccé tAll in a bunch. One day
Arfin me you got the flair
de dimannanne a bit 'in the spiegazzione
ddon Furgenzio that was me er' teacher. Here
mm'arispose Don Furgenzio:
"Vonn of Ste lettre, SSOR zomarone,
Suns rreggneno priests here: and ssilenzio.
Rome, May 4, 1833
version. SPQR. That being, pi, qu, r, hoisting the door of almost every building, are all letters that are worthless and mean nothing spelled. I remember as a boy, however, that, when read by dint of whipping, I found them sempre tutte insieme nell’abbeccedario. Un giorno finalmente mi venne il desiderio di chiederne la spiegazione a don Fulgenzio, [il prete] che era il mio maestro. Ecco che mi rispose don Fulgenzio: "Queste lettere vogliono dire, sor somarone, Solo Preti Qui Regnano". E silenzio".
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