Monday, May 24, 2010

Cb Radio Range Distance

Vizi capitali. I frati e la gola: il cioccolato come lasciapassare

Casti legumi, minestre di pane, zuppe di verdure da poverelli, diete vegetariane? Macché, questo esiste solo nei racconti per bambini, o nell’ingenuo immaginario popolare indotto dal calendario di Frate Indovino . La realtà storica e psicologica è un’altra.
friars and nuns, to say nothing of secular priests, had and still have the reputation of gluttons without repentance and without hope. Just remember names related to food as strozzapreti and the "bite of the priest." The gorge, in fact, substitute for other forbidden pleasures of sex and compensation for the sacrifices of freedom.
fact is that the same cheese, eggs, vegetables, fish and even delicious, foods are now coming to boredom in the monasteries since the Middle Ages poor. The nuns, you know, vie for cakes and noodles made by hand, but the monks? Let's say you think the most concrete and allusive pleasures of the flesh. It was discovered and proven accurate searches:
"Pig roasted or boiled, fat heifers, rabbits and lepri, oche sceltissime, galline ed ogni tipo di quadrupedi e di volatili domestici riempiono la mensa dei santi monaci”. Non basta? No: "il monaco non si sente pieno (e siamo nel Medioevo, NdR) se non può mangiare capre selvatiche, cervi, cinghiali, orsi. Perciò si perlustrano i boschi, si ricerca l’aiuto dei cacciatori, si uccellano fagiani, pernici, tortore, perché il servo di Dio non muoia di fame” (M.Montanari, Alimentazione e cultura nel Medioevo, Laterza 1988, p.73).
Le cose sono continuate più o meno così, solo con meno carne già ai tempi del Belli, e non perché si trattava di monaci, ma perché si scoprì che l’eccesso meat promotes gout, and today many other diseases.
Gluttony and greed of monks, nuns and priests, however, was and is well known, and negatively affects the people, especially in times and areas of widespread poverty, as the Rome of Belli, imagined and still imagine the men as different people , the most virtuous of the common people, and therefore is not even willing to forgive their vices, as with that of the throat, that man in the street would not even contested.
Chocolate and chocolate, drink or tablet that, historically "the consolation of religious" Catholic priests were the first to import cocoa, setting up the first monopoly in nome della cattolicissima regina di Spagna. “Bevanda dell’anima”, fu definita dai Gesuiti, nonostante che quella originaria non fosse neanche dolce, ma puro cacao amaro in acqua bollente. Basta dire che il cioccolato e il caffè - guarda caso, le bevande dei preti - per decisione delle autorità ecclesiastiche “non interrompono il digiuno” per la comunione. Perché “ liquidum non frangit jejunum ”. Interesse privato in atti ecclesiastici? “Loro se la suonano e loro se la cantano”, commentava il popolino.
In un perfido sonetto del ’36 (La carità ddomenicana), il Belli descrive addirittura il Grande Inquisitore domenicano che mentre aizza i confratelli ad aumentare le torture al povero disgraziato, intinge cinicamente i biscotti nella sua bevanda preferita: il caffè con la cioccolata, a Roma popolarmente chiamato “mischio”.
Llì a sséde intanto er gran inquisitore,
che li fa sfraggellà ppe llòro bbene,
bbeve ir suo mischio e ddà llòde ar Ziggnore.
“Forte, fratelli”, strilla all’aguzzini:
“Libberàmo sti fijji da le pene
dell’inferno”; e cqui intiggne li grostini.

Versione . Lì a sedere, Meanwhile, the Grand Inquisitor, which makes them flogged for their own good, he drinks his coffee with chocolate and gives praise to God "Strong, brothers," screams the torturers, "these children are liberated from the pains of hell" and this point dipped cookies.

short, chocolate and chocolate were the ultimate "stuff by priests." So no wonder that in the sonnet Belli uses a tasty chocolate, in this case sound like mat that opens every door, especially that of the convent, where the porter appears reluctant friar and the monk asked you to deny it "always busy". But some deterioration Italian custom touches tutti. Basta sostituire al frate portinaio la segretaria d’un qualsiasi deputato, assessore, professionista o giornalista, per avere un quadretto analogo: il regalino, goloso o no, apre tutte le porte.
Sul piano linguistico, infine, incuriosiscono gli efficacissimi “dico” e “dice” (“disce”) più volte ripetuti. Lo stesso Belli spiega in nota ai non romani che “rappresentano nel discorso volgare le transizioni dall’uno all’altro interlocutore”. Come un microfono che passa da una persona all’altra.
Dico: "Se pò pparlà ccor padr'Ilario?"
Disce: "Per oggi no, pperché cconfessa." -
"E ddoppo confessato?" - "Ha da dì mmessa." -
"E ddoppo detto messa?" - "Cià er breviario."
Dico: "Fate er servizzio, fra Mmaccario,
d'avvisallo ch'è ccosa ch'interressa."
Disce: "Ah, cqualunque cosa oggi è ll'istessa,
perché nnun pò llassà er confessionario." -
"Pascenza," dico: "j'avevo portata,
pe cquell'affare che vv'avevo detto,
ste poche libbre cqui de scioccolata..."
Disce: "Aspettate, fijjo bbenedetto,
pe vvia che, cquanno è ppropio una chiamata
de premura, lui viè: mmó cciarifretto."
December 30, 1832
version. The porter of the convent. I say: "You can talk with Father Hilary?" He says: "Not today, because he admits." - "And after he confessed?" - "Must say mass." - "And after the Mass?" - "He has his breviary." I say, 'Do please, between Macario, warning that what is important. " He said: "Ah, no matter what today is the same, because they can not leave the confessional." - "Patience", I say: "I had brought for that thing that I tell you, these few pounds of chocolate here ..." He says, "Wait, son blessed, because when it is a call of concern, He is now we think. "
IMAGES. 1. Frati drunkards in a cartoon. 2. Frate guardian (drawing of Pezzini).

Friday, May 21, 2010

Letter Of Inquiry For Wedding

“Mastai coi liberali o contro?” Pio IX, tragico sor Tentenna

Mastai Ferretti Giovanni Maria and Giuseppe Gioachino Belli were peers, the first of 1792, our poet of 1791. The future Pope Pius IX had shown his liberal leanings during the riots of 1831 when, special delegate in Spoleto and Rieti, dealt with an agreement between the insurgents and the papal army, preventing a massacre in Spoleto and giving a pass to the liberals who had laid down their arms.
elected pope in the conclave to last until June 1846 was opposed by Austria, which was sent to Rome for this very old Cardinal von Gaisruck, but arrived too late, when Pius IX had already been elected.
The liberal ideas of the new Pope produced profound renewal in the structure of the Papal States. When in 1848 riots broke out throughout Italy, granted a form of constitution and went so far as to send an expeditionary force of regulars to the papal command of General John Durand, along with a brigade of volunteers from the general Andrea Ferrari, to fight together with Piedmont and other military units sent by the Kingdom of Naples and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany against the Austrians, already committed by insurgents Lombard (Five Days of Milan).
At this point, a coup of the Curia, with a special commission of cardinals, Pius IX imposed disconnection from the Italian patriotic movement and the cancellation of war against Austria. It should be noted that the atmosphere was so strong renaissance that most of the papal troops chose not to obey the countermanding and participated in military operations against Austria. The Durando was defeated in Vicenza, and forced to surrender, then passed to the service of the Savoy. This was the air you breathe during the first two years of the pontificate of the new Pope
Belli is also a bit 'shocked and a bit' fascinated by the new course dedicated to Pius IX many sonnets. Urging the first to be agreed with the reforms, which were opposed by the reactionary cardinals, then protecting it from criticism that depicts him as a defeatist and Snug: ( and as our sovereign to Pope Pius, lassamoje adjusts what for what. Who's going Slow and steady wins the race ") in the sonnet" Li Vivoli in his pocket. " And then siding on his side against the reactionary clergy in the sonnet: "Er pope and the friars" ("Er Zakynthos-Father is a bon fijolo, but the friars of tyrants to power down, I believe a fariano Berzebbù ").
Ar momoriale here is a third person this evening
er at the door bell,
deeds, and vvede du 'abbots, and a limb bbello,
the cave PPIU bbasso de grazziosa and viscera. So first
er, co bbona maggnera,
greeted her ccacciannose er hat
"It llei, disco, the widow of one who
Enclose the ggioglie? Llei is hoped that ...". But
cqui, mmentre Abbot, bbona bbona,
continued to pparlà Below ttant'amore,
'na fijjetta yelled, "Mom, you PPIO ninth."
do you! The poor beggar stood
Guaso lli lli ppe Avé the honor in front of
de morijje accident.

January 28, 1847
version. An unusual visit. After sending the third petition (memorial) here one night hears the doorbell, he opened and saw two abbots, the other a tall and handsome and graceful appearance lowest (wax). Then the first, with good manners, taking off his hat greeted her: she is, she says, the widow of the embedding precious stones (jewels)? She 's hoping ... But while the abbot here, good good, he continued to speak, with so much love, a little girl cried, mom is Pius IX! What do you want! that poor beggar stood almost have the honor of morirgli in front of a blow to the heart.
This is one of the last sonnets of Belli, less "roman" and closer to the Italian language. Our poet is about to divorce his great genius and invention, his "monument to the Roman people." We chose this last phase of its production sweet and caressing a lyric about a drug, for the times, true story: the sudden and unannounced visit of Pope Pius IX at the home of a poor sick woman. ( Paolo Bordini )
THE "POPE Tentenna" and rising.

weak, inconsistent, low culture and personality, Pius IX deluded long Italians. The liberal Catholics, who were the backbone of the Risorgimento, the long hoped in lui come possibile presidente d’una Federazione Italiana, secondo l’utopia di Gioberti. A Roma e in tutt’Italia non si contarono le manifestazioni popolari al grido di "Viva Pio IX". Ma anche politici e intellettuali sbagliarono a prenderlo sul serio. Il presidente del Consiglio del Regno di Piemonte, Ricasoli, e perfino Mazzini e Garibaldi, gli inviarono appelli e lo guardarono con simpatia. Ma era tutto un equivoco: Papa Mastai si contraddiceva in continuazione, e come se non bastasse era condizionato da una Curia vaticana conservatrice. Basti dire che due giorni dopo aver promulgato una Costituzione, un condono e leggi più permissive sulla libertà di parola e di stampa, premiò le guardie che avevano represso nel sangue i moti Liberals. In '48 he sent a contingent of troops to fight the Austrians along with the Liberals, but then called him back. So much so that the Secretary of State, Gizzi, resigned saying no minister to not be able to work for more than six months with a man of such pathological "inconsistency". And in fact, supposed or imaginary "moderate liberal" eventually became a real hard reactionary, capable of making patriots executed for petty reasons, excommunicate all the liberals and politicians of the Kingdom of Piedmont, including King Vittorio Emanuele, and equating a ' encyclical liberalism to communism. Such was the hatred of liberals betrayed, that his funeral some frantic attempted to throw the his corpse into the Tiber. ( Nico Valerio )
IMAGES. Pius IX after his election (engraving) and, below, a "saint" with the popular image of the Pope in color.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Black Marks On Lcd Tv

Potenti corrotti? Certo, ma (almeno, yesterday) careful to cover

The exercise of power has always seen the proliferation of corruption and bribery. Corruption is the 'offer of money or other property to a powerful illegal for him to do favors. The concussion is the demand by the powerful of a prebend to favor anyone, but sometimes also to "walk" a perfectly legal practice, which would otherwise remain locked fraudulently.
Belli used The term for this criminal phenomenon popular Roman "strangle" the price of corruption or malfeasance, as stated in a note to the sonnet "The scale of them choke", which mocks the behavior pattern of corrupt era: the Rome of the Popes. Even Dante's Inferno, deal with this category, calling "swindlers" public administrators sensitive to the charm of money laundering.
But we are today, with the lid off the record that is a Pandora's box, with investigations and suspicions about powerful of all races: from policy to members of government, public authorities and journalists, without great caution seems to have yielded to the suggestion of this ancient and fraudulent system of making money. E ' vero che il modo di fare gli "strozzi" si è aggiornato con il passare dei tempi, ma non sempre in termini migliorativi.
Alla corte pontificia dei primi dell'800 si usavano cautele oggi sconosciute, come racconta il seguente sonetto.
Intanto, era assolutamente improponibile tentare di corrompere direttamente un "capoccione", cioè colui "che tiè in mano la penna ar Cardinale", e se qualche sprovveduto ci voleva provare - dice il Belli - "c'è d'abbuscasse un carcio a li cojoni", cioè c'è da rimetterci le penne.
Oggi i potenti sono molto più disinvolti, e sembra siano propensi a trattare lo "strozzo" direttamente, con poca o nessuna cautela, rischiando però di abbuscare loro stessi un "Cojoni prison for them, maybe by the magistrate on duty. Returning to the time of beauty, "Here we know the speed sti pe scales, as the suffitte doors to them, in short, there is a strict drawing people from corrupt. It is understood that the "SUĠĠETT prencipale", ie the head, meets a strict code that prohibits absolutely to negotiate the price of corruption. The briber was from the bottom up, by the Secretary of the Secretary of the Secretary, "and choked supposed from Spigno all'inzù de hand in hand."
Thus, the powerful of the time kept perfectly safe from any bad language, because with so many handrails, and tested all of extreme confidence, he could always say that he knew nothing and had not had anything. At most, where the affair was discovered, some cloth, some small fish, went to air, or was transferred to another convent, as was the custom.
once talked about "the sequins and dobboloni [doubloons, Ed], welcoming the notion of 'emperor Vespasian, who used to say" pecunia non olet, "money does not stink. Yes, as long as they follow the "scale of the throttle." Today, perhaps because the 'smell of money to bother with our powerful, they prefer to accept the values \u200b\u200bof various kinds, finished goods, away from the devaluation risk, especially related to building, for immediate use, but also very easy to trace. Are obsolete times roll of banknotes hidden and transported in the underpants of the pulleys in turn, make too nauseating and dangerous. The loot could smell and lost, and then those who trust more of the pimps of today, drivers, lackeys, including the girlfriends of the moment, easy turncoat if something goes wrong? It 's true that today's girlfriends, wives and sisters of the ill are becoming increasingly important role in the management of the thighs. But the record of recent years has shown the unreliability of girlfriends pro-tempore of the powerful, modern implementation of the "ether", graceful young girls who were dedicated to amuse the senses of the Wise 's Ancient Greece.
So? The powerful corrupt today, receiving gifts much stinking money, expose themselves to the aforementioned "cojoni prison to them and to public ridicule, even through the merciless pillory in the media. It 'just punishment, in expectation of the judges.
And speaking of punishment, to put Dante 'Inferno Canto XXI, the eighth circle of fraud, the fifth chasm, the swindlers, that the corrupt and corrupting, immersed in boiling pitch and harpooned and skinned devils led by Malebranche.
Caro she goes to them ttentà bigwigs, and
ffiotta then jj'arïessce wrong?!
Cqua ppe sti ggiri SCE I know the scales
suffitte as the doors to them.
Offerenno sequins and ddobboloni
addrittura ar zoggetto prencipale
ttiè that the pen ar Cardinal, there
dd'abbuscasse cojjoni them to a prison. Er
Zegretàr State-of-er Zù pimp: this has
er zuo: the cave is a cave, and the strangled
spiggne al'inzú dde supposed from hand to hand. Er ggrosso
most, if known, if only want nnaturarmente
ssempre chains in the sheltered
de ddI could nnun That Shakes had ggnente.

April 26, 1834.
version. The scale of corruption. Dear sir, you try to corrupt the powerful and complains if it fails? Here for these plots are the appropriate scales, as the doors to attics. By offering gold coins and gold coins back to the main subject that holds the pen of Cardinal need to receive a violent and less denial. The Secretary of State has its own means, this has its own: the other has another, and corruption must go upwards, hand in hand. The powerful, you know, of course you always want to keep safe, so you can say that had nothing.
IMAGES. 1. St. Peter's pence. Satirical cartoon was created for the occasion, with a Monsignor and cardinal secretary of the times of that fair comment on yet another source of income dishonest fall like manna from heaven (drawing by N. Valerio). 2. A priest Botero. The umbrella is perfect for the sonnet by Belli: how to care (indeed, care) secretaries secretaries secretaries in black cassock, or double-breasted gray, while the responsibility of covering the head of the corruption!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuxedo To Go With Gold Dress

The culmination of eros: "Gertrude all mice, I tutt'uscello"

poetry, not poetry? Art or non-art? If there is sex in the middle, the suspicion is that dilemmas of this kind come to mind when you want to censor, that is also prohibited to others what you do not like us, perhaps because it awakens obscure sense of guilt.
You can write a sonnet about two lovers entangled on the bed? You bet, literature is full of them.

But the common man who is not interested in aesthetics and art, and sometimes even a critic, there is this question-art non-art, as it happens, only when a painting, a photo or a sonnet - as this famous Belli describes with great skill a fit erotic, a violent clash of bodies and senses, in short, a "wild sex" - touches the daily reality, that is Life. Ever that poses such questions when the fine work of art, almost always results subcultural and sweet, about, say, the "moon", a "sunset", a "broken love", a "dream" a "fantasy" or even a "serenade" a piano in the night ", a" rose ". These, according to the common people, would be typical themes of poetry, while others, such as those related to the functions of the body, for one, would at best suited to prose, and even the worst.
short, we are to the 'aesthetic' of the housewife, the "critical" employee. That count, however, because even poets have to sell and live. Not to mention that on their "thinking", not that of the intellectual underpinning the legal concept of "common decency" in the past, not only at the time of the Popes, kings and the beautiful, but in a democracy, has made to support the complaint.
Many, therefore, even among commentators and critics have regarded with suspicion in many erotic or obscene sonnets of Belli, as well as some poems and satires of Aretino and Apollinaire, the airport and a Mustache, Verlaine, Door and countless others. Mass-man escapes that artistic expression is concerned, can indeed, must cover every aspect of life. Even those unbearable and romance worst quite false - that enhances life in a comfortable and nothing Discount moine stylized mannerisms - decided that they would not be suitable for "high emotions".
So it is not, however. The art began as a picture of life, and has the task of describing reality as it is seen by the artist, of course. And indeed, the object is secondary, while the manner, form, musicality, rhythm, the pregnancy, the expressive power, the ability to transmit the message at all, if anything, to distinguish art from non-art, no poetry from poetry. The ability to, say, to summarize in a few words, very pregnant, that is full of meanings and nuances (that's more the ability of the poet, though satirical, than the prose writer), the characters, situations, conflicts, the concepts , feelings, which are in fact of all.
Belli, then, adds to his masterly description of realistic situations and characters eternal in man, the taste of the onomatopoeic word or lunghe sequele di parole. Arte in cui è maestro.
L'incisciature, è fra i primi sonetti scritti a Morrovalle, a casa dell’amica contessa, nel 1831. E’ "uno dei sonetti apparentemente piú spinti", scrive Giorgio Vigolo nel "Saggio sul Belli" in prefazione ai Sonetti . Ma "si vedrà come nonostante lo specifico erotismo dell'argomento, tutto vi si risolva in una risentita orchestrazione verbale col gusto tipicamente belliano per i crescendo ritmici e fonici, i consonantismi, gli elenchi di parole ribattuti e martellanti, nel gusto di un mottetto; come infine questo sonetto valga principalmente, dal primo all'ultimo verso, quale l'onomatopea di un calorosissimo amplesso". A cominciare dall'incipit brilliant:
What sscenufreggi, ssciupi, rubs and ssciatti ...
sciolilingua typical of a fine scholar and lover of the word ironic, satirical poet, linguist, even before that, what was the fun part:
What sscenufreggi, ssciupi, rubs and ssciatti!

What ssonajjera a trial pack of ssecco!
Iggni bbotta peccrisse Annaviva ar lick:
soffiamio All of dua as ddu 'cats.
The worst of them crazy eyes glazed:
co ppelo always sleeping, and bbecc'a bbecco.
Streets and nun comes, and ppijja ago, here and here nnun;
and ddajje and spiggne, and burden, and constrains and whisk.
A little 'rather than stamens Term of fat
because ddoppo Avé ffin er giucarello
WHAT ssassi three left stunned.
is a great taste er cares! ppe but ggodello
cciccio more, that there Voria ddiventassi
Giartruda all mice, I tutt'uscello.
Morrovalle, September 17, 1831
version. Fucking. That explosion of strokes, rubs and laments, battery trial pack of dry! Each blow, for Christ, went to sign. It blew both of them like cats. His eyes glazed worse than crazy: always against fur coat, mouth to mouth. Come and not to come, makes and takes, here and here, and from, and push, and Incalci, and string, and slam. If it lasted a bit 'more were fresh! Because after you finish the joke we were like stones properties. It 's a great fucking taste! But should we really became to enjoy it fully, my Gertrude, all you pussy, I tutt'uccello.
He noted critic Enzo Siciliano, "A Beautiful liked lists. List names, synonyms: put them in a row, beautiful rhythms in heroic verse, drawing them within a sonnet that - Gadda wrote - "flows from a vein and terminating of necessity" ( Corriere della Sera, March 15, 1984 ).
There is great technical skill, a lot of learning (the experts have taken various quotes of previous authors erotic), but everything is served in this sonnet with a brilliant synthesis, which in fact did not disappoint any of those that falls into a quatrain or last triplet, as in other sonnets. No, this is a perfect sonnet. Difficult even to read, as always, the sonnets Belli: you need to read aloud, as the ancients did, two or three times to appreciate it fully.
The reader may be confused, warns Vigolo: "Of course, opposite a un innegabile gusto della turpitudine e della enormità della turpitudine che molte volte appaia il Belli a Rabelais o a Marziale, ci si torna a chiedere fin a quale limite il potere di riscatto della parola e del metro possa valere sul lezzo della materia".
"Ora, la risposta a questa dubbiosità (e insieme la piú ampia assolutoria del Belli) – prosegue il Vigolo – è che questo riscatto avviene costantemente, perché anche nella oscenità piú sfrenata non avverti mai il prurito di una immaginazione libidinosa o di una viziosa vogliosità (che il comico stesso basterebbe ad eliminare) ma sempre il genio prepotente della rappresentazione e della parola. Tale genio si manifesta qui nel caratterismo estremo di quella comedy of masks, which are the primary sexual symbols, almost a fetish of idolatry primeval, rude idols of popular imagination: in them the word has not yet detached from the body, and at the same time vile names would detach, leading to the expression "the shame "of what you do not list.
"The clever part of Belli's sonnets in this area is to have made an unprecedented exploration into the language of those symbols, quegl'idoli, those fetishes and their most incredible fabrications, not only that, but then to have entered with results singular fact in the report, metric, plastic, the expressive violence, that continuous headway as the word hurled at the limit of decency. "
"The truth is in these sonnets - Vigolo concludes - that Belli had implemented especially in the most complete and original, the fundamental aspiration and inspiration of his poetry: the revolt against the hypocrisy of the suit against the" ceremonial of 'civilization' and the joyous, in spite of everything, panic disorder and healthy return to Nature. " .
IMAGE. Bartolomeo Pinelli A board erotica.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hardy Weinberg Problems For Lab

"I know 'er driver of Austria, and I always take precedence!" What a terrible life

few powerful must have suddenly discovered that his driver is left with no points on your driving, that can no longer drive his personal car and untouchable service. The blue car in fact Many people do not pay fines, but until recently at least a license of the driver was subject to the rules of ordinary mortals.
But the mass media report that our MPs are planning to impunity for the license of their Automedon. Convenient, no? Go through red lights, exceed the speed limit, always "for business reasons, of course, even when it is not true. Everything in the complete legal impunity. Things of this world, you say, things never seen before! Not at all.
read the sonnet "Er wood privileged" to discover that at the time of the Pope King things were very different. With its powerful, ambassadors, cardinals and aristocrats, Rome has always seen scenes like this one told by Belli. "The chariots of ambassadors - Belli writes in a note to the sonnet itself - and some others enjoy the privilege to go to Rome at all times and in every direction where all others must observe the rules." Thus, a narrowing of the road, an intersection, and suddenly the car is locked inside a car town. Never let it be. The dispute arises, but one way, as we shall see in the sonnet.
traffic issues? No, of civilization. Even the "pizzardoni" at the time, civic guards who wore a gaudy hat with two points (Pizzardo), had to sketch in front of the privilege when he passed the sign of a powerful man. What could be a high priest or even an ambassador. And if it gets in the way common carriage, the driver of the powers that be, in this case the Embassy of Austria, so arrogant rant threatening a complaint to the Governor Bishop: "The priority for me: I am the House of Austria ". And the title of master for a moment seems to pass to the driver. News of
Belli yesterday the horse-drawn carriages with the emblem on their doors, now the blue car, often with its escort. We do not know what more arrogant.
ER LEGGNO Privileggi
Largo, surprise military trots:
Uprima er step, Alo, SSOR tajja-call:
sti because our colors ner'e ggialli
nun conoschen'un dick guard. CCAS-d'Austria
So, I know, ddio lilac!
Dich'e abbadat'a vvoi, bbrutti vassals, because I
co sti coach and horses is well
enters ccasomai, pure Chapel. And
ddoman'a mmatina, sor doctor
ciariparlamo then co Ssu 'Excellence
davant'a Monziggnor Governor. Look
lli-ssi That Shakes cquajja lommarda
cucchier er from excessive power of one, and
nun at the door rrispetto cuccarda!

April 9, 1834.
version. The carriage privileged. Mr. Largo military no value: let me off, let's go (ALO allons from French), Mr cut-and-call (name of contempt: the opposing coach is a doctor) because our colors yellow and blacks do not obey even a sentinel on guard. They are the House of Austria, for God lilac! [Expletive] was careful to give way to bad because I vassals with this coach and these horses can enter if necessary also in the papal chapel. And tomorrow morning, Doctor, I'll talk about davati Monsigor to the Governor and in the presence of His Excellency (who is carrying). But look what kind of quail Lombard (piece of shit) to want to overpower the driver of a power (Austria) and do not give respect to the rosette (seen on cab).
Benefits of yesterday and today. Hopefully it will not be approved this new initiative that cunning means to overlook the infringements of the drivers of casual and dangerous self representation. Perhaps the millions of Italian motorcycle and car industry could have their say and ask the powers that be to respect the rules of all, not to short, as the bullies of the nineteenth-century Rome of the Pope King
IMAGES. 800 restored horse-drawn carriages still in use today at ceremonies detail. The ambassador's car will probably be more luxurious, with conspicuous signs on their doors, and with a coach and four.