Il Belli si sofferma sul tema del pericolo, della morte e della fatica di vivere del popolo di Roma. Fatica e pericolo dovuti sia a mestieri di per sé a rischio, sia al degrado della città e alle leggi liberticide di uno stato feudale.
Il sonetto per l'incidente mortale allo scozzone (lo scozzone era il cavalcante, servo che accompagnava a cavallo il padrone), e' cronaca dry with a hint of painful fatality ', linked to the danger that looms over the protagonist of "Death for sure, now uncertain," directly related to the difficulty of living in Rome for the first 800.
You ssai where SSAN Nicola Narcione:
BBE, la lli svortata Chanterelle
der er je horse took a slide,
turutuffete, and gave er llui thrush. Here is
That Shakes vvor of a mmontà Sturion
puts life in hands of a Cavallaccio:
coll'antri and years more and bbenone:
co cquesto achiev ccom'uno rag is gone.
remained ggelato, poor Camillus! There he met
decane er nu de Caserta
that makes the arrangements mmanco a shriek.
God Disc: Death scerta now uncertain
er risico who want him, man to ribbinitillo
ccavallo sepportur'uperta.
January 22, 1832.
version. The Scozzone (Cavalcanti). Do you know where 'Arcione St. Nicholas Church (now lost): the intersection with the way the horse slide Chanterelle', turutuffete (expression for the noise of a fall) and he fell heavily. Here's what it means to mount a Sturion (cavalo thin and emaciated), put their lives in the hands of a Cavallaccio: always went away with others just fine, with this and 'went down' like a rag. Rest 'dead instantly, poor Camille! we encounter 'the head of the servants of the Duke of Caserta, who did not hear' do not even a scream. God says: certain death now uncertain: here periculum amat, Peribit in illo (who loves the danger in it perish '): open man on a horse burial (three different sayings).
Quest 'final triplet you can' link to many news stories of our time: for example the death of Peter Taricone during a parachute jump, or that the boy almost contemporary Francis of perhaps 13 years practicing on the roof school parkour, a dangerous acrobatic discipline underground.
The first was the epitome of the boy who had made it, become famous after participating in the first edition of Big Brother with his macho attitude, but also by popular philosopher, who had made him loved by the audience of young adolescents. "I feel like a boat that was driven off from the Titanic, the battleship that this is television, and now as I go back to shore?" He said in his first interview given to Curzio Maltese.
perhaps led him to a premature end to its preference for dangerous sports, and 'voluntary victim of delayed opening of the parachute during descent acrobatics, the desire to fully embody the role to Bruce Willis, in short, an excess of confidence in its ability to 'Superman.
The second, the 13 year old boy who had climbed at night with a buddy on the roof of his school, fell from a 'height of 12 meters for a broken skylight. One of the assumptions and 'that he was being venturing in the dark in a kind of sport that involves great skill', reflexes and a good deal 'risk of injury.
It seems that many students, both day and night, go up, or maybe 'rather climbed on top of that school. Some feel the thrill of jumping from one roof to another practicing this " parkour " underground regulation which involves taking out extreme trails with jumps and acrobatic steps. The guys running the video con i loro telefonini e poi li caricano su Youtube.
Cosa ci fa associare questi due tragici avvenimenti? Il desiderio di confrontarsi con il pericolo, da sempre presente nel DNA dell'uomo. Il successo del macho nel senso piu' lato: con le donne, con la carriera e i soldi, sbattuto in faccia alle nuove generazioni dai mass media. La vita troppo monotona della gente comune, il desiderio di emergere comunque, o comunque di emulare chi emerge. La mancanza dei tradizionali pericoli nella vita moderna. Ricordiamo i secoli bui dell' Europa attraversata da guerre che duravano per intere generazioni, la guerra dei cento anni tra Francia e Inghilterra, dal 1337 al 1453, quella dei trenta anni, dal 1618 al 1648 in tutta Europa, che avevano veramente spopolato interi paesi. Per non parlare delle due guerre mondiali del secolo scorso.
Sembra agli psicologi che oggi il surrogato della guerra sia il pericolo fai da te. L' invenzione di bravate come il passeggiare sui tetti dei treni in corsa, lo sdraiarsi sui binari in attesa che passi un treno, possibilmente merci, per evitare le deiezioni dai gabinetti.
Pietro e Francesco sono insomma stati vittime della loro ricerca del rischio. Il rischio esiste nella vita di oggi, ma andarselo a cercare insieme ad amici e colleghi in situazioni, o codificate da una disciplina, come il paracadutismo, o di novissima invenzione come il parkour, e' veramente speciale e di grande attrazione. Ma, abbiamo visto, anche di grandissimo pericolo.
Ma torniamo alla vita nella Rome of the first 800. The danger of losing it was linked to the profession on the dangers of bandits and criminals, with the unpredictable fights that might break out, even today, for petty reasons. And every true Roman citizen was carrying a knife. But even for the simple run the risk of going to the City 'at night, in darkness' complete and total, as the sonnet says:
lle disgrazzie How do I know! Here's the story:
co cquell'infern'uperto de
night I came home from a head-split
ssett'ora indov'abbita Victoria. As a result
lli ppropio palace Doria I know
ppe Ssali Ssanta Maria 'nviolata,
slide, and tte de cristo do a waterfall, and
bbatto apparteddietro the momoria. I was a pe
tterra ppiagne vvita to crops,
quanno c'una coach
me by the Lord passed by ppasso de bbarrozza.
"Stop," yelled a zervitore cucchiero ar;
but voscino issues from the carriage by
je said: "Come on, Alo: mmore more tbsp.
January 21, 1832.
version. Who's going at night, goes to the death (proverb). As the misfortunes happen! Here's the story with that hellish night I came home from broken heads, (the district of Rome disappeared to build the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II) a sette ore dopo l'avemaria (le ore si contavano a partire dall'avemaria, e percio' variavano con le stagioni, circa la mezzanotte a Gennaio) dove abita Vittoria. Quando proprio al palazzo Doria sto per salire ( il livello del Corso era molto piu' basso a quei tempi e c'erano alcuni gradini) a Santa Maria in Via Lata, scivolo fo una bruttissima caduta e batto la parte posteriore della testa ( dove si credeva fosse la memoria del cervello). Mentre stavo a piangere a terra come una pianta di vite recisa (che dia gocce di linfa) mi passo' accanto una carrozza signorile a lento procedere. Ferma, strillo' al cocchiere un servitore, ma una vocetta che usci' dalla carrozza gli disse: avanti , andiamo, chi muore muore.
Another hazard could exist during violent storms, with many streets of Rome did not have sewers to collect rainwater, which flowed in the "plan", in practice the middle of the road, they could become a real river, with the risk of dragging the river to the victim. Today
such risks make us smile, at least in Rome, while today the hydrogeological takes away entire villages built with too much ease. About
activities' sports, Belli existed at the time of events and popular extreme sports, very dangerous. The horse race
Berbers from Piazza del Popolo to Piazza Venezia in il carnevale era un avvenimento paragonabile alla antica, ma ancora attuale, corsa dei tori di Pamplona in Spagna. Specialmente alla fine della corsa, alla "ripresa", potevano avvenire incidenti anche molto gravi con persone travolte dai cavalli, tanto che anche il Belli ne fa cenno, parlando di un noto medico che si andava a posizionare dallo speziale Cesanelli in posizione strategica vicino alla "ripresa", per assistere clienti bisognosi di cure o di trasporto in ospedale, una specie di pronto soccorso fai da te.
Nun c’è er padrone: ha avuta una chiamata
pe ccurre a ffà ar momento ’na sanguiggna,
a Ppasquino a ’na pover’ammalata, I've got
intes'a ddI That Shakes SSII frebbe maliggna. And then a
pijja straporto and VVA to 'na viggna
for de' na scerta sserrata port which is, in
CCur 'na co cratura the tiggna,
that a month has PPIU vvisitata nun. A
pproposito! ... Carnival comes today!
had, or to find the vvoi de Corzo
acquired influence by the Scesanelli spezziale. What a
oggn'anno quer frufrú dde in the resumption of the case has
quarche ddisgrazzia fforza ppe, ppe and
ggrazzia de ddio ssempre has run cartel.
March 22, 1834
version. Maid surgeon. The owner is not there: he got a call to rush to immediately put a leech in piazza Pasquino [note "talking" statue] to a poor sick, I have heard the malignant fever. Then take a cab and goes to the country emerging from a door [of Rome], which is always closed [note the Beautiful: The gates of Rome are the old-fashioned Pinciana, the Factory and the Castle, the first under the Pincio, the second at the Factory St. Peter, and the third was next to the Castle, formerly the Mausoleum of Hadrian] to treat a child with ringworm, which has not seen a month visit. By the way, now enter the Carnival! And then you will find the hour of the race [when the Berber horses sciolti correvano all’impazzata lungo il Corso] nella farmacia Cesanelli. Perché ogni anno in quella confusione della ripresa [i cavalli venivano fermati da coraggiosi cavallari, ma spesso c’erano feriti e calpestati, anche tra i passanti] qualche disgrazia accade per forza, e per grazia di Dio c’è sempre stata.
Altro sport pericoloso era l'ascensione in mongolfiera. Il primo volo fu dei fratelli Montgolfier nel 1783 a Parigi. I Montgolfier erano fabbricanti di carta e i primi "globi aerostatici" erano per l'appunto di carta, sopra il cui involucro era distesa una rete da pescatori che consentiva una certa resistenza durante il volo. Anche a Roma vi furono alcune ascensioni half 'of' 800. In 1853 Luigi Piana dies of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) on a fly ball double room in Rome. And another tragedy impressed everyone. Pius IX, who had a reputation among the people of the Evil Eye, had given his father's blessing for a balloon ascension and fell into ruin with the deaths of balloonists, so that the Pope refrained from authorizing, and above all blessing, to other climbs long time.
But there were those who, a man of power of the Church used to living among the luxuries, do not run the risk of walking at night, to cover himself with glory in battle, heroically in getting the ball, let alone mount a horse bizarre . At most it stuffing up a burst of indigestion. A suitable risk to the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, that of death from food excesses. For them the task of living and 'the effort to digest, creeps the caustic Belli, that greed of the clergy, even for food, often dipping the toast in his sonnets tasty. As for the death of the four cardinal Placido Zurla, Vicar of Gregory XVI, "Cardinal camannolese er" that are festive, almost celebratory for the death of a hated figure, seen as the worst expression of greed of the temporal power of the papacy. And to say that the Cardinal Vicar watched on the costumes!
Yes, friends, Finarii stammatina
Spartianus has run the relay with all that
ss'è vvotato Zacco er de flour, which
ss'è squajjato vesscigon er de lard.
lle disgrazzie How do I know! Here's the story:
co cquell'infern'uperto de
night I came home from a head-split
ssett'ora indov'abbita Victoria. As a result
lli ppropio palace Doria I know
ppe Ssali Ssanta Maria 'nviolata,
slide, and tte de cristo do a waterfall, and
bbatto apparteddietro the momoria. I was a pe
tterra ppiagne vvita to crops,
quanno c'una coach
me by the Lord passed by ppasso de bbarrozza.
"Stop," yelled a zervitore cucchiero ar;
but voscino issues from the carriage by
je said: "Come on, Alo: mmore more tbsp.
January 21, 1832.
version. Who's going at night, goes to the death (proverb). As the misfortunes happen! Here's the story with that hellish night I came home from broken heads, (the district of Rome disappeared to build the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II) a sette ore dopo l'avemaria (le ore si contavano a partire dall'avemaria, e percio' variavano con le stagioni, circa la mezzanotte a Gennaio) dove abita Vittoria. Quando proprio al palazzo Doria sto per salire ( il livello del Corso era molto piu' basso a quei tempi e c'erano alcuni gradini) a Santa Maria in Via Lata, scivolo fo una bruttissima caduta e batto la parte posteriore della testa ( dove si credeva fosse la memoria del cervello). Mentre stavo a piangere a terra come una pianta di vite recisa (che dia gocce di linfa) mi passo' accanto una carrozza signorile a lento procedere. Ferma, strillo' al cocchiere un servitore, ma una vocetta che usci' dalla carrozza gli disse: avanti , andiamo, chi muore muore.

such risks make us smile, at least in Rome, while today the hydrogeological takes away entire villages built with too much ease. About
activities' sports, Belli existed at the time of events and popular extreme sports, very dangerous. The horse race
Berbers from Piazza del Popolo to Piazza Venezia in il carnevale era un avvenimento paragonabile alla antica, ma ancora attuale, corsa dei tori di Pamplona in Spagna. Specialmente alla fine della corsa, alla "ripresa", potevano avvenire incidenti anche molto gravi con persone travolte dai cavalli, tanto che anche il Belli ne fa cenno, parlando di un noto medico che si andava a posizionare dallo speziale Cesanelli in posizione strategica vicino alla "ripresa", per assistere clienti bisognosi di cure o di trasporto in ospedale, una specie di pronto soccorso fai da te.
Nun c’è er padrone: ha avuta una chiamata
pe ccurre a ffà ar momento ’na sanguiggna,
a Ppasquino a ’na pover’ammalata, I've got
intes'a ddI That Shakes SSII frebbe maliggna. And then a
pijja straporto and VVA to 'na viggna
for de' na scerta sserrata port which is, in
CCur 'na co cratura the tiggna,
that a month has PPIU vvisitata nun. A
pproposito! ... Carnival comes today!
had, or to find the vvoi de Corzo
acquired influence by the Scesanelli spezziale. What a
oggn'anno quer frufrú dde in the resumption of the case has
quarche ddisgrazzia fforza ppe, ppe and
ggrazzia de ddio ssempre has run cartel.
March 22, 1834
version. Maid surgeon. The owner is not there: he got a call to rush to immediately put a leech in piazza Pasquino [note "talking" statue] to a poor sick, I have heard the malignant fever. Then take a cab and goes to the country emerging from a door [of Rome], which is always closed [note the Beautiful: The gates of Rome are the old-fashioned Pinciana, the Factory and the Castle, the first under the Pincio, the second at the Factory St. Peter, and the third was next to the Castle, formerly the Mausoleum of Hadrian] to treat a child with ringworm, which has not seen a month visit. By the way, now enter the Carnival! And then you will find the hour of the race [when the Berber horses sciolti correvano all’impazzata lungo il Corso] nella farmacia Cesanelli. Perché ogni anno in quella confusione della ripresa [i cavalli venivano fermati da coraggiosi cavallari, ma spesso c’erano feriti e calpestati, anche tra i passanti] qualche disgrazia accade per forza, e per grazia di Dio c’è sempre stata.
Altro sport pericoloso era l'ascensione in mongolfiera. Il primo volo fu dei fratelli Montgolfier nel 1783 a Parigi. I Montgolfier erano fabbricanti di carta e i primi "globi aerostatici" erano per l'appunto di carta, sopra il cui involucro era distesa una rete da pescatori che consentiva una certa resistenza durante il volo. Anche a Roma vi furono alcune ascensioni half 'of' 800. In 1853 Luigi Piana dies of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) on a fly ball double room in Rome. And another tragedy impressed everyone. Pius IX, who had a reputation among the people of the Evil Eye, had given his father's blessing for a balloon ascension and fell into ruin with the deaths of balloonists, so that the Pope refrained from authorizing, and above all blessing, to other climbs long time.
But there were those who, a man of power of the Church used to living among the luxuries, do not run the risk of walking at night, to cover himself with glory in battle, heroically in getting the ball, let alone mount a horse bizarre . At most it stuffing up a burst of indigestion. A suitable risk to the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, that of death from food excesses. For them the task of living and 'the effort to digest, creeps the caustic Belli, that greed of the clergy, even for food, often dipping the toast in his sonnets tasty. As for the death of the four cardinal Placido Zurla, Vicar of Gregory XVI, "Cardinal camannolese er" that are festive, almost celebratory for the death of a hated figure, seen as the worst expression of greed of the temporal power of the papacy. And to say that the Cardinal Vicar watched on the costumes!
Yes, friends, Finarii stammatina
Spartianus has run the relay with all that
ss'è vvotato Zacco er de flour, which
ss'è squajjato vesscigon er de lard.
A little 'That Shakes PPIU CCAMP Cardinal er, er
wine iff I'm just a country
nun came needless to ccarnovale
version. It finally friends this morning and 'spread the news that you and' empty the sack of flour, and that 'the vescicone liquefied lard (the Cardinal was a big man, strong eater and drinker). If the Cardinal had lived most 'long, the wine of the Vatican would not have reached even a carnival.
But, by the cardinals, guess what happened to the glorious little goes a cardinal, who instead of mounting a horse bizarre or scozzone prefers scozzonare (ie mount and tame) married an equally capricious Marquise, it suggests an evil servant. But here's the Busillis, is likely to die (or dies, it is not clear) for the great feast at the table, as shown for believing the Beautiful, or from too much sex with the marquise, or for having to foot the Seven Churches or for all three hardships together?
me ddetto er der Marchese
Zotto-coco-de-Zervò that cquer ddio der Cardinal
that cce dined Vorta ar thirty months, and
Annaviva every bit all'urinale,
CUER ffa in the seven days c'annò cchiese
if ccinque pounds magna de Majali: je
and mmezzanotte you took a wrong without
could CCAP Aas je taken . Soon du
'priests in the morning annorna
ffa er Zagra exit and DDI orazzione
pe all der outline them convents. A nova is the
Mojje der master
that svejjonno abbonora to mmezzoggiorno, if there
Fesce pijjà the convurzione.
January 22, 1832.
version. Cardinal. She said the sub-cook of the Marquis that the "servant of God," the cardinal who dined thirty times a month, and went every so often to urinate, that day when he went to make visits to the Seven Churches ["Devotion very popular in Rome rewarded - note the Beautiful - with a great wealth of indulgences, and ending as almost all others in a Christian feast "], ate five pounds of pork, and at midnight she took a wrong of which they failed to understand the cause. Early in the morning two priests went to let out the Sacramento and say prayers for all the monasteries in the surroundings. At this news his master's wife, who woke up early, at noon, she was seized by convulsions.
course, that eating with the Marchioness "thirty times per month "as the domestic drafts, it meant that Mr. Cardinal of the Holy Mother Church in fact lived with Mrs. Marquise. And the Marquis, God rest his soul, far from being vulgarly a cuckold, was perhaps more subtle than a diplomat, able to be absent at the appropriate times, in short, a "husband of the wife of the cardinal" (see Sonnet ).
wine iff I'm just a country
nun came needless to ccarnovale
version. It finally friends this morning and 'spread the news that you and' empty the sack of flour, and that 'the vescicone liquefied lard (the Cardinal was a big man, strong eater and drinker). If the Cardinal had lived most 'long, the wine of the Vatican would not have reached even a carnival.
But, by the cardinals, guess what happened to the glorious little goes a cardinal, who instead of mounting a horse bizarre or scozzone prefers scozzonare (ie mount and tame) married an equally capricious Marquise, it suggests an evil servant. But here's the Busillis, is likely to die (or dies, it is not clear) for the great feast at the table, as shown for believing the Beautiful, or from too much sex with the marquise, or for having to foot the Seven Churches or for all three hardships together?
me ddetto er der Marchese
Zotto-coco-de-Zervò that cquer ddio der Cardinal
that cce dined Vorta ar thirty months, and
Annaviva every bit all'urinale,
CUER ffa in the seven days c'annò cchiese
if ccinque pounds magna de Majali: je
and mmezzanotte you took a wrong without
could CCAP Aas je taken . Soon du
'priests in the morning annorna
ffa er Zagra exit and DDI orazzione
pe all der outline them convents. A nova is the
Mojje der master
that svejjonno abbonora to mmezzoggiorno, if there
Fesce pijjà the convurzione.
January 22, 1832.
version. Cardinal. She said the sub-cook of the Marquis that the "servant of God," the cardinal who dined thirty times a month, and went every so often to urinate, that day when he went to make visits to the Seven Churches ["Devotion very popular in Rome rewarded - note the Beautiful - with a great wealth of indulgences, and ending as almost all others in a Christian feast "], ate five pounds of pork, and at midnight she took a wrong of which they failed to understand the cause. Early in the morning two priests went to let out the Sacramento and say prayers for all the monasteries in the surroundings. At this news his master's wife, who woke up early, at noon, she was seized by convulsions.
course, that eating with the Marchioness "thirty times per month "as the domestic drafts, it meant that Mr. Cardinal of the Holy Mother Church in fact lived with Mrs. Marquise. And the Marquis, God rest his soul, far from being vulgarly a cuckold, was perhaps more subtle than a diplomat, able to be absent at the appropriate times, in short, a "husband of the wife of the cardinal" (see Sonnet ).
IMAGES. 1. The first documented ascent in a hot air balloon in Italy is that of Paolo Andreani and brothers in Brugherio Gerii (Milan) in 1784 (M. Majrani printing, balloons, dell'Ambrosino Edizioni, Milan). The Austrian Government and the Emperor Joseph II of Austria, while in the city, refused to assist because a show like "bold", almost a challenge to the laws of nature, thought he was morally reprehensible. 2. The chaotic "recovery" of wild horses (Berber or barbarians) by the end of Corso, Piazza Venezia (A. Pinelli, 1835 ca.)
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