Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Digitally Record With Jvc Gr-d295u

Luoghi sbagliati. Quando il prete è preso per un cinghiale

He confessed poacher who shot and killed with one shot, using a large projectile from wild boar in the Murge near Altamura (Bari), Don Francis Cassol, 55, pastor at Longarone, exchange - so argued before the police - the sleeping bag where the priest was sleeping outdoors without a tent and for "a big boar." The confessed killer is John Converso Ardino, 51 years. According to his statements, the hunter around midnight between 21 and 22 August has arrived at Pulo di Altamura with their cars to poach wild boar, and he stopped a few meters from the ground where they were don Cassol e i partecipanti al ‘Raid Goum’, un ritiro spirituale itinerante in località disabitate. Anche se a noi sembra incredibile, dopo aver visto la foto del luogo dell’omicidio (i cinghiali hanno un olfatto sensibilissimo, di notte si muovono, e comunque mai si fermerebbero a lungo in un terreno piatto, scoperto e povero di cespugli com’è il "deserto" di Altamura), il "cacciatore" ha dichiarato di aver scambiato al buio le sagome dei dormienti nei sacchi a pelo per un branco di cinghiali, ed ha deciso di colpire quello che riteneva essere il capo branco. Pochi istanti dopo, avendo sentito il vociare dei componenti del gruppo, si è reso conto del tragico errore, ed è fuggito con la sua auto. Questa la version that the police have thus far been released showing believe the justification of the "poacher".
The struggle between man and the fair is a tradition. Until the last century the shepherds had to defend himself from wolves, wild boars are now doing damage to agriculture, being able to reproduce quickly and in a night of devastating large areas of crops, especially maize.
many interesting meanings in ancient religious and mythological boar '. To the Celts was a sacred animal, a symbol of divine power. India was the creative force in the chaos after the original. Many Mediterranean cultures identified him with death, kill sigificava defeat the underworld. For the Greeks, by contrast, symbolized the manhood, while for the Etruscans had the connection with the divine 'hell and was driven at night, it also appears with panthers and wild dogs, the sound of flutes.
DNA of shepherds and farmers seem to have inherited some of these ancient rituals and the desire to fight and kill the boar, even in defiance of existing laws.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe crime is in fact a reserve where hunting is prohibited in all species.
E 'useful to add, finally, that these boars large size that makes a lot of damage to native species (plants and animals) have been introduced just by hunters to justify a "sport" today cruel and unnecessary.
Even our Belli said a similar but bloodless piece of news, in a sonnet:
DE LA HUNT Reggina
Na Regginella annanno in a sedan
ccaccia in a spot of ariservata,
see a black bbestia ss'inchina
between the branches, and CCE is arimpiattata. Soon
pijja aim Reggina,
and ppúnfete, je gives' n'archibbusciata;
and ggià ssu cquella bbestia mmalandrina
Tie siconna bbotta prepared.
"Oh ddio, festival Majesty nnun m'accidete," cried a
de vosce for vegetables:
"I nun zo a pig, its narrowness of mine, I know a priest." The
I had to scream Reggina pavura;
jje and said, "Hello, caged, and to learn
spaventamme cratura in the body."

Rome, February 10, 1833
version and explanation. The hunt for the Queen. A young queen (Isabella Mary, wife of Francesco I de Bourbon, King of the Two Sicilies) while he was in a sedan chair in a royal hunting (because it seems really happened, near Sorrento), sees a black beast that bows between rimpiattata branches and stays there. Immediately, the Queen takes aim and shoots harquebus, and already on that mischievous beast takes a second shot ready. "Oh God, holy Majesty does not kill me, "cried a voice outside the branches:" I am not a pig, my height, I am a priest. "The Queen was alarmed by this cry, and said, 'Come on, in prison, and learn to scare me in body of the creature "(the Queen was pregnant). The Queen, in fact condemned the" priest-pig "- writes in the Belli note - for a period of imprisonment in a convent for having scared the cry for help.
IMAGES. 1. The wild boar hunting is an ancient tradition, also depicted on Greek vases, Etruscan tombs and Etruscan and Roman sculptures. Here is cineraria Etruscan inspired the myth of Meleager and the boar hunt Caledonia. 2. Sedan royal "the English", governed by two horses, much more robust and higher floor, and devoid of unarmed porters on foot. Could well have been the type chosen by the pregnant queen for his sortie into the forest between dense bushes and ravines (model collectors).


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