But there is, unfortunately: the priests, friars and to a lesser extent, the nuns (see the nun of Monza in the Catholic Betrothed Manzoni, and several short stories in Boccaccio's Decameron) you are always guilty of such crimes or sins of the rest of the population. How is statistically normal, anyway.
Indeed, it was rumored among the gossips of the people since the Middle Ages, that the worst elements, most dissolute ruffians, took refuge after a dissolute life, or devoted to vice, safe in the monasteries. The unruly
vocation of priests and especially the monks over the centuries has continued to this day, even when the rules have been established with the respective territorial areas of influence: the Catholic Church, the Orthodox, the Reform Party of Northern Europe and many other cultures children . Who can forget the news that made the rounds of all the news of the world on orbi barrel in the Holy Land between greek Orthodox and Armenian priests in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem for alleged trespassing millimeter?
In short, the priests have always been reluctant to obey the rules, even those made by themselves. "Nun is what the priest does, do what the priest says," a sonnet by Belli closed.
In his day the members of the clergy had a status near impunity. Not to mention that in churches and convents, the police could not enter. So much so that in quell'attendibile historical novel that is the Betrothed speaking of refuge in a church or convent as the final salvation of a criminal, that is a real area of \u200b\u200bextra-territoriality.
The penalty used more up to date as shown in the pedophile cases in recent years, was the simple transfer of religious reprobate in another church, monastery or mission. A little 'as in the military, where deficiencies relating to the conduct, inefficiency, lack of leadership ability and so on, there is a transfer in departments considered punishment, by location or hardship duty time, maybe 24 hours 24.
But back in the days of Pope King, Belli thus paints justice applied to religious
First logo, a monk, also vvolello
pien de dilitti and ccarico de fijji,
a government is eccresiastico ppe cquello
eyeless, and senz'orecchie ssenz'artijji. Convents have them
Inortre fraggello
of arberinti and many annisconnijji dde,
that any mmànnesce bbariscello
mme tajjo the head and the pijji.
Finarii, you also grant vojjo
who was Fratacci Be ccarcerato
quer ch'imbrojjeno am and then as if he sees?
Malappena er bisbijjo hath been quelled, je
Mutěnice convent, and ssuccede That Shakes? Who
Auto car, and cquer which is done is done.
June 7, 1834.
version. Justice for the Friars. The government of the church against a brother, also full of crimes and full of children, has no eyes, no ears and no claws. Furthermore, the monasteries are full of mazes and many hiding places that also to send any "sheriff" (in Rome and Tuscany was the Chief of Police), I'll cut your head if you catch him. Then, even if to concede that the Fratacci is taken prisoner and, seeing what you want done? As soon as the incident is forgotten, the transfer to another convent. And then what happens? That those who had had and what is 'state and' state.
These verses have done hissing ears? It 'just what's happening today. Even in the sad story of pedophile priests, the Church has repeatedly resorted to its internal forum, good-natured and interpretation of its code of canon law, rather than the outside of the lay magistracy and police authorities. As we said, big news by Belli ...
IMAGE. Monk who seduces a young girl (antique print). It had to be frequent, as it is entered the collective, so that left hundreds of stories and drawings.
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